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[OpNet] Open Invitation


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Tomorrow night, those of you who are able to read these forums are cordially invited to the opening of Club Babylon in Chicago. While I'd be happy to see any or all of you there, there are a few things to bear in mind if you do choose to attend.

  • Only novas will be allowed through the door, unless your guest is cleared with me beforehand. This is something of a special event, and the general public will be allowed entry tomorrow night.
  • The club is in Chicago, and as such, is still subject to city ordinances and state and federal law. If you're found to be in possession of or in the act of anything that violates said statutes, you will quickly become unwelcome and will unhappily suffer any physical/emotional/legal consequences that may be necessary. I'd hate to ruin anyone's night, so let's try to avoid this.
  • We're all individuals with opinions, and I respect that. At the club opening, though, kindly leave your issues at the door, or preferably at home in your other pants. Whether you're a Utopian, a follower of Teras, or an independent thinker, all divisive activity is strictly a no-no. It's a good-sized playground, so I'm confident everyone can play nice.
  • Apart from the club's security staff, I have it on good authority that there will be members of the Windy City Knights present tomorrow evening, in a social capacity. As municipal defenders, please treat them with respect while in my establishment.

That should do it, I think, but if any of you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

There's no formal dress code, and for those of you needing an address for directions, here it is:

Club Babylon

710 N Clark St

Chicago, IL 60610

I look forward to seeing you there!

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