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[OpNet] Longest day


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Well today is the longest day of the year and also my birthday. 19, I think about that and how I have lived my new life for almost 3 years now.

The good side of this is I seem to have my head screwed on better than before. At least I think so and a few others might agree.

My training with Long, Procyon and Lee continue along and I do my best to listen to what each of them are saying to me. I tend to do more listening than talking anymore but I couldnt imagine that is a bad thing.

Preparations for the Pow Wow continue. Ptesan-Wi is up to something down by the garden but I have been forbidden to snoop around. The lodge has been completed and I will invite the elders soon to come sweat with me and talk of things.

I look forward to seeing my friends at the Pow Wow. It has been a long time for some and I miss them.

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