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Mutants & Masterminds: Struggles of Iannin - Pattern Magic


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Pattern magic was born of the Fen and their Ages of trial and error. First came the study of Alchemy. They learned that certain ingredients taken from the world of Iannin, when combined properly, could produce various effects. This allowed the otherwise nomadic people to create poultices, potions and treatments for whatever ailed them, allowing for quicker healing times, or to stave off death.

As time passed, more experimentation developed means in which they could use them for more advantageous means. A temporary boost in strength, speed, stamina etc were developed. Soon it was common that most of the Fen were covered in various tribal markings of these alchemical creations in an effort to make themselves more powerful, and their lives easier. The downside to this is that they required being reapplied frequently, if not constantly kept up. Eventually semi-permanent applications were developed with heavy dyes, but they too required upkeep and were no match for the heavy sweat of a long day on the Flatlands.

Soon thereafter, permanent tattoos were tried, but many of the developed applications were not optimal inks for tattooing and did not function as well, or at all. Through more years of trial and error, Alchemical Inks were developed that would take in the skin. Many colors were developed and by this time, many different applications had been discovered and already people were foraging into the lowlands in seek of new plants, minerals or animal parts they could experiment with to make new or better creations.

As the Tattoo Artists became refined in their technique, some noticed (those with magical talent) that they could follow the lines of Elan's blood on their fellow Fen. At first artistic, for they created intricate and beautiful work, the tattoos were sought by all that had the open area for the work. It was soon noticed that tattoos performed in this way had more power, or functioned better.

Many ages later, with more experimentation and trial and error, the Fen learned that location on the body could have an effect upon the work. For instance, most 'offensive' tattoos seemed to function better when applied to the forearms or lower legs than elsewhere and some tattoos, like the ability to breathe underwater, could only placed on the neck if it were to function properly.

As time passed, the Fen further refined their techniques and the Artist of the clan/tribe became one of the most esteemed positions next to the Leader. So skilled did they become at their craft, they would tattoo hair-thin lines with detail that could only be seen up close. The tattoo's in later years would not only imbue the tattooed with the ability, but also, slightly alter their personal ley lines to accentuate the Tattoo itself. This new method would require a recovery period for the soul of the Fen as they adjusted to this new flow of life and this practice is continued today and is the reason that all Fen are not covered head to toe by their first hundred turns.

Much knowledge of the Art was lost with the atrocity of the Fen. The A'fen, being a stubborn and resentful lot, had abandoned most of the Art when they went underwater, finding it resentful to go to the surface to have tattoos done. Since the Nay'fen have resurfaced and the formation of the Sen'ten, much has been regained, but lost is the golden years of the Art. What might have once taken up only the arm of one Fen, would now take the canvas of two Nay'fen.

Graduation from the Sen'ten College as a Ten'ray (Sen=warriors, Ten=mages) requires the development of a new technique or tattoo.

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