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Aberrant RPG - All in a name?


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Geryon has taken his name from Dante's Divina Comedia. Before Dante borrowed it (or perhaps it was the church that did that) Geryon was a giant slain by Hercules (or possibly some other Greek hero). Obvously Gygax was too lazy to come up with names for the really bad guys and borrowed too.

Totentanz means death dance, I think.

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Originally posted by Brucifer:

and where does the name Totentanz come from? does it mean anything or is it a complicated foreign version of "geoff"?
Here you go ...

Totentanz means DANCE MACABRE.
To break it down even more....
Tote n tanz
Tote .... Two or more people that are dead.
n .... is used to combine words together
tanz .... dance

Dance .... well everyone knows what that means
Macabre ....
Main Entry: ma·ca·bre
Pronunciation: m&-'käb; -'kä-br&, -b&r; -'käbr&
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, from (danse) macabre dance of death, from Middle French (danse de) Macabré
Date: 1889
1 : having death as a subject : comprising or including a personalized representation of death
2 : dwelling on the gruesome
3 : tending to produce horror in a beholder

So based on the above and talking with my German wife, it means ....a dance that people do to honor or celebrate the dead

I hope this cleared up somethings.
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Hey, Flagg, try to stay safe. I'd like to see you back in full activity here in a year or two. Thanks for what you're doing. You're making sure us geeks can do what we do best.


If you want to do the good old correspondence thing, there's my e-mail. I'm not sure if my account's behaving, but it still works from what I can gather.

Whenever you want to shoot the breeze, feel free. ^.^

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ok - so Totentanz means deathdancer, and geryon is an underworld demon...

..would it be fair to say that caestus pax is sword/fist of peace?

also if theres any other bizarre names that people have heard of then tell us what they mean dude.


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