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Real Name: John William Walker

Nicknames: Walker

Concept: Scarred veteran of the Zombie Apocalypse

Nature: Survivor

Allegiance: Tenuous allegiance to the survivors of the Roff Enclave

Occupations: Merc, Scavenger, Security

Legal Status: Unclear

Place of birth: Seattle, Washington

Apparent Age: Difficult to say. Not old, but definitely not young anymore, either.

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: None

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 175 lbs.

Eyes: A solid, smooth, gleaming black color, with no whites at all.

Hair: Brown

Distinguishing Marks: His eyes. His dry, whispery voice.

Strength Level: Unknown.

Known Powers/Abilities: Walker keeps his cards close to his chest, and this especially includes the full extent of what he’s capable of. What is known, or simply can’t be hidden, is that his physical abilities are generally peak human, or superhuman, as are his sensory capabilities; most notably, however, he can turn invisible to sight, and he possesses two extra arms, located behind, and slightly below the primary pair.

Most Notable Power/Special Ability: His extra arms are high on the list, but perhaps most remarkable is Walker’s ability to move undetected by the zombie hordes.

Weapons Used: Whatever’s handy. Walker prefers “low-tech” weapons, however, such as a bow and arrows, knives, and the like. In a post-apocalyptic world, guns and bullets are by no means a guaranteed luxury, but arrows and clubs can be fashioned as needed with little difficulty.

Personality: Quiet and withdrawn. Walker doesn’t normally speak unless it’s necessary, though this might be because of the rasping whisper that is his voice - the result of an accident years ago. He has always been a bit of a loner, and events since the Plague have only encouraged this tendency. Though he is a loyal friend, he can be a ruthless and utterly merciless enemy, and has already shown a willingness to kill without compunction if necessary.

Personal Interests: The outdoors, hiking, practicing survival skills. Walker likes places away from the rush and hubbub of city life. He also enjoys the simple things, like a night at the pub with the guys, or a day sitting in front of the tube, watching the big game. Of course, all of that’s gone now…

Background: John William Walker was born in Seattle to Jacob and Cecilia Walker. He was raised in a typical white, middle-class environment, and there is no indication of significant tensions at home or at school during his childhood. John faired well in school, though not remarkably so, and was active in many sports, particularly track and field.

John unexpectedly joined the United States Navy immediately following his graduation, and soon after that he volunteered for, and was accepted into, the United States Navy Seals. Records of Walker’s time as a Navy Seal have since been sealed, as he was shortly recruited into DEVGRU (United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group), also referred to as “Seal Team 6”. Throughout this time John participated in a wide variety of covert military operations, though nothing too out of the ordinary (certainly nothing to leave him mentally prepared for global-death-by-zombies). In 2003 Walker left the military behind, having been somewhat soured on it after a number of highly unpleasant missions. To this day, he refrains from speaking of his time in the Navy.

After leaving the Navy, John held down a number of odd jobs, in different areas of the country. Most recently he had been working as a whitewater rafting guide outside of Phoenix, Arizona when the Plague first hit. Isolated as he was, Walker wasn’t quite as caught off-guard by the ensuing horde of zombies, and once things started getting really bad he was already prepared. Heading out into the wilderness of Arizona, John had intended to keep going until he reached the even more isolated areas of Central Mexico, there to “wait out” the Plague, as he’d naively thought he could do.

Instead he’d become ill en route, and never even made it out of Arizona. The next few days after he first realized he’d contracted the Plague are little more than a dimly remembered nightmare, filled with blazing sunlight and burning heat, desert spiders, and unrelenting thirst. When he came to, some indeterminate time later, he was badly sunburned, but otherwise just fine, and even the burn faded within a day of his waking. Instead of continuing on to Mexico, as he’d originally planned, Walker turned East and North, and made his way into the Heartland of America.

He spent the first several months simply wandering the landscape, having found that he could mostly pass undetected by the shambling undead horrors all around - though he still tried to keep mostly to uninhabited wilderness wherever possible. In time, however, he stumbled upon the Enclave in Roff, where a group of honest-to-god scientists were actually still alive and trying to find a cure. When they asked him to stay and help protect the settlement (and donate blood periodically, to help understand how he had managed to fight off the disease himself), Walker found he couldn’t refuse, and was still working as part of the Security Detail there several weeks later, when the Enclave was suddenly and viciously attacked…

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