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Avatar the Last Airbender: A Second Chance - Setting Information

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Setting information!


The setting is 500 years after the "Fire Century" the surviving kingdoms of Earth and Water imposed harsh sanctions on the Fire Nation after the hundred years of war.

Restricting their military might, removing their colonies from their lands and being reduced to their original lands, Avatar Aang of the time was busy managing the restoration of the North, West and Southern air temples and their populations with newly created Air benders from among the other nations.

The Southern water tribe received much aid from the Northern water tribe, and it has grown into a kingdom of it´s own being able to stand by themselves on the past centuries.

A full cycle and more of Avatars have gone by since that day, and Sozin´s Comet day is every hundred years taken as a remainder of the old Air benders, and the reason of birth of the new Air benders.

Eventually the past became past, and stayed in the past. The sanctions against the Fire nation were gradually weakened and removed, it became once again a sovereign nation with it´s own army and it´s own economy, and Fire benders were not seen as an ugly reminder of the past anymore.

That is until this last Century, the Avatar was born among the Water bender tribes, at a very young age, the Avatar peaked on her understanding of Water bending, her Earth and Fire bending excelled soon afterward, only Air bending proved to truly be challenge for the young Avatar Xue, for many years she toiled in the air temples to learn their secrets and by the time she was 17, she could truly be called an Avatar.

Almost two decades ago, the still very young Avatar Xue and the world she protected, for a whole week the spirit world went quiet on all the lands, after wards followed a week of natural disasters like earthquakes that split the land in half, volcanoes erupting ash and blackening the skies, hurricanes that uprooted even the oldest trees and flash frost storms that froze large patches of the ocean among many others due to this the people clamored for a stop to the disastes but Avatar Xue was a single person even if she was an Avatar, convinced that the spiritual silence and the natural disasters were connected she undertook the dangerous adventure of a physical journey to the spiritual realm, hoping to be guided by the past Avatars that inhabited within her.

It worked, the disasters stopped within days of her leaving, but then a week went by, as did a month and a year, and nobody heard again of Avatar Xue. She was mourned the world over, as any Avatar had been mourned upon their death, unfortunately this was not the end of it as Avatar Xue had a very hands-on policy regarding Pirates, Bandits and Mercenaries. Traveling the world over to bring them to the appropriate authorities, due to her presence the bands had met a need of organization and power that in centuries had not been seen, many benders went Rogue as did many career soldiers and masters of antique martial arts, and now without the powerful presence of Avatar Xue, the smaller towns were being raided almost constantly by this bands of roving scum.

The forces of the country were not always enough for this groups of random villains, and thus was started what was deemed to be the reinforcement corps, large groups within the countries that would keep peace together with the army, this groups are mostly consisting of bending masters and highly skilled warriors, having jurisdiction over large swaths of land they are usually left to their own devices and to their own judgment on how to proceed, they are what over the last ten years have kept the peace around the world.

That is, until today, as today all spirit action has stopped suddenly and the world has been submerged into a deep, deep spiritual silence.



Air Nomads - The Air nomads are small in number in comparison to the other tribes, they also are almost literally a mix and match of the other three kingdoms, they considered to be the New Air Nomads, and most of their traditions stretch only as far back as 500 years ago, that is except for their Air Bending prowess, Avatar Aang had access to hundreds of Avatars inside of him when he was recreating the basis of Air bending, and not a single detail was left out.

Fire Nation - an Industrious nation that has recovered it´s ancient radiance thanks to it´s smart traders and great amount of natural resources, the Fire Nation is a very open country to the other three and welcomes any visitors to their main lands, that is as far as the common folk, the Nobles on the other hand always talk about how they have the responsibility to uphold the traditions of the Fire Nation and live in a very archaic style of life either inside the capital city that is closed off to visitors, or on the surrounding islands of the main land.

Water Tribe - The water tribe is split in two by the poles, Southern and Northern. The northern water tribe has a rich history of military might and great bending masters. The southern water tribe has fame for it´s talented healers that can help anybody recover from near death, and a highly spiritual tribe, then again "Do not prickle the Ice Wolve´s side, it has claws and fangs and knows how to use them." is a very common saying when referring to the Southern Water tribes inhabitants. Another great difference is that the N. Tribe are very centralized, living all together in a single fortress city, meanwhile the southern tribe all love their space, even if they consider all of them brothers they live in small villages around the pole and officially, the only city in the south pole is the main city from where the S. Water Tribe leader oversees his domains.

Earth Kingdom - The titanic earth kingdom has as always had a single Earth Emperor overseeing the whole of it, and several local Earth Kings that manage smaller sections of the country to ease the burden, they are still the most numerous of all the countries and maintain a status as a neutral country even with a standing army being kept at all times. Among the bending nations, they are the ones with the most variety on the styles they use, each style having their own kinds of ups and down, and special abilities to work around the other styles.


Ok, that´s it for now, if you guys need me to put anything else here, I will just PM me.

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