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Can't wait for this!


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I have a friend who is working on the sister science of this. She's on a grant developing independent sound through wave field synthesis. The theory isn't new but she's actually built it.

Basically using a system of speakers she can change the sound's point of origin in reference to the room the system is placed in. Basically she can have sounds coming behind you, walking closer, or even coming from inside your head. And when I say speakers, they're all directly in front of you. It's not a surround sound...it's really a changing point of origin for audio presentations.

It's not my field so I don't know much more, but I've seen it and for the love of god it's pretty amazing.

Apparently she, Sony and a french company are all sort of racing to get it done and marketable first. Kind of exciting.

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Cool, placing sound wherever you want it.

Reminds me of something I saw from the Read or Die TV Series. The episode was about a mad scientist who used sound like a weapon. It was freaking sweet.

But in reality, just imagine how someone could reduce noise pollution, or make a more interactive sound environment for a movie.

Gives me goose bumps thinking about it.

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Actually that's how I got involved with her....She got in touch with me for making a movie using the technology.

Awesome stuff.

I ended up doing an installation with a 3-d sound sculpture...as in creating a complicated mechancal device out of sound. Fun as hell.

The boring thing to do with it is have the sound for someone talking literally come from their mouth or have people talking off screen literally talking from wherever they are in accordance to the camera.

I get goosebumps too, and I've been working with it for about 6 months now.

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