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World of Darkness: The Academy - Stylistic Preferences


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Same day as SSDD, sometime after lunch...

Chester trudged outside, letting his feet travel lightly across the ground. He had his sketchbook out under his arm, and it wasn't until the following period that he would have class yet again. He was free to be alone, and enjoy himself.

The warm air wafted around him as if he wasn't there, and the breeze was calming. It was a short, but luxuriant walk, leading him out to a grassy area just beyond the art building. A place he'd used before, and now again.

The view of the sky and the trees looked very bright in the light, but Chester wanted to practice on drawing human figures.

He sat down, prepared to draw some generic males from memory as a starting practice, but them he caught sight of a dark-haired figure sitting further beyond him.

Chester didn't think of Frida Ricci as a freak, he saw someone similar to himself, who saw more value in their art and related activites than others their age did. More at the moment, he saw someone who he could practice drawing, and very much seemed more likely to not mind his focus.

And it was fully clothed, not any sort of 'porn art.' So he mildly looked in her direction, pulled out a mechanical pencil, and started drawing her head on a blank sheet in the sketchbook.

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