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Aberrant: Ba'alt - Re: Of Flesh and Future III


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After a few minutes Kara comes out with two party trays filled with various ordourves and snacks for the group. She even has some tasty vegetarian dishes for those who don't want meat or protein slop that appears to be some kind of meat. Kara makes sure to include a snack that everyone typicaly likes. She understands that Nova metabolism requires a high consumption of nutients so she made things that would be appealing to everyone. The food smells wonderful and many have a hard time not salivating at the delicious smell. If one is not hungry it is hard to avoid a quick nibble.

She listens to the conversations and especially to the current events that Asche is relating to the group.

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Power distribution level

10:40 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

Participants: Kaelan and any other bystanders.

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->The tours of the various facilities and arena have been given to the 21 members of the Lords of StarHaven and the League of Merchants. Blue-robed guides (a tradition left of the original proprietors, the K’ta’viir) show various dignitaries and VIP’s around the same areas just visited by the LoS and LoM. Kaelan is one of these men and woman getting the grand tour. The show is generally reserved for ruling members of terran houses and those endowed with monies to donate to certain causes. Kaelan stands alone in a group of 7 others and is the only man. That and the fact that he is well over head and shoulders taller than the tallest woman have set him alone as sight dominant. One of the women, named Faria, is from House Devon and the other 6 woman are from a smallish edge clan. It is the first trip to StarHaven for all of them. <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->It’s about 35 minutes into the 30 minute tour; a couple of the women have asked a bit too many questions. The group is currently browsing power amplification nodules and being explained in short the method in which StarHaven draws energy from subspace. Even Kaelan has been impressed at the advances made to StarHaven since last year. With the incorporation of the discoveries of the Coalition of Houses StarHaven was at nearly ninety percent understood. It was only a matter of time before the Coalition, and thus the Lords of StarHaven, would have one hundred percent access to the secrets and power of StarHaven.<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->“Well there you are Lord Rathien. Or is it Emperor now?”<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->A voice comes from an intersecting hall as the group passes some power coupling and another woman joins the tour. Kaelan instantly remembers her from and earth many millennia ago. The woman is a bit taller than the rest of the group but sill a good eight inches shorter than Kaelan. And Judging from the other womans reaction, Genine Ebherhart has already implied her presence telepathically into the their minds. They are acting as if she has been their all along.<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->“You not an easy person to find these days.”<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Times New Roman--><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><!--/fonto--><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#ff0000--><span style="color:#ff0000"><!--/coloro-->{{Genine is highly social but is not really trying to be intimidating. It’s almost as if she is teasing a long lost friend.}}<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

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Power distribution level

10:40 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

Participants: Kaelan and any other bystanders.

Kaelan walks and listens to the tour with much interest and enthusiasm. To him it feels as if it has been thousands of years since he last visited the station and he was anxious to hear of the new discoveries and modifications done to the station since the ousting of Ba'laan. Most of his attention is placed on the speaker and the other guests but he lets the rest of his mind wander and capture the sights and feel of the station.

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Kaelan's mind immediately raises back in time to thousands of years ago. He recognizes the voice belonging to the enigmatic and ever beautiful Dr. Eberhart. Instantly he boosts his mental defenses and physical defenses knowing that if the beautiful Genine was here, her irrational trigger happy carpet munching lover would be close by as well. Hopefully she would have sense enough to not start a brawl in the midst of the square was all Kaelan could hope for.

Despite his apprehension, no one is aware of the tension. Without missing a beat, Kaelan gallantly turns around and receives Genine's remarks with noble humility, <!--coloro:#0000FF--><span style="color:#0000FF"><!--/coloro-->"Dr. Genine Eberhart! What a pleasant surprise to see you! If you refer to me as lord or emperor it would only be proper to refer to you as Lady or Empress since you are one of the founders of Divergence; one of the greatest philosophies to be adopted in the Sol Empire. If it was not for your initial studies of Nova physiology and especially Nova psycology Earth's advances in those areas would have been delayed for centuries. A thousand thank you's would not even scratch the surface in repaying the debt the decendants of Earth owe you. You honor me by your presense."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Kaelan is genuine in his comments and he very pleasant. There is no tension in his demeanor or voice. He is completely sincere in his words although he is preparing himself to have to act in a nano second's notice.

<!--coloro:#0000FF--><span style="color:#0000FF"><!--/coloro-->"I was not aware that I was being looked for. None of my people at Odin or any of the other Divergence facilities notified me that you wanted to be in contact with me. I am a bit confused since I thought that it was clear that you always had my contact information."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Kaelan continues to smile and makes a gesture for her to join him and the group as the tour of the power couplings continue.

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Power distribution level
10:40 hours
Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY
<!--coloro:#ffa500--><span style="color:#ffa500"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Kaelan and any other bystanders.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--coloro:#0000ff--><span style="color:#0000ff"><!--/coloro-->"I was not aware that I was being looked for. None of my people at Odin or any of the other Divergence facilities notified me that you wanted to be in contact with me. I am a bit confused since I thought that it was clear that you always had my contact information."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Kaelan continues to smile and makes a gesture for her to join him and the group as the tour of the power couplings continue.

Genine continues with the group as they walk the few minutes of hallways to the reception area. She fills the short time with small talk;

"Ya' know, Cin and I woke up a few months ago and decided that we were going to build a test facility at our facilities in New Devon. A few weeks later when the test facility was done and we started recruiting newly erupted novas from various earth colonies in the system we realized we were behind the eight ball, to coin a phrase from earth, old earth. So we took over some test sites of various factions, I think some of them were actually hunting nova's, and we discovered that quite some time had passed since the last time we met any of our old friends. Then to our surprise, we found out we were not even considered citizens of earth any longer. You can imagine how Cin felt at that; I think she and Chandler downed several dozen satellites before she recentered herself."

By now the group is seperating in the reception area. genine continues'

"So... Kaelan. Lord Rathien." A unspoken 'whatever' passes her lips.
"I am here now to find out some things before Cin does some things that ERI and Odin and possibly no small amount of people will regret. Dont misunderstand me, this is not a threat but you recall how Cin responds to things like this. Sleeping away nearly a hundred and fifty thousand years is inhumane, even dealing with nova's. I didnt see much evidence of your involvement in this matter before you shielded yourself so tell me; what do you know about the why and who behind our long blink. Please."

<!--coloro:#ff0000--><span style="color:#ff0000"><!--/coloro-->{{Genine never loses her stride. She is a gret diplomat and inspite of my wording above, she is eternally charming and cool and never comes across insulting or rude.}}
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Kaelan listens to Genine and her search for answers with genuine concern and empathy. He makes no apology for shielding his mind and boosting his defenses in her presense. His demeanor is caring and he is acting as if he is helping an old friend deal with major bad news.

He motions for Genine to follow him to a public lounge where they can get a booth and talk privately. "Why don't we come over so we can talk a little more privately?" He leads the way to the booth and sits next to Dr. Eberhart. He produces a hand held computer that instead of a screen uses a mini hologram for three dimensional visiuals. He types in various encryption codes to get to the file that he wants to show Genine. Once there a simple excel spreadsheet with a list of thousands of names of Nova's who have disappeared over the past millenia show up.

"Genine, I am sad to inform you that your situation is not unique. Asche and I knew that there were going to be repurcussions for letting down the barrier that protected Earth and its inhabitants from the chaos of the outside multi-verse but what transpired was such a remote possibility that we did not think that it would have been in the best interest at the time to cause a mass panic among the Nova populace. We are talking about a one in trillion possibility of this happening." Kaelan pauses a moment to let this information sink in.

"Thousands of Nova's disappeared. Some have been found and are being helped to adjust to this new universe that they are being awakened to. There are many that are still asleep waiting for their turn to be awakened. We are doing this a very caring way to help guide them to find their place in the multi-verse instead of just letting them jump into a vast ocean without any knowledge of how deep the water is. Now that you and Ms. McGuffy have returned, if you are willing, you can help these people and guide them as once did long ago." Kaelan hands Genine the handheld computer. "This is yours if you wish."

"The matter of you and Ms. McGuffy not being citizens of Sol Empire can be rectified in a matter of minutes. When you are willing to take a moment to do this, I can arrange an audience with the Emperor himself and his aid can take care of all the other paperwork."

If the conversation appears to be going well he asks, "What say you Dr. Eberhart?"

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10:40 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

He let Asche inform them as he would, as he was focused on keeping their conversation from being overheard or interrupted. Paranoia being that it was, Asche is a high profile malcontent, and a favored practice by more intelligent security personnel. Find someone who has connections and presence, and keep track of the people that he meets with. Which could hamper our efforts.

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10:40 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.


Kara is socializing with the group and listening to Asche and the current events. When Asche and Kara make eye contact Kara telepathically tells Asche, "I will be back. There is someone I sense that I haven't seen in a long time. I hope to catch up with you soon."

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10:40 hours
Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.
Kara is socializing with the group and listening to Asche and the current events. When Asche and Kara make eye contact Kara telepathically tells Asche, "I will be back. There is someone I sense that I haven't seen in a long time. I hope to catch up with you soon."

Kara then leans close to Rama and tells him, <!--coloro:#0000ff--><span style="color:#0000ff"><!--/coloro-->"I will be back in a little bit. I am going to go see some old friends." <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->She gives Rama a reasurring pat that she will be ok to go alone. <!--coloro:#0000ff--><span style="color:#0000ff"><!--/coloro-->"I will be back here before you know it." <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

"Alright, Kara. I'll fill Asche in on what he missed."

Allison gives Asche a smile, and launches into a concise but reasonably detailed account of the events that had taken place since she last saw him... She tells him about the rather troubling novas they found, the arms manufacturer, and the team's growing influence. She also tells him of the advances Chronos and Eve have made in figuring out how they might retrieve the orbs. Finally she tells him of her vision, the Book, and the Door...along with why they've come to StarHaven.

"And on top of all that, Joe and I noticed something odd about the timelines here," she points out. "There's two of them, in parallel, and one will eventually 'take over' and subsume the other. Plus, I'm sure I felt a life force associated with the station, and a name..." She shrugs.

"There's a lot more going on here than there looks like. That's all I'm sure of."
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  • 2 weeks later...
<!--quoteo(post=2046:date=May 23 2007, 05&#58;30 AM:name=Kara Rathien)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Kara Rathien &#064; May 23 2007, 05&#58;30 AM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->StarHaven

10:40 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.


Kara is socializing with the group and listening to Asche and the current events. When Asche and Kara make eye contact Kara telepathically tells Asche, "I will be back. There is someone I sense that I haven't seen in a long time. I hope to catch up with you soon."

Kara then leans close to Rama and tells him, <!--coloro:#0000ff--><span style="color:#0000ff"><!--/coloro-->"I will be back in a little bit. I am going to go see some old friends." <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->She gives Rama a reasurring pat that she will be ok to go alone. <!--coloro:#0000ff--><span style="color:#0000ff"><!--/coloro-->"I will be back here before you know it." <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

"Alright, Kara. I'll fill Asche in on what he missed."

Allison gives Asche a smile, and launches into a concise but reasonably detailed account of the events that had taken place since she last saw him... She tells him about the rather troubling novas they found, the arms manufacturer, and the team's growing influence. She also tells him of the advances Chronos and Eve have made in figuring out how they might retrieve the orbs. Finally she tells him of her vision, the Book, and the Door...along with why they've come to StarHaven.

"And on top of all that, Joe and I noticed something odd about the timelines here," she points out. "There's two of them, in parallel, and one will eventually 'take over' and subsume the other. Plus, I'm sure I felt a life force associated with the station, and a name..." She shrugs.

"There's a lot more going on here than there looks like. That's all I'm sure of."


"Sounds like for the most part things are in control and in the hands of ones capable of delaing with such things."

Asche turns to Smite and addresses him with much respect and even bows his head ever slightly.

"I am sure Carlise is in your debt for cleaning up their ne'er do wells. I had always thought you would make a good leader under the right conditions. Your view on tactics and diplomacy are rare indeed."

Keeping his charming and collected demeanor as always, Asche does seem more than overly interested in the Orbs developements.

"It is very comforting to know that you are making progress with the Incarnates. ON the same token I am not lightly concerned with the how and when you might activate them. If you would, please keep me in the loop as to the finer details when they present themselves. I would love to be there."

Asche then changes the subject gracefully and discusses some light hearted topic in which all share and laugh now and then. It might be obvious to those more socially inclined that he is fishing for the right time to say something.

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11:00 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Joe listens to Allison bring Asche up to date and realizes there is something that she missed. Probably because Doc hadn't told her yet. Kara isn't here so the timing isn't, quite, ideal... but he might as well give it a try.

Joe says,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"Allison missed something. Doc's fault, he's still studying the matter and hasn't told her yet. Lily has a plan to come back. The question is whether or not this would be a good thing and what the side effects would be."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

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11:00 hours
Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Joe listens to Allison bring Asche up to date and realizes there is something that she missed. Probably because Doc hadn't told her yet. Kara isn't here so the timing isn't, quite, ideal... but he might as well give it a try.

Joe says,

"Allison missed something. Doc's fault, he's still studying the matter and hasn't told her yet. Lily has a plan to come back. The question is whether or not this would be a good thing and what the side effects would be."

Asche's thoughts take a pause from racing around his compartmentalized mind. All his plans and schemes and even some of his hopes stood still for what seemed like forever to him. The possibility that Lathan, or who the team calls Lily returning weighed heavily on nearly all considerations for and against the revolution. The implication of the simple fact that she was talking to Chronos and planning a comeback suggested many things, but most of all it suggested something Asche needed to consider further. As skilled a mega social as Asche was, it does not take much skill to note he was thrown aback.

"John, that is probably the most disturbing news I have heard so far. NO, wait, that IS thee most disturbing news I have heard in nearly a decade. Easy."

Asche rubs his temples with both hands in contemplation and without looking up asks; "John, have you met with Lathan physically?"

{{Kara please consider some minutes have past where we all engaged in small talk adn you have returned.}}
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11:00 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

"John, that is probably the most disturbing news I have heard so far. NO, wait, that IS thee most disturbing news I have heard in nearly a decade. Easy."

Asche rubs his temples with both hands in contemplation and without looking up asks; "John, have you met with Lathan physically?"

"Joe" thinks,

*That shook him. Calling me John like that, he just dropped two points, although he did that on purpose as a signal to me how serious this is.*

Joe raises an eyebrow and responds,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"Lathan has met with the good Doctor physically on multiple occassions. First at the World Serpent Inn where there were enough other things going on that she dropped the matter. The second time she and Doc actually went back into her early past where she trained him extensively in matters temporal. These were obviously the opening moves in a grand plan to bring herself back by altering her death."

"As predicted she did confirm this on another occassion. After a fair amount of research and investigation, I believe Doc has reached the conclusion that it can be done. Whether or not it should be done is a different issue."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

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11:00 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Allison stares at Joe, startled.

"You never mentioned any of that before. When did all that happen?"

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11:00 hours
Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--quoteo(post=2063:date=Jun 7 2007, 04&#58;13 AM:name=Narrator)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Narrator &#064; Jun 7 2007, 04&#58;13 AM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"John, that is probably the most disturbing news I have heard so far. NO, wait, that IS thee most disturbing news I have heard in nearly a decade. Easy."

Asche rubs his temples with both hands in contemplation and without looking up asks; "John, have you met with Lathan physically?"
"Joe" thinks,

*That shook him. Calling me John like that, he just dropped two points, although he did that on purpose as a signal to me how serious this is.*

Joe raises an eyebrow and responds,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"Lathan has met with the good Doctor physically on multiple occassions. First at the World Serpent Inn where there were enough other things going on that she dropped the matter. The second time she and Doc actually went back into her early past where she trained him extensively in matters temporal. These were obviously the opening moves in a grand plan to bring herself back by altering her death."

"As predicted she did confirm this on another occassion. After a fair amount of research and investigation, I believe Doc has reached the conclusion that it can be done. Whether or not it should be done is a different issue."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

11:00 hours
Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Allison stares at Joe, startled.

"You never mentioned any of that before. When did all that happen?"

<!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->It was on purpose that Asche called Crumble John. All information passed here ultimately made it back to the Prime form of John "Chronos" and Asche was aware of that. In this moment there was little time or meaning for social transpositions and Asche got right to the point.<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->Asche interrupts before John has time to answer.<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->"It matters little when it actually happened but more that it did indeed happen. Lathan could of made it happen anytime in the past or future and the result would be the same. There is now a third Time Lord in existence standing here with us. Lathan is aware of the fact that a fourth will set things spinning. She has to be."<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->

<!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->Asche stands at this point and then says to Crumble;
<!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->"Can you contact her at your leisure?"<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
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11:00 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->"Can you contact her at your leisure?"<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
Joe answers,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"No. She seems to come and go at her whim, I'm under the impression she's monitoring things."

"But the real question is whether or not bringing her back is on the balance a good idea. I'm pretty sure Doc is up to it, no, correction. Make that Doc and Smite."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

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11:00 hours
Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

<!--coloro:#ff8c00--><span style="color:#ff8c00"><!--/coloro-->Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--quoteo(post=2068:date=Jun 8 2007, 04&#58;35 PM:name=Narrator)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Narrator &#064; Jun 8 2007, 04&#58;35 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--fonto:Century Gothic--><span style="font-family:Century Gothic"><!--/fonto-->"Can you contact her at your leisure?"<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
Joe answers,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"No. She seems to come and go at her whim, I'm under the impression she's monitoring things."

"But the real question is whether or not bringing her back is on the balance a good idea. I'm pretty sure Doc is up to it, no, correction. Make that Doc and Smite."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Allison frowns.

"Time Lord? I'm sorry, the last time I heard that term was on PBS. This is all a new wrinkle to me. Who are the Time Lords, and what's their significance to all this? I mean, I can guess you're one," she says to Asche.

Then she nods at Joe. "And he's pretty obvious for number two. But who else? And what starts spinning if there's four?"
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Joe says,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"The Lord's of Time are basically powerful temporal manipulators. There's a sub-treaty to the Ban, well... actually it's a seperate treaty I guess, also created by Big and Bad, supposedly created to 'protect' the Time Lords. Basically the idea is that the numbers of the Lords would be kept in balance, one light, one dark, one balance."

"That's the theory. In reality what it means is that if one Time Lord is killed, then two more have to be in order to keep the numbers right, and none of the existing Lords can train apprentises. This treaty turned 39 Time Lords into 3. Those three are Denny Forotellon, Lathan Crysan Rathien, and Thane Maor. The Lily got killed and the other two had to flee I think. If the other two are still around then it'd be Doc and them."

"Notice please that Big and Bad doesn't count in all this because far be it for him to need any limits. Considering the results, I have to say that this is yet one more example of Big and Bad opperating in bad faith."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

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Allison frowns.

"Time Lord? I'm sorry, the last time I heard that term was on PBS. This is all a new wrinkle to me. Who are the Time Lords, and what's their significance to all this? I mean, I can guess you're one," she says to Asche.

Then she nods at Joe. "And he's pretty obvious for number two. But who else? And what starts spinning if there's four?"

Asche gives out a light laugh in spite of the situation. He always could see the lighter side of things no matter what, or perhaps it as his ego saying that no matter what happened he came out the winner so there really no need to stress about anything.

"Actually Allison, A 'Time Lord' or technically, one who has mastered the element of time, is one of the many things I am not. Sure I know how to pass through multiple streams and go back and forth in time, but that is a far cry from aging someone or pulling things from alternate timelines. Some Lords can alter histories with a whim."

Asche looks to say more but at sensing Joes input he waits.

Joe says,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"The Lord's of Time are basically powerful temporal manipulators. There's a sub-treaty to the Ban, well... actually it's a separate treaty I guess, also created by Big and Bad, supposedly created to 'protect' the Time Lords. Basically the idea is that the numbers of the Lords would be kept in balance, one light, one dark, one balance."

"That's the theory. In reality what it means is that if one Time Lord is killed, then two more have to be in order to keep the numbers right, and none of the existing Lords can train apprentices. This treaty turned 39 Time Lords into 3. Those three are Denny Forotellon, Lathan Crysan Rathien, and Thane Maor. The Lily got killed and the other two had to flee I think. If the other two are still around then it'd be Doc and them."

"Notice please that Big and Bad doesn't count in all this because far be it for him to need any limits. Considering the results, I have to say that this is yet one more example of Big and Bad operating in bad faith."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

"I do believe that he Lords could train others if and when others died but when their numbers started to wane they dropped too fast and none could be trained in time. There were a few that were trained in time but even with their additions to the number the Treaty was not satisfied."

Asche looks at his watch, as he characteristically did when he was thinking deeply.

"Allison, the fourth would be Lathan, if she came back. I am not considered one. Technically. Denny and Thane have been on the run now for over 20 years to avoid the Pultytes satisfying the Treaty. If a third were to be added in John they theoretically would be safe for a time. But then if Lathan came back and became a fourth it would send the cycle of hunting the Time Lords spinning again."
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11:00 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.

Glean takes in all the discussion and laughs inside at something. A smile could be seen if not for his tinted visor.

He walks a little distance away and seems to be trying to listen for something. After a few moments he simply stands still and gazes at everyone.

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Joe frowns and says,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"We're missing something... ah yes. The other two Time Lords. Do we have any idea where they are, and whether they still favor the ban?"<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Asche replies with confidence as if he is sure of his answer. His tone however shows some doubt.
"They have been missing since Lathans death and the Pultytes are making them job one. I had some contact with Thane but over 10 years ago and not as Asche. He helped worked with House Rathien defense ministry for a few months on a project Kenton hired him for. That was the last he was seen or heard from. It is possible but very unlikely that they have been slain; I should have been able to feel their absence. But like I said, I am not a skilled a user as I might seem."

"Thane and Denny never favored the Ban thats for sure. Oh and Joe, Denny despised Lathan and was even implicated in her death. I just thought you ought to know. If you were trained by her he would be able to see that and his derision might pass on to you."
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11:00 hours

Tuesday, December (Suruan) 14, 498 CY

Participants: Allison, Smite, Chronos, Whisper, Rama, Glean, Kara.

Kara returned from her visit with a friend in the midst of the conversation. The possibility of Lathan's return sent her mind spinning for a few moments. She remained quiet, listening to the discourse of Asche and the others. Still, she wondered why she had not revealed herself to the Light Weilders. Why did she chose to reveal herself to Chronos?

(ooc: other than Chronos' having the beaming light of the PC glow wink )

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((ooc: Kara gets an enourmous kick in the butt from Chronos' PC glow))

"Why did Lathan reveal herself to Doc instead of one of the family, a member of house Rathein, or to the light weilders? From what I know of her, she is very calculating in her actions." In a very none condescending tone, she asks, "What makes Doc so special for her to visit him?"

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"Why did Lathan reveal herself to Doc instead of one of the family, a member of house Rathein, or to the light weilders? From what I know of her, she is very calculating in her actions." In a very none condescending tone, she asks, "What makes Doc so special for her to visit him?"
Joe answers,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"She needs him. She isn't 'back', she's just has a plan to come back and a window of time in which to do so. Said plan requires another time lord, and lacking access to one she decided to 'create' one."

"This answers questions. Cause can come after Effect with these sorts of things. During the war Lily had the ability and motivation to kill Doc. She warned him off, but she never actually made a direct move against him and after they'd met she didn't come back. Even though he was a prime target and was dead any time she wanted him that way, she never even tried. Doc figured at the time there was some sort of loop going on but he didn’t have enough info beyond that. She couldn’t kill him, she knew Doc was going to be her apprentice because she'd already trained him in her past. She knew that her future self was going to need him badly."

“Which brings us back to whether or not this is a good idea. Kara, what do you think?”<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
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<!--quoteo(post=2108:date=Jun 14 2007, 04&#58;45 PM:name=Kara Rathien)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Kara Rathien &#064; Jun 14 2007, 04&#58;45 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"Why did Lathan reveal herself to Doc instead of one of the family, a member of house Rathein, or to the light weilders? From what I know of her, she is very calculating in her actions." In a very none condescending tone, she asks, "What makes Doc so special for her to visit him?"
Joe answers,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"She needs him. She isn't 'back', she's just has a plan to come back and a window of time in which to do so. Said plan requires another time lord, and lacking access to one she decided to 'create' one."

"This answers questions. Cause can come after Effect with these sorts of things. During the war Lily had the ability and motivation to kill Doc. She warned him off, but she never actually made a direct move against him and after they'd met she didn't come back. Even though he was a prime target and was dead any time she wanted him that way, she never even tried. Doc figured at the time there was some sort of loop going on but he didn’t have enough info beyond that. She couldn’t kill him, she knew Doc was going to be her apprentice because she'd already trained him in her past. She knew that her future self was going to need him badly."

“Which brings us back to whether or not this is a good idea. Kara, what do you think?”<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Allison lifts a hand and says quickly, "Sorry to butt in, but this sounds important enough I could try to see ahead a bit. With all this time manipulation going on, it might be useful to see where some of these loose timelines lead."
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<!--quoteo(post=2108:date=Jun 14 2007, 04&#58;45 PM:name=Kara Rathien)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Kara Rathien &#064; Jun 14 2007, 04&#58;45 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"Why did Lathan reveal herself to Doc instead of one of the family, a member of house Rathein, or to the light weilders? From what I know of her, she is very calculating in her actions." In a very none condescending tone, she asks, "What makes Doc so special for her to visit him?"
Joe answers,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"She needs him. She isn't 'back', she's just has a plan to come back and a window of time in which to do so. Said plan requires another time lord, and lacking access to one she decided to 'create' one."

"This answers questions. Cause can come after Effect with these sorts of things. During the war Lily had the ability and motivation to kill Doc. She warned him off, but she never actually made a direct move against him and after they'd met she didn't come back. Even though he was a prime target and was dead any time she wanted him that way, she never even tried. Doc figured at the time there was some sort of loop going on but he didn’t have enough info beyond that. She couldn’t kill him, she knew Doc was going to be her apprentice because she'd already trained him in her past. She knew that her future self was going to need him badly."

“Which brings us back to whether or not this is a good idea. Kara, what do you think?”<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Kara listens intently to Joe. She is then thrown a little back when she is asked her opinion. She is very controlled but the empaths could sense her emotions were racing.

"I do not know what to think. At times we have made arrangements to return to life someone killed in battle and the results have had mixed results. It is too much of a variable to go on pass results. I knew very little of Lathan. In our timeline, it was my father who had avenged her death by killing one of Khaynes Princes. Since then, Khayne arranged for his son to be brought back into existance. Part of me feels that it is only proper in returning Lathan back. But Lathan did die in honor. I don't know if she would be willing to take the chance to die without honor. Still, dead is dead."

Kara pauses, rubs her forehead in thought and says, "It would be great to get to know her. Still, I wonder what her motives are other than self preservation. I wonder what Allison will see in her vision."
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Allison nods slowly.

"But if there's just two now, and Lathan came back, there'd be three. And they'd all be okay."

"Of course, Lathan caused us a lot of trouble, though I guess it wasn't really her fault, exactly."

Smite finds himself taking notes, as there doesn't seem to be a program and if he's to construct meaningful battle plans he needs to know the players. These revalations about the nature of time and those that control it. He knew that Crumble was part of Doc or his history in some manner but he had always be unsure about how.

He will not interfere with the process, but it felt like he was playing catch up with half the sheet music sometimes and he was trying to rectivy that.
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Allison nods, and closes her eyes.

Only a moment something seems wrong, as she gasps and frowns...then her face pinches in an expression of intense effort. Then, just as suddenly, the expression fades, and her face turns hard, as if staring down something or someone formidable but no fear. When her eyes open, they shine with brilliant white light.

You won't stop me, Time Lord, she says quietly, clearly not to anyone in the room. It's too important.

To those with the senses to see it, Allison's entire body blazes like a quantum sun, emitting vast quantities of quantum energy that curls around her in great whorls, bleeds off into the timestream and vanishes. Even ordinary eyes that can only see patterns of light can see Allison's hair lifting around her head in a red-orange halo, as if she were getting some major static electricity. But it doesn't stand on end, rather it seems to float or drift around her face, looking like she's underwater. Strange things start to happen. The flowers in a nearby vase suddenly begin to spread their petals and twist around as if looking for the sun. Roots explode from their bottem ends and fill the clear vase in seconds. Moments later they turn brown and wither away. A fern in a corner planter explodes into fecundity, growing to fill the entire corner, including up the wall, in just heartbeats. Insignificant spores of fungus sprout and grow madly, creating multicolored blotches on the carpet, on the walls, on shoes and clothes. Alarmingly, even the people around Allison feel something deep inside them stirring. A creak in the bones, a restlessness in the muscles, an itching in the scalp.

Then it stops. The glow of her eyes fades, her hair settles back down. The wild and bizarre growth spurts cease...though those in the room discover they've grown a little under an inch of new hair...and men may want to shave again soon. The intense quantum inferno she'd been radiating dies back down to her normal, rather pedestrian (for a nova) levels.

"Wow," is how she begins, and reaches up to hold her head. "It worked."

She looks up at the others, a little dazed looking. "I'm glad I looked. This is really crucial. Whether or not we let her come back will have a huge impact on the war to come. Give me a second to recover, and I'll tell you what I saw."

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Allison nods, and closes her eyes.
"Joe" pays close attention. He's been fascinated by Allison’s abilities since they first met. In many ways they are the mirror image of his own.

When her eyes open, they shine with brilliant white light.

You won't stop me, Time Lord, she says quietly, clearly not to anyone in the room. It's too important.
”Joe” wonders,

*Lily? Her attacker?*
To those with the senses to see it, Allison's entire body blazes like a quantum sun, emitting vast quantities of quantum energy that curls around her in great whorls, bleeds off into the timestream and vanishes. Even ordinary eyes that can only see patterns of light can see Allison's hair lifting around her head in a red-orange halo, as if she were getting some major static electricity. But it doesn't stand on end, rather it seems to float or drift around her face, looking like she's underwater. Strange things start to happen. The flowers in a nearby vase suddenly begin to spread their petals and twist around as if looking for the sun. Roots explode from their bottem ends and fill the clear vase in seconds. Moments later they turn brown and wither away. A fern in a corner planter explodes into fecundity, growing to fill the entire corner, including up the wall, in just heartbeats. Insignificant spores of fungus sprout and grow madly, creating multicolored blotches on the carpet, on the walls, on shoes and clothes. Alarmingly, even the people around Allison feel something deep inside them stirring. A creak in the bones, a restlessness in the muscles, an itching in the scalp.
”Joe” calculates,

*Significantly more powerful. Significantly, but not dangerously, more tainted.*

Then it stops. The glow of her eyes fades, her hair settles back down. The wild and bizarre growth spurts cease...though those in the room discover they've grown a little under an inch of new hair...and men may want to shave again soon. The intense quantum inferno she'd been radiating dies back down to her normal, rather pedestrian (for a nova) levels.

"Wow," is how she begins, and reaches up to hold her head. "It worked."

She looks up at the others, a little dazed looking. "I'm glad I looked. This is really crucial. Whether or not we let her come back will have a huge impact on the war to come. Give me a second to recover, and I'll tell you what I saw."
Joe nods and waits patiently. He also stands out in the room as not having changed.
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After a moment to catch her breath, and a glass of water, Allison relates what she saw.

"There's two big branches here...one where she lives again, one where she doesn't. I want to make it clear that once a branch is chosen, it may not go exactly as I say now, because telling you the future can change how it happens. But the MAJOR events, the ones we have no control over...they should still happen the way I saw it."

She then adds, "I also need to say I'm not advocating one way or the other in telling you what I saw. I know which way I would choose, but I'm telling you exactly what I saw without editing it, so you can make your own choices."

Allison then gives Joe a look. "One way, you save her. You already know how to do it. She's given you everything you need. Lathan returns to this time and place...and she brings the other Time Lords with her. She knows the secret paths to Ba'alt, and shows us the way. There's a great war, and the novas fulfill the purpose Asche set for them a long time ago. They fight Balaan. The novas of Terra are not subject to the Ban now, and they learn to direct their powers against the Ban directly."

She pauses for a moment, then says, "We personally will go to...another world? No...the Otherworld. I probably shouldn't say more about that. It might corrupt things."

"I see StarHaven returning to space and time, and becoming a place for all the beings of the galaxy to meet. It turns into a symbol of solidarity for everyone."

Allison pauses, then says, "The other way, Lathan stays where she is, dead in the present, lost in time. With her knowledge of her future death, the past Lathan tries to strike out as best she can. She saves Arrakon in the past, a knight of Lesture...? Arrakon grows strong and raekes in StarHaven for the existences, now separated, to be rejoined. He wins, and the wormholes are opened. The ancient struggle between the three great factions begins again."

"Novas join the war. The fighting is furious, and no quarter is given. In the end, Ba'laan still stands, but the Pultytes are so diminished in number that they can't enforce the Ban effectively anymore. He has to do it himself... Then things change again. The galaxy is invaded by...the Uruths. A race of unimaginable power, with the technology to challenge the primals and gods. After many conflicts, the Paramanders reform, and gain the support of Khay and Khamylyon to fight the Uruth. I'm...I don't see what happens after that."

She takes a deep breath and adds, "I'm not positive that the Uruth don't invade either way, I should say. I don't know why they would if Lathan stays dead, but not if she's alive. It may just be my first vision doesn't extend as far into the future as my second."

She shrugs and waits for reactions.

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Allison nods, and closes her eyes.

Only a moment something seems wrong, as she gasps and frowns...then her face pinches in an expression of intense effort. Then, just as suddenly, the expression fades, and her face turns hard, as if staring down something or someone formidable but no fear. When her eyes open, they shine with brilliant white light.

You won't stop me, Time Lord, she says quietly, clearly not to anyone in the room. It's too important.

Asche looks a bit taken back at this but simply locks his eyes with Allisons closed ones.

To those with the senses to see it, Allison's entire body blazes like a quantum sun, emitting vast quantities of quantum energy that curls around her in great whorls, bleeds off into the timestream and vanishes. Even ordinary eyes that can only see patterns of light can see Allison's hair lifting around her head in a red-orange halo, as if she were getting some major static electricity. But it doesn't stand on end, rather it seems to float or drift around her face, looking like she's underwater. Strange things start to happen. The flowers in a nearby vase suddenly begin to spread their petals and twist around as if looking for the sun. Roots explode from their bottom ends and fill the clear vase in seconds. Moments later they turn brown and wither away. A fern in a corner planter explodes into fecundity, growing to fill the entire corner, including up the wall, in just heartbeats. Insignificant spores of fungus sprout and grow madly, creating multicolored blotches on the carpet, on the walls, on shoes and clothes. Alarmingly, even the people around Allison feel something deep inside them stirring. A creak in the bones, a restlessness in the muscles, an itching in the scalp.

Then it stops. The glow of her eyes fades, her hair settles back down. The wild and bizarre growth spurts cease...though those in the room discover they've grown a little under an inch of new hair...and men may want to shave again soon. The intense quantum inferno she'd been radiating dies back down to her normal, rather pedestrian (for a nova) levels.

"Wow," is how she begins, and reaches up to hold her head. "It worked."

She looks up at the others, a little dazed looking. "I'm glad I looked. This is really crucial. Whether or not we let her come back will have a huge impact on the war to come. Give me a second to recover, and I'll tell you what I saw."

Asche stands inert the whole time, staring at Allison even as his hair changes and his stubble of whiskers thickens.

After a moment to catch her breath, and a glass of water, Allison relates what she saw.

"There's two big branches here...one where she lives again, one where she doesn't. I want to make it clear that once a branch is chosen, it may not go exactly as I say now, because telling you the future can change how it happens. But the MAJOR events, the ones we have no control over...they should still happen the way I saw it."

She then adds, "I also need to say I'm not advocating one way or the other in telling you what I saw. I know which way I would choose, but I'm telling you exactly what I saw without editing it, so you can make your own choices."

Asche rubs a hand over his face where the stubble has grown and it seems to resort to the state it was prior to Allisons vision. Then he simply runs his fingers through his longer hair, giving it a sort of windblown look. He seems to be very proud with Allison as his smile beams at her as she speaks.


She takes a deep breath and adds, "I'm not positive that the Uruth don't invade either way, I should say. I don't know why they would if Lathan stays dead, but not if she's alive. It may just be my first vision doesn't extend as far into the future as my second."

She shrugs and waits for reactions.

Asche too takes a deep breath after hearing what Allison saw.

"The Uruths were made by the ancient Iruar Khayn prior to the rest of his cousins endorsing of Ba'laan with their sum power. The Uruths purpose was to 'unmake' and were a direct reply to the crations of the Iruar. Khayn designed the Uruths to destroy all that was made and they had a knack for finding and destroying the most influential powers first. Once Ba'laan was put on the picture he did not simply destroy the Uruths right out. Instead he removed the desire for wanton random killing from the Uriths makeup and made some items, mostly weapons designed to kill the Uruths, and handed them out to a race of people called the Ceryndyans. Humans by appearance for the most part, the Uruths were hunted and their numbers came to be less than a dozen. They hid and lived somewhat peacefully until they were finally all found and killed but not before some tried making 'normal' lives for themselves."

Asche pauses to let this sink in. He then smiles and lingers a moment and then pardons himself and walks to the kitchen where Kara was/is and pours himself a drink. After sipping a bright red spirit he just poured, he pours enough for everyone present to have one with him. The glasses are simply sipping glasses and small, like a port or brandy glass. All the while he continues;

"Ba'laan has a way of honing in on certain people and carving paths in the truth based on what some small groups of people, or even individuals do. For some reason he favored the Uruths when he did not simply destroy them. Maybe he knew they would breed and thus cut their numbers down so much."

"I think that the reason why you don't see them coming if Lathan is alive is due to the fact that she is the last remaining Uruth. IF she dies, he decides to completely remake them, better than Khayn had done before perhaps, and send them out on his errands. He wont make more if she is alive because it's a sick way of him giving honor to the race."
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Rama had been quietly observing for some time now, having decided it proper ettiquette as the newcomer and in the presence of the team's mastermind.

He followed along with the conversation. Though the topics were esoteric to him, his mind nonetheless churned, picking apart the data and analyzing it for later on. The subject matter grew increasingly fantastic and interesting, culminating in Allison providing a rare private showing of her Oracular power. Rama indeed allowed his his crystal third eye to open, and he marveled at Allison's Quantum beauty.

Rama appears unaffected by Allisons metobolic quickening, his prisitne and immaculate Deva form lacking such human characteristics as beard follicles or fingerprints.

After an infinitely long moment of personal introspection and calculation he speaks up.

<!--coloro:#4169E1--><span style="color:#4169E1"><!--/coloro-->

"Appearances can be decieving, especially when dealing with such notions of time" <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->Rama gives a knowing look to Crumble.

<!--coloro:#4169E1--><span style="color:#4169E1"><!--/coloro-->

"However in light of all the information it would seem the first is the wisest choice of action. I like the part about us Novas fullfilling our Dharma. There is to be a war either way, yet in the first, Balaan's tyrrany is ended and StarHaven fullfills its glorious potential. It makes sense now...that our powers over quantum reality are in many ways parrallel to the Ban's own power. With enough time and power, it is theoretically possible for Novas to attain even the heights of the Iruar and the very creation of Universi. You also say that it is possible the Uruths may invade either way, but at least we know that they will with certainty invade in the second pathway."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

After a moments pause, he looks with clarity at the fiery headed oracle..

<!--coloro:#4169E1--><span style="color:#4169E1"><!--/coloro-->"Allison, that was...you are...magnificent. Thank you."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> smile

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Joe thinks a long time and then says,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"So... Lily has a back up plan, but it's not of high quality. With her dead rather than a revolution we get a multi-factional civil war. It gets really messy. Ba'laan, well, when ever I hear of things playing out in certain ways I get the impression that he's pulling strings. I suppose whether or not he's playing people against each other doesn't really matter. Ba'laan mostly loses the Pultytes, then he loses control over their replacements. Although one might question whether he really loses control over them or whether he's just making it so bad that people will have to back him. It's a bad thing when the fireman is running around setting fires, but politically we sometimes see that happen."

"So we get the worst of all worlds. Well... good. We proceed with plan 'A' then I think. Bring her back, skip the civil war."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Joe frowns,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"A question about these Uruths. If Lily is one, then why is she the last one? She has kids."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<!--coloro:#4169E1--><span style="color:#4169E1"><!--/coloro-->"Allison, that was...you are...magnificent. Thank you."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> smile
With a genuine smile Joe says,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"Yes, she is."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

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<!--coloro:#4169e1--><span style="color:#4169e1"><!--/coloro-->"However in light of all the information it would seem the first is the wisest choice of action. I like the part about us Novas fullfilling our Dharma. There is to be a war either way, yet in the first, Balaan's tyrrany is ended and StarHaven fullfills its glorious potential. It makes sense now...that our powers over quantum reality are in many ways parrallel to the Ban's own power. With enough time and power, it is theoretically possible for Novas to attain even the heights of the Iruar and the very creation of Universi. You also say that it is possible the Uruths may invade either way, but at least we know that they will with certainty invade in the second pathway."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

After a moments pause, he looks with clarity at the fiery headed oracle..

<!--coloro:#4169e1--><span style="color:#4169e1"><!--/coloro-->"Allison, that was...you are...magnificent. Thank you."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> smile

"I too enjoy this path Rama, It was a long thought out program. To see the plan with a potential fruition is truly grand. Many peoples are vindicated in what Allison revealed, but it is also very likely that many suffer through either of these paths, we just need to find the one with the least possible negatives.

Joe frowns,

<!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro-->"A question about these Uruths. If Lily is one, then why is she the last one? She has kids."<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

Asche looks at Chronos with all seriousness as he hands him a brandy.
"One of the many benefits of being a primal and a non-standard species I guess. Both Kenton and her were able to control what traits were passed on to their children. Lathan did not want to pass on a death sentence."
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Smite had noted the two paths, consider the ramifications for each. He had seen enough civil war to know that while the big players were fighting all manner of small fish were going to do terrible things in the background. He did not particularly like that option when applied to his own, especially seeing how they wouldn't be able to take advantage of the chaos to achieve any real ends. On the other hand they would be dependent on an ally who was not currently alive and likely had an agenda of her own.

However she was a better alternative than what might occur and it was hardly an either/or situation. If push came to shove we can deal with her after the whole thing comes together. And frankly with the help of Chronos and Allison's farseeing he was hopeful that they'd be able to plan for any treachery that might occur.

"I concur that we need to revive her. She will provide necessary intel and support, and I for one would like to avoid the kind of mess that comes with the power struggle that the second option would bring. Too many possibilites for lesser powers to run amuck and commit attrocities. While the cats away and all that. "

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