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[Character] Alexandra Rachelle Rothstein; "Wargear"


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To: Editor's Desk, N! Special Features: Frontline

From: Halloway, Denver; Correspondent

Re: My penance


[Voice Log] : Same to you, dried up old hag. A guy deviates from script one little bit in a damned interview and next thing I know you drop me in backlog hell. Next time save yourself the trouble and just send cyanide.

Right, right, enough bitching. On to the so-called story. You wanted a follow up piece on the profile we did covering highest paid elites, which ones were still alive, all the usual shit. In lieu of the three-hundredth piece on how Pursuer's dog kennel looks this year, I have elected to grace your unworthy back-page feature with an elite I'll bet you've never heard of: Alexandra Rothstein. Wargear.

“Wargear who?” you ask? See the attached notes. And send me a fresh credit card. I need more smokes, and definitely more booze.

Attached File: Press Release, N! Economic Hour, 1/3/2016

And in other news today, Hellgarde Arms stocks broke $300 a share on the news of the forthcoming production run of the Tempest IV, the latest rocket-assisted artillery unit to come out of this partnership between DeVreis and the Elite Wargear, recently in the news for her controversial legal disputes with Utopia's Science and Technological Enforcement Division.

To: Editor's Desk, N! Special Features: Frontline

From: Halloway, Denver; Correspondent

Re: same to you, [filtered]


[Voice Log] : Don't get your panties twisted; you'll get your story. At least, you will if you get me that bribe money I asked for. This bitch practically took a blowtorch to her records, and what I've got cost me an arm, a leg and bragging rights for a drinking contest with a bar of Directive hotshots.

Old man Rothstein was a hotshot in the British foreign service, lots of contacts in the Middle East, probably dirty but nobody could ever prove anything. Slick bastard married the daughter of a notorious Iranian arms dealer and MI6, Utopia couldn't put a finger on him. Or so the thoroughly plastered bastard who used to work for them told me between rounds of Old Bailey. So one day in 2003, he's got his wife and daughter in the car, driving from some function to another, and the thing gets slammed by two semis going through an intersection in opposite directions through a bright red light. Great little coincidence, eh? Figure he pissed off the wrong person once two often, scratch him and the whole family.

Only that's not quite how it happens, 'cause his daughter popped off and erupted on the spot, wrapped the trucks around her like a bubble. When they cut it open, they find her sitting there without a scratch on her in the middle of a sphere of twisted metal and what's left of her parents, and you know what she says? “I'd like to go home now, officers.” Just cool as you please. Cop who told me that one one the wrong end of a beer binge said it like her voice hasn't left him in a damn decade. And now I bet you're wondering why that never made the news, right? Nova eruption, huge car wreck, family tradgedy, great copy all 'round. It never made the news 'cause the date was September 25, and nobody gave a damn about one eruption in London when half of Sao Paolo goes up like a puff of smoke.

Next thing anyone hears of her is Kashmir, 2006, where she's right in the thick of the Pakistani military planning, pulling battlefield stunts like she's the reincarnation of Sun Tzu; tore up the Indian units and novas that came up against her so bad they started calling her “Kali.” After that, her record's a line-up of the worst wars of the last eleven years: the Congo half a dozen times, Columbia, the Brazilian civil war, the Philippine uprising in '13; anywhere there's blood and money, you can find her name somewhere. She's nothing fancy on power-scale, least that anyone can prove; forcefields, telekinesis, flight, an EMP here and there, but she wears this damn armor that looks like it should come off a sci-fi novel and she's knocked people with twice her kill totals on their ass by thinking circles around 'em. Then there's her consulting work... not that I could find out much about that, even with enough bribe money to wallpaper the Great Wall, but there's an awful lot of military contacts I've got in an awful lot of countries who get real stiff when I mention her.

Then there's her little company. Bet that got your attention, didn't it? Started it up in 2008 in partnership with DeVreis and was selling the nastiest weaponry Utopia couldn't embargo to the highest bidders worldwide in under a year. The money the US government contracted to spend with Hellgarde Arms last year would buy a nice third world country, and that's a fact.

Here's one more tidbit to make your multi-media junkie boytoy happier; the punk band Starslam wrote a song about her in '09, called it “Wargear” after her. Figure you can slap that on your pathetic excuse for a write-up, assuming you ever use any of this.

Now can I please get the hell off this shit research detail and back to some real work?

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Note: Wargear possesses three dots in the Cipher background, so data labeled with an * is generally unavailable.

Name: Alexandra Rachelle Rothstein

Elite Name: Wargear

Employed By: DeVries, DVNTS

Owns: Hellgarde Arms, jointly with DeVries

Age*: 31

Born*: May 1st, 1986

Parents*: David and Asha Rothstein

Erupted: September 25, 2003

Physical Appearance

Ethnicity: Pakistani/English

Hair: Ebony black, straight and quite long.

Eyes: Gray

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132 pounds

Publicly Demonstrated Powers: Superhuman Intellect and Reaction Times, Superhuman Resistance to Injury, Telekinesis, Flight, Forcefields, EMP.

Graduate of: Trinity College, Oxford, with Ph.Ds in Chemistry, Engineering, Materials, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Modern History, Ancient History, English, Classics, Linguistics, Law and Politics.


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From the New Freedom Press Opnet catalog, 1/24/17

Available in both print and digital editions, the works of Dr. Rothstein are an essential part of any modern library of military and political thought, not to mention the standard texts in military education programs and international relations institutions across the globe.

The Council of War - This beautifully bound twelve volume set collects the annual review of military tactics and activity across that globe, released by Dr. Rothstein and the DeVreis Strategic Institute from 2004 to 2016. The elegant wooden rack included with the set provides space for many volumes yet to come!

Servant of the Guns - A thorough history of artillery, from Roman catapults to the modern battlefield; Dr. Rothstein's first published work, and an enduring classic of historical reconstruction and evolved tactical analysis.

Without Form - Winner of the 2009 Distinguished Book Award from the Society of Military History, this insightful dissertation on Sun Tzu's The Art of War and its application on the modern battlefield was an instant critical success upon its release and is now a major part of the introductory tactical curriculum at West Point.

With Your Shield or On It - This controversial 2010 bestseller presents, with brutal clarity, the iron-bound discipline of classical Spartan society and presents it alongside Dr. Rothstein's own arguments for the revival of a professional warrior caste in the modern era.

With One Stroke - A thoughtful monograph on the methods by which a successful commander imposes his own psychological dominance on the enemy, now an integral part of the officer training programs in more than two dozen nations.

The Eyes of Athena - Dr. Rothstein's trendsetting book on informational warfare and the role of electronic deception in the modern military arena remains a cutting edge source for psychological warfare theory even six years after its publication.

How Swift Thy Sword - The bombshell that rendered every combined arms doctrine on the planet obselete, our new edition of Dr. Rothstein's book on the use of technological advantage on the modern battlefield is revised and updated with new material to reflect ongoing changes in the tools of war, many of them products of Dr. Rothstein's own innovations. May be bundled for further savings with Jane's Modern Weapons, 2016 .

Before the Walls of Troy - Collected with fresh commentary from some of the world's leading military thinkers, this seminal deconstruction of the role of the world's great powers and the means by which they might be successfully attacked or even overcome militarily remains as bone-chillingly prescient today as it was on its first publication in 2008.

The Aegis - Updated and revised, including new commentaries by some of the world's leading defense experts, this elegant volume lays out the principles of national defense in the Nova Age with force and clarity. Buy it alone, or combine it with her explosive blueprint for destroying a first world power: Before the Walls of Troy and The Aegis can be bought together for only $80 plus shipping.

Am I My Brother's Keeper? - Winner of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize, this four volume opus on the history of conflict and the roots of war remains the definitive text on the history and causes of our ancient impulse toward violence.

Ragnarök - This 2015 book collects nearly a decade of first hand experience and military analysis to provide the definitive text on Nova-centric warfare and the rise of Elite-based conflict around the world. Dr. Rothstein's timely and penetrating examination of the driving forces behind this global movement is as insightful as any of her work, and perhaps the most personal as well.

A Modern Major General - This biting critique of modern military leadership training, released in 2006 in the wake of the US occupation of Iraq and the collapse of order in Kashmir, sparked the first true reform movement in military academia of the 21st century.

The Hydra - Guerrilla war was the defining curse of later 20th century, and in her 2013 treatise on the history and tactics of guerrilla movements world-wide Dr. Rothstein proposed a revolutionary set of new doctrines based on Nova Age technological advances that have since proved more than a match for traditional guerrilla tactics throughout South America and Africa.


Vector Shock - What are the boundaries of war? In a world of Opnet linked markets and worldwide information flow, can war be waged without firing a shot? In the book Utopia branded "recklessly frank" and the United States tried to ban outright as a national security risk, Dr. Rothstein examines the possible methodologies for destroying an enemy in the economic and political arenas without the need for a single soldier's involvement.


NEW!! Beggars at the Feast - Assesing over a decade of Utopia technological regulation and the growth of black-market tech, Dr. Rothstein presents a compelling argument for technological deregulation in a world where the limits of innovation are literally the stars themselves. Pre-order your copy today!

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