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[Fiction] Living in Neverland


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"If you can get where I'm going out of coordinates, yeah my house would be nice. I doubt I could catch an airplane at this hour" Polymath jests, he is utterly relaxed, because there is nothing like spending the afternoon just relaxing and talking to new people.

After a sec of thinking, Polymath racks up his brain and jots down the coordinates to his city, along with some landmarks and the area where it would be on a map. Not very specific information, but for someone who has never dealt with teletransportation powers, that's a lot.

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After several minutes of explaination, Satyr was finally clear on their desination that he was not transporting them blindly.

With one last blown kiss to Chloe, He and Polymath disappeared in a slight decompression of air and a flash of green light.

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Finally, Satyr and Polymath appeared in a well illuminated street, in front of a large metal brown door, set on a 10 ft high wall.

"Home sweet, home" Polymath sighed.

The air was cool, an air current going through the street. Before the house were 3 recent model cars, all of them looked very clean. The street was dotted with cars, people, and luscious trees all over, giving a large amount of shadow. The street ended on Polymath's house, the other houses not being any smaller than Polymath's house, some even bigger.

Polymath took a small electronic controller, and touched a button. The main door opened up into a dark garage like interior, the smell of recently cooked food, fresh grass and roses and of cars came from inside, from inside also came the sounds of a TV and teen age music, the house seemed like a world of its own inside.

Polymath looked around before entering, spotting a white Jaguar on the street. "Great...my sister is here." He hung his head for a moment before screaming in Spanish inside the house "¡Ya volvi!"

Polymath turned around to look at Satyr "I guess its just a thing of your payment? Or do you want to delay that until you finish my tour?" Polymath's smile shone like a sun in the dark, he knew how to be convincing all right.

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Satyr shook his head. "I dinnae need a bribe ta meet new people." He smiled warmly at Polymath.

"If ye give me an impression of who'd ye'd like ta meet an jus' call me. Jus' give me a day's notice." He stepped back from Poly. "Now if ye can excuse me, I must check in wit' me most important contr'ct."

With that Satyr vanished in a flash of green light; Polymath noted the change in air-pressure.

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Polymath didn't even got to say good bye to Satyr, he just saw a flash of green and then he was no longer there.

Polymath sigthed, it had been a nice evening but he was back home, and his family was home, all of it.

"Joooonathan! Where have you been?" the voice of Mariana filled his ears, his sister and himself had never gotten along quiet right...and of the both of them, she was younger, less experienced and a stronger Nova.

"I have been out Mariana. May I ask why I'm honored with your visit?" Jonathan was visibly no happy, as if on cue, his kids and his wife had bolted out of the room, upstairs.

"Oh, you know. The usual, how have the kids been? how has the business been? Will you ever stop being a coward? abd will you lend me 100,000 dollars?" Mariana talked like everything she said was gospel to whoever could hear it, and it would be to anyone but Polymath.

"What the HELL would you meed 100,000 dollars?! DeVries pays you a seven figure salary, can't you just go cash it on?" Polymath was slightly flushed, a vein popping on his forehead.

"I'm currently cut off payment, some stupidity about excessive agressiveness on training and official presentations. If the fuckers didn't want me to blow them up, they shouldn't have attacked me" Mariana was literally puffing up, growing sligthly bigger with each step.

"Calm down woman! Look, I can't lend you 100,000 Dollars, I don't have the money right now, wait until the month is over, I might be able to pull it through, but for now leave, I don't even want to know why you want them, just leave and don't return" Polymath was angry, visibly, quantum hissed around him and the lens in his glasses cracked and spiderwebbed into pieces.

"You don't have to get angry big brother, just take it easy, we don't want you getting a stroke, right?" Mariana smirked at him, she had done what she wanted and it was time to leave.

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