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[Character] Clark


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Top Secret: For Your Eyes Only.

Internal Memo

Donny, we have a new nova for you to research. All we know is that he appears to be closely associated with the Casablancas, and that Orzaiz has taken an interest in him. He’s some sort of scientist or something. -Richard

<<Intercepted Op-Mail>>

To: ///!//<Error!!!>///%//

From: ///!//<Error!!!>///%//

Date: October 16, 2015

Subject: Update

Count Orzaiz:

I thank you for your continued interest in my progress. As always, I am flattered by your attention; I know you have much to do and I appreciate the time you spend monitoring me. If you see my father, would you please give him my regards? Mother sends hers to you.

I have recently acquired another power: the ability to manipulate computers at will. I believe that this development ensued because my recent increase in use of the computer as a research tool. It was a most fascinating process; I noticed that my typing speed was becoming faster and faster steadily. Late one night, I was typing and attempted to backspace. My finger was tired and missed the key, but the cursor moved backwards. Further experimentation led me to the conclusion that I could influence data on the computer without inputting through the keyboard.

My abilities in gravitonic and magnetic manipulation have continued to grow. I have finally mastered the ability to create of “storm” of metallic pieces to fly through the air. Additionally, I now enjoy full mastery over gravity; I have come to enjoy zero-g acrobatics greatly.

These masteries have been of great help in my personal experiments. However, my attempts to create true anti-gravity propulsion continue to fail. As I’m sure you know, the so-called current anti-gravity are actually propulsion units that push the object away from the ground; I’m attempting to create a field that actually negates gravity in a given area.

However, my attempts to magnetize non-metallic objects have met with some preliminary success. I believe that with some more research, I will be able to magnetize a certain type of plastic. For more details on that research, see the attached information.

As a final note on my progress, I have determined that I need to enter the world. I have watched it and read it from afar. Now, I find that I have some curiosities that cannot be answered by researching from my laboratory. I can only answer them by entering the world and finding these answers for myself. I know that you will approve of this choice, for I know I am ready.

I will send another update on my progress later.



----Attached note:----

Richard, this is no dude! We’ve been watching this lab for a while – this “guy” is a fifteen-year-old girl. And she’s got a wee bit of the Irish in her, if ya know what I mean. And she’s already produced some incredible tech. She’s a cyberkinetic now? Damn, that kid is a busy little bee.

Thanks for the update. Central would love to have more information on this girl. Keep us updated! -Donny


October 28, 2015

Internal Memo

Donny, here's what we've got on Clark from our surveillance of the dinner she had with Sam Grey. However is teaching her stuff should be shot; this little slip of a girl knows a list of things that no one should have to know exists, much less be taught how to do! She also has two brothers, Leslie (who names their son Leslie anymore... the same people that name their daughter Clark I suppose) and Adam. Leslie's two years younger and more physical; I'm starting to wonder if she's talking about that red-head with the immpressive bolts. Didn't that report say he was a pretty young kid?

No word from her on the really interesting members of her family: the parents. All we know if that they seem to be apart, with one each having the erupted kids on hand with the unerupted one hidden away somewhere. Hell of a way to run a family, right?

Attached is a list of the accomplishments she claims to have. R&D will need to take a close look at them.

By the way, the reason she met with Sam Grey was to discuss sex. The man is at least old enough to be her father! I wish I could knock some sense into him; you do not talk to fifteen-year-olds about sex! Man, makes me mad.

Anyway, we're still running through the feed. I'll let you know if we spot anything else. -Richard

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Dinner for Two - October 17, 2015 ~Clark connects with another nova.

Selling Yourself to Science - October 18, 2015 ~Clark experiements.

Humble Seeking - October 21, 2015 ~Clark discusses philosophy.

A Day - November 1, 2015 ~Clark has a guest to her lab.

Lost Children - November 13, 2015 ~Clark and Adam run.

Living Well - December 4, 2015 ~Clark, Vali and Adam leave Chicago. [Mature themes]

Foundations of Family - January 29, 2016 ~Vali and Clark build a family.

Golden Fleece - February 5, 2015 ~Clark considers her future.

Clark and Vali: Charisma - February 25, 2016 ~Clark and Vali put a baseline in her place.

The Flight Home - March 17, 2016 ~Clark and Vali return to Chicago.

THE Talk - March 26, 2016 ~Clark and Vali talk.

In From the Cold - March 26, 2016 Clark, Vali and Sandcaster talk.

Finding An Angle - June 4, 2016 ~Clark discusses things with Cade.

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