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[Fiction] The Burning times


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Robert edged towards the store's back door praying that the thing at the computer counter wouldn't turn around. He had been working the Friday late opening trying to make some extra cash to pay off his college fees when he spotted a greenish glow eminating from behind a shelf of Playstation 5's. The first thing he had thought of was that a couple of kids he had thrown out earlier for abusing the display model had decided to get a little payback. Robert had rounded the corner of the shelves in time to see a half dozen PS5's, a freestanding magazine display and a huge hunk of the floor - all glowing with a putrid green light - meld together to form the shape of a man. Robert had stood there dumbfounded as the figure gained definition and the light faded into a dull glow eminating from the bronzed skin of the hulking man who slowly turned to face him.

Robert's mouth and neck burned with pain where the Aberrant had touched him. A few feet away he could see the charred piece of meat that had been his tongue, - "Can't have you screaming until I check my mail" the creature had said before tearing it out, it had sizzled in his palm like a meat in a frying pan. - he gagged at the thought and glanced fearfully at the creature who called himself Hazzard. The aberrrant seemed engrosed by the contents of the screen however, all the while muttering to himself and chuckling madly. He didn't betray a hint of having heard the strangled sound of Robert choking back his own bile.

The sales clerk was within a foot of the door when the aberrant rose from the partially melted PC, and turned with one swift motion to face him. Robert's stomach flipped, he had heard of Hazzard's preditations on the newsfeeds and didn't want to become another statistic. The sales clerk dived for the back door but as his fingers reached for the handle he felt a searing pain shoot though his hands. Robert looked down to see the flesh on his fingertips ignite and burn like the fuses on a cartoon bomb, leaving blackened bone exposed in its wake.

Hazzard sneered as the baseline fell to his knees and made high pitched keening sounds with his ruined mouth. A muscle twitched on the Aberrant's face and the clerk's head shot up, staring at him in terror before his entire body erupted in flame. Hazzard stared off into space for a second distracted by some eddly in the nuclear forces of the surrounding area. The stench of burning flesh shook him from his reverie. "Almost for you to die Ryan." He said his eyes glowing bright green with nuclear energies. "You have until your last apostle falls." The glow from his eyes erupted into a burning light that spread to Hazzards entire body, a second later the remains of 6 games consoles and some other unidentifiable wreckage collapsed to the floor next to the charred skeleton of Robert Granger.

Moments later in some distant part of the world a church meeting was interuped by a blast of seething energy that splintered the building's ancient oak doors. As burning shards of wood shreaded the clothing and skin of the congregation a single mocking voice rang out. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight's sermon will be entitled 'How to die horribly becuase you are baseline rectal warts not fit to live', refreshments will be served in the Sacristy after the service for those of you who survive." The young man standing on the alter stared at the figure standing in the doorway, caught a glimpse of familiar shapes outlined in the darkness behind him and prayed for strength.

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The sun was just setting as I drove home. I was bleeding from several wounds, but I would live. Truly God was with me this day. After months of trying, of futile guessing and harassing his accursed bedmates on their heretical website I had finally tracked down Hazzard.

The fact that Hazzard was not there when I arrived was of no matter, I had found his depraved disciple Vitriol instead.

Surely this was proof that the demonic pestilence known as Nova's, could be purged by those with Gods favour. The fight had been short. Oh so thankfully short.

Thank God these creatures with the powers of hell at their disposal had the egos to match. Did they think they were in a film, or a comic book? Everyone knows or should know that you do not say out catchy slogans or punch lines when your life is in danger. And so the dark angel Vitriol had fallen. I was unfortunate to have arrived too late to save those whom he had targeted. I pray that they had died quickly and made sure that their souls would rest in Heaven.

Fires caught my eye as I pulled up to the church. It looked as if it had been bombed, but I recognised the touch of that Demon straight away.

“Hazzard” I screamed.

Not thinking clearly I rushed inside. Had he any brains left he would have been waiting for me too. Thankfully they all seem to have the mental age of 14 year olds. Hazzard lacked even that, seeming to average around 4.

Desecrated and violated corpse lay strewn around the wreckage of the church. My Church.

The congregation, my fellow priests. All lay dead.

An eye for an eye, I remembered.

I may have found Hazzard, but it would appear he has also found me.

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A squirrel dropped out of a tree, cold and dead. Pearched high in the branches Hazzard stared at the pathetic creature. "Hazzard" it screamed as it stepped from the 10 year old caddy. Hazzard grinned as Father Ryan picked his way past the twisted and burnt corpses of his followers obviously raging with inner anger. The aberrants only regret was he wouldn't see the priests face when he came accross the little "crucifixtion scene" he had laid out on the main alter. The thought more than made up for losing the scabberous Vitriol. "Step one Ryan," Hazzard whispered "only three more to go before you die."

An eyeblink later and Hazzard was gone, his exit punctuated by the dull thumping of dead birds falling from the trees.

In downtown Chicago in an alley not too far from the Utopian Rashoud clinic Boneman worked his magic on a drunk. Boneman's leather-clad hand prevented any scream as the Aberrants powers caused the poor man's bone structure to warp and grow barbs that tore through skin and organs alike. A few seconds later the man was dead as bone and blood spattered the alley walls.

"Hold it right there scum."

Boneman looked up, his chalk-white, blank eyes staring down the barrel of a police issue 45. The beat cop was sweating, holding his pistol on an obvious Nova with unknown powers. "Against the wall creep, hands behind your head." The officers voice had a slight tremor. Boneman just smiled and did as he was told, 'this should be fun' he though to himself as he faced the wall.

A series of meaty *thwack* noises interrupted Boneman's musings. From behind the aberrant a familiar voice rang out. "Bonebag, I have a job for you, quit fucking around." Boneman turned to see his mentor Hazzard, standing over the body of the police officer, absentmindedly striking the corpse again and again with a bloody 2X4. "What do you want me to to." He asked, a delicious shiver running up his twin spines.

Hazzard discarded the wooden beam and locked gazes with his apprentice. "A simple little job really. I want you to threaten a man and his family, then I want you to kill them." Boneman grinned, revealing row upon row of shark-like teeth.

Hazzard's face distorted into a mask of rage; "The timing had better be right on this one you glob of cockroach cum or I'll spend the next three years killing you cell by cell." Boneman cowered as everything flamable in the alley caught fire, including his coat slieve. Hazzard advanced on the rapidly retreating Boneman, grabbed him...and put a friendly arm around his shoulder.

The glow faded from Hazzard's skin and he smiled. "This one is gonna be great..."

A day later Darrel Heuston received a threatening phone call on his isolated ranch, from an aberrant calling himself Boneman. The aberrant claimed that he knew that Heuston trained Nova-killers on the ranch and he was going to murder Darrel and his family in revenge. Heuston called the one person he trusted with his families lives...

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The police and the ambulance had left. All that was left was the priest and the remains of the church, smoke drifting out from the charred broken doors.

Fr. Ryan prayed inside the ruins for some time before rising and going to the alter.

Putting his back against it he heaved at one end, surprisingly it turned.

Fr. Ryan walked down the steps to the tiny room below which was packed with un-priest like equipment. One wall hung a number of heavy weaponry. A small rocket launcher lay in the corner along with what looked like a flintlock pistol and a lochaber axe. On the tiny table lay a small amount of electrical equipment. Holding the table up where it was missing a leg was a large canister of clear liquid.

Fr. Ryan picked up a number of items and prepared to bring the wrath of God down upon the sons and daughters of Lucifer.

First to kill the snitch.

Hazzard had to have been getting his information from somewhere. He had known exactly where to strike, just not when.

Fr. Ryan spent an active night breaking into an office building and tinkered around in the basement for 4 hours before being satisfied with his work.

Regan would be difficult to find, never mind kill, Novas with Possession powers were always tough to handle. They could be anyone. The important thing was that the innocent he was in was not to be hurt. Of course other problems included his fire abilities, but with any luck he might be able to kill two birds with one stone. Still good information on a target was the key. With God on his side the priest felt confident he could deal with Regan. Relatively confident anyway. He set down the empty canister and waited.

Fr. Ryan walked slowly through the building, looking left and right. While he didn't know Regan, Regan certainly knew him. Hopefully the sight of him walking through the building would set him off. He walked into the records office. There were four men and two women sitting down working on the computers.

A balding fat man in his 40's, obviously a supervisor walked up to the priest.

“Excuse me Father, can I help you?”

“We shall see…” Ryan replied.

Fr. Ryan scanned the room, and pulled out a small handgun, while the supervisor screamed a ducked for cover.

Everyone looked up, and then ducked for cover as Fr. Ryan lifted the gun and shouted,

“I know you are here Regan. God has sent his revenge. An eye for an eye.”

With that he smashed the glass on the small panel beside the door and pressed the button held within. Instantly the fire alarm went off and a second later so did the sprinklers, washing all the inhabitants of the room in water.

The reaction from 5 of the people in the room was as predicted. The 6th a young women with red hair however screamed, and with a sound like a underwater explosion a man appeared right in front of her with a startled expression as she collapsed unconscious to the ground.

Regan was obviously stunned. He recovered quickly however

“How did you…never mind. You can't hurt me with that little pop gun anyway.”

The sound of a gunshot could be heard over the fire alarm, and Regan was on the ground holding what was left of his kneecap.

Father Ryan walked over to the figure on the ground and pointed the gun down to the forehead of the downed Nova.

Regan looked up at the touch of the gun.

“Where….my powers? What the fuck is going on?”



“ I spent last night putting Eclipsidol in the sprinkler system for this floor.

You caused the death of many innocents. You are a creature of Satan, who consorts with the worst of your kind. You will pay for sins. Now.”

“No please, I have a wife, and 2 children. Baseline children. You're a catholic, show some pity.”

A gunshot rang out again above the incessant whine of the fire alarm. Father Ryan left the building only minutes later, disappearing off into the oblivious crowd.

Back in the records office Regan lay lifeless on the ground, the hole in his head pumping blood, which pooled around him mixing with the water on the floor.

The young girl lay unconscious on the ground behind him. It would be several days before she regained consciousness and would be able to relate what she knew from sharing Regan's mind. By then of course it was too late.

Two hours later Father Ryan, with now dried clothes paused as he set the table for a well-earned breakfast. That had been satisfying and thankfully uncomplicated. An eye for an eye. Regan's children would thank him if they ever knew what a monster their father was. There was no place in this world for mercy for Novas. The die was already cast on that topic.

Two minutes later and his phone rang. After a hurried conversation he left his breakfast uneaten and ran to his car. One of his contacts was being threatened, he hoped he would make it on time. Darrel was more than just a contact, he had a family that were uninvolved in any of this. Hazzard had to be behind this. The Boneman was his toy. It was beginning to like disturbing like Hazzard had as much information on him as he did on Hazzard.

As he drove the words “An eye for an eye” kept ringing through his mind

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Judgement floated in midair watching the city flow below him.

A crime would happen soon.

Judgement closed his eyes.

And he was there, minutes before it happened. One swift burst of quantum and the prospective murderer was dust.

That was one murder that would never happen.

Once more he focused on the future and once more a vison came to him. A killer, a Nova killer. Killing a priest.

He would soon deal with that. Pax himself feared Judgement and for good reason.

Judgement watched the scene unfold.

Closed his eyes, and he was there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1:30AM. Hazzard danced up and down like a demented energizer bunny on crack. The wooden floor of the bar creaked and shuddered under the capering Aberrant. Scattered around the bar, like discarded dolls, lay the corpses of a dozen or so patrons who had made the mistake of coming to Al's Bar for a few drinks after work.

The jukebox in the corner blared out some old C&W hit as Hazzard flung himself about the room lashing out at the bodies, sending them hurtling through the air. The song changed and the strains of Dolly Parton came through the tinny speakers. A moment later a bolt of seething energy blasted the machine into a million pieces.

Hazzard lept the bar counter grabbing the only surviving person in the place, the bartender. "What the fuck are you doing playing Dolly Parton in this bar?" Hazzard seized the defiant-looking man and raised him over his head. "You fuck, you demented fuck!" the aberrant screamed "She's pure fucking evil incarnate. Don't you realisse what you are doing to the children?" Hazzard's eyes lit up like torches and then dimmed as he let the Bartender fall to the floor.

Turning away, Hazzard spoke again in a cold tone that sent shivers down the Bartenders back; "I don't have a lot of time here Rielly. I'm kinda working to a schedule. You see I want to catch Alejandra's concert date in Miami next week and I plan to kill your buddy Ryan in the meantime. You have to die Reilly because a little bird told me that Ryan really likes you. Seems you went to school together, seems you were best friends, seems like you should know me too eh Paul?"

Reilly stared dumbly at the creature before him. What was he talking about? Reilly started to speak; "Who are y...". Hazzard held a finger to Reilly's lips and smiled as the flesh seared and the bartender screamed. "I haven't finished speaking yet Reilly, you should know better to interrupt a man when he's speaking. Ah to fuck with it, I'm a little tight on time here so why don't we just get in the tub eh?"

Reilly looked over to the metal bathtub Hazzard had dragged into the bar when he arrived. A blow to the head from the aberrant sent him reeling and he collapsed to the ground. Hazzard steped up to the bar and tore out the pump that supplied chilled water, a fountain of water poured into the bathtub and Hazzard smiled.

Hazzard smiled more as Paul Reilly was boiled alive.

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The car pulled up onto the dirt track by the house and stopped. Father Ryan jumped out of the car and turned to greet the man waiting for him.

"I got your message Darrel. What is going on?"

Darrel Heuston looked ill at ease.

"I don't know Father. We got a strange phone call two days ago saying that someone called the 'Boneman' would make us pay for the crimes you have committed. Kate has been going crazy. What if this lunatic attacks the Ranch?"

Father Ryan glanced around, and then glanced back at Heuston.

"Where is Kate anyway?"

"She went into town. We've been sitting here for two days worried that we were going to get murdered in our beds at any second, afraid to go out. But we are running out of food. She should be back shortly."

Darrel led Father Ryan into the house and put on the kettle. Then they sat silently, as they waited for Mrs. Heuston to arrive back.

Darrel Heuston looked up from his coffee.

"Who is the Boneman? Why have we never heard of him and what the hell is going on?"

Before Father Ryan could respond the sound of an approaching car could be heard, along with that of a honking horn.

Father Ryan and Heuston rushed out to see a small red car drive at high speed up the track and then a brake sharply by Father Ryan's car. A small blonde woman jumped out of the car and ran crying into the waiting arms of Darrel.

"Oh God, he was in town. It was horrible." she screamed.

"He killed everyone in the shop, I didn't even know he was there, and then he laughed and I turned around and saw them all dead. I somehow got past him and got into the car and came here as fast as I could. He's a monster."

Father Ryan suddenly went pale.

"Did he touch you?"

"I'm unhurt, he just let me go."

"Yes, BUT did he touch you?"

said Father Ryan again pulling a gun from somewhere.

"It's important. Boneman can transmit, but he has to have a lock"

"I don't understand? He didn't hurt me, I think he to.."

and then she screamed, as her skull elongated and her spine rippled. An explosion of blood and flesh erupted from where she stood, and as Darrel and Father Ryan fell backwards, there stood, where Kate Heuston had been only seconds ago, a Nova, covered entirely of bone, with spikes protruding from various areas around his body, globlets of blood and flesh dripping over him and staining the white a red colour.

"The ONLY way to travel!"

Darrel screamed and Father Ryan reached his hand into his robe pulling out a vial of clear liquid. But Boneman was so much faster. A hand swept out and an arm hit Father Ryan squarely in the chest, a telltale crack signalling the cracking of various ribs as he was lifted up into the air and sent in through the front window screen of his car. The gun dropped from his hand as he flew through the air and the vial smashed on the seat beside him.

Boneman reached out and touched Darrel lightly on the face, tracing the blood of his dead wife as it trickled down his jaw.

Darrel's jaw bulged outwards growing and extending as it followed the movement of Boneman's hand. Darrel tried to scream but a dull wet rasp was the most that he could manage.

Behind them Father Ryan stumbled out of the car, and staggered towards Boneman.

Boneman turned and pulling Darrel's now spiked jaw almost magnetically from his face, plunged it downwards and into the leg of the oncoming priest. Father Ryan screamed in pain, while Darrel died noiselessly beside him.

Boneman reached down and picked up the struggling Father Ryan. Smiling happily to himself he threw him 20 feet off into the side of the house. Father Ryan came down with a crunch.

"Ya' know Father. I always hated priests. Telling me what I can and can't do. Well guess what Father, Now I AM A GOD, and you have sinned against me".

Boneman walked up to the stunned Father and picked him up by the leg, twisting the jaw-spike of Darrel around as he did so. Then he causally snapped the bone in two. Father Ryan screamed in agony while Boneman chuckled to himself.

"Oh what a great day".

The air hummed and Judgement was there. Floating a few feet off the ground he stared around him. His enhanced senses taking in everything at once. This creature had attacked these innocent baselines. Killing some of them. But now justice had arrived.

Judgement spoke to the creature.

"Put the baseline down lawbreaker. Your time has come". Boneman turned around from where he was playing with the spike in Ryan leg and looked on in amazement at the floating man is red and black spandex.

"Who the hell are you?" he said, tossing the body of Ryan lazily at the floating figure.

The prone priest sailed through the air at Judgement bouncing off his force field a few feet him and landing in a crumpled heap on the ground. Judgement laughed.

"Fool, do you think that Judgement is weak? You will pay for these murders. IN BLOOD"

With that he sent a powerful blast of golden light at the unimpressed Boneman.

Boneman dodged the light easily, throwing back a spray of bone that splintered harmlessly off Judgements force field.

Boneman sneered, "Batman! Is that you?"

Judgement sent a huge ball of light straight at Boneman who suddenly disappeared. The ball hit the house, demolishing it and the stables behind it. Judgement ignored the scream of burning horses and focused.

Judgement looked. Judgement saw. Boneman had transmitted. And another crime had taken place.

Judgement focused, and was there.

On the ground in front of the burning house, in a small pool of blood, Father Ryan spat out some of his broken teeth and began to crawl slowly and painfully towards his car.

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