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Finished story series


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Well, I just posted the third and final part of a character piece on the Vignettes forum. Parts of it were inspired by events in the game I'm playing in, but have been re-written for story purposes (specifically, the Fisher incident - everything else is pretty much my imagination). The purpose of the story is to allow me to flesh my character out some more and to show the various aspects of his personality and how he operates. Since not only does the character post to the board, but the other players and the ST also read this board (they don't post, but they read), it does double-duty, fleshing the character out in two places at the same time. laugh

So now that it's done . . . comments, questions, and general observations would be welcome.

And sorry about the typos - I spellchecked 'em and read 'em twice and some always escape me. wink

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Well, not all of us just read Mr. N. In fact there is a new post for people to read regarding myself. A little insight into the first reactions of most people when dealing with me. So, to all you readers out there, give it a shot and shout out your thoughts.....constructive criticism is key to building better stories.

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