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[Adventure!] The Exotic Acquisitions Department

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Despite Tarik's grandiose presentations and being the first to heedlessly board the Spirit of Cardiff, flying he did not like. Though, he'd be damned if he'd advertise that fact.

As the plane left the hanger, Tarik strapped himself in tightly. Before the plane had even left it's watery runway, Tarik was deep in meditation. He was lost to the world around him. Though he assumed if something catastrophic happened he'd hopefully wake.

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Mel had strapped in, yawned and leaned back. He had faith in Anne's piloting skills. Some might argue being in such a small vehicle, relatively fragile and exposed to a storm or other error could mean death. Some needed to remember that the Titanic had been a massive, luxurious cruise liner trumpeted as unsinkable.... he had been a wee child in short pants when the newspapers when that had happened.

Even then, the situation could have been largely salvageable, and so many lived had people not been so foolish and had kept their heads. It was the human element that mattered, and Mel was sure they had that on lock for the trip.

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Anne adjusted the straps on her seat and her vest, sitting back as best she could, to take some pressure off her tailbone. She was half tempted to get out of her seat, but she was the head pilot in charge, and with Danny being 16 and still too young to be flying a plane like her's, it would be derelection of her duties to step back into the cabin for simple hobnobbing with her teammates. It would be too much of a disservice to her compatriots if some outside disaster did happen.

She did look over Danny's gear from her seat though. "I see you found a new and proper flight suit."

"Yeah, it's been hard finding something for my size until I picked up a couple inches in height recently."

Anne smiled with a bit of nostalgia. When she first discovered the boy a couple years ago, shipwrecked off the coast of Scotland, he was without a family or anywhere to call home. Now... when he reaches 18 he might get called to duty. She just hopes what she teaches him will be enough.

"Keep an eye out on your side and what is in front of us then. I got my side and the front."

She smiled turning back to the sky ahead. "You know what keeps this bird in the sky, Danny?"

"Aerodynamics and a good hand on the throttle?"

Anne grinned. "Well that... but also, it's love. You treat your girl right, and she will always bring you home."

"Odd sentiment for a Woman... you swear the relationship between you and your girl was... improper."

Anne blushed beet red. "Just watch it buster or I'm leaving you in a raft." She said, looking flustered.

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As The Spirit of Cardiff continued on its journey, the passengers endured some minor discomfort, but as the verdant fields of France scrolled below them, most of them (excluding poor Tarik) were able to enjoy the special pleasures of air travel, eventually including some truly spectacular views of the Alps. After several hours the famous harbor was finally in view, and Anne began her final approach.

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Anne started the process of setting up a landing. Pulling up the microphone for the radio she sets the frequency.

"This is the Spirit of Cardiff to Monte Carlo harbor, requesting permission to land, over..."

She waited for response, starting her orbit to wait for the Harbor to tell all ships to clear for her landing.

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