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World of Darkness: The Darkness of Space - Day of Dedication Ceremony 3a


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Today the Dedication Ceremony takes place. In the hours before the evening festivities people are rushing to get ready. The large conference room has been set up with a dais and rows of temporary seating. The last of the colorful buntings are going up, banquet tables are being dressed in the mess hall and all the screens are being linked into the broadcast system. Military officers are pressing and primping and ambassadors are spending hours getting into their elaborate ceremonial outfits. No one has seen Dove or Sam for a while as they are presumably finishing their speeches and getting decked out in whatever finery they've selected for the evening.

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Weneg stands and waits for the engineer to return with the approvals for the modifications that he needs for the ventilation system in order to insure that floral display will climax at the exact moment he had planned.

The tapping of his foot indicates that this is not a patient wait but one that he figured would be more productive than continuing the exchange of details that the engineer clearly did not understand as was completely caught up on the deployment of spore catalyst.

Luckily his assistant arrives and points his energy to the several other details that had to be handle...

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