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Mutants & Masterminds: Legacy - Spin-Off Issue: "Beauty and the Beast"


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Two dark robed men were walking down a dark corridor engaged in a heated conversation.

„If we don’t play this right we may end up losing everything, my liege.“

The taller of the two just raised his hand waving the complaint off. „Everything is just as planned, Lord Balchezar. As long as we keep the Princess imprisoned and surrounded by Iron she won’t be able to use her powers to escape. Patience is the key – patience and execution. You have much to learn my apprentice.“

The two men vanished into the darkness only their footsteps echoing through the corridors of the dungeon.


Echoing footsteps was all it (he? she?) could hear but it was a welcomed change to the silence it has called its home over the last few days. The room it called ‚home‘ was an odd emulgation of handmade stone and wildgrown Nature. There were still some tables and other fantastic seeming tools and instruments that were scattered across the floor – nothing which made any sense to the creature inhabiting said space. But yet... there was sound? First there was light and soon followed sense, touch, smell and then emotions. Curiosity took over and the creature started to move towards the sound it heard assuming a more human shape as it started to walk, petals and wildgrowth of grass following its every step.

Morgania was feeling weak and exhausted. The metalchains and cuffs that were holding her in check burned on her delicate skin and she was already bleeding from the chaffing it caused. She had trouble to focus, everything was hazy and strangely detached. It felt as if she was slowly dissipating into nothingness. Forgotten until there was nothing left of her. Her already delicate features seemed even more fragile now and moving her limbs forced her to rest for a while before she could fathom the willpower and strength to start over again. There was a bowl of old dry bread and a small carafe of water, both made of iron as if to mock her. Even if she tried to eat or drink from it, it would hurt no matter how hungry or thirsty she was.

Through the haze she could see a strange shape just outside her iron prison. It looked at her through greenish glowing eyes with a mixture of curiosity and pity? Would this be her end? She managed to wimper one word, though.


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This is Nixx' and Krul's (Morgania) thread. It will eventually merge with the mainstory or run parallel to it. Post at your leisure
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The almost too beautiful young woman(?), closed her eyes a moment, taking a slow breath, to anchor herself against the pain. She was at the moment, not at all at her best, and she silently cursed herself for being overconfident. Enchanted and blessed iron, three times bound, she was now trapped, chained, naked and helpless, her magic just beyond her reach, she was unable to call upon it, bound as she was. Oh, if only she could get free, and claim her armor, which wast just beyond her cell, it's magical quicksilver nature had it sitting a bowl with the other tools out of her reach.

What she wouldn't do for a moments freedom, for access to the powers that were presently beyond her reach. This was nothing more then agony, the burning against her wrists and ankles felt like a slow fire was wrapped around her limbs. Hoping against hope, she wouldn't give up, but this was slowly killing her, it might take years, or even longer, but this was an agony that she couldn't escape, and for a moment, sense no one was watching, she let herself go for a moment, the last few months had been one ordeal after another, from the moment her father was killed, to this moment. Thinking on, she wept slightly, and soft tears trail down her cheeks.. but then she caught herself.

In the midst of her agony, sorrow and weakness, she felt the presence of someone other then her captors.. and she put as much of a plea as possible into her voice as she called out to him, her, it... she didn't really care.

She barely managed to whisper out the plea.. "Help...." A hint of desperation in her voice as she gave voice to her need. "Please..."

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The thing outside the cell narrowed its luminicent eyes. It hadn't seen much in its short life, but was pretty sure what it saw now was not ok. "Refrain from despair. Take heart. Smile if you dare. The sun will see you soon."

His voice was soft, like the wind rushing through reeds, and musical. He wasn't exactly singing, but there was some kind of a tune behind his words, which continued in a low, cheerful hum after he stopped speaking.

He tried the door first, but only managed to produce a faint rattle. The tone of his humming changed slightly. He stood back and tossed something through the bars. It rolled to a stop in the middle of the cell's floor; a round, dark-green seed no bigger than a kernel of corn.

The shape outside the door vanished, even as the seed began to sprout. It was like watching a tree go from nut to sapling in the course of a few moments. The creature stretched as he finished growing into place and shook off his feet, which had started taking root in the floor. A crude robe, more like a mat woven of living plant fibers, was wrapped around his reedy frame. His skin was the pale, almost translucent green of a seedling kept in the dark. His hair was a chaotic tangle of swamp grass. His features, overall, suggested an artful attempt at mimicking a human, or similar creature, without ever having seen one in person. His face lacked the asymetries and imperfections of a real person, leaving one with the impression of a faultless living sculpture.

"I am overjoyed to meet you. Less that you are so regrettably affixed to this dank place. How might I aspire to assist?"

His reassuring, childlike smile made it reasonably clear that he had no clue of the peril at hand.

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If she had been less weak, and more herself, the look she would have given this newly appearing ally, at least, hopefully an ally, would have been rather incredulous. However, at this time, the only thing she was really listening too, was the words 'how may I assist' and for a moment, a surge of hope went though her as she heard those words.

"The..manacles..." she shook her limbs slightly, so that the chains attached to her wrists and ankles shook a bit. "break... or.. unlock.. them.. " Each word took her a great deal of concentration and focus to speak.

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"Break them? But someone must have worked very hard making them." The green man mused. He was still unsteady from his unusual entrance as he approached the unfortunate captive. Only then did he catch sight of blood. His humming stopped and his smile vanished. The unpleasant and, up to this moment, foreign concepts of injury, pain and captivity floated to the top of his mind. These new ideas were accompanied by the question of how anyone could end up in such a state... but that mystery could wait for later.

He didn't hesitate. He grasped the cloying manacles. A faint green glow spread over the chains which, for a moment, seemed otherwise unaffected. Then a tiny piece of iron flaked off, revealing the nub of a root underneath. Then another flake was pushed aside by a tiny viney tendril. The process accelerated quickly. With a sound like rain, the chains disintegrated into a heap of metal fragments. The young woman(?) was left wrapped in soft mass of vines, which snapped and fell to the ground with the least resistance.

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Drain toughness. I don't have access to references just now, I assume it'll work for this purposes. If not I'll hero-point it.

"You're hurt. This should not be." he murmured unhappily, glancing at her raw wrists. "Would you accept aid from me?" He wasn't exactly sure what he had just done to the iron, but then he wasn't exactly sure how he was talking either, it just came to him naturally. Similarly, the injury sustained by his new friend felt like something he could correct. Overall, he was starting to wonder if he should have stayed back in the Dark Room... things were obviously more dangerous outside than he had guessed.

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For a moment, she thought this might be a cruel trick, at the creatures initial words, but then, as he acted and broke though the enchanted chains, she felt it once more. The flow of mystic energies was restored, and her power, the magical energies she possessed, the one's that made her so dangerous, and so valuable to her enemies.. once more flowed though her.

"I will.. take what.. help you.. can offer.. with.. gratitude..." Even as she responded, her words were no longer filled with desperation, there was instead.. a hint of triumph in them.

As she spoke, she reached out to the bowl where her mystical armor was, using a form of sorcery that came easy to her, and suddenly it stretched out from the bowl, reaching out to her like it was alive. The strange silver began to flow and cover her, like it was alive, shifting and moving until it covered her, but also continued to move like it was alive. Next, she reached out with the same magic, and drew her medallion necklace to her, once more putting it around her neck.

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He watched the woman re-arm herself. Only at this point did it strike him, she was different. Very different. He had only been vaguely aware that other people existed for an hour or so. He hadn't had time to imagine what they might be like.

He took her wrists very gently and the same greenish light wound down into her damaged skin. To her, it would have felt like the affected area had fallen asleep, all pins and needles. When he removed his hands, the bruises and scrapes were entirely healed, all that remained were a few flecks of blood and dead skin.

"It is better to be free and whole, is it not?" his smile returned, "Forgive my indiscretion but how did you come to be trapped here? In my opinion, this place does not suit you."

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She looked down at the closed wounds on her wrists and ankles, and then smiled. "Thank you, healing is much harder for me, without the grail, which I had to leave on earth, in my sanctum.. where it should be safe." Even as he asked his question, she stepped up to the bars of her cell, and a sword made of some sort of purple energy appeared in her right hand.

As she cut though the bars, she responded to his question about being trapped. "A few months ago, my father, the Magus, was killed when our home was invaded, and many dangerous artifacts were stolen, I have been trying to recover them. I also have a duty to do what is right, and I've been helping the Dragon Witches in this dimension in their fight. I was caught unprepared, and my enemies trapped me, taking advantage of the weakness against blessed iron that I inherited from my mother."

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The green man staggered at the woman's words. His mind reeled. Father? He knew the meaning of the term, somehow, but the idea of being 'related' to another person seemed so alien. But that paled by what came next. Death. The concept billowed into his near-empty mind like an icy fog. He couldn't bear the thought of it. He covered his face with his hands and tried to focus on the rest of her explanation. Danger. Duty. Invasion. Enemies. Dimensions. Dragon witches. Fighting. Some of it almost made sense. None of it sounded very pleasant.

"I thought maybe you had gotten stuck... on your way up to see the Sun." He whispered miserably. "I'm so sorry."

He watched her slice her way out of the cell. It took a few seconds for him to realize that bar-cutting was probably not the blade's intended purpose. He gulped.

"So, things die often then, do they?" He tried to make it sound conversational but he was heavily preoccupied with the realization that, possibly by some cosmic accident, he had woken up in a reality where people died. And had enemies.

After a moment's thought he added more quietly, "Who? Who trapped you here?"

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"Well, it depends on the nature of the living being, but just about everything living can die.. not everything does. My blood is that of the Fae, I am not so vulnerable to death as most mortals would be, but I can be killed in battle, and the power of blessed iron is my bane. On the other hand, spirit is greater then flesh, it is much harder to harm." She released the sword that she was carrying and it simply vanished as though it never was, as she returned it once more to mystical energy.

"As to who captured me, the Magelords of course, in their quest for supremacy, they captured me, making use of my vulnerabilities, and were seeking to obtain supremacy in their conflicts. Their methods and goals just got a serious set-back, thanks to you, my friend."

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He let out a low whistle at the woman's explanation of the gravity of her rescue. As the concept of 'friend' rolled across his mind for the first time, he managed a broad smile. The almost-singing lilt re-entered his voice. "If bolting charming fey to the wall; is how the Magelords ply their trade; then let us depart down yonder hall; their dastardly clutches to evade."

He kept his bravest face on as he padded toward the door, mostly for the benefit of his new friend. He was still unclear on exactly what dying might entail but he had an uneasy feeling these so-called Magelords would be happy to help clear the matter up for him.

"Perhaps," he added hopefully, "we can find the Sun together?"

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As they got out of Morgania’s prison they could hear footsteps echoing through the catacomblike corridors. It was difficult to say if they were moving towards them or away...

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There are torches every 20 feet which illuminate the corridor barely but you can’t see anything except dancing shadows
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The green man stopped at the noise and motioned for his companion to do likewise. "Shhh..." He planted his bare feet firmly on the cold stone floor and squinted. "There are two of them, heading off that way..." He pointed in the direction he had come from. "Do you think they might friendly?" He didn't sound hopeful.

"Hey, do you think there's anyone else trapped down here? We could get them out too." He hummed a little fanfare to himself, proud of having such a clever thought. He hoped he was clever in general, but it was really too early to tell.

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In a low whisper, she responds to his question. "Friendly is unlikely, outside of the captives, I believe this is a prison of sorts, for the Magelords. Your idea is a good one, I suspect they would have a few prisoner's here, let's look, first, however, let's deal with discovery, I'm going to make both of us unseen." Drawing the forces of magic around her, she made herself and her new found friend invisible to the eye.

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He watched as she cast the spell, somewhat awe-struck. "That's amazing." He whispered with a grin. "Where to, then? My vat is back that way," he tilted his head in the same direction he had indicated the footsteps were coming from "but I don't seem to recall anything of interest in there. You're the first person I've met."

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"It's simply the proper application of mana, focused with will and concentration, nothing to be too amazed about. You were in a vat?" She considered that a moment. "So, this is a research facility as well as a prison, I wonder what plans that they had for me, besides the constant pain of the iron manacles." With that, she began to look down the hall for any other rooms, interfering with Magelord plans would be very much worthwhile, in her opinion.

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"Ok then, not too amazed. Just amazed enough. It wouldn't be magic if it weren't a little amazing."

As he began a cautious advance down the hall he began rubbing his hands together, as if molding something out of clay.

"I liked my vat well enough, but it got very dull after I had been conscious for a few minutes. It never occurred to me this would be such an unpleasant place..."

He handed over a weirdly shaped thumb-sized seed pod, deep green in color.

"Here, this will help me find you if we get separated." He bit his lip thoughtfully and added with some hesitation, "If I had to guess, I'd say it'd be delicious in a pinch as well."

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The odd couple made their way further down the corridor, away from the echoing steps Nixx had located. After a few yards the corridor made a hard turn to the right slimming down to just 1 yard in width making it impossible to walk side by side. Feeling a bit responsible for this beautiful faerie maiden Nixx took the lead with mixed feelings of curiosity and anxiety. This was all very new to him but he felt confident enough to deal with any immediate situation... unless it was something completely unexpected.

The slim passage slowly sloped upwards and at the end, about 300 yards away there was... daylight! Almost feeling the sun Nixx increased his pace eager to reach the place he so much longed for, even dreamt of. Reaching the pinnacle of the slope it ended into a balcony... and what they saw was... terrifying. Everything was burnt as far as their eyes could see. In rows of 20s and 100s creatures of all dark color and shape aligned like a military force leaving small alleys between the units for inspection. A smell of burnt wood and fire filled their noses, almost nauseating them. What they saw must’ve been tenthousand, if not even hundredthousand of soldiers prepared for war...

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Imagine something like the scene of LotR when Wyrmtongue sees Saruman’s Army for the first time
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For a brief shining moment, Nixx basked. His eyes closed and he faced the sun with joy. Then he let his eyes fall to the scene below, and his understanding of the world changed again. He pulled new words up from the mysterious depths of his vocabulary as he tried to make sense of the grim spectacle.

Horde: A large group.

It had never occurred to him that so many people might exist. The opportunities to meet, to talk, to sing, boggled his mind. But, these weren't just any people. His sun-fueled smile faltered.

Warrior: An individual engaged or experienced in warfare

Even to his innocent eyes, the intent of these ranks was clear enough. They had to be with the Magelords. He grimaced.

War: A conflict carried on by force of arms

Countless people dying at each other's own hands. The concept of death had given him pause. The thought of war nearly brought him to his knees. To find out at once that reality was full of other people and that an uncountable number were intent on killing each other was not just tragic, but also unbearably unfair.

He glanced back over his shoulder. In the face of such cruelty the quiet simplicity of his vat was almost tempting. Then he looked up again.

"The sun is beautiful. I knew it would be."

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She looked up at the sun, and then smiled a moment, and nodded. "Indeed, it is." She looked down at the gathered army, however and she frowned, though being invisible meant no one could see it but her companion. "This, however, is not good at all, I must find out as much as possible." She considered a moment, then she looked around for a private spot to observe.. and perhaps, do more.

She glanced over at her companion, then she reached out to take his hands in her own, and met his eyes with her own. "My friend, you have rescued me, and perhaps saved an entire people, you have my deepest thanks and gratitude. I would welcome your company, but you are under no obligation to accompany me, I have responsibilities I must see to."

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As he continued to stare up at the sun the rest of the world started to melt away. The green man let his smile creep back over his face. He was just barely able to maintain enough self consciousness to feel guilty about it, given the dire situation unfolding around him.

"You know, I think I could just sit in the sun forever and be happy enough. All this business of war and death, it would be easy to avoid, to leave to the people it concerns. Seems like a lot of foolishness, killing people. Really terrible foolishness. So many of them..."

His voice caught in his throat and he managed to tear his eyes away from the light. He stared at the woman, searching her face intensely. "Tell me, is there really anything we can do against all that?" he gestured out at the massing army. "I can't begin to understand why this is happening. I don't want to be part of some endless, pointless cycle of hatred." He cringed, hatred was yet another distasteful new idea he had discovered. "I can sing to myself if it comes to that."

He took a brief, longing glance at the sun. "But if I can help make it better, that seems like the right thing to do. If you can tell me, honestly, this sort of thing can be fixed I will go with you and I will do everything I can to make it happen."

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She smiled, and it was both a gentle and sad smile. "You are too good for this world, my friend, a compassionate and caring soul is to be admired." She leaned forward, and kissed him softly, before she turned her attention fully to his question. Between his words, apparent youth and innocence, and the fact that he had rescued her, gave her a mix of feelings regarding him. Gratitude, wonder, love (though not the romantic sort.. at least not at this point), protectiveness, compassion, and even a strong degree of trust.

"The Magelords seek to control everything, and to destroy anything they can't control. You can flee or avoid them, my friend, though I suspect that there is someone within who believes you belong to them, as part of their work, they will pursue." She paused.

"Not all folks believe such things, but in the multi-verse, a battle continues between those who respect life and freedom, and fight to defend it and on the other side, those whose lust for power and ambition move them enslave or destroy whatever they can. Some call this the battle between good and evil, but that is making the matter more simple then it is. In any case, I stand on one side of this battle, defending life and freedom those leading the Magelords stand for power and ambition. Some folks attempt to stand aside and avoid the conflict, and some are not meant for it, and that is their choice."

She paused again. "No all things are at war, some places are quiet, and truly at peace, but these places are well guarded, in some manner or another. You could make a difference, in this conflict, even if only to heal, but if you feel unsuited for it I can see you to more peaceful places."

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The green man's pale complexion darkened noticeably, blushing with chlorophyll. A kiss was certainly a new idea, maybe a little weird, but easily classified with 'singing' and 'sunlight' as something that stood in favor of being alive.

"Well, that settles it then. I can't sit back and do nothing under the same sun that is watching good people come to harm."

He looked up at the sky and bit his lip. He had a vague inkling that his 'same sun' metaphor was overlooking something, but he couldn't guess what.

"Tell me what I can do. I'll take away the hurt where I can." He grinned suddenly, "I bet I'll meet more people and learn more songs by going out and helping too!"

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"Ah, music and song, it is sweet and magic all of it's own, my friend, sometime I am going to have to have you listen to the sweet music of the harp, and flute.. I am certain you will love them, I think they would sound as beautiful as your voice." The last was a definite complement from her.

"Now, as to being able to help..." She looked down at the gathered forces a moment, then over to him. "I need a reflective surface, a mirror or a reflective pool."

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The words danced across his mind. They were a little too specific for his still-forming vocabulary. He couldn't quite imagine what the Harp or the Flute might look like. "I would like that." He thought for a moment and his grin brightened, "I would like that very much. When I meet them I'll ask them to write a song for you specifically."

"As for reflecting, I have seen my face before. It was in my pool, my vat. The water is dark, but very still. Perhaps it would suffice?"

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She looked back the way they had come out, and considered a moment, before looking back at him. "I really would prefer not to go back inside, having just made our way to freedom... there are other things I could do, but sense my method of swift travel requires reflections.. let's try something else first.. if we can find a pool of water, reflections would work fine, in that doesn't work, we can try that."

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"I have never seen still water anywhere else. Nor a mirror." He was quietly proud that he knew what a mirror was without having seen one. "But surely so many eager servitors of the Magelords will have water, if not mirrors, in abundance. A trough, pool or pond must wait for us somewhere below if we can reach it without drawing their hostility."

His brow furrowed, "I am sorry I can be of such little help. I do not know where reflections are normally kept."

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While the two were still deciding their next step the skies started to darken, blotting out the sun. Dark clouds gathered forming fronts of bad weather within seconds. Lightning and thunderbolt clashed in the distance and through a swirl on the horizon something like a portal was opened. For a few seconds there was silence, then the earth started shaking in short intervals – as if some kind of creature was passing by (some kind of HUGE creature).

Through the portal in the distance a gigantic Ogre-like creature stepped through wearing rags and a Spear with chains on it. The Giant was easily over 30 Feet tall and looked intimidating and sinister. The hordes of soldiers cheered at its sight, some slamming their weapons against their shields while others just yelled out their fury.

As soon as the cheering and clamoring was over the Ogre-Giant turned around and started walking into the distance, shortly after the Hordes set into motion, each of their steps echoing in the valley and causing the walls of the castlelike building to shake and rumble. Time was running out...

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Looking at the gathered forces, she grimaces, and shakes her head. "Damn it, running out of time... I didn't want to try this, but it should set them back, if it works."

Looking around for an alcove or something, she quickly heads toward it. "I can try to summon the Lord of the Wild Hunt, in the aspect of avenger, I have a small measure of blood connection, and I have been badly used over the last few weeks, those things might allow me to appeal to him, though it could be dangerous." She closed her eyes a moment, and took a deep breath.

"If it works, it should set them back considerably, but it could end up backfiring. I do not wish to take this tactic because of a desire for vengeance, and at the the moment I can't be sure that isn't what it is. So, my friend, you make the choice for me, do we run ahead of this army and give warning, or do we try and unleash an avenging power upon them?"

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"This 'wild hunt' will... kill them?" He tried not to let his voice waver. "Can so many be so far fallen that we can consider taking their lives away from them just like that? Surely they can't all deserve such a fate."

He looked out at the chanting masses and for a brief moment contemplated the horrible thought that he might be wrong about that.

"The big one seems to be their leader. Perhaps we could simply inconvenience him to the point that his capacity to lead is diminished? With their chain of command in disarray we could make our escape and help prepare for whatever comes next."

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Morgania looked at him for a minute, then she took a deep breath and she reached out and hugged him. "Your right, there might be folks out there who might not deserve such a fate, thank you for reminding me of that." She took a deep breath, then considered for a moment.

"If we aren't going to do something drastic, however, we must take new of the coming invasion to my allies among the dragon witch's, they need the warning. As to the giant, sense it was summoned here, there is a chance I can send it back."

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He returned the embrace thoughtfully. "It doesn't seem so hard to remember. I mean look at them, every one sure enough of their cause that they're ready to run out and be hurt, or hurt others in turn, to bring it about. Victims of hate?" He spoke the word uncertainly, as if guessing at some obscure disease.

"So we're back to finding our reflections?" He looked out at the massive army and shuddered. He didn't like it, but he could feel his mind becoming more adept at rational thought by the moment. "If you can send the giant back where it came from that would be grand, but we'd best not linger. I have little doubt the horde could end us. Better to live and do more good later than die trying to do a little good now, yes?"

He cast his eyes out over the shattered landscape, searching for any glint that might speak of water or glass.

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The only place Nixx was sure of that provided a reflective surface was his home. There was still a small pond in the deeper end of the laboratory. Most of the instruments his Creator was using got destroyed. It had scared him at first and he remained in hiding until everything was quiet again but then he was left alone.

Outside they would surely be found and the army and their leaders didn’t look like the type that would ask questions first and then attack. They could consider themselves lucky if they got as much as a short warning before they got butchered by the bloodthirsty beasts and soldiers. It was difficult to grasp the extend of this event. Who would require an army of this size? And what would they be up against to justify such masses?

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"I have been imprisoned for some time, weak and drained, as my enemies made horrible plans for me." Her anger at such was enough to color her voice somewhat, and she trembled slightly. "Plans that involved fates worth then death, so I have some trouble remaining emotionally.. rational about them, in part I desire vengeance, which may be unfair to some within their ranks."

She looked at him directly in the eyes, and her voice still somewhat husky, she took a deep breath. "At the moment, I am still somewhat shaky, I have only been free for a short time, thanks to you, my friend." The last few words her tone changed, and she gave him a radiant smile.

Then she sighed, took a deep breath and continued. "Take us to your mirror, the one back inside.."

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He put a hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry you have suffered so. But I see, through it all, your heart wants to be in the right place. Bide your time that your cruel foes' cruel plans may be undone with skill. What better punishment for them than to be put in their place by more gentle means, so opposite to their own?"

He grinned. "We can make fools of them all, I dare say, but only if they live to see it happen."

He took one last, blissful look at the sun before turning back toward the caverns. He stayed by his friend's side as he directed her back toward the place of his 'birth'. He hummed a quiet but infectiously cheerful tune as he strolled along, seemingly oblivious to the oppressive dankness and implied horrors of the MageLords' malevolent catacombs.

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On their way back to Nixx‘ ´Lair´ Morganna was slowly realizing were they have been kept imprisoned. They were in the catacombs of the Dragonforge which was supposed to be a safe haven since it belonged to her allies the Dragon Witches. The MageLords must’ve captured it on their conquest which gave them a powerful tool to defeat the Dragon’s – Lances made of Eternium which could pierce the thickest dragonscale with ease.

Knowing that time was running out she quickly prepared the ritual to create a portal back to safety, far away from this place. Magical lines covered her lithe elven-like body and formed a complicated pattern that briefly flickered before it solidified into a portal. Then, as if the dark waters were imbued with a magical life of their own they started to rise and flowed in a wave over the portal leaving a thin shimmering membrane inside the portal.

Morganna exhaled still exhausted by the ordeal of her prolonged imprisonment and the membrane turned into a solid mirror which didn’t reflect anything. The Elven Princess stepped infront of it and took Nixx’s hand while she concentrated on her desired destination. She pictured her home, an instinctive response since it was the safest place she could imagine but then realized that the MageLords could be able to trace them with their dark magics and that mustn’t happen.

Her mind tried to focus on a place she remembered. A place she felt save until a picture flashed into her mind. With dedication she stepped forward making sure that Nixx was following her.

„Don’t worry, my friend. This won’t hurt.“, she said with her soft voice.

Once they stepped through they got hurled into the twisting nether and Morganna instantly knew that something had gone wrong. The ritual was conducted correctly but the MageLord must’ve put some kind of barrier on the Dragon Forge which affected her spell. Fortunately she had kept contact with Nixx else he would’ve been hopelessly lost in the nether. Searching for options Morganna had to find a quick solution else they would be forever trapped in the twisting nether. She reached out with her free hand grasping the immaterial and focused on the last memory she had of a safe haven. The image in her mind tore a hole into the fabric of the nether which she quickly reached through and with unexpected might she pulled Nixx shoving him through the gap.

„Hold on to something!“, she yelled and hoped that the fairy realm was still responding to the faemagic that was flowing through her veins. A blinding flash of light robbed her of her senses and then she lost track of time.

When they woke up they found themselves surrounded by a large green healthy meadow, the sun was shining friendly and they could see a bright blue lake in the distance. Birds where chirping songs of spring and live and a feeling of security spread through their bodies.

„Welcome, Princess“, a female voice echoed half through the air half through their minds. It belonged to a huge green scaled dragon that watched them through it’s reptilian eyes. „Who’s your friend, if I may inquire so boldly. We have never seen him before, nor a creature like him. His scent bears... a certain taint...“

The Dragon’s voice wasn’t intimidating or offensive but Nixx could imagine what it would be capable of if her answer didn’t please it...

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She was extremely distressed by the alteration of her effect, and now knowing that the fortress had been taken was not pleasing either, if it was not recovered soon, matters would become worse. It took quick thinking and a will like iron to twist her disrupted sorcery to escape the twisting nether that almost trapped them both. Holding tight to to Nixx's hand, she pulled both of them through to the fae realm, and was quite relieved when it worked.

Of course, the realm of faery was not like others, it was filled with wonders and terrors, and she was beginning to feel safer, but now she had to act to protect her rescuer. Stepping in front of him, her voice took on a much more formal and archaic tone. "This noble soul rescued me from durance vile, my knight in shinning armor, as thou might say."

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The green man's eyes flickered open and he stared up at the sky. He smiled lazily at the sun. He evidenced none of the distress or confusion that might be associated with such a near-disastrous inter-dimensional schism. He had been somewhere else and now he was here. Here seemed pleasant enough, so why worry?

He sat up quickly when he heard the voices of his friend and someone new. A whole new person was a very exciting prospect. When he saw the dragon his expression shifted from one of eager curiosity to awe. He suddenly knew what dragons were, generally speaking. The bits and pieces of knowledge washing into his mind were almost enough to distract him from the 'taint' comment. But not quite.

He flushed green as he knelt, with his head bowed. He wasn't sure it was a good idea to speak unless spoken to, but managed to sing out respectfully, "The princess has given my fresh life a purpose. To succor those in need. I am at your service."

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The huge green Dragon seemed to smile and nodded slowly. „So be it then.“, it answered with it’s magically enhanced voice which seemed to come from all directions.

„Our Queen has been kidnapped – we could need your help in finding her. All our means of divination bore no fruit and we are running out of time. If you would help us, Princess we will help you in return. Name your price.“

Morganna has never heard of a Dragon asking for help before – a sure indicator for how bad things actually were.

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Morganna was surprised, but also, completely uncertain of what to ask for, at least initially. After a moment, however, she decided to accept the offer that was before her. "I will help find thy queen, in exchange for a future favor to be called upon, if that is acceptable to you."

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