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Adventure!: In Search of Inspiration - In Search of Inspiration


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from the journals of Whitley Styles -

I was sitting in that very comfortable chair in the downstairs salon, reading over a copy of Dracula, when Maxwell dropped a paper into my lap. "Look that over, Whit, tell me what you think." Regretfully, I set aside my book (quite a masterwork of fiction) and looked at the list. It was names, all written down in small, orderly handwriting, with a few phrases about the people involved to spark my memory. "I think that'll be a good start. A damn good start for my Aeon society." He picked up the poker, toying with it for something to do with his hands. After all, no one in his right mind would start a fire in June in Chicago.

The list of names was quite impressive - that Dr. Primoris, Dixon, Jake Stefokowski, Annabelle Newfield, Safari Jack, they were just the top of the paper. Nearly fifty names, some of them famous, most of them not, all of them a credit to the organization. "It looks like an excellent crowd, Max, but what if they don't all show up?"

He just laughed though, setting the poker back down and making an exaggerated claw out of his hand. "I've been penning notes onto all of the invitations, racking my brain to think of just the right thing to get all of them here. Three more days, and we'll see. Maybe not all of them will show, Whitley, but I'd wager a dollar that almost all of them will."

I smiled, setting aside the paper and picking Dracula back up. "We'll see, Max, we'll see. I think you're a bit too eager to give away your money."

He just laughed some more, heading for the front hallway and the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, my boy - I have a great number of errands to run to make sure this comes off smoothly."

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from the journals of Whitley Styles -

I was just about to step inside Maxwell's house - the staff all know me well enough that they don't bother with my comings and goings - when a sudden voice made me stop and almost drop my packages. "My Stylish man! How good to see you again!"

I whirled around to see a face I hadn't seen for just over a year - Richard Bearson, a renowned ecologist and the first member of the Sioux nation I'd ever met. Sure enough, that red-tailed hawk was sitting on his shoulder on a special leather pad, though it was a bit fatter than the last time I remembered. "Richard! We weren't expecting anyone for two more days! I'd offer to shake hands with you, but, well, I've been helping Maxwell." I lowered my voice to a conspiratorial whisper as he came up the steps. "He's let Dixon talk him into using some kind of servant-machine serve at the party, and I don't think the crystal glasses will survive."

He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder, barely making Aquila move, but again almost causing me to drop the package. "That does sound like the mad scientist, er I mean, honorable professor. Here, let me get the door." He helped me inside, and we set off down the hallway to find Max.

The voices were loud enough to carry the debate down the hall before we reached them. "Look, Maxwell, I'm not saying it's a bad idea - not at all. We've both seen and met enough people who've succumed to far weaker drugs than alcohol. But look at the other effects. A badly-written law is worse than no law."

Maxwell seemed about to respond to Doctor Primoris' argument when we entered, and I noticed a small frown cross the Doctor's face as he looked at Bearson, before I remembered that they hadn't met. "Ah, Richard, this is Doctor Primoris, specializing in social engineering and diseases of the mind. Doctor, this is Richard Bearson, noted ecologist and proponent of Indian rights." They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, Primoris even managing to give Aquila a little attention without getting a nip. "Look, Max, I know you think Dixon's inventions are grand, but -"

"But you're afraid that my best crystal is going to end up in tiny shards on the floor by the end of the night. Relax, Whit, I already took care of it." Ignoring my package, he strode over to one of the cabinets, and pulled out a pair of rather plain but highly polished pewter mugs. "Dixon's serv-o-matics will be using these to serve my guests."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh good. Though I suppose I just brought back a half dozen other kinds for no reason?"

He perked up at that. "Actually, that could prove to be a blessing. Let's see what they are, hmm? Maybe we can serve different drinks in each design. Add a little bit of artistry to the gala."

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June, 1923 Empire State Building, Manhattan.

Days until the Aeon Gala: 7

From the mountainous height of the Empire State, a figure stands silhouetted against the setting sun.

The fan propulsion of the Lighter than Air Luxury Transport hummed as it came into docking position. Crewmen sprung out of the mighty derigible securing tie-downs to the building. From inside, the warmth of laughter and live music mixed with the aromatic smells of gourmet accoutrements and fine tobaccos.

The lone figure brushed a speck of lint from his lapel...these western suits were of a strange aesthetic but damned if he doesn't make it look like a million bucks. Everything about the imposing Oriental was of polished perfection. Every movement with the perfect amount of force, every smile with just the right amount of charisma.

As he approached the gangway, one of the flight attendandants presumed to ask him for a ticket or invitation. With a single glance the man goes pale white, before fainting as a massive shadow disgorges itself from the side of the building. Suddenly all sounds cease except for the creaking of the dirgible under a tremendous weight. All eyes are on the stranger as he walks to a shadowy alcove and produces a cigar from his jacket.

Sitting with his face obscured in darkness and the impossible nightmare sitting next to him is enough to quickly convince the others to return to their own business, and a wave of chilled spines traverses the room.

In the alcove, the newcomer considers the patterns of light formed from the streets below in this most modern of modern Romes.

He smiled to himself. Already the buzz from last night's elusive performance was gaining momentum. It should reach Chicago well before him. The train would meet him there with the crew and he could set-up for his real American debut...his upcoming performance at the Aeon Society Gala Ball!!

The Aeon Society. He could feel it. Palpable Destiny. The very air was saturated with potential. He knew others could feel it too. The race was on. The greatest race humanity had ever faced. The stakes were higher than ever and to the winner goes the spoils.

*We must tread humbly and in harmony with the great wheel,* he thought, communicating this same idea with the look in his eyes. *We are only just now leaving the safety of the Eye of the Storm.*

Still, despite the cautionary adage, he couldn't help but enjoy the heady rush of it all. From his alcove, he will take in the sights of his fellow travelers. Perhaps some of them were also aware of the recent changes...
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The massive black airship swam through the nightsky, quietly making its way towards the windy city. Its smallish crew working quietly and dilligently, under the supervision of Heinrich. The only sounds is the softly spoken orders from Heinrich Stahlfuchs himself, otherwise the vessale where a mixture of darkness and quietness.

The bridge in the zepplin where large and luxious, however the large number of monkeys in it made it rather full and the huge gorilla in the corner armchair reading, or at least looking at, todays newspaper. In the middle stood the impossing figure of Henrich himself, tall and pale, with long finges wraped around the steeringwheel and his long raven black hair in a knot, pulling itself down towards the deck. Steely eyes moved along the crew, some who tried to make themselfs even smaller, the ice blue eyes borring into there weak monkey shells. Until one of them speaks up.

"ook ook"

"Achtung, erst ze clock truly so much? VERDANT, full speed ahead, cut out on ze wing flaps and fire up ze booster rockets"

"ook ook"

"What do you mean we have nicht ze booster rockets? I clearly remember drawing ze plans for them"


"I zee I zee, Well, does not matter, here in ze colonies it is fashionable to be late, not like in venerable germany where you could get ze dueled to ze tote, with all right, punctuality is a virtue."

Heinrich suddenly flips the wheel around, making a 90 degree turn. Suddenly the airship is quiet again, prowling the night sky. Rembrant looks a little angry as the gorillas glas of fine sherry where spilled on the floor with the sharp turn, but Henrich did not notice. He had walked away to the observatory to look at the nightsky, make calculations and sneak a peak at the event befor he got there.

He did after all not need to choose clothes or groom himself, thats why he created the monkeys for.

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Written on the back of the invitation addressed to Dr. Heinrich Stahlfaust -

Dear Doctor Stahlfaust,

I'm not sure if you've heard of me, but I have heard a great deal about your innovative research from some of our mutual acquaintances. One of my recent patients, Maxwell Mercer, is starting a Society - as I'm sure you gathered from the invitation! I think that an upstanding scientist like yourself could benefit a great deal from meeting and debating some of the other great minds who will be present, and we would certainly benefit from your presence.


Dr. Primoris.

Written on the back of the invitation addressed to Li-Shen -

Mr Shen,

I had the luck to witness your performance in Manhatten a few weeks ago, and I was simply amazed! Tigers are wonderous animals, and known to be quite the individualist, which makes your abilities and training all the more impressive. I'd be thrilled if you would accept this invitation to join my Aeon Society for Gentlemen, and bring along the outstanding specimen with the black fur.


P.S. - Houdini isn't invited.

Written on the back of the invitation addressed to Felicien Charles Lupin -

Dear Mr. Lupin,

I'm terribly sorry to learn of your father's retirement from public life. He was an inspiration to many people, so much that the Great Detective mentioned him to me. Since I heard that you've been learning at your father's feet, as it were, I hope you would join me at my house in Chicago for this gathering. My organization is dedicated to pulling back the veil of mystery, something which I think you have an interest as well!


from the journals of Whitley Styles -

So there we were, the night of the party. Guests had started arriving at four pm, a bit early, but then Dixon was always eager to show off his new contraptions to a willing audience. By the time six-thirty came around, we had almost three dozen people inside, and the cider and water were going pretty freely. Maxwell had lamented not being able to serve champagne, but of course, he wasn't about to flaunt the law - even though not a policeman in the city would have dared call him on it.

Dr. Primoris was being unusually quiet, apparently content to simply stand near the vacant fireplace and observe the gathering. Richard and Aquila were in a circle of others - Miss Gettel was paying close attention, doubtlessly so she could write a suitably scandalous article for the paper tomorrow, and she had some tall, dangerous fellow with her. Fiona Corey was also present, her flame-red hair easy to spot despite her small stature, and she was feeding the hawk some small gobbet of meat - no shrinking violet, she.

I was standing by the door, mostly helping Maxwell great the guests and doing my best to reassure Dr. Dixon. He kept nervously fidgeting with a wrench he had smuggled in - Max had positively vetoed letting him bring in the tool kit. It was about six-thirty-five when the first of the new recruits made their appearance.

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It was about six-thirty-five when the first of the new recruits made their appearance.

The second, at any rate. The first is the "dangerous-looking fellow" standing by Gettel, who, despite being dressed in relative normalcy, could not possibly look more out of place. He wears button-up pants, a brown work shirt with black suspenders and black shoes. However, he is totally bald, except for a long, black ponytail hanging from the base of his skull. His smooth skin is also interspersed with swirling curves of tribal-style, blue tattoos. Although his reporter companion chats continuously with her Aeon peers, the man she calls Joshua has remained completely silent throughout the evening.

Although the man is quite handsome, his silence and the long, ornate knife scabbards at his waist have a way of putting off conversation, and flows instead through the gorgeous investigator by whose side he continues to stick like glue.

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Aeon Society Clubhouse, night of the Gala 7:00 PM:

The guests are mingling with each other and appear to be enjoying themselves immensly, when a tremendous and mighty roar shakes the building!


From one of the hallways emerges a monstrous beast!! Over 9 feet long and almost 6 feet at the shoulder the creature barely fits through the doorframe. When only halfway through, it crouches and scans the crowd with blood-red slitted eyes and roars again and the assembled guests before walking in. By now the scene is bordering on panic!


The unearthly tiger slowly and silently pads across the room and emits a low growl. He approaches the most attractive woman in the room and sniffs at her. *Yes,* he thought. *She would make many man-cubs.* Unfortunatley, the woman's escort manages to keep from soiling himself, and in a show of bravery, grabs a poker from the fireplace and waves it menacingly. Provoked the black tiger stands upon its hind legs, towering over the room! The frightened man screams, dropping his improvised melee weapon.


"ENOUGH! Asura!"


Stepping fearlessly in front of the impossible beast, an impeccably dressed asian man has appeared, holding up a bejeweled hand firmly before him. He is dressed in the latest New York fashion, a black on black pinstripe suit with red accents, and sports a well groomed mustache/goatee combination. He is 6' tall, wiry and his movements are like fluid mercury. The tiger drops down and nuzzles its head against the man's palm. Turning to the cowering guest, Li offers the man a hand up. In perfect English he speaks,"You needn't be so alarmed, sir, Asura was merely making sure the room was secure."


Walking over to one of the human butlers he inquires, "Excuse me, the tiger was wondering if you had any fresh hare or other appetizers available."


Li has his game face on tonight, which means he is charming and smiles alot, while remaining somewhat aloof from the other guests. He will note the reactions of everyone in the room, especially the Primoris fellow over by the fire-place.


When he sees the intrepid reporter, he walks over to her, "Pardon me, I couldn't help but notice," he says as he reaches smoothly beind her ear and withdraws a rubied ring. Smiling he waves a hand over the ring and it vanishes! "Ms Gettel, I presume?" He offers her his hand. When she goes to meet it she finds the ruby ring already on her finger!!!

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The fan propulsion of the Lighter than Air Luxury Transport hummed as it came into docking position. Crewman sprung out of the mighty derigible securing tie-downs to the building. From inside, the warmth of laughter and live music mixed with the aromatic smells of gourmet accoutrements and fine tobaccos.

The lone figure brushed a speck of lint from his lapel...these western suits were of a strange aesthetic but damned if he doesn't make it look like a million bucks. Everything about the imposing Oriental was of polished perfection. Every movement with the perfect amount of force, every smile with just the right amount of charisma.

As he approached the gangway, one of the flight attendandants presumed to ask him for a ticket or invitation. With a single glance the man goes pale white, before fainting as a massive shadow disgorges itself from the side of the building. Suddenly all sounds cease except for the creaking of the dirgible under a tremendous weight. All eyes are on the stranger as he walks to a shadowy alcove and produces a cigar from his jacket.

Sitting with his face obscured in darkness and the impossible nightmare sitting next to him is enough to quickly convince the others to return to their own business, and a wave of chilled spines traverses the room.

A diminutive man stepped out shortly after the commotion. With a glance a the fallen attendant, the mustached man shook his head.

"Ah putain..."

Kneeling down he tapped the man gently on the cheeks while venting some air with his bowler hat in the other hand.

"C'mon man, get up, sit up!"

The fallen man stirred and opened his eyes with a startled cry as Felicien Charles stepped back, allowing him to get up.

"Look here good man, here's my invitation."

Reaching into his breast pocket, the man produced a card with another shake of his head as he looked at the party beyond the attendant. It definitely needed some social lubricant...what a country of hippocrites! Three years, well over seven thousand arrests and yet less than thirty convictions. No less drinking but definitely a drop in quality...

"Now why don't you make yourself useful and go to my cabin and fetch my trunks. There're three of them. The green one's mine but the two others are gifts..Grape juice.."

With a wink he continued

"You and a mate help yourselves to a sample each and bring the rest out there...and for god's sake don't squander it! It's meant to be savoured not...ah...hmmm, excuse me..."

Charles caught a glimpse of the great reporter and her knife-bearing consort. Slowly making his way towards the group, he handed his hat and jacket to a passing attendant before finally reaching them.

"Your reputation precedes you Ms. Gettel, glad to finally make your acquantaince. I'm Felicien Charles..."

The guests are mingling with each other and appear to be enjoying themselves immensly, when a tremendous and mighty roar shakes the building!

From one of the hallways emerges a monstrous beast!! Over 10 feet long and almost 7 feet at the shoulder the creature barely fits through the doorframe. When only halfway through, it crouches and scans the crowd with blood-red slitted eyes and roars again and the assembled guests before walking in. By now the scene is bordering on panic!


The Frenchman stared as the attendants dropped the first trunk, a veritable treasure consisting of the greatest wines from his estates' cellar, gone to waste...As the smell gives away the foibled party enhancement he shrugs and looks at Gettel.

"They take prohibition seriously here, don't they..." ::wink

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Primoris' response to Azura is interesting, at least. He hands his mug to one of the clanking serv-o-bots, walks over to the large tiger, and stands there for a moment studying the cat, who returns the stare. Then the doctor gives a very careful bow, one that would be more at home in a sparring ring than a party, never taking his eyes off the cat even as he bows almost perpendicular with the floor. He straightens up, and Azura carefully leans forward until he's nose to nose, and then takes a big sniff. After a moment, he leans back turns his head, and sneezes violently all over one of the serv-o-bots, knocking it over and spilling cider all over the floor. Primoris laughs, and reaches up a hand to smooth the fur around one ear. "I will look forward to spending time with you." Azura sneezes again, and makes a motion with one paw. "I'll remember that," Primoris adds, and then moves away.

Whitley, near the entrance, didn't do more than straighten his coat after Azura sat down, but Maxwell laughed, moving to the couple who had been so badly shaken with the tiger's arrival. With a few quiet words and a clap on the shoulder, all was set well.

Gettel looks at the spilled case of wine with something approaching horror, or at least anger. "They at least claim to in most places, and Mercer is nothing if not a stickler for the law. Though some of us, at least, would appriciate the drink." She then studies Lupin for a moment. "Obviously my reputation has preceeded me, though I'm afraid I don't know you. This is my friend and currently a bodyguard, Joshua. You are?" She leaves the question hanging, obviously expecting a rather detailed answer. She gives Li a wan smile and returns the ring. "Please, sir, keep the parlor tricks contained until at least after dinner. Some of us are here on serious business."

Fiona and Richard glance up at the entrance, and at the spilled wine, but barely do more than glance up. They're clearly rather involved in their conversation, almost an argument. Aquila though flies over and lands on a nearby light fixture, studying Azura. The hawk screeches, the tiger growls, they both turn to smooth ruffled feathers and fur, and then the hawk returns to Richard's shoulder. The Sioux doesn't even seem to have noticed the bird's departure. Fiona does notice the business with the ring, and raises her mug in a salute to Li, gesturing him over.

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She gives Li a wan smile and returns the ring. "Please, sir, keep the parlor tricks contained until at least after dinner. Some of us are here on serious business."

Li graciously accepts the return of his his gift before vanishing it into thin air.


"Indeed, Ms. Gettel! What could be more serious than entertaining such a charming and esteemed memeber of the press?" He asks with a playful sincerity.

Fiona does notice the business with the ring, and raises her mug in a salute to Li, gesturing him over.

"With a smile he adds, "But please forgive the intrusion, I was merely curious about you...and your new friends." He gives a slight nodding bow to the others. "Now, if you will please excuse me, I am being summoned by loveliness..."


Walking over to the diminutive redhead he extends his hand in gallant fashion, "I am at your service, Miss...?"

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"Indeed, Ms. Gettel! What could be more serious than entertaining such a charming and esteemed memeber of the press?" He asks with a playful sincerity.
"Probably whatever it is you're hiding," she says with a thin smile.
Walking over to the diminutive redhead he extends his hand in gallant fashion, "I am at your service, Miss...?"
She smiles and lets you take her hand, then motions imperiously at one of the serv-o-bots, which of course ignore her (and everyone else) on their preprogrammed course through the room. "Gah! I know Professor Dixon is supposed to be a good friend, but I thought Mr. Mercer had better taste than to let these clanking contraptions ruin the floor." She reaches over as one passes close by, and hands Li a mug of cider. "I am Fiona Amberdrake. Just another wealthy scion with more money and time than I know what to do with." ::wink "You, if I'm not mistaken, are that esteemable performer Li Shen, yes? I saw your Manhatten show with Mr. Mercer, though I know I'd have remembered seeing that amazing specimen. Ah, but where are my manners? This is Richard Bearson, an esteemed ecologist, and we were arguing over how some of the Sioux myths might have had a basis in fact. The conversation is a bit esoteric, I'm afraid."

Richard snickers, and offers his hand out to Li. "What she means is that she's using logic and reason to pick apart my heritage. Fighting dirty, I mean." The hawk on his shoulder leans forward to examine Li, then turns to preen his feathers.

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Gettel looks at the spilled case of wine with something approaching horror, or at least anger. "They at least claim to in most places, and Mercer is nothing if not a stickler for the law. Though some of us, at least, would appriciate the drink."

The reporter's reaction provoked a smile on Lupin's part

"I'm glad to hear you say so, madame. It just so happens that there's one more trunk in my cabin. If the guests can hold the surprises for a few minutes I'm sure it'll survive the trip."

"Obviously my reputation has preceeded me, though I'm afraid I don't know you. This is my friend and currently a bodyguard, Joshua. You are?" She leaves the question hanging, obviously expecting a rather detailed answer.

With a nod at Joshua he continued

"Oh, really it's quite boring. As I've said my name is Felicien Charles. I've recently inherited my family's business, import/export...though I assure you the wine has nothing to do with that business. In France it's polite to gift your host with a decent bottle of wine...when it comes to Mercer a bottle just doesn't seem to cut it, hence the trunks of some of my cellar's finest. With luck you'll be able to sample some..."

Lupin gave an uncertain look at the attendants now cleaning up the mess. There was a hint of French in his accent though clearly the man was well educated. The source of his English seemed to be british or perhaps a mix of American and British. Influenced by his clients perhaps?

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"Probably whatever it is you're hiding," she says with a thin smile.

Li accepts her cynical response with a single arched eyebrow. "A magician never reveals his secrets, Ms Gettel..."

As Li joins the conversation with Sarah, Joshua gives him a relaxed salute as he is introduced. His easy air and casual eye contact seem to imply that his silence results not from discomfort or distaste, but merely a natural (or acquired) reticence. He does, however, raise an eyebrow at Li's trick with the ring..

While Li is deflecting the ire of the investigative reporter with a smile, he gives the strange bladed one a side glance, and then a knowing wink as he excuses himself.

Walking over to the diminutive redhead he extends his hand in gallant fashion, "I am at your service, Miss...?"

"I am Fiona Amberdrake. Just another wealthy scion with more money and time than I know what to do with."
She smiles and lets you take her hand

Li takes her hand and kisses it lightly. "Charmed Ms. Amberlake. And may I say, what a lake of fire you are!," he says devilishly, obviously taken with her scarlet locks.

"You, if I'm not mistaken, are that esteemable performer Li Shen, yes? I saw your Manhatten show with Mr. Mercer, though I know I'd have remembered seeing that amazing specimen.

"Ah, yes well Asura doesn't actually perfrorm in the show. He's really more of, ah...my Chief of Staff..."

Ah, but where are my manners? This is Richard Bearson, an esteemed ecologist, and we were arguing over how some of the Sioux myths might have had a basis in fact. The conversation is a bit esoteric, I'm afraid."

Richard snickers, and offers his hand out to Li. "What she means is that she's using logic and reason to pick apart my heritage. Fighting dirty, I mean." The hawk on his shoulder leans forward to examine Li, then turns to preen his feathers.

Li returns the Native American's firm and friendly grip. "And who is this majestic specimen of avian perfection?" Li looks to the bird with admiration, then from out of nowhere he produces one of the gobbets Richard and Fiona have been offering and does the same.

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The guests are mingling with each other and appear to be enjoying themselves immensly, when a tremendous and mighty roar shakes the building!

Resisting the impulses of surprise in favor of momentary inertia, Joshua merely turns his head, tracking the source of the noise.

Unfortunatley, the woman's escort manages to keep from soiling himself, and in a show of bravery, grabs a poker from the fireplace and waves it menacingly. Provoked the black tiger stands upon its hind legs, towering over the room! The frightened man screams, dropping his improvised melee weapon.

Casually but surely, the tattooed man reaches to his waist and draws a very non-improvised melee weapon. Somewhere between a long knife and a short sword, the blade is a striking shade of sky-blue that none there has seen on a metal before. Joshua pulls it behind him, letting the weapon dip nearly between his shoulder blades, as he prepares for a throw...

Stepping fearlessly in front of the impossible beast, an impeccably dressed asian man has appeared, holding up a bejeweled hand firmly before him. He is dressed in the latest New York fashion, a black on black pinstripe suit with red accents, and sports a well groomed mustache/goatee combination. He is 6' tall, wiry and his movements are like fluid mercury. The tiger drops down and nuzzles its head against the man's palm.

Nodding to himself, Joshua replaces his weapon in its sheath without remark.

As Li joins the conversation with Sarah, Joshua gives him a relaxed salute as he is introduced. His easy air and casual eye contact seem to imply that his silence results not from discomfort or distaste, but merely a natural (or acquired) reticence. He does, however, raise an eyebrow at Li's trick with the ring..

Arms folded, Joshua listens politely to the conversation as it rolls on without the magician.

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A soft knocking sound is heard from the door, and once opening, reveals the humble face of Rembrant, a silverback gorilla wearing a butlers uniform and simply holding forward the invitation. Henrich stands behind him, now in a tuxedo and leaning onto a cane, looking at the door.

I am ze venerable Professor Henrich Stahlfaust, Ich been expected yes? Or I might be at the wrong place, in that case, I am very sorry. Also, can you perhaps tell me of a good spot to park a zepplin, there seems to be a lack of them.

Hearing the party, Henrich quickly entered the room with long brisk steps, suddenly stoping.

Perhaps ze monkeys is not allowed in here?

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A soft knocking sound is heard from the door, and once opening, reveals the humble face of Rembrant, a silverback gorilla wearing a butlers uniform and simply holding forward the invitation. Henrich stands behind him, now in a tuxedo and leaning onto a cane, looking at the door.
The servant opens the door, and then stares open-mouthed at the gorilla, taking the invitation mechanically.
I am ze venerable Professor Henrich Stahlfaust, Ich been expected yes? Or I might be at the wrong place, in that case, I am very sorry. Also, can you perhaps tell me of a good spot to park a zepplin, there seems to be a lack of them.

Hearing the party, Henrich quickly entered the room with long brisk steps, suddenly stoping.

Perhaps ze monkeys is not allowed in here?

In a few seconds, Dr. Primoris has crossed the room, a real smile breaking out across his face. "Professor Stahlfaust, how good of you to make it! Plesae, come in, get a drink, and ... perhaps you should tell your monkeys to park the zepplin down at the lakeshore. Jake and some of the other thrillseekers are supposed to be -"

He cuts off as the zipping sound of a half dozen airplanes goes by, all of them flying in a line, barely a foot apart nose to tail and six inches off the street, before pulling up and banking off towards the lake.

"- here shortly," Primoris continues as soon as the noise drops.

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Joshua scratches the back of his neck, thoughtfully staring at Rembrandt. He is plainly unsure how to react to the presence of the gorilla, though he still shows no real surprise.

[OOC: ::biggrin Ahh, gorillas dressed up in people's clothing.. Is there anything more innately satisfying?]

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The servant opens the door, and then stares open-mouthed at the gorilla, taking the invitation mechanically.

In a few seconds, Dr. Primoris has crossed the room, a real smile breaking out across his face. "Professor Stahlfaust, how good of you to make it! Plesae, come in, get a drink, and ... perhaps you should tell your monkeys to park the zepplin down at the lakeshore. Jake and some of the other thrillseekers are supposed to be -"

He cuts off as the zipping sound of a half dozen airplanes goes by, all of them flying in a line, barely a foot apart nose to tail and six inches off the street, before pulling up and banking off towards the lake.

"- here shortly," Primoris continues as soon as the noise drops.

Heinrich face breaks out in a wide smile

Ah, ze venerable Doctor Primoris I presume, how nice it is to finaly meet sie. Ich read your paper on how ze social engineering of minoritys can lead to ze large social changes, erst was very insightfull

With a wave of the back of his hand, Stahlfaust's monkeys retreated back towards the zeppline, Rembrant remaining outside of the house, waiting in the classical butler pose.

Joshua scratches the back of his neck, thoughtfully staring at Rembrandt. He is plainly unsure how to react to the presence of the gorilla, though he still shows no real surprise.

[OOC: ::biggrin Ahh, gorillas dressed up in people's clothing.. Is there anything more innately satisfying?]

Henrich looks up at Joshua quizzingly, then a moment of enlightenment comes over him.

Erst was Rembrant, my personal man-servant of the species Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Gorillum Superior. His biological ztructure is changed to make him stronger, faster and smarter. Unfortunately two out of ze three is not allways good enough.

Henrich looks into the floor, mumbling to himself.

Ich told Bethoven that he needed more sulfur, but nicht... dumfkopfen monkey

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Henrich looks into the floor, mumbling to himself.

Ich told Bethoven that he needed more sulfur, but nicht... dumfkopfen monkey

Primoris looks sympathetic. "Good help is so hard to find."

(skipping ahead a bit, feel free to continue kibbitzing and meeting up with each other over dinner, after which will be the big speech)

Over the next hour, the room becomes more and more crowded as over two hundred people arrive. Only about half of them are prospective members, but that includes the handful of stunt pilots led by Jake; another group of scientists, most of whom keep having to be dragged away from one of the serv-o-bots before they start dismantling one in the middle of the room; a pair of Oriental men in finely tailored business suits who greet Maxwell like old college chums and start talking rapidly in Japanese; a pair of black men armed with a guitar and a harmonica who set up an impromptu jazz dancing area in the corner of the room; and a great number of other wealthy and adventure-seeking men and women. Finally around eight o'clock, Mercer, Styles, and Primoris start guiding people to the dining room and the tables. Miss Gettel is set at the head of one of the five tables, with Joshua at her right, Heinrich at his right, and Lupin and Li across from them.

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Erst was Rembrant, my personal man-servant of the species Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Gorillum Superior. His biological ztructure is changed to make him stronger, faster and smarter. Unfortunately two out of ze three is not allways good enough.

Joshua blinks and, for the first time, speaks.

"I don't understand", he says politely.

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a pair of black men armed with a guitar and a harmonica who set up an impromptu jazz dancing area in the corner of the room

With a look that says everything, Li takes Fiona's hand with liquid grace, and proceeds to cut a serious rug, pehaps being one of the best dancers in the room (Dex+perform? go ahead and spend a WP). Not only that, hes so good that he makes her look good, easily and naturally. He seems to have assimilated the local styles flawlessly Li will get down for a song and then politely excuse himself for refreshment.

Erst was Rembrant, my personal man-servant of the species Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Gorillum Superior. His biological ztructure is changed to make him stronger, faster and smarter. Unfortunately two out of ze three is not allways good enough.

Joshua blinks and, for the first time, speaks.

"I don't understand", he says politely.

Li gives a hearty laugh. He seems to have a perpetual mischevious glint in his eyes, as if he is savoring some inside joke. "...The good doctor means he created a super gorilla."

When the food is served Li-Shen will use invisible telekinetic hands to fill his glass and wield his utensils (as per the "looks cool" part of the knack) while his hands are occupied with a coin. The coin rolls across his knuckles and into his fist-which then opens empty and the coin comes up out of his other hand and rolls down those knuckles inside, and disappears, etc..going back and forth. However his hands seem to move of their own accord, more like he is twiddleing his thumbs than showing off. In fact he must be doing this absent mindedly because in between taking bites of telekinetically delivered morsels he is avidly engaged in conversation with the others.

Just so you know what he's doing while we talk... ::ultracool

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Primoris looks sympathetic. "Good help is so hard to find."

(skipping ahead a bit, feel free to continue kibbitzing and meeting up with each other over dinner, after which will be the big speech)

Over the next hour, the room becomes more and more crowded as over two hundred people arrive. Only about half of them are prospective members, but that includes the handful of stunt pilots led by Jake; another group of scientists, most of whom keep having to be dragged away from one of the serv-o-bots before they start dismantling one in the middle of the room; a pair of Oriental men in finely tailored business suits who greet Maxwell like old college chums and start talking rapidly in Japanese; a pair of black men armed with a guitar and a harmonica who set up an impromptu jazz dancing area in the corner of the room; and a great number of other wealthy and adventure-seeking men and women. Finally around eight o'clock, Mercer, Styles, and Primoris start guiding people to the dining room and the tables. Miss Gettel is set at the head of one of the five tables, with Joshua at her right, Heinrich at his right, and Lupin and Li across from them.

Henrich wanders the room befor the dinner, talking to those scientists that he knows, meeting those that he did not and agreeing with the common opinion that the Serve-o-bots should be dismantled.

As he sits down he shows very clearly that he does not care for Miss Gettel at all.

With a look that says everything, Li takes Fiona's hand with liquid grace, and proceeds to cut a serious rug, pehaps being one of the best dancers in the room (Dex+perform? go ahead and spend a WP). Not only that, hes so good that he makes her look good, easily and naturally. He seems to have assimilated the local styles flawlessly Li will get down for a song and then politely excuse himself for refreshment.

Li gives a hearty laugh. He seems to have a perpetual mischevious glint in his eyes, as if he is savoring some inside joke. "...The good doctor means he created a super gorilla."

Nich, erst ist nicht se Super gorilla. Failed speciment rather.

Henrich then looks around the assembly, quizzingly.

So, pleas tell, what is your places in ze world?

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"...and that's why they call it...gazpacho."

Ending a round a small talk banter with Ms. Gettel, Lupin looks up over her shoulder, his face taking on veritably nonplussed look...a somewhat difficult expression to achieve.


Except with the proper stimulant of course:

Heinrich face breaks out in a wide smile

Ah, ze venerable Doctor Primoris I presume, how nice it is to finaly meet sie. Ich read your paper on how ze social engineering of minoritys can lead to ze large social changes, erst was very insightfull

With a wave of the back of his hand, Stahlfaust's monkeys retreated back towards the zeppline, Rembrant remaining outside of the house, waiting in the classical butler pose.

*Robots, tigers and chimps, oh my!*

"Erm, sorry, yes, so your were saying?"

Later at the table...

"..and as I was telling Ms. Gettel earlier, that's why they call it...gazpacho."

When the food is served Li-Shen will use invisible telekinetic hands to fill his glass and wield his utensils (as per the "looks cool" part of the knack) while his hands are occupied with a coin. The coin rolls across his knuckles and into his fist-which then opens empty and the coin comes up out of his other hand and rolls down those knuckles inside, and disappears, etc..going back and forth. However his hands seem to move of their own accord, more like he is twiddleing his thumbs than showing off. In fact he must be doing this absent mindedly because in between taking bites of telekinetically delivered morsels he is avidly engaged in conversation with the others.

Henrich wanders the room befor the dinner, talking to those scientists that he knows, meeting those that he did not and agreeing with the common opinion that the Serve-o-bots should be dismantled.

As he sits down he shows very clearly that he does not care for Miss Gettel at all.

Nich, erst ist nicht se Super gorilla. Failed speciment rather.

Henrich then looks around the assembly, quizzingly.

So, pleas tell, what is your places in ze world?

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry, where are my manners!"

Lupin glares significantly at his neighbour's eating antics ::glare and continues after a moment's pause

"The name is Felicien Charles. I'm afraid that I don't have the fortune of being a master showman ::glare, world renowned reporter or great scientist. It's all really quite boring, I've inherited my father's business based in Paris. I deal with elite clients, import/export and all that. Mostly paintings, jewelery or the odd sculpture here and there."

The frenchman's eyes settle on the the reporter to his right

"My family has always enjoyed things of beauty. So why not delve in what you enjoy most?"

Then looks back at the doctor

"I take it you're some kind of ah...zoologist?"


Lupin then looks at Joshua

"I couldn't help but notice your blade ealier in the commotion. I've never seen anything quite like it, what is it made of?"

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Lupin glares significantly at his neighbour's eating antics ::glare and continues after a moment's pause

"The name is Felicien Charles. I'm afraid that I don't have the fortune of being a master showman ::glare , world renowned reporter or great scientist. It's all really quite boring, I've inherited my father's business based in Paris. I deal with elite clients, import/export and all that. Mostly paintings, jewelery or the odd sculpture here and there."

Li returns the frenchman's obvious disdain with a raised eyebrow. ::huh "Really now, Mr. Charles, we are all here because the man of the hour and perhaps the century has invited us. I am sure that you, like all of us are the best at what you do, which aside from dealing in objet d'art is what exactly?"

"In answer to your question Dr. Stahlfaust, I am a newcommer to the occident, seeking my fame and fortune on the world stage. As you can see I can already make my food dissapear," He adds, grinning.

Turning to Joshua, "Yes, you have very finely honed reflexes Mr. Joshua... Not to mention traveling amongst notorious company," with this last remark an amused look at the reporter.

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So, pleas tell, what is your places in ze world?

"I'm a hunter," smiles Joshua.

"I couldn't help but notice your blade ealier in the commotion. I've never seen anything quite like it, what is it made of?"

"You are very attentive," says Joshua, sounding as if he approves. "They're made of - well, I call it sky metal. I didn't build them, or even order them built. I found them in a room at the top floor of an abandoned building, in the ruins of an ancient city."

Pushing backwards for room, he pulls the left blade out with his right hand and offers it to Felicien for examination. The "businessman" notices that the hilt is imprinted with the word Banji, followed by a circled "R" in smaller script. The weapon is exceptionally well balanced, and the blue blade is plainly very, very sharp.

"Yes, you have very finely honed reflexes Mr. Joshua... Not to mention traveling amongst notorious company," with this last remark an amused look at the reporter.

Joshua grins amiably and says nothing.

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"You are very attentive," says Joshua, sounding as if he approves. "They're made of - well, I call it sky metal. I didn't build them, or even order them built. I found them in a room at the top floor of an abandoned building, in the ruins of an ancient city."

Pushing backwards for room, he pulls the left blade out with his right hand and offers it to Felicien for examination. The "businessman" notices that the hilt is imprinted with the word Banji, followed by a circled "R" in smaller script. The weapon is exceptionally well balanced, and the blue blade is plainly very, very sharp.

"Truly? Which city would that be, if you don't mind my asking?"

Lupin gladly accepts the blade, clearly pleased with Joshua's offer. He carefully examines the blade with the expert eyes of an art appraiser and raises an eyebrow when he sees the mark on the hilt.

"That's odd...could these have been mass produced at some point? Do you know anything about it, or about the city where you found it?"

Lupin hands it back

"A remarkable blade, thank you."

P.S. I'll try an art or academics roll to see if it rings any bells for Lupin.

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Li returns the frenchman's obvious disdain with a raised eyebrow. "Really now, Mr. Charles, we are all here because the man of the hour and perhaps the century has invited us. I am sure that you, like all of us are the best at what you do, which aside from dealing in objet d'art is what exactly?"

"Well, anyone can just buy and sell. But the more exclusive the client, the more elusive the object of his attention. My family has always excelled in the aquisition of the rarest of objects and making sure they reach proper owners."

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"Well, anyone can just buy and sell. But the more exclusive the client, the more elusive the object of his attention. My family has always excelled in the aquisition of the rarest of objects and making sure they reach proper owners."

"Ah! Well then, Li-Shen Long at your service sir. As a connosieur of rare and valuable items myself I am sure there will be opportunities for us to do business."

"I'm a hunter," smiles Joshua.

"Really??" The well-heeled showman seems both impressed and bemused. "And what is your favorite game to hunt?"

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..and as I was telling Ms. Gettel earlier, that's why they call it...gazpacho."

"The name is Felicien Charles. I'm afraid that I don't have the fortune of being a master showman ::glare, world renowned reporter or great scientist. It's all really quite boring, I've inherited my father's business based in Paris. I deal with elite clients, import/export and all that. Mostly paintings, jewelery or the odd sculpture here and there."

Then looks back at the doctor

"I take it you're some kind of ah...zoologist?"

HA ha ha, that is very funny Mr Felicien. Oh pleas, I am very interested in the higher arts, especialy those of a rare antrophological value. But nich, ich am a engineer mainly, the monkeys are ze result of a cloning machine I built ages ago.

"In answer to your question Dr. Stahlfaust, I am a newcommer to the occident, seeking my fame and fortune on the world stage. As you can see I can already make my food dissapear," He adds, grinning.

Turning to Joshua, "Yes, you have very finely honed reflexes Mr. Joshua... Not to mention traveling amongst notorious company," with this last remark an amused look at the reporter.

An obvious look of disdain and dislike runs over Henriches face.

So, sie been ze movie star or ze like, yes?

"I'm a hunter," smiles Joshua.

Oh, das seems ze interesting. Tell me more, where have you been hunting? My onkle, Otto von Maadman-Stahlfaust, likes hunting as well, although ich thinks his kind of hunting would be considered ze cheating

"I couldn't help but notice your blade ealier in the commotion. I've never seen anything quite like it, what is it made of?"

"You are very attentive," says Joshua, sounding as if he approves. "They're made of - well, I call it sky metal. I didn't build them, or even order them built. I found them in a room at the top floor of an abandoned building, in the ruins of an ancient city."

Pushing backwards for room, he pulls the left blade out with his right hand and offers it to Felicien for examination. The "businessman" notices that the hilt is imprinted with the word Banji, followed by a circled "R" in smaller script. The weapon is exceptionally well balanced, and the blue blade is plainly very, very sharp.

"Yes, you have very finely honed reflexes Mr. Joshua... Not to mention traveling amongst notorious company," with this last remark an amused look at the reporter.

Joshua grins amiably and says nothing.

You do not have any more of ze himmel-steail? Ich thinks it would be ze interesting to analyize it yes...

Henriches way of eating is impecable, almost mechanical. He takes his time, chewing the food and studying the people around him.

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An obvious look of disdain and dislike runs over Henriches face.

So, sie been ze movie star or ze like, yes?

(The look of disdain being at the mention of Gettel no?)

"Ha ha, no. While I find the recent exploitations of the motion-picture to be entertaining and potentially revolutionary, I nonetheless remain commited to the more visceral arts of stage performance...specifically exhibition of the so-called mystic arts..." With a deft gesture of fingers, a tendril of cider floats into the air out of the nearest bottle, spinning around in a spiral pattern before depositing into his held goblet. He raises it in a slight salute before imbibing.


"I beg your pardon Herr doctor, but did you say a "cloning machine"???"

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"And what is your favorite game to hunt?"

The tattooed man looks slightly surprised at the question.

"Well.. I don't do it because I enjoy it, you know."

My onkle, Otto von Maadman-Stahlfaust, likes hunting as well, although ich thinks his kind of hunting would be considered ze cheating.

"What kind of hunting does your uncle do?"

You do not have any more of ze himmel-steail? Ich thinks it would be ze interesting to analyize it yes...

Joshua shrugs.

"No, doctor. That's all I've ever found."

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"And what is your favorite game to hunt?"

The tattooed man looks slightly surprised at the question.

"Well.. I don't do it because I enjoy it, you know."


Li bursts with laughter.

"Indeed Sir! For you are no Tiger... Tell us then, of the meaning of your strange markings. I've never seen any quite like them..."

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(The look of disdain being at the mention of Gettel no?)

"Ha ha, no. While I find the recent exploitations of the motion-picture to be entertaining and potentially revolutionary, I nonetheless remain commited to the more visceral arts of stage performance...specifically exhibition of the so-called mystic arts..." With a deft gesture of fingers, a tendril of cider floats into the air out of the nearest bottle, spinning around in a spiral pattern before depositing into his held goblet. He raises it in a slight salute before imbibing.


"I beg your pardon Herr doctor, but did you say a "cloning machine"???"

(It is at both of you)

Henrich looks with disinterest on the cider moving.

yes yes, very cute, however, ich been nicht interested in ze parlour tricks. Ich did say ze cloning machine. It was a failed experiment as well, with a very very interesting side effect. Sie zee, zer monkeys became intelligent, not ze exact replicas. The effect does not work on ze gorillaz though, or perhapz ich used a faulty test gorilla.

My onkle, Otto von Maadman-Stahlfaust, likes hunting as well, although ich thinks his kind of hunting would be considered ze cheating.

"What kind of hunting does your uncle do?"

You do not have any more of ze himmel-steail? Ich thinks it would be ze interesting to analyize it yes...

Joshua shrugs.

"No, doctor. That's all I've ever found."

At the mention of his uncle Henrich shines up slightly, his veil of logical puzzling lifted.

It is hunting most unorthodox, you see, he uses zer mechanical armour while hunting, witch keeps him very safe yes, but also able to carry heavy weapons. Zer only backdraw with zer mechanical armour erst zer lack of toiletfacilities, something that my onkle found out, as you americans says it, Henrich looks at Gettel and Li when he says this, ze hard way. You ze, he where surrounded by no less than four tigers, when his machine ze out of ze fuel. He was left standing there for three days, without toilet. Very Very unforunate.

Ah, das ist zer unfortunate and i assume that you cannot be convinced to be parted with that blade no? It is not of great importance of course, however from a scientific standpoint it would be ze interesting to find out what ze material composition waz.

(OOC: Yes, Li as well)

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"Truly? Which city would that be, if you don't mind my asking?"

"We call the ruins Suzhou Jun Chu."

"That's odd...could these have been mass produced at some point? Do you know anything about it, or about the city where you found it?"

"Very little. What is mass production?" ::indifferent

"A remarkable blade, thank you."

Joshua looks pleased at the approval and re-sheathes the long knife.

"He was left standing there for three days, without toilet. Very Very unforunate."

::laugh The tattooed hunter [like his player] laughs loudly in appreciation of the story.

"Tell us then, of the meaning of your strange markings. I've never seen any quite like them..."

Obligingly, Joshua rolls up the sleeve of his heavy brown shirt.

"They're markings used by my clan to identify each other and to show status. The color marks me as a member of the Chepano tribe, and the style of the curves on my forearm identify me as a hunter. The criss-crossing on my rib cage is supposed to represent claw marks, and mark me as a Jerico hunter, rather than someone that hunts to provide the tribe with food."

[OOC: He's like a Chromatic, except he's not trying to kill you! ::biggrin ]

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"They're markings used by my clan to identify each other and to show status. The color marks me as a member of the Chepano tribe, and the style of the curves on my forearm identify me as a hunter. The criss-crossing on my rib cage is supposed to represent claw marks, and mark me as a Jerico hunter, rather than someone that hunts to provide the tribe with food."

"I see, and what manner of beast is a Jerico?"

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"Very little. What is mass production?"

"It means someone's made a lot of something in a particular way, like Model T's or factory widgets. This stamp looks like a standardized one..."

Lupin shrugs

"They're markings used by my clan to identify each other and to show status. The color marks me as a member of the Chepano tribe, and the style of the curves on my forearm identify me as a hunter. The criss-crossing on my rib cage is supposed to represent claw marks, and mark me as a Jerico hunter, rather than someone that hunts to provide the tribe with food."

Lupin nods

"They're quite reminiscent of Maori markings, where is the Chepano tribe from?"

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"I see, and what manner of beast is a Jerico?"

"A Jerico hunter is someone who hunts only beasts or spirits that pose a threat to the tribe, as opposed to Ten-ba hunters, who hunt to provide the tribe with food. And unlike the Ten-ba, who use traps and bows and arrows made by hand, each Jerico hunter must ceremonially go into the ruins of Suzhou Jun Chu and find a weapon for themselves."

"It means someone's made a lot of something in a particular way, like Model T's or factory widgets. This stamp looks like a standardized one..."

Joshua listens carefully, and seems to assimilate the concept - Felicien gets the impression that the next time he uses the expression, the hunter will understand. He shakes his head.

"I don't think so, Mr. Charles. The stamp may be standard, but the balance of the weapon is such that I doubt it could be replicated on more than a single product at a time."

"They're quite reminiscent of Maori markings, where is the Chepano tribe from?"

"We occupy the farmland north of Suzhou Jun Chu, in the land of Vo'onos."

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"I see, and what manner of beast is a Jerico?"

"A Jerico hunter is someone who hunts only beasts or spirits that pose a threat to the tribe, as opposed to Ten-ba hunters, who hunt to provide the tribe with food. And unlike the Ten-ba, who use traps and bows and arrows made by hand, each Jerico hunter must ceremonially go into the ruins of Suzhou Jun Chu and find a weapon for themselves."


Li-Shen sits back in his chair, his floating utensils falling lightly to the table. The absent minded motions of his hands stop. The manic glint subsides into a far-away look, as if gazing upon memory . The man who looks up at you is not the showman, the magician, but someone else. Someone deeply serious. He is staring at Joshua and appears about to say something but hesitates. Instead he wipes his mouth with a handkercheif and remains surprisingly reserved for the remainder of the meal.

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The rest of the dinner passes rather quickly, and as the dishes are being cleared away (by humans this time, not the serv-o-bots), Maxwell Mercer gets up and stands at the podium near the front of the room. "Again, welcome everyone! I hope you enjoyed the meal," he's interrupted by applause and a few compliments, "and I'll pass that along to the chef. As Whitley can attest, my attempts in the kitchen are more suited to an assassin than a cook!"

He pauses, then spreads his arms wide. "Welcome to the Aeon Society for Gentlemen! And Ladies, of course," he adds with a wink towards Fiona Amberdrake and Sarah Gettel. "My vision, as most of you know, is to form a sort of league, where people like us - people who like pushing the boundaries of human knowledge, who work to explore the mysteries of the world, who fight against the tyranny of those who would use knowledge to harm others, rather than work to improve the human condition. People like all of you who received invitations, to set out to explore the world, uncover everything there is to know, and share it with anyone who wants to learn. That, ladies and gentlemen, is -"

His speech suddenly cuts off as the windows facing the street all explode in a hail of gunfire. All of you except Joshua can tell that there's at least a half-dozen Tommy guns outside. People start screaming, and fleeing for the exits, the moment the gunfire halts. Within a second, Whitley is at your table. "Lupin! We need someone to go after them, and we need someone to stay and secure the house. Pick one and start moving while we get these innocents out of here." He glances at the rest of you at the end of the table. "Will the rest of you men help him out?"

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"It appears Tyranny has arrived!," he says calmly over the sudden thunder. "Fittingly uncouth to interupt a man while he is talking..." Li-Shen stands up, unperterbed by the hail of bullets. Instinctively he looks for Asura, while moving fearlessly through the shattered facade into the street.


Upon sight of any mobilized hooligans, he will infuse himself with a point of Inspiration, activating phantom hands and throwing up his force field. Smashing through the gate with a ferocious thought, Li looks to see if Asura has responded to the attack. Li-Shen will make eye contact and nod at the Tiger, indicating he should pick Li up and continue pursuit together.


Seeing the car to be faster than his mount, Li will use his great strength of will in an attempt to grab the axle of the villainous transportation, slowing it down. Should that fail or when he gets closer Li resorts to pummeling the driver in the head until the vehicle slows or crashes...

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