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A Brief Introduction


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An Initial Briefing
A Brief Introduction

Argonauts’ HQ, 10m below ground, Parangaricutirimícuaro, southeastern Mexico

Director Jake Stefokowski looked doubtful.

“And you’re sure this thing is the real deal?”, he asked the supermodel-tall and nova-beautiful woman with the rusted-metal arms who was on the other side of his desk facing him. Not unrelated to the look on his face, was the tone of Director Stefokowski’s voice: also filled with doubt.

His nova companion gave him an un-amused stare with her near-perfect hazel eyes that, though set in a face that was timelessly beautiful, were filled with the kind of hard-won wisdom and bitter cynicism that only result from a long life full of difficulties and hardships.

“Yes”, was all she said, and went back to perusing a manila folder (or rather, the report contained within).

Stefokowski still looked doubtful. His companion, Li Yuming (aka Lee, aka Machine Girl, aka Cyber-B*tch, and the list goes on), found this annoying.

“But… Siribhuvalaya? ‘The Book of All Knowledge’?”, the Director asked, with a tone of voice that did a fine job of communicating his embarrassment and discomfort at even uttering such a ridiculous phrase out loud. “I mean, I admit that the intel on this thing seems solid enough, but it just seems so…”

“Ridiculous?”, offered Lee, her unplaceably eastern European accent turning the word into something much cooler-sounding than it had any right to sound. The Director just nodded his agreement.

“We thought so, too, when we found the first khanda back in ’28”, Lee explained, “until we ran the contents through one of Dickson’s ‘cryptographic metachines’ and it spit back out formulas that corresponded to Einstein’s theory on Special Relativity.” Stefokowski couldn’t quite keep his eyebrows down at this news, but Lee wasn’t done yet. “What got us really interested was when we realized that what we’d found was just the syllabus – the Relativity theorems had come out of what amounted to the introduction. The real prize is still out there somewhere, but as much as we looked, we never found it. If this cult is telling the truth – and can give us a solid lead to go on – we can’t afford to pass this one up, Jakey.”

‘Jakey’ winced slightly at the abuse of his given name, but said nothing. Lee was old enough to be his grandmother but looked young enough to be his daughter and was set enough in her ways that she had trouble understanding how that could be awkward. Best to just let it go. The name and the book.

He nodded his acquiescence silently. “You have an opinion on who I should send to those caves?”, Jake asked, mostly to change the subject.

Lee answered without even an instant’s hesitation, “you send the super-geek, of course!”, her tone and expression both making it clear that – in her eyes – the question was about as stupid as the mission. Which was about par for the course; the caves were not likely to involve even the possibility of adventure or something dangerous happening, so Lee wasn’t interested. “And I suppose you should send one or two others with him, though Christ only knows what you expect them to find…”

In the wake of Lee’s last statement, Director Stefokowski paused for a beat and his face was strained as he then asked her, hesitantly, in the manner of a man who doesn’t really want to hear the answer, “…you didn’t even read the preliminary report on the Naica case, did you?”

Lee barely even acknowledged the question. Waving her hand distractedly and, it must be said, rather imperiously, she answered vaguely, “I was busy preparing the preliminary report on that nautical mission you want to give to our new spymaster.” She smiled slyly and sarcastically at Stefokowski and added, “Much more interesting, that.”

The Director closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging the little knot of Lee-induced stress that seemed to be accumulating there with greater and greater frequency of late. After a moment he gave up on the stress-knot (which clearly wasn’t going away anytime soon) and looked back up at his Assistant Director.

“Alright”, he said, “enough talk. You’re as useless as ever –“

Lee, far from appearing contrite or guilty at her Director’s harsh words, snorted once in mild amusement and began to drag herself out of her chair.

“-and anyway”, the Director continued right over the top of Lee’s snort, “they’re probably all waiting for us by now. Let’s go give ‘em the bad news, eh?”

The two of them stood and headed for the door, the Director holding the door for his companion, more out of instinct than any desire to show politeness to Lee. As they walked out into the hall and turned in the direction of the HQ’s main briefing room, Lee turned to Stefokowski and asked casually, “So, have you thought about how you’re going to introduce everyone to their new boss?”

The Director quirked an eyebrow at her. “You mean Jay?”




Stefokowski blinked at her this time. “No. You said you were handling the introductions.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Yes you did.”

“No. I didn’t.”

“Well, dammit Lee! Then ‘no’! I guess I haven’t thought about how I’m going to handle the introductions!!”


“You’re not actually getting paid to work here, are you?”


The rest of what the Director had to say was decidedly uncomplimentary, to Lee or anyone else, and the actual words can - and probably should - be omitted. Said tirade continued as they rounded the corner and finished their journey to the briefing room and the small crowd of Section 1 agents waiting for them.

Click to reveal..
OOC: Alright, guys, feel free to write yourself into the thread. The idea is that, by the time Stefokowski and Lee arrive at the briefing room, you will all be there waiting for them. Feel free to use whatever (appropriate) means you like to get your characters to their seats at the briefing.
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Eight minutes earlier…

One of the tiny suites in the Argonauts’ quarters, although designated for use by one of its field operatives, was almost always vacant. There was never a sound from within, or a glimmer of light, or even so much as a note tacked to the door to indicate that it was ever in use at all. It wasn’t mysterious, really, as everyone knew the operative for whom it was reserved rarely had occasion to use it, and most never gave it a second thought as they strolled to and fro about their business on a daily basis. It might as well have been a storage closet.

Now, however, those same passers-by paused in confusion, listening to the liquid sound of notes falling in a gentle, rippling torrent that flowed from behind the half-open door and down the hall. The music ebbed and flowed, cascading beguilingly from the aged piano that had been crammed into the small living space beyond as a woman with pale, coppery curls coaxed the melody from the worn ivory keys.

Though the piano itself was a far cry from a baby grand, the deft strokes of her fingertips somehow enticed, cajoled, and lured the soft, tinkling notes from deep within the heavy wooden frame. They filled the silence with song, and countered the brisk tension of a busy day with a surge of feeling here, gentle languor there; as they faded, leaving the sounds of bureaucracy and Pressing Matters to catch up with the listeners again, her sigh was a soft counterpoint to the last vestiges of the melody hanging in the air.

There was a faint thud as she closed the lid, running her fingers over the smooth-grained wood with something akin to reverence, and then she was up and striding toward the door, already glancing at her watch. She still had two minutes.

It wasn’t the sort of thing to be applauded, or cheered, and fortunately the people most often in the halls of the compound in Parangaricutirimicuaro were accustomed to the eccentricities of their peers. Samantha said nothing as she closed the door behind her, and watching her stroll purposefully away, neither did they. It would have been awkward to try making conversation out of what might or might not have been eavesdropping, and what would they have said, in any case?

Nodding politely to those she passed, she made her way smoothly and efficiently to the briefing room. Less than forty-eight hours ago, she’d been sitting on the floor next to her coffee table, sorting through the last few boxes of photographs. Then she’d gotten the phone call, and from then, it was a blur of taxis, airports, and miles of dusty Mexican roads. Dressed in a cream-colored linen tunic and neat chocolate brown slacks, she certainly didn’t look as if she’d spent most of the last two days in transit. Fortunately, the compound could supply nearly anything she needed, from a toothbrush and underwear to satellite television.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she entered the room, Samantha took a seat and glanced about expectantly.

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Mel had been the first to arrive, and had already been waiting in the room for a little bit of time before anyone else had gotten there. This fact came by virtue of that he'd been up until Lee's departure for her initial pre-briefing discussion with Director Stefokowski, playing cards with her and plenty of the grizzled old men of the town in a loud and rambunctious establishment known to the town as La Puta Del Pescador.


Interestingly, through long familiarity with the criminal and seedier sides of society, plus fairly strong observational skills (of the basic sort, he had neither the practical knowledge or experience or proper temperament for the detective work Ingersoll and Shreveson did) he had reason to believe (not that he would make use of them) that the titular services one would draw from the bar's name were indeed active and available, apparently run by the few waitresses of the place.

Clearly, they were quite willing to do what it took to earn a few more pesos at the end of the day. Mel certainly wasn't surprised by that.

Besides, he, Machine Girl and a group of the tough older fishermen were quite currently occupied playing a game of Pokar, a regional variant of the traditional Poker, that was seeing Mel's pockets grow slightly over many hands and dirty jokes. Lee's however, grew immensely. Mel wasn't fazed, since he wasn't with that much skill of the card-playing variety, and did so play merely out of enjoyment. This could honestly be called a good session for him. More often he managed to break even.

Then, after a particularly heated hand, Lee rose up and made her farewells to the group, which was unexpected for her, but she drew Grimson aside and informed him about the upcoming briefing (and he'd better have his ass there on time- she said mock-warningly). He'd stuck around for one more hand, which thanks to the result of his ending up with an ace of coins, he'd gotten a four of a kind and won the hand. Make that a very good session for him.

Grinning like the devil, he laughed and too made his excuses to depart from the equally amused locals. When he left the building, it could have been his imagination, but he heard sounds of copulation coming from the other side of the building.


In the meantime while he languished in the waiting room, Mel had went over the hands in his head, hoping to improve his record by thinking over the good and the bad.

When Grey (and any who entered before her) came in, he had given nodding acknowledgments of their presence but had not made any attempt to make conversation.

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"Do what?" Rob's voice was nearly a squeak on the last word.

"Take all the results from the sensors from both 'control' reading of Doctor Carver's power uses. Compare, contrast, evaluate, hypothesize. You were helping me build our four boosters, so look at the new data and give me your best idea of what wasn't working. Then when I get back from this, we can start working on Echo device." Michal grinned, and patted the table, his hand waving through the projected display.

Rob sighed, reaching for the dry-erase markers. "And by 'helping' you mean handing you tools, parts, and getting you more mountain dew."

Michal's grin turned a little more forced. "Well ... yes. But think about it, would you rather be dipping your fingers in cutting-edge research like this, or be stuck in a cube farm working for ViaSoft?"

Eyes narrowed, he popped the cap off with a flourish, letting it clatter to the floor. "On a good day, here. On a bad day, I still think running away and joining the circus was the best idea I ever had."

Laughing, the boss turned and headed for the door. "There's a case under my desk, and a couple of crullers on top of it. Enjoy." As the door swung closed behind him, Rob set down the marker, collecting a cold can of soda and a pastry, returning to the display, and hesitantly starting to write notes across the tabletop.

Fifteen minutes later

Michal stepped into the meeting room, glancing around with an unopened can in his right hand and his iPad in his left. He didn't recognize either of the two in the room, though there was something nigglingly familiar about the woman. No doubt it would come to him later. Sitting down, he nodded politely to both of the others. "Morning, I'm Michal Wesson, aka That Smart Guy."

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"Tch," came a voice from the doorway behind Wesson, "I guess I'll have to settle for That Smartass Guy then. That's what I get for being a little late, it seems."

The man who followed Wesson in was pleasant looking, with his receding hairline and his slight smile which seemed to poke fun not only at everyone and everything around him, but at himself as well. He nodded at That Smart Guy and said, "Sorry to step on your intro, but I'd have stayed up nights if I'd missed the opportunity you so graciously provided." His smile became a grin, ever so briefly.

"I'm doctor Max Keller, though given who we all are, and what we're planning on going through together, I think 'Max' will be fine."

He took a seat, just around the corner from Michal. "It is an honor, and a pleasure, to meet you, just as it will be to meet the others who have yet to arrive." He glanced at the door behind him.

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AJ was in her quarters after a pleasant work out and sparring session, sprawled out on top of the covers of the bed she rarely used, naked save for a pair of Sennheiser HD 800 headphones, hips shifting vigorously to the frenetic Latin beats she was currently listening to. She had taken to listening to music in her quarters - and when working out - trying to find out what kind she liked. One of her neighbors, with more cash than piece of mind had provided her with the high-end headphones when she had been testing out death metal.

Being active during the night nearly as much as the day gave Atlanta a fair bit of extra time to occupy. She usually used the time to struggle through the infrequent reports she had to send to the Regional IGU Headquarters in Acapulco, which Fat Fuck running the place demanded from the only field researcher stationed in the Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro office. She couldn't stand sitting in her tiny one-woman office in the tiny village, crouched over a keyboard - which Fat Fuck probably assumed she was doing - so she did most of the work when she got back to Sul de San Juan. Any excuse to get out of Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro was a blessing. And wow! Some of the excuses she could claim...

She leaned over and opened a new pack of cigarettes. There seemed to be a fair number of smokers among the Prometheans and she had decided to see if that could spark a memory, or even just a sense of familiarity. So she had conjoled Jaunt into picking her up several dozen brands from around the world and she tried a single one each day or so. So far, nothing, and she didn't particularly care for smoking, either way. She didn't crave it, neither did she find it completely disgusting (okay, some of the brands had been utterly gross). She was about to lit up when her alarm went off, cutting off the classical guitar rendition of Moonlight Sonata coming through the headphones.

Time to meet the new boss.

She tossed her lighter and cigarette on the end-table, flicked off her headphones, then rolled out of bed with inimitable grace, hands reaching for the black-bladed gladius and gelatinous mass of bio-polymer she always kept close at hand. The unique Eufiber the woman tagged Atlanta had been found wearing began to alter almost before her fingers touched it, flowing over her flesh with an organic warmth, sheathing her in a full, seamless bodysuit of a deep, glossy blue-grey, including integrated boots and fingerless gloves. A symbol, a bisected circle framed by angled brackets, appeared on the back of her gloves.

With the same fluid motion she used to get out of bed, Atlanta settled a pair of belts on her shapely hips, one holding her deceptively heavy gladius, the other, a brace of matte-black, sinuously curved throwing knives she could release with the force of an antitank weapon.

She strode through the halls with a brisk, predatory gait that was slightly too fast for a normal pace, short, blond pony-tail bouncing behind her. Max glanced at the door just in time to meet the cyan gaze of the very attractively fit young woman as Atlanta entered the briefing room.

"Max." She had caught his name drifting out into the hall as the door was swinging shut.

Atlanta gave Doctor Keller a nod, then gave the same to Grimson, along with a professional smile. Her smile tightened slightly when she turned to Michal Wesson - the half-way mad scientist always seemed to want a sample from her uniquely altered suit of Eufiber and the ultra-dense material of her sword. She was more than reluctant to accede, since they were the only things that she had had with her when she had 'woken' up. Along with one other thing locked up in the Warehouse, they were her only clue, vague as it was, that might lead to finding out who she was. The copper-haired woman got the same professionally friendly smile Grimson got. Maybe I should ask Grey if she could do some off-the-books research for me, see if she can track down the symbol marking my gladius and ew-fiber.

"I'm called Atlanta," she said, a slightly bitter bite in her tone as she turned her cyan gaze back on the new doctor. "You can call me AJ, if you prefer," she added as she passed over taking a seat to lounge against the wall. "Resident goon transferred from the Diomedians to add a little muscle to the Argonauts."

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"Mel Grimson." The tough customer-looking red-haired man added in, turned his head to acknowledge the newcomers, and a calm nod for Johnson and Wesson and Grey. "Been with the Argonauts about six months, like Atlanta I provide combat firepower, but I have a few other tricks besides those of merc-hood."

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Michal grins back at Doctor Max as the other man takes a seat. "Gee, I can't wait for everyone else to show up, then. It'll be like a bad comedy routine." He takes a sip of soda, then starts doing vocal impressions. "Doctor." "Doctor." "Doctor." "Doctor." He gives Atlanta a friendly wave, and a mock-greedy look at her blade. "Seems like half the Argonauts are doctors of one persuasion or another, and ninety percent of the Elusinians."

((Perform roll with Enchanting Voice, please!))

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"Awwww....the Eleusinians didn't used to be all stuffed shirts, though they might be now." Eva glided into the room with a quick smile and a chuckled aimed at Dr. Wesson.

She took a quick look around the room at all the empty chairs and then bounced herself up to sit on the edge of the table. "So, some of you I've met before, some of you I haven't. Are we doing roll call for teacher, or are we big enough now to introduce ourselves?"

Her words were quick and light, the light behind her eyes already laughing at her words. She cocked her head in curiosity towards the three in the room she hadn't met yet.

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Mel let out a sigh of exasperation. "And you couldn't arrive ten seconds ago? Fine, short version. Mel Grimson, six months with the Argonauts, ex-merc before then, but I have some additional tricks above and beyond killing people." It was clear already that he seemed the reverse of Eva, serious and hard. "You?"

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The only reaction the alarm clock at 8 had gotten out of Bannon was a slight frown and a sigh before he stood, stepped over to his nightstand, and pushed the off-button. Wearing a night robe, he stepped back over to where he'd been sitting for the last four hours, glanced at the books and files on his desk, sighed, picked up his glass and poured himself another generous measure of single malt before lighting up a Sobranie. As he relaxed back into his chair Bannon took a sip of the whisky and went back to staring at the walls.

Sleep had come about as easily as it always did. That is to say: not very. And then had departed as abruptly as ever after the first dreams. In all, he reflected, he'd had 3 hours sleep, which wasn't bad considering he'd not taken anything to knock himself out. He glanced at the clock again, pondering going to get breakfast, but decided against it. He wasn't hungry.

A buzz at quarter past ten from the slim wrist Op-phone on his desk interrupted his wall-staring again. He let it vibrate, not bothered about answering it. As Lee's voice sounded from the device, he realised that she'd anticipated that from him.

"Rise and shine, Jay. And stop moping in your damned room!" Her voice was unwholesomely exuberant in Bannon's opinion for someone that'd been drinking and gambling all night. She'd wanted to drag him along, but he'd declined.

Bannon preferred to get drunk alone.

"Fine, don't talk back. I don't call you for your conversation anyway. We've got something come down, so the meet and greet for this afternoon is also going to be a briefing. Get your game face on, Jay, because I'd hate to drag you in front of your team in your sleepwear." Lee's voice took on a concerned note under the wry good humor. "And get something to eat, okay? Whisky and cigarettes are not a viable food source, even for you."

The phone clicked off, leaving silence in the room. Bannon looked over at the mirror, studying the pale, ghostlike figure sitting in the gloom. Then he got up to get ready.

* * * * * *

Wearing one of his habitual off-white linen suits, a white t-shirt and a pair of green-tinted sunglasses, and moving at an easy stride that belied the fact he'd been awake since the small hours of the morning, the tall slender 'young' man with shoulder-length white hair walked into the briefing room. Sparing a nod for those already present Bannon made straight for the coffee, pouring himself a mug of straight black brew before taking a seat near the front of the room.

There was a long, quiet moment as he took a drink, followed by a faint shifting as he relaxed in his chair. Then he looked up, hooking his shades down to the end of his nose and peering over them, with pale green eyes, at those present.

"Good afternoon to you all."

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Samantha watched quietly as the others filed in, smiling and nodding briefly as introductions were made. Her hazel eyes were clear and attentive, scanning each new face as she mentally sifted through the few updates that had kept her abreast of goings-on with the team while she was out of pocket. It was easy enough to assign names to those who introduced themselves, but there were always a few who seemed somewhat reticent- herself included.

She studied the woman seated on the edge of the table, noting the short, fashionable haircut and the cat-who-ate-the-canary smile. Only one woman had been mentioned recently that she’d not met personally, and that would make her… Ms. Eva Parker. Acquisitions, if she remembered correctly, and her remaining Eleusinian contacts weren’t mistaken. It was a possibility, of course, but one Sam quickly dismissed in light of the woman’s comments. It begged the question, of course... What, exactly, had she acquired already, and what was she going after in the future?

The green-eyed young man’s appearance was oddly refreshing, and mildly discomfiting, in much the same fashion as a brisk winter breeze on a July afternoon. There was little doubt in her mind as to his identity; the scientist’s name and striking description were something of a legend within the group. That he'd reappeared was naturally a matter of great curiosity to the inquisitive woman.

“To save some of us the trouble of repeating ourselves, perhaps we ought to wait until we’re all here to get acquainted?” she inquired aloud, glancing from a seemingly annoyed Mel to the growing team of operatives. “I believe we’re still a few doctors short, with all due respect to those already present.” The ghost of a smile tugged at one corner of her mouth, and quietly underscored her words as she surveyed the room.

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Doctor Annalise Gravinsky made her way to the appointed briefing room with a bemused look on her face. She'd worked with most everyone already in some capacity in her year-long tenure with the Argonauts, or had met everyone at least once with the exception of her new boss. She was actually dressed nice for the occassion, In light grey slacks and a button-down shirt that was actually tucked in and had no writing whatsoever on it. Her long black hair fell down her back past her shoulder blades and around her shoulders. She was trying to put on a good show for the first meeting of the entire team and their new boss.

She walked in with a grin and nodded to those she knew well enough to do so, and made her way over to Michal. "They actually got you out of your lab? I'm impressed. I don't see a pallet of Dew or the artifact of unknown origin they used as bait though."

She nodded to Eva, remembering her from the lab. "Nice to see you again."

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Daniel was deep in the complex himself, within a sensory deprivation tank, he'd been asked about that a time or two, and he responded. "You have five senses you listen too.. try dealing with several more.. and having all of your senses pushed to acute sensitivity. including ones that most people don't have." Mostly he did it to relieve the constant stress of such acute senses.

He'd been in the tank for a few hours, when his awareness sharpened, and as he had expected, there was a message sent to him. He didn't even bother to get out of the tank, as his alarm went off, indicating a message to be in the briefing room in about an hour. Relaxing for another 30 minutes, he then got out of the tank, took a quick shower, and got dressed in his usual attire.

He didn't bother with a watch, he didn't need one, and approximately five minutes before the deadline, he walked into the room, though a number of others had of course, entered before him, but he had expected that.

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As Samantha talks, Michal pulls out a sharpie and a half-size notebook. Tearing out a piece of paper, he quickly folds it in half, writing his name on one side and 'That Smart Guy' on the other. He then does another for Doctor Max with 'That Smartass Guy' and one for Grav as 'Upside-Down Girl'. "What, didn't you know?" he says, handing her the name paper, and writing 'Bannon - The Boss Man' on another. "This is King Arthur's round table, conveniently resized. Over there is King Arthur with Excalibur," he gestures towards Atlanta with her sword, and writes up her paper accordingly. Smiling brightly around the room, he inquires, "Anyone else?"

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Dr. Keller's smile never flickers as he watches the room churn in front of him. His body posture is one of a spectator, leaning back slightly, hands folded over his stomach. One can almost picture him happily eating popcorn.

"Max Keller," he says to introduce himself to the newcomers. "I've been with the project about eight months, though I'm new to Section one." His smile briefly broadened into a grin. "I'm a psychologist."

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"One of the best in the world, or so I've heard." Carver stood in the doorway, dressed for "business". Her dark pants had large, deep pockets on them; while they weren't BDUs, they were similar in form and function. Her shirt was a simple tank top of a matching color to the pants.

"Of course, I can say that for most of the room," she added, glancing around with a smile. "Hello, everyone. Who was supposed to bring the donuts?"

Despite her warm smile, Carver was a little cranky. She'd not slept well - or more accurately, Jael had stayed up late having some 'fun' while Willow had slept. The end result was a mix of wakefulness and tiredness that made Carver want to throw things at anyone talking to her and hide under her covers. As she wasn't three years old, she had to get up and face the day. The call to a meeting had Willow mentally cursing at Jael for picking last night of all the damned times for an outing, while Jael had pointed out that she wasn't Ingersol and therefore couldn't have known that today would be the day of a big, surprise meeting.

Settling into her chair, Carver scanned the room, matching their names and faces to their talents. She may not have met everyone personally, but she knew their reputations. This was the cream of the current field members, as well as some of the technical members. And Bannon was here, which was even more interesting. Excitement sparked through her body and she sat a little straighter. Her tiredness receded as Carver realized that something big was going down.

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Atlanta snorted, then smiled wryly. The 'Smart' Guy is a moron. "If I look like a 'King' to you," Atlanta said, blatantly looking down at her body-suited figure, then smirking at the Whiz-kid, "then you need to get out of the lab more, Wesson."

The young man called Bannon made her narrow her eyes slightly - she wasn't sure the Argonauts could handle another Jaunt - but when Max Keller identified his profession, she stood up straighter, cyan eyes intent. Carver got a quick grin and a nod, but she didn't take her gaze off Keller.

"A psychologist, hmm?" She nodded to get his attention, then pointed at him then herself, mouthing, 'Later, we need to talk.'

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Max nodded pleasantly at Atlanta, and answered her verbalized question...letting his nod be the answer for her mouthed one. "Yes, and...as Dr. Carver noted I have some renown. My specialty has been in research of abnormal psychology, which I then took into a successful career in constructing criminal profiles for the FBI. I've also handled some interrogations of...highly disturbed individuals who were not receptive to orthodox questioning techniques."

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The indentations in the surface of the bone indicate possible exposure to a type of acid in the same family as that generated by Said's documented acidic projectile abilities, as detailed by in Report #C7-9821, courtesy of the UINCD (Utopian International Nova Criminal Database), and hereafter referred to as Said's "acid spray". Acid spray pattern analysis will commence to help pinpoint identifying elements between the bone fissures and prior recorded examples of--

"Dr. Montenegro!!"

Truth jumped slightly in her chair at the sound, and turned around, the annoyed scowl on her features a solid indication that Marty was probably in for a good reaming. He held up his hands in a defensive position and took a couple steps back, looking apologetic.

"Hey, I'm sorry - that's the third time I called you. You told me to remind you about that meeting you've got today, which I did fifteen minutes ago. Aren't you supposed to be there in five?"

Truth let out a slightly annoyed flicker of a nod, and spun back around to the computer, clicking on the "Save" icon and dropping the report down, exposing the picture of her parents that graced the desktop of her computer. She stood up and began gathering together the reports, but Marty made his way over and shooed her off as he began to gather the reports himself.

"Go on, Doc - I've got this. It'll take you more than five minutes just to get there."


As predicted by her devoted assistant, Truth walked in to the meeting behind almost everyone else, running a bit late and looking a bit annoyed. She was dressed in a pair of well-fitted dark blue denim jeans and a simple tan tank top. Over it she wore an expensively-tailored dark brown blazer left unbuttoned, and a rather expensive-looking large bronze medallion with a definite Aztec feel that including some elegant pearl inlay and the central skull design and hung from what appeared to be several strings of glass and semi-precious stones in shades of brown and red. Her hair was twisted up with a simple bronze clip that held it off her neck, and she had several matching bangles and a belt buckle that completed the outfit. For someone who interacted with the dead most of the day, Truth certainly didn't dress it, which at least meant that she didn't have to worry about being improperly dressed for business meetings, like some of the colleagues she'd worked with before that preferred to wear "Legend of Zelda" and "Grateful Dead" t-shirts under their white medical jackets.

She nodded briefly to those she was acquainted with, which was significantly more than many others had been. She smiled briefly in greeting at Bannon, whom she hadn't known she would be seeing here today, and made her way over to an empty seat, setting down a similarly Apple-embossed tablet computer, along with a more traditional notebook and pen and a cup of coffee.

"Sorry about the delay, I hope I haven't kept you all from starting?"

Her eyes flicked around the room, taking in both the familiar and unfamiliar faces. Her voice was crisp and professional, but with a slight edge to it that those who knew her could identify as Truth's "Yes, I was in the middle of something else, and I'd probably rather be there" tone of voice. Then again, Truth was notorious for her dislike of meetings in general, and sent one of her assistants whenever the security clearance required of the meeting would let her get away with it.

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Grav chuckled at Michal's antics, curious as to how he came up with the names for the others.

She also looked to Dr. Keller. She knew of his work as well, and smiled. "Dr. Keller, good to see you again."

"Dr. Carver's arrival didn't go unnoticed, and she smiled at Michal's other partner in crime so to say. The two of them were the Argonauts most often in his lab with him.

When another woman came in in attire much closer to her normal fare, Anna chuckled. "Who'd have thought I would be one of the ones not dressed the most casual?"

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Steve walked in and surveyed the room. He commented, "Hello everyone. Almost late is really exactly on time."

Steve looked... out of place. To the eye he seemed a normal, clean cut, fresh behind the ears, pleasant looking young man in an inexpensive suit coat and somewhat rumpled tie. He was clearly not a nova and was wearing his 'earnest and eager' face. In a room where most everyone oozed competence, he stood out as being a likely college intern.

{OOC: Investigative Pro & Lie Detector On}

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Shortly after Shreveson’s entrance and comment, the Director entered the briefing room, followed immediately by the always-beautiful and slightly-scary Assistant Director. Stefokowski looked irritated in a distracted sort of way as he marched with a purpose towards the head of the room, meeting the occasional agent’s gaze as he passed but only really nodding to the STLs and to Bannon. As always, he looked like he’d just stepped out of some prior, shinier, more respectable (if old-fashioned) era of America’s past. Lee just looked gorgeous, and strutted across the room like a slightly homicidal cyborg-ninja fashion model intent on showing off the latest trends in authentically-aged off-white Sahara shirts and utility pants by The North Face, apparently lost in whatever thoughts homicidal fashion models become preoccupied with.

“Find a seat”, Director Stefokowski announced over his shoulder as he made his way to the room’s podium. “Let’s wrap it up, people”, he said as his agents slowly finished up their small talk and found places to sit, lean, or whatever it was they preferred to do while listening to the Director’s always-interesting briefings, “We’ve got new agents to introduce and lots of business to discuss before we can ship the lot of you off to whichever exotic and dangerous locales you’ve been assigned to.”

Stefokowski set down his small stack of papers and manila folders and looked about to start the briefing in earnest when he suddenly stopped and looked out at his gathered agents, faded grey-blue eyes scanning from one side of the room to the other. From the look on his face, he wasn’t finding what he was looking for.

“What in the Sam Hill…?”, he muttered under his breath, and then more loudly adding, “Now where’s that spastic little anklebiter gotten to?”

“Who?”, Lee asked.

Jaunt!”, the Director all-but-shouted. In a tone of exasperation he continued, “Lee, go find the kid, would you?”

In response to this, the Assistant Director gave her boss a truly incredulous look and asked/exclaimed, “Find him? How? He could be anywhere.” A sly and mischievous look on her face followed this and she added, “But I’ll go and find the little dolboeb* if you like; I promise no one will ever find the body afterwards.”

The Director quirked an eyebrow and rubbed his chin as if seriously considering her offer, but there was a twinkle in the old man’s eyes as he did so that gave him away. Suddenly he looked up again, towards his gathered agents, several of whom were no doubt watching this exchange with great amusement.

“Anyone know Agent Jaunt’s number?”, the Director asked. In all seriousness he added, “Kid’s given it to me a dozen times now, but I still can’t figure out how to save phone numbers on that damned Blackberry doohickey the head office makes me use…”

Standing to one side of him, Lee stuck a metal hand in her pocket and pulled out her own phone on which she promptly began punching in numbers (presumably Jaunt's), muttering something under her breath that, to the Argonauts with particularly sharp ears, sounded something like, "Have you at least figured out how turn your computer on...?"

Click to reveal..
Doelboeb: Russian for ‘fuckhead’. Lee is Jaunt’s biggest fan. Honest!
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As if on cue the area along the back wall of the meeting room blurred and wavered as Jaunt tore through the barrier between space-time. As swiftly as it appeared, in the tell tale echo of air being sucked into the void he traveled through, the scar sealed itself and Jaunt had arrived, already in motion and moving slowly down the center isle that Stefokowski himself just graced.

"Woah... holy shit people... I am so sorry." He said in a voice so loud it was obvious he just left someplace loud and hadn't adjusted yet. It looked like he'd just bumped over a Halloween store, the way he was dressed.

Huge was barely the word to describe the size of the lenses on his sunglasses with vivid white frames and massive five inch diameter lenses. He was in an unkempt, fluffy white, shaggy wool vest with no shirt on under it that he wore open, exposing what appeared to be electrical tape in 'X' patters across his nipples. To his credit, the man had a body that complimented his nova stature, even if his fashion sense was out of whack. Loose-fitting black leather pants and what appeared to be bushy, fluffy boots that matched the theme of his vest evened out his attire. All in all it looked like Lenny Kravitz exploded all over Malibu's Most Wanted and it all landed on Jaunt.

"Y'see... I was undercover at this rave... in Prague..." He collapsed into a seat and threw his man-lugs up on the table. "Totally didn't realize the time, my bad." Everyone knew he was bullshitting, Jaunt had made it an art form, at this point though despite everyone knowing the lie, he'd thought just walking in late and ignoring the fact he was late without saying something would be unprofessional, so lame excuses were the next best thing.

His opPhone chimed and he dug for it in a leather clad back pocket. Lee clicked hers and ended the call. He looked down then looked at her. "Christ Lee... I'm in a meeting! Seriously, a little respect please? I've a lot of work to do, this stuff is serious!" He glanced over at Sefonkowski. "Sorry for the interruption Sir, turning the phone off. Won't happen again. Go ahead, continue, please."

He looked at Lee and just shook his head, appalled by her level of unprofessionalism. Like she didn't know he had to be at a meeting and decided to call him anyway. Some people.

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Novas were hard to see within the realm of possibilities that Daniel could see, and he could see many things, beyond what most could. He wasn't entirely certain why, though in theory he thought it might be due to the different nature of thier powers, and that the shear potential of a nova, washed away many probabilities. Even so, for a moment he considered checking the lines of probability, as Director started to speak, and then decided against it.

Besides, some things could be predicted by the very nature of the individual, and the situation. He suspected what would occer in the next moment, and when Jaunt appeared, Daniel put a hand over his mouth to keep the smile from being too apparent. People tended to jump to conclusions regarding a clairvoyant when they laughed about something, even when it wasn't due to a vision.

Leaning back slightly, he watched events unfold with a certain dry amusement, as he waited to hear about the matter at hand from the Director.

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Tsking at Atlanta, Michal shakes his head. "That was supposed to be a complement, you know."

As Jake and Lee enter the room, Michal puts away his notebook, finishes the last half of his can of Dew in two swallows, and with his TK, turns the can into a marble-size ball of aluminum. His full attention are on the two leaders, as he awaits the Big Announcement.

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Director Stefokowski appeared to be momentarily stunned into silence by Jaunt’s sudden appearance – and probably by his general appearance as well. Lee just glowered at the young nova as he told jokes at her expense, her flaring nostrils and intense glare the only outward sign of her anger. One thing about the Assistant Director, the woman could flare her nostrils better than just about anybody. Then suddenly she smirked at him and, in a voice laden with sarcasm, she said, “Prague, eh? I suppose that explains why you look like a vole pasák*.

“Now get those disgusting things off the table and out of my sight”, she continued, gesturing at what Jaunt very questionably considered to be footwear, “and keep quiet.”

The Director had been gripping the podium fiercely for the past few seconds while Jaunt and Lee’s exchange had been going on, the muscles of his jaw flexing visibly. As Lee ordered Jaunt to ‘keep quiet’, he finally seemed to pull out of it and took a deep breath.

“All right, people”, he said, casting one last sidelong glance at ‘Shaggy’, “let’s get to why we’re all here:

The first order of business”, declared the Director as he lifted one hand in the direction of the fashionable, smiling woman still seated on a table’s edge with a knowing smile on her face, “is introducing you lot to the newest members of our team.

“First off is Miss Eva Parker”, said Stefokowski, gesturing as he did so with his arm at the young woman. “She’s coming on board as our new Acquisitions Specialist. As some of you may already know, she’s been with Section 2 for some time now and was already quite experienced when she signed on with them. I’m expecting good things from her and I know she won’t disappoint.”

The Director gave Parker a smile, which she returned in her characteristically knowing way, and then shifted his gaze to the other person in the room with a knowing smile on their face. “And this”, he said, “is Dr. Max Keller, also recently transferred to us from the Eleusinians-“

“Must be Graduation Day over there or something”, Lee drawled, just loud enough to be heard over the Director’s voice.

“And I don’t doubt that some of you are familiar with him as well”, continued Stefokowski, studiously ignoring the Peanut Gallery standing to one side of him. “Dr. Keller is a criminal profiler and psychologist of some renown, and I know I don’t need to tell any of you just how much that’ll come in handy around here. Everyone, make sure to introduce yourselves to them after the briefing.”

The Director nodded once to each of them and then promptly continued onward, “Alright, next order of business is letting you all meet your new boss.”

Stefokowski gestured towards the strangely youthful newcomer seated in the front with the white outfit and white hair and a mug of coffee. “Jay, come on up here, why don’t you?” As the young man obliged him, the Director said, “Everyone, meet Dr. Jason Bannon. Most of you probably don’t know, but Bannon was one of Section 1’s founding members and there are few people in our line of work with more experience or breadth of knowledge. He’s been off duty on extended leave for some time now, but has finally come back to us and will be taking a position as Assistant Director Lee’s second in command.”

As Bannon finally came to stand next the Director, he placed his hand on the younger (looking) man’s shoulder and said, “Jay, why don’t you say a few words and introduce yourself to the team?”

“Or he could just stand there and look pretty for a bit”, chimed in the always-helpful Asst Director, sotto voce, “I’m certain none of the ladies would mind in the slightest.”

“Shut it, Lee”, growled the Director, not even looking in her direction. Without missing a beat he patted Bannon on the shoulder again and said, “Go ahead, Jay.”

Click to reveal..
Vole pasák: Czech, for ‘retarded pimp’. Vole literally means ‘stupid’, ‘slow’, etc. Pasák literally means ‘shephard’ or ‘herdsman’, but is used as slang for ‘pimp’. Considering what Jaunt is wearing, Lee’s words are also implying a certain, one might say ‘unhealthy’, relationship with livestock as well. Unfortunately, since no one else in the room speaks Czech, they can’t appreciate Lee’s subtle humor. wink
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With a small, barely discernible sigh Bannon removed his sunglasses, tucking them into the breast pocket of his jacket before draining the last of his coffee and setting the mug down on Jake's podium. Stepping out from behind it, he ran a sober eye over everyone before nodding once in greeting.

"Gentlemen." he began in a smooth, low voice carrying a faint transatlantic note. "And ladies. Don't worry about what Lee said: I've spent the best part of two days and nights reading your files and know you're all capable of finding better things to do with your time than looking at me. She's just projecting." Behind him Jake restrained his grin to a mere smile and Lee narrowed her eyes at the back of Bannon's head. He went on without pausing, face unsmiling and eyes grave as they made contact with everyone in turn.

"I've read your files, and some of you might feel that gives me an unfair advantage." Bannon wished he could light up: he always dealt better with meetings with a cigarette in hand. "But the advantage is minor. What I've read has merely made me eager to actually work with each of you, has brought me out of retirement to that end." He glanced back at Jake, then at the assembled Argonauts before him.

"Director Stefakowski has told me that gathered here are some of the finest agents Section 1 has seen in a long time. Your files bear that out. I'm looking forward not just to working with you all as we do what we do, but in having to run to keep up." He stepped back, nodding once more to them all. "Thank you."

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Despite the disruption Jaunt's entrances always seemed to provide, Samantha offered the speakers and the newest members of the Argonauts a smile that implied neither overt enthusiasm nor contempt, but managed to remain solidly within the realm of polite neutrality. The only outward indication of her surprise was an arched brow as the Director made his announcement of the change in leadership, and even that quickly resolved itself once more into an attentive non-expression.

Inwardly, however, her mind was churning with speculation. It seemed that every time the team grew, or someone was quietly promoted, something very, very big was about to fall into their collective lap. Her journalist's instincts were going insane at the prospect of what these announcements might portend, and it took significant effort on her part not to simply blurt out the questions that threatened to spill past her lips in a torrent.

Instead, she settled for retrieving the pen sitting neatly beside the notebook in front of her, clicking it once, and jotting down a few notes in an angular scrawl before glancing back up at the podium:


[E. Parker, conf. ACQ, f. Sec.II. ???]

[Dr. M. Keller, PSY., GOV ??, f. Sec II. ???]

[Dr. J. Bannon, TL?, f. ??, conf. Sec I. ???]

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Mel restrained any expressions of disgust or annoyance when Jaunt made his appearance, as he had seen such puerile and smart-ass behavior far too many times from the young nova. As the three new team members were reintroduced to the group at large, Mel gave each one of them professional nods- and focused attention to Bannon.

Parker's attitude, it seemed, had taken him aback with her behavior, but if the Director was even half-correct about her 'work experience', then she was only like Jaunt off the job then, presumably. Check that. To make a comparision to Jaunt like that was not only incorrect, Mel realized, but a very major insult in his book. And acquisitions... perhaps there would be someone who could understand his past, maybe.

Keller, well, as a psychologist, perhaps he could help Mel in getting Carver to stop her continuing anger and blaming him for her boyfriend's death. After all, his squad had no way of knowing that the militants had hostages and the Utopians were mounting a rescue until it was too late.

Bannon- looked too young for his description, but this was the Argonauts, and he imagined the answer would come out sooner or later, if it mattered, which he doubted it did honestly. And no, it wasn't a problem if he read Mel's file, it was only appropriate as a leader to know his subordinates' capabilities.

But was he entirely serious about the 'eagerness' and the 'finest agents' stuff, or at least in his case? Considering Jaunt and Carver kept an subdued but noticeable distance, and the others sometimes seemed lukewarm with regards to him... Well, it wasn't like he did care that much, as long as he got his respect and they worked together. Besides Carver was wrong in blaming him over her fiancee's death- seeing as the oxymoron of military intelligence had denied his team even a shred of forewarning as to what had been really going on in the hills. Not to mention that he suspected that she felt he would go back to being the soldier of fortune for enough greenbacks. Of course, it was never about the money.

And Jaunt... was Jaunt, quite unfortunately.

That was the price he paid for his experience and understanding of the world. Most people wouldn't agree with it.

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Michal glances around the room as Bannon talks, re-evaluating the few people he hadn't met before. Huh, maybe I've underestimated a few of them, he thinks. And now I know what that comment in the cafeteria was about 'Boss-man Bannon' coming back. Does that mean he's in charge over Lee? His eyes flicked quickly to the gun-metal-armed nova, then back to Bannon as the man sat down. Under the table, he silently typed out a few commands on his pad, searching up a little more info on the "Doctor Keller" he hadn't met yet.

Giving one more glance around the room, Michal flicks his other hand in the air just long enough to draw Jake and Lee's attention. "So, what's up? I mean, it's always nice to meet new co-workers, but this seems like a lead-up to a field mission. And if it needs this many people, it's going to be a doozy."

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Daniel nodded to each of the new additions to the team, considering the expansion in size, it seemed likely that their tasks were about to expand as well. He did give a nod to both Parker and Keller, in general greeting, having come from section two himself a few years ago, he knew a about their situation. It was interesting, the last time they had been reinforced by the other departments, it had been after most of section 1 had vanished.

Looking over as Brannon stepped up and began to make his presentation, he listened to the man while paying attention to the reactions of everyone else. A second in command to the assistant director suggested to him an expansion of missions, likely multiple ones, and that would explain the expansion of field operatives as well.

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"Jason Bannon?" Jaunt said softy, his feet now firmly planted on the floor. "His hands hit the table and he looked at Bannon and pointed with a huge grin on his face. "Jason." He said again.

He swept his arm about signaling everyone of his teammates in the room on the 'not in charge' side. Twirling his finger about to encapsulate everyone as part of his statement. "Argonauts."

"That's wicked clever, you three are just... wow." He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands on his chest and relaxed. "I wish I had office, then I could sit in it all day and have time to think up this sort of stuff, man you guys are cool."

He thumbed in Michal's direction, "But yeah, I gotta agree with the Doc over there, aside from meeting the Eva chick, who's body I'd love to see on a poster I might add, all this leadership meet'n greet stuff is the sort of thing we get in our op-mail boxes. Along with 'Jaunt, stay out of my booze. Love, Lee'. All of us here, at the same time? Dude, c'mon... where'd the feces impact the oscillator this time? Hitler get his hands on Gugnir again or something?"

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Eva grinned at her introduction and pulled her legs up onto the table. She sat cross-legged on the table, bright eyes curious as she waited for them all to get to the point. She gave the overdressed (and forty years out of fashion anywhere west of Berlin) 'Jaunt' a slow smirk that promise an interesting time of some sort if he was up for the game.

"Got a thing for spears, I see?" she teased just loud enough to carry to him.

She gave a flip salute to those in charge at the front of the room, but her manner was (somewhat) respectful. "I'm up for getting out as soon as possible. This place is great and all, but there's only so many card games you can play at one time..." Her smile turned winsome. "So, where are we going?"

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Steve shook his head at Jaunt's antics. Steve liked order and Jaunt was a force for chaos. A force on their side, but chaos none the less.

At the introductions he nodded and said, "Miss Parker." Acquisitions Specialist. That means 'thief'.

"Dr. Keller" Another Doctor. Someone likes picking people with letters after their name.

"Dr. Bannon." Looks young to be one of Section 1's founders... young like me?

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The impish woman on the table got a small, two-finger wave in greeting, but Atlanta's attention remained more on Max, especially after hearing about his background. Maybe he can really help me... A strong, slender finger idly stroked the pommel of her gladius as she pondered letting - asking - a psychologist to did around in her head.

"Must be Graduation Day over there or something," Lee drawled. Atlanta suppressed a chuckle with a small - some would say 'cute' - snort. "And looks like the Diomedians were held back another year," Atlanta countered in a lower voice that was just as studiously ignored by the Director. Lee was a horrible influence.

The self-assured young man Atlanta had at first compared to Jaunt, if for no reason other than his youth, quickly disabused her of that notion with his appointment to Second in Command and his almost aristocratic manner. Finding out his was a founding member of Section 1 got her to wondering what his background was. Must be... interesting. As much as she'd like to know, she wouldn't ever ask, just waiting for whatever he chose to reveal. Having amnesia, she held personal histories in high regard and didn't begrudge anyone hoarding them.

Then Jaunt mentioned 'Jason and the Argonauts' and she groaned, shooting him a glaring-eyed scowl that the pimped-out 'Porter either didn't see or ignored. After seeing her spar and how fast she could move, a member of Gamma Team with an interest in Greek Myth had tagged her with the moniker Atlanta. It was better than 'Hey You' or Jane Doe, but still, all the allusions to the Argonauts sometimes got a bit much.

At this point, she was as eager as Eva and Jaunt to get this show on the road.

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Dr Keller nodded at Steve and held up a hand, "Please, just Max is fine. That goes for all of you, by the way. Since I fully expect my life to be in one or more of your hands in the near future, I'm comfortable jumping to first names."

His placidly smiling face gave no clues as to what was going on behind it. He looked like someone avidly watching his favorite movie for the umpteenth time. Perhaps not hanging on every word, but following the general ups and downs of the script while thinking his own thoughts. He didn't seem at all impatient to move things along though.

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Unbothered by Jaunt's... well, Jaunt-iness, Bannon glanced at Jake, shrugged, then nodded as if to say 'over to you' before picking up his mug and ambling back over to the coffee pot to get a refill. Being honest with himself, the Promethean veteran had misgivings about going into the field with an apparent asshole for a transport specialist, but knew that Jake had his reasons for keeping the snot around.

Mug once more filled with the bitter black nectar of wakefulness, Bannon flipped his sunglasses open as he sat back down, slid them on, and took a sip. He, too, was curious what Jake had for them, and as he relaxed into his chair, feeling that old anticipation once more, for a moment Bannon felt almost as young as he looked.

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