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Aberrant: Stargate Universe - Unforseen Consequences

Mr Fox

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January 13th, Thursday 2:33pm

Colorado Springs, Co.



Waki was having a difficult time with the melody of the latest song he was working on. It had started out great, the first two phrases flowed and they were hella catchy, but after working on the chorus he was having a tough time with the next bit and making it fit with the melody.

He picked out the notes on his keyboard, trying to recapture the muse.

In the back of a van parked half way up the street one black suited man turned to his partner and rolled his eyes. "He just needs to add an ascending chord in G flat and he'd have it. It's frustrating to sit here listening to it and not tell him."

His partner chuckled, "That's what you get for getting a minor in music in college. Shoulda gone with straight Poli-sci and criminal justice like all the other spooks. I'm sure you're working off some karma or something."

"Seriously, why are we still sitting here, we've got enough on this guy's girlfriend to have her locked away. She clearly broke her NDA and we've got plenty of tape to prove it." The first man frowned and took a drink from the small mini-fridge under the console. "This is one hell of a boring assignment."

His partner just shrugged and didn't answer, but smirked as spook number one began to hum Waki's melody with the correction.


January 12th


SG16 combed through the ruins looking for anything of value. So far there had been days of nothing. The place had once been a world occupied by Neerti and she had destroyed nearly everything before she was driven off by Anubis' forces. Scorched Earth, or scorched P36-995 in this case. The settlement was devastated and had obviously been bombarded from orbit. A few zats and staff weapons were the extent of the team's finding so far. Neerti had pulled out in haste it seemed.

Dr. Nigel Hendricks, on loan to SG16 from Area 51, was the man who discovered the energy signature. It was so faint that he almost missed it even standing directly on top of it. There were rings buried under the dirt and they had been deactivated manually. Only a faint residual charge remained in one of the crystals, barely enough, but once discovered it was nothing to hook up a naquadah generator and power them up. Germanski the team's scout was notified to report back to the SGC in the event something nasty happened when they activated the rings. Despite some cringing and flinching on the part of the scientists nothing bad happened. Hendricks was whisked down into an underground lab that was completely powered down. Like the village it looked to have been abandoned in a hurry. There were three 'bodies' in unpowered stasis pods along the walls and an ancient style console in the center of the room. The air was palpably thick with decay. Even by the light of a flashlight the Doctor knew immediately what they'd found.

He reactivated the rings and excitedly radioed back to Germanski at the gate, "We found another one of Neerti's labs, and it looks untouched. Inform the SGC. I'll be down there trying to get the equipment back online."


January 12th


Colonel Carter's office.

Carter had mixed feelings about the report from P36-995. Neerti's lab could contain invaluable technology that could lead to the curing of major diseases, or more likely it would be the cause of major suffering and death for someone. Everything that snake had touched seemed to be poison from her experience. Cassandra was the only exception and even she had been a trojan horse with a bomb intended to destroy the SGC implanted in her body. Only Carter's own instincts had saved the day on that one. Her face registered an expression between a smile and a grimace as she hit enter on the keyboard. Her report was sent and it was in the IOA's hands now. The new directives had been extremely clear about the priority of reporting immediately on new technology finds.

She looked at her watch. She would give odds that she'd have a phone call in under 15 minutes from some IOA flunky, probably Woolsey.

Right on time he phone rang as she sat down with her cup of coffee.

"Colonel Carter?" Woolsey's voice was unmistakable.

"Mr. Woolsey, I was expecting your call." There was a smirk on her face and it communicated in her voice.

"Yes, I'm sure. I understand your SG16 has discovered an important find? An untouched laboratory belonging to the Goa'uld Neerti? According to your report it appears to have one of her gene splicing devices?"

Carter restrained herself from heaving a sigh, "Yes Mr. Woolsey, that is what my report said. Dr. Hendricks sent back pictures and it appears nearly identical to some of her other experiments we have encountered. I believe it is likely to be fully functional, but I would caution you to proceed slowly. Her equipment has been known to be booby trapped in the past."

"I see. Thank you. I am sure my superiors will be in contact with you soon. Good day Colonel." Woolsey hung up the phone and Carter imagined he was reporting up his chain of command without pause for breath.


January 13th 2:50pm

Colorado Springs, Co

In the back of a van up the street from Waki's apartment.

Spook #2 answered his encrypted cellphone and just listened as the voice of his boss. "Yes sir." He frowned as the voice continued giving instructions. "Now sir? There are only agent Carlson and myself present, no backup." Another pause and then, "Yes Sir, immediately."

Spook #2 looked at his partner. "You get your wish. No more surveillance. We've been ordered to move in and pickup the package."

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Wakiki growled and ran his fingers through his hair. He leaned back in his chair, annoyed. This was incredibly frustrating. Normally, his music just floated out of him but not tonight. With another growl, he hopped up from his chair and went to get a beer. It wasn't the music's fault; it was his. He was distracted and mentally out of whack. Without a conscious decision, his eyes drifted over to the picture he'd put on the wall. It was of he and Aradia; they'd taken it while on a trail in the mountains last week. He'd been holding the camera and she'd come up behind him, throwing her arms around him and making him stumble. He hadn't minded, and on impulse, he'd turned the camera around and snapped a perfect shot of her pressed cheek-to-cheek with him.

She was the reason he was out of sorts. She'd been over last night, and things had gotten pretty heated between them, in a way it hadn't before. Then she'd suddenly stopped him and left soon after. Since then, he'd been worried that he'd moved too fast for her. Today, he felt like an idiot. He just wished she'd return his call so he'd know if she were alright-

The knock at his door interrupted him as he was straightening up with his beer in hand. Wakiki twisted it open and took a quick sip as he walked to the door, wondering who that was. Aradia always called before she came over, so it probably wasn't her. He knew it wasn't Olivia; she had left town for at least two months following Vinny's death. All of the other friends he'd made in town would call, too.

He put the bottle on his coffee table on his route to the door. "Do not be a Jehovah's Witness," Wakiki muttered, peering through his peephole. There was only a single man standing there. Sighing at the suit and clean-shaven face that indicated he was probably trying to stuff religion at Wakiki, the young man opened the door. "Yeah?"

"Mr. Izumi, under the Patriot Act, I am authorized to take you into custody for ques-" The agent broke off as Wakiki tried to slam the door shut again.

The man charged forward while the door was mostly open. Wakiki had no time to react as he was barreled backwards to the floor. Instinctively, he curled his head up to keep it from impacting the floor and accidentally butted heads with his attacker. Both men shouted in shock and pain, the other guy reeling back while Wakiki pressed a hand to his forehead. It came away red with his blood but he didn't have the time to consider that. Twisting lithely, he squeezed out from under the guy enough to grab his beer bottle. With a shout that would have done any samurai ancestors proud, he swung at the man. All he did was scatter beer and a bit of blood over the floor.

Still crawling, Wakiki managed to get a bit of room between them. With another shout, he grabbed the edge of the coffee table and flipped it at the man. The spook dodged the table, but slipped in the beer, going to one knee on the faux-slate flooring. There was an audible crack and the spook screamed with pain, getting off his knee and cradling it with his hands.

Wakiki knew a golden opportunity when he saw it. Turning, he ran into his bedroom, pausing only to snatch up his cell phone. He climbed onto his balcony, peering over the railing. "Shit," he muttered, then switched to Japanese. "Kuso! Come on, you can do this." He stuffed his cell phone into his pocket hastily, before he did something brilliant like drop it.

He climbed over the edge and carefully lowered himself down until he was hanging by his hands. Carefully, he snagged his toes on the railing below his, glad he was wearing his thin-soled Keds. Teetering, he hunkered down and got both of his hands on the railing before lowering his feet to the ledge on the outside of the balcony. "One more," he gasped to himself, thankful that his apartment wasn't on a higher level. He wasn't pleased about the lack of a fire escape, and he planned to bitch about that for a while to the super.

He lowered himself one more time, heaving a sigh of relief as his feet touched the ground. "I am awesome," he said, looking up at what he'd managed to do. Of course, Aradia could have done it faster, but he was impressed he'd been able to do it at all!

"I wouldn't say that, Mr. Izumi," a voice intoned behind him. Wakiki turned to see a man in a suit pointing a strange device at him. Behind him, the guy he'd fought with upstairs came limbing around the corner, cursing and with a gun in his hand. "Though it wasn't bad, for a civilian." The device spat blue lightning at him, and Wakiki was instantly unconscious.

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January 17th


Neerti's Lab

There was no longer a smell of decay in the room, and the bodies of Neerti's experiments were now removed and decently buried. The facility had power and was absolutely spotless. Along with the center console there was now several work benches set up around the room with various monitoring equipment and computer systems. The place was a bustle of activity and Mr. Woolsey stood in the center of the room looking for all the world like a proud parent. Colonel Carter stood at his side looking far less pleased.

"Mr. Woolsey, I really think you should wait and let us do more diagnostic tests before you turn on the device. Some of Neerti's equipment has been booby trapped and she might have easily set one before fleeing the planet. You don't know for sure what will happen."

Woolsey with the arrogance of a mad scientist just smiled smugly, "The experts assure me that they have combed through the system and there are no traps. Besides, your own report says that by all appearances her people were wiped out in the process of escape. It is highly unlikely she would have had time to set a trap."

Carter just rolled her eyes where Woolsey could not see her. This wasn't the first time they'd had such a conversation and she didn't suspect this one would do any good or turn out any better than previous ones.


January 14th

Undisclosed location, Earth.

Waki awoke in a plain room with unremarkable furniture and knew immediately he was being held by the government. Who else has such boring taste. He had barely risen from his place atop the covers when the door opened and an officious man in an expensive suit walked in.

"Mr. Izumi. I would like to speak with you about a matter of national security." His expression barely wavered from businesslike, but there was just a hint about his pseudo-smile that perhaps this man enjoyed his role, whatever that was supposed to be.

"It seeeems we have a problem." He drew out the second word. "You have become privy to information that was not meant for you to know. You do not have the appropriate security clearance, and you have not siiigned an NDA." His bored seeming expression didn't waver. "By bringing you into her confidence your girlfriend," He looked to his notes as if he didn't recall the name, "One, Aradia McConnel, has committed treason." He looked up and pursed his lips as if in consideration of this very serious offense.

"It is possssible that Ms. McConnel might be considered tooo valuable to prosecute to the full extent of the law. I say possible, but by no meeeans assured. She has political enemies who might see this as an opppportunity to eliminate a threat to National Security." He looked up at Waki again and smiled an insincere smile, "Or should I say Planetary Security. Since she has revealed to you secrets you should not know."

"So what we have here is a choice to make, and that choice will be decided largely on your cooooperation." Without looking down at the folder on the table he slid it in front of Waki.

"Firrrst we want you to sign the NDA that every other person entrusted with this secret has haaad to sign." He looked at Waki as if this was a foregone conclusion.

"Seconnnnd we would like to make you an offer." He could see that Waki was hostile but just a little intrigued as well.

"You know what your girlfriend is. We would like to offer you the chance to join her. Beeecome like her, work alongside her. We've discovered another device to 'ennnhance' a human. We want you to become our test subject." His expression hardened slightly, "It is a generous offer, and the alternative could be dire."

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"Just as a note, I rather like having a super-hot super-hero girlfriend who can kick my ass. It lets me explore my feminine side," Wakiki attempted to joke, terrified and feeling way too much like Neo. Doing his best to keep outwardly calm, he said, "Just for fun, why don't you outline the 'dire' alternative."

"You can go home after a memory wipe," the Spook said. "Since theeese things aren't perfect, it will liiikely take some rather unfortunate liiiberties with your recoooollections."

"Right," Wakiki said, his mind racing. His instinct was to laugh at their claims, but from what Aradia had said, he could believe that they could do exactly what they said. The problem was that he had no idea who to prove or disprove their statements without calling their bluffs and ending up the amazing amnesic rapper. "I'm not real keen on either of those ideas, especially since had I wanted to work for the US government, I would have applied for a job with them."

"Theeese are the choices which will diiictate the course of your life, Mr. Izummmi." The Spook was calm; he had the upper hand and they both knew it.

"I need to think about it," he said. "But give me the NDA, that's not an issue." It wasn't until he read it. If this was the standard contract, Aradia had gotten herself in some deep, deep, hot water by talking to him. "You know, if you guys wanted to buy someone's soul, I hear you can get them real cheap on eBay."

"Veeery amusing, Mr. Izummmi," the Spook replied, smiling. It wasn't a good smile.

"You going to give me time to think?"

"Yes, that's what I thought you were doing."

Wakiki blinked at him, looking incredulous. "You're going to sit here, while I ponder?"

With that same god-awful smile, the spook answered, "Yes, Mr. Izummmi."

"Fine, then answer a question. If I take the blue pill, the memory wipe, what will you guys attempt to take away?" Wakiki asked.

"All privvvileged information," the Spook replied, growing serious. "Everything that Ms. McConnell shouldn't have told you."

"Will I have holes in what she said, or will I forget those times altogether?" Wakiki asked. This was important; if it was the latter, they'd be removing large chunks of his relationship with her.

"Mr. Izummmi, as I said, this teeechnique is far from perfect," the Spook answered. "They will remooove the information and anything that could point back to it. That means some associated memories will haaave to go."

Wakiki leaned forward, his fingers still resting on the NDA. "So... you're saying that you'll be taking chunks of memory." At the agent's nod, Wakiki signed the NDA with a scowl. Under his signature, he wrote "You guys suck." "Fine. Guinea pig it is." I love you, Aradia. God, please let me get a chance to tell her that.

As he slid the NDA back across the table, he added, "By the way, do you get paid extra for the Agent Anderson impression?"

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The spook broke into a real grin. "Thank you. I don't actually get paid for the impression, I just do it for fun." He chuckled then went back to being serious.

"I am glad you have chosen the red pill. It will make things much easier. Things are very tense right now among the people who are 'in the know' because of something that occurred recently. Two of the Specialists were lost in a tragic accident and the powers that be suddenly realized just what a valuable asset they are. We've found a device that we believe can enhance normal people like you and I and give them advanced abilities and increased physical prowess. In other words it would make us super soldiers. I'm giving you more information than you strictly need to know because I sympathize with your position. After the use of a similar device on one of the Air Force soldiers a couple months ago without his consent there were very strict rules put in place that no soldier can be asked to participate in this type of military experiment. It wasn't really to protect the soldiers that the rules were imposed, but out of fear that one group or another might try to create super soldiers to gain a terrestrial advantage. The US already has a number of Specialists on the payroll working for the CIA, FBI and Secret Service. That makes the other member nations of the IOA very nervous. We would like to increase the number of Specialists but it's a very complicated situation. You offer us the perfect opportunity. You are not in the military, you have dual citizenship with both the US and Japan and most importantly the letter of the law will not be violated. Plus, some of the committee members hope that you will feel some appreciation for the chance you are being given to take a more direct part in your girlfriend's life." During this speech Mr. Smith had been serious but friendly, now he became all business.

"As for the dire consequences... I wasn't kidding about that. Some of the committee members felt strongly that Ms. McConnel poses a serious security threat and argued for her removal position and incarceration. Others argued on her behalf that she was a young woman forced by circumstances into a position that she would not have chosen for herself and that it was only to be expected that she would need someone to confide in. Legally it was not an argument that would hold up in a court of law. In the end it was decided to give you this choice and based on your answer and your good behavior in what follows, to either let the indiscretions pass or to prosecute."

He nodded toward the signed document. "Good choice."

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"I'm still pissed at you guys," Wakiki said, frowning. "I guess it was lucky for you guys that I go forced into the position where I had to chose between my girlfriend and my freedom." His eyes were angry as he added, "It's not a good choice. It's no choice."

Sitting back in his chair, he asked, "So what's the next step?" He was still feeling a little sick over this - he had no idea what he'd just agreed to do. Was he going to end up transforming into a green monster when someone made him mad?

There was also a thrill of excitement. If this worked, it might be cool to be able to claim some neat super-powers. That was a big 'if' though; there were no guarantees.

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The spook frowned slightly, "I can't say that don't understand your feeling, but I do hope when it is all over that you come to appreciate the opportunity you are being given."

He pulled out another folder and passed it over, inside were photos of the SGC and the Stargate and the current team of Specialists. "We are going to take you through a device called a Stargate, it creates stable wormholes which allow transport to other worlds. On one of these worlds there is a device that you will voluntarily allow to be used on you. That device will transform you on a genetic level giving you abilities similiar to Ms. McConnel and the other Specialists. After that you will be assigned to the same team as Ms. McConnel. There is about an 85% chance of success and a 10% chance that you won't be enhanced enough to join the program. If successful then you will become a member of the SGC, the organization that your girlfriend works for. We will leave when you are ready."

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"Whoa, wait a minute," Wakiki said suddenly. "Eighty-five and ten don't add up to a hundred. What happens to the other five percent?"

"That five percent covers a small but potential chance for failure," the Spook said.

"Failure? We talking death, another leg, what?" Wakiki asked, feeling sick. What had he done?!

"Let's just say that you won't notice the end result if it fails," Spook said. "Let me add that the previous failures decreased as our understanding of that machine increased. The only difference here is that this is a new machine and untested."

Wakiki laughed and pressed his thumb and forefinger against the bridge of his nose. His pose was classic exasperation and irritation. "Oh, that's fuckin' brilliant. So how much of what you told me is bullshit icing on a shit cake?"

"I haven't told you anything untrue," Spook said.

"Yeah, well, you sure as shit haven't told me the truth, either," Wakiki said. "I want paper and a pen and time to write some letters. If I don't come out of this, I want them given to some people. Don't worry. I'll remember the NDA. I just want some final words to people if I don't come back from this."

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Smith the spook pulled another folder from his briefcase and handed it over. Inside was stationary and a pen. It seemed these guys had it all covered. That alone irked Wakiki enough to almost say no, but he wouldn't do that. He'd already decided, now it was just a matter of waiting for the axe to fall.

When the papers were signed he thought he'd be whisked away on the spot and sent through the gate thing to that other planet. Seriously? Another freakin planet? The reality was that the spooks superiors had to do their political thing and pull strings. Two and a half days of agonizing boredom passed before he was led down into the mountain where his girlfriend lived and worked. He had asked to see her during the wait but was told no and given no explanation, he was not allowed to speak with anyone. Even so, he hoped to get a glimpse of Ari on his trip through the mountain but he was disappointed with the grey concrete and steel walls that were the only scenery.

The gateroom itself was impressive enough. it was three or four stories tall, Wakiki couldn't tell which, but big enough to give a sense of proportion to this underground labyrinth. Pictures of the gate didn't do justice to the rushing whirlpool of energy and he couldn't help but flinch from it's opening. A team of guys in camo fatigues and carrying scary looking machine guns escorted him through. The trip through the wormhole was mind blowing, but arriving on the other side was in a forest clearing unlike anything in the mountains of Colorado brought home the reality of the situation.

Holy crap, it really is all real!

He was led through the trees a mile or two to a village that looked like it was out of the dark ages, all stone and timber and burned out. Then there were the rings that turned him into energy again for the second time in less than an hour and rematerialized him inside the lab. The place was nearly packed with guys in lab coats and the occasional soldier in the same cammos his escort had worn. The one exception was a balding man in an expensive suit. One of these things is not like the other... The snippet of the kids show song ran through his head.

Before Wakiki could really get his bearings the man in the suit approached, "Welcome to P36-995 Mr. Izumi. I'm very glad you decided to participate. We are all ready for you, this way please." He shook Waki's hand vigoriously and proceeded him to a round raised circle on the floor enclosed almost completely in glass. It looked like some kind of futuristic shower stall.

Another balding man, this one in a lab coat and standing at the obvious console pointed to the circle. "Please stand in the circle." Typical distracted scientist he added as an afterthough, "Oh, I'm Dr. Lee by the way. Good to meet you. Your sister has helped me on experiments before, she's a very nice person." Seeing the look on Wakiki's face he held up his hands and hastened to add, "Helped me with information for things, not as a lab ra... uh,..." He realized he was going to get athletes tongue if he kept putting his foot in his mouth so he settled for closing it and looking back to the console.

A woman in Green fatigues approached as Wakiki stepped into the circle. She faced Woolsey, "Woolsey, are you out of..." She stopped and took control of herself, "I object to this. The machine hasn't been tested and you are starting with a human. The brother of one of our Specialists."

Woolsey coolly replied, "The fact that it is Ms. Jennings-Izumi's half brother should factor into the chances for success and stack them in our favor. We know that she was a good candidate and so her brother improves the odds."

The serious blond woman stepped close to the circle, "I am Colonel Samantha Carter, and a friend of your sister as well as her commanding officer. Are you sure about this?"

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The urge to blurt out everything was strong, but just because this woman said she was a friend of Livy's didn't mean that she could be trusted. He could tell people he was a friend of J-Lo's but that wasn't true, even if he had given her his drink at a party once. All he really knew is that he could trust two people in this operation and neither of them were here. He knew that's why they'd kept him away from Aradia - they didn't want her to blow the whistle on his behalf. So he played along.

Wakiki turned his smile and charm on the woman. "Col. Carter, it's nice to meet you," he said, offering his hand. When the woman automatically smiled and shook with him, he said, "Colonel, I'm sure that this is what I want to do. After all, with my sister already having had a successful go with the previous machine, I figure my odds are better than most. It'll be awesome to work with Aradia saving the universe from... the bad guys."

Carter didn't look convinced but Wakiki pushed on. "There is one thing you could do for me," he added. He pulled the letters out of the pocket of the BDUs they'd given him to wear. "If this doesn't work, please see that these are delivered to the recipients. They're just goodbyes, and they don't violate the NDA." He smirked. "They've already been read. Though the right word is vetted, right?"

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Carter nodded solemnly as she took the letters. "Let's hope that won't be necessary. I will assist and do everything in my power to make sure this is a success."

Dr. Lee looked up from the console at the Colonel and raised an eyebrow seeming to be impressed.

Woolsey on the other hand smiled and clapped Wakiki on the shoulder. "I was told you were an excellent candidate for the procedure. I see they chose well. Good man." It was hard to read the man in the suit. Was he deep into the cloak and dagger stuff and a hell of an actor, or did he not know what was going on behind the scenes and the fact that Wakiki was being given a choice that was really no choice?

Whatever the case he stood to the side of the console where he could see both Wakiki in the glass shower booth and the scientist who was operating the controls at the same time. He was hovering over the scene like a mother goose over her chicks.

Meanwhile Carter was standing next to Dr. Lee at the console and typing furiously at the laptop that was somehow connected to the alien technology.

For his part Wakiki didn't even realize the process had started until his skin began to itch... everywhere. It wasn't bad at first just a mild itch like an old mosquito bite, but it grew stronger and became a tingling vibration that seemed to be going right through him, and he realized it was. The room also took on a red glow to Wakiki's eyes. In truth it wasn't the room that was glowing but the air inside the glass tube. The itching evolved into a creepy feeling as his muscles began to both tighten and grow at the same time. If that wasn't bad enough the pain in Wakiki's bones began at almost the same time. He couldn't really hear well beyond the sound of muscles and bones in his head reforming, but he thought he heard someone in the room yelling something. It sounded like the woman, "...ening too fast..." "not suppos..." "ave to stop it." A man was replying and for brief seconds the sound was too clear, so much so it was like going from listening his entire life to the world in mono and suddenly putting on a pair of hi-fi stereo headphones. The man wasn't yelling, but it was soo clear, "CAN'T STOP IT. THE DEVICE DOESN'T EXACTLY HAVE AN OFF SWITCH, BESIDES HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PROCES..." and sound cut out again, all the world was a ringing that pierced through Wakiki's skull and then there was silence, blessed clean silence and no more itching, no more insane feelings of muscles and bones creeping and reforming under his skin. That feeling would haunt Wakiki to his grave. Why the hell hadn't these people given him a sedative!?!

The reprieve was short lived however, the next sensation was the most disturbing of all. He could feel his thoughts scramble. It was like individual thoughts were wandering off in different directions, but somehow, beyond all reason he was still aware and conscious while at the same time having no ability to control his mind. It seemed like an eternity that he spent in that state, existing and aware but somehow floating above it all, it was like an out of body experience but trapped within his own skull.

His brain still registered the sounds that his ears hearing, but they were disembodied from his ability to focus on them.

The woman, "We can't cut the power, it would kill him."

The man, "Have to do something Colonel."

Another man, "Can't we let it run it's course?"

The woman, "It won't stop, he'll keep evolving and changing until he dies."

The man, "What about... no."

The woman, "...trying to change the subroutine..."

The man, "Hurry, it it goes much longer well lose him."

The woman, "Not helping!"

The woman, "Almost have it..."

The other man, "...I don't care, do whatever it takes to save him."

The woman, "Done!"

The man, "The device is fried..."

Slowly, like a glacier melting over the course of centuries Wakiki's mind came back together. Sound was sound again and he could connect speech to meaning. Meaning became thought and thought led back to speech... "He's coming to Colonel."

There was an incredibly bright light being shined in his right eye and he flinched groggily away from it. "Easy with the q-beam! I'm awake already!"

The one called Woolsey sighed with relief, Thank god!...they are going to be furious that the device is broken...I don't care, saving Izumi was the right thing to do...why is he looking at me like that?...what a strange expression...

Wakiki couldn't help but notice the man's lips were not moving as he spoke. What the hell?, He thought to himself.

He turned to the woman, Colonel Carter, to ask her what had happened. I'd like to kick that Woolsey in the backside, putting this man's life at risk when I told him, TOLD HIM, that it was too early... needed to run diagnostics on the three subroutines that control the power output, gene sequencing and...that's a strange look he's giving me...Is there something on my face?...

The stream of consciousness continued any time Wakiki looked at someone. This was fucked up! He was reading peoples thoughts... they had said that was one of the possibilities, one of the things the Ancients, whoever the hell they were, had had. Guess I was an 80%!

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Wakiki blinked and slowly touched various parts of himself. "I think I'm alright," he said, then forced a smile. "I'll check the rest of me later. Can I sit up?"

"Can you?" Col. Carter asked. As he focused on her, he heard her add, Don't let him push himself like Cam did.

"Cute," Wakiki said. "Hang on, let me try." Slowly, he eased up into a sitting position as Carter moved behind him, supporting him. "Ok, my head hurts like hell," he said, "but I think everything else works. So, what's supposed to happen now?"

The voices in his head were annoying, but he was coping. Wakiki probably should mention something about them to the others, but he wasn't really inclined to help them right now. Maybe it'd come up in conversation later. At least he knew who he could sorta trust right now.

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Carter looked to Woolsey, "I assume the Committee has a plan for Mr. Izumi?" Over my dead body... there's no way I'm going to let those vultures turn Livy's brother into a puppet spook, she'd never forgive me...

Woolsey smiled, "Mr. Izumi has volunteered to join the SGC and participate in the program, he will be assigned to the new SG1 Specialist team." I do NOT want to know how they managed to convince the poor man, probably blackmail, or threats about his sister or girlfriend I'm sure... there he goes again with that strange look, what's that about?...

Huh! They are assigning him to the SGC... oh, that's going to be a problem, he'll have to be on the same team with his girlfriend... that's against soo many rules... Jack and I never... Her thoughts seem to skid away from their track and then back to the subject, ...If the IOA wants it to happen I guess the rules will be bent for them, maybe a don't ask don't tell sort of thing... like that won't be all over the base, everyone already knows they're dating, crap.

"Welcome to the SGC Mr. Izumi. I guess our next step will be to take you to the Beta Site so you can figure out what that machine has done to you. That is if Mr. Woolsey has no objections."

Woolsey smiled back, "Not at all. I would like to speak with him before you take him away, but after that he is all yours." And here comes the hook. I hate this part, some times this job gives me ulcers...

Woolsey and Carter both took one of Wakiki's hands and helped him to his feet, then Woolsey led him to the rings and into a tent on the surface that had been setup for the Scientists. When they were alone Woolsey spoke, "I've been instructed to speak with you in the event the procedure was a success," I wonder if he's bright enough to catch the lack of certainty of that statement... "I was asked to remind you that there is still a question of your girlfriend's offense. Your willingness to participate in the program has gone a long way toward removing the consequences of her unfortunate action, but the actions themselves did occur and cannot be completely forgotten." ...Why do I always end up having to be the one that delivers these talks... "Please do not forget the NDA you have signed or that revealing privileged information can have very serious consequences." ...Like you didn't just go through those consequences or don't recognize a blatant attempt at coercion when it's thrown in your face... "We are counting on your good behavior and honest attempt to support the SGC's program."...and the devil will be around later sometime to collect your soul... "I've been asked to send you the IOA's personal thanks for joining the program. They hope that you will come to appreciate the opportunity you've been given, one that most people would give their right arm to have. Rules are being bent to allow you to serve on the same team as Ms. McConnel, please try to be discrete about your relationship. In any normal military unit that would never be allowed. Consider that a gift from the IOA." ...I guess this makes me Mephistopheles finalizing the bargain with Faust... sometimes I hate this job!...

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All the extra input was making him dizzy, but Wakiki did his best to pretend he didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. He listened to what Woolsey said, and tried to keep straight what was being said and what was being thought. It was surprisingly difficult; it was like listening to the same person talking about two different things at once.

"Thanks for your candor," Wakiki said when the man was done. "I understood what this was about from the start. To be honest, I've been expecting some kind of backlash from what Aradia told me. So while I'm not surprised that we're here, I think you're someone who is still a good person. You can tell your bosses that I've received the message." Obeying it... Wakiki mused to himself. That's another matter entirely.

He stood up and offered his hand to Woolsey. A little surprised, the IOA man automatically rose in response and shook it before smiling at him. "Thank you, Mr. Izumi," he said in return. "I'm glad you understand."

I get it better than you'll know, Wakiki thought. He kept his smile as they left the tent. Wakiki paused outside, taking a moment to take a deep breath of air. He was alive; he hadn't been sure when he woke this morning that he'd survive this. Carter watched him, a slight, understanding smile on her face. "You didn't have to do that," she said softly as they began to walk together and her thoughts echoed that he never should have had the chance.

"Yes, I did," Wakiki replied, his voice just as soft. He saw the awareness of what he'd told her fill her eyes; as her cheeks started to flush with anger, he said, "It's okay, Colonel. It's all for the best, I suppose."

"What if you had died?" she hissed, still angry. He could feel her planning the next step - talking to Jack, complaints and so on. It was all within the chain of command, and not what Wakiki had in mind.

Wakiki gave her a crooked smile. "Then you wouldn't have known anyway," he replied. "Look, if you're upset about it-"

"Oh, I am-"

"Then let's see what we can do to make sure that the IOA doesn't do this to anyone else," Wakiki said. He glanced at her. "I don't know if you believe in things like this, but my people believe that you can't escape your fate. Aradia, Livy and I once agreed to be heroes, to save the world. We all swore it together, standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. I just agreed to make Livy happy and thought that it would be enough to volunteer my time, help out on the micro level. I honestly haven't thought about it in years. But here we are, the three of us. From what Aradia told me, Livy's change was an accident, and Aradia's and mine were both forced on us by people with their own plans for us. It makes me wonder... wonder if this was always meant to happen."

Carter stared at him, nonplussed; her thoughts tumbled around one word in her head, a word that hadn't meant much to her personally: God. It certainly hadn't meant much since she'd learned about the Gou'ald. Wakiki wished suddenly, that he didn't know that - that aliens and Ancients had stolen her limited faith in God. He gave her a sad smile and spent the rest of the walk to the Gate trying to turn this damned thing off.

He didn't manage it before they stepped through the vortex, but he was soon distracted by the fact that they weren't on Earth. "I thought... where are we?"

"The Beta Site," Carter explained, glancing at him.

"I was hoping to see Aradia. I've been... gone for four days," he said. "She's probably worried about me by now."

"We'll bring her here. Until we're sure you have control over any powers you manifest, we can't let you back on base," Carter explained gently. Wakiki nodded glumly. That did make sense. "You go get a physical and I'll see about getting her over for a visit. Anyone else you want to see?"

"Livy, if she's back," he said, smiling. "I don't really know anyone else, though." Carter promised to bring Aradia and left him in the tender care of concerned doctors and excited scientists.

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After showing Wakiki around the base Colonel Carter radioed the guard at the gate asking that the Specialists presence be requested at the Beta site.

Several minutes later half a galaxy away a guard moved from door to door obeying orders.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Yseult looked up from the experiment on her lab table with just a hint of exasperation. "Yes?"

The guard, oblivious to subtle nuances of mood spoke, "Maam, Colonel Carter would like you to head to the Beta Site." Seeing the question form he added, "No ma'am I don't know why. Orders just came through the gate. She didn't say it was urgent though. Gate will be opening in 30, so you've got a bit." Without waiting for a reply he turned and headed down the hall to find the next specialist.

Major Hawke looked up from the stack of paperwork on his desk that seemed to be multiplying like bunny rabbits. The soldier at the door stood at attention and saluted. "Sir, Colonel Carter asked that the Specialist team assemble at the Beta Site. She didn't give any details Sir. Gate will be dialing in 25 minutes."

Hawke nodded and saluted in return. Hurray! A break from the paper monster! If the Gou'ald attacked people with paperwork they'd be unstoppable... good thing they haven't thought of it.

In the gym Sgt. Simms and Sgt. Cole were interrupted in the middle of a sparring session by a soldier at the door. The Corporal cleared his throat then said, "Sergeants. Colonel Carter ordered that SG1 be assembled at the Beta Site, but didn't give any details. You don't need combat gear or anything though, that much I know. Gate will be dialing in 20."

Aradia was listening the tape she and Yse had made earlier in the week and practicing the Goa'uld phrases when someone knocked at her door. "Kree?" It had just come out. Maybe I'm starting to get the hang of this nonsense after all.

The soldier at the door gave her a funny look when he opened it. "Ma'am?" Seeing her annoyed expression he went on with his business.

"Ma'am, Colonel Carter asked that SG1 assemble at the Beta Site. They are gonna dial the gate in...", he looked down at his watch, "...17 minutes." It wasn't until he closed the door that he allowed himself a sigh. He was one of the youngest soldiers on the base and he'd had a hopeless crush on the acrobat specialist since he'd arrived on base a month ago. He was still debating whether or not to say anything to her about it. She's way out of my league... but she's soo beautiful... so beautiful she's probably got guys asking her out all the time. What would she want with a Corporal? He sighed glumly as he headed back to the gateroom to report to Sgt Syler that SG1 would be arriving for departure in 15.


Twenty minutes later the team was walking the quarter mile from the gate to the base at the Beta Site. A hell of a lot of work had been done in only a month. The buildings were concrete and steel and lacked any architectural interest but they were functional and clean and new. Luckily they were much nicer on the inside than they looked on the outside. The furniture was pretty spartan but comfortable, surprisingly so for a military installation. Most importantly there was air conditioning. The temperature was pretty hot now that the planet was moving into it's summer months. Not too bad, only in the 90s, but uncomfortable enough to make the non-physically enhanced sweat in their uniforms.

The team was directed to the rec room by the guard on duty. Inside Carter was sitting talking with a man whose back was to the door. He had longer hair than military standard despite the BDU's.

Aradia recognized him at once.

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Click to reveal..
I had put Wakiki in BDUs earlier, since they hadn't let him pack an overnight bag. I'll write him in BDUs for now but I'd like to have one of us edit to match, however you want it to go, Fox.

Also, I guessed about what thoughts people would have; please let me know if I'm wrong and I'll fix it.

The click of the door unlatching had been clear to Wakiki, which confused him a bit. The click had been really soft; Carter had been explaining a bit more about these Gou'ald characters and the SGC's shadow war with them and he'd been listening to her internal monologue, which was thankfully just like her external. All of that was going on, but he'd heard the door clicking open like he'd been next to it. Turning, he saw a group of people coming in, two of whom we already knew.

Yseult was just as lovely as he remembered, but Wakiki spared only a second to glance at her. His eyes were all for Aradia and he couldn't help the smile on his face, despite the circumstances. Rising, he walked to meet them, his hands held out as if he were surrendering - or preparing to placate an angry girlfriend. Her mingled worry and relief regarding his presence roared through his brain like a fire, her colorful words as clear to him as if she'd said them. He could feel the first hint of anger over what they may have done to him, too, which warmed his heart. Yseult's thoughts were angry, but calmer; she'd caught onto the possibilities of his presence and there was outrage on behalf of Livy, which made Waki like her more. The others just seemed confused by him, though the big guy who looked like he wrestled cattle in his free time recognized him and was concerned in addition to the confusion.

"First, let me say that I'm ok," he said quickly before Aradia exploded. "Second, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you I was gone. I hope you didn't worry too much." He didn't try to hug her, though he wanted to do so. He had decided that he was going to at least try to play their game, at least as far as the IOA could see. There'd be time for hugs later, when they didn't have an audience.
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The bad thing about this plan was that no one had informed Aradia about the game. She crossed the room in about two of those long, gymnast's gaits of hers, and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He could hear the swirling of thoughts, some of them seemingly at the same time, running through her mind.

Oh thank god, I was worried sick.

What the fuck is he doing here, anyway?

Oh god, have they done something to him? They can't have - we destroyed the Ascension Device.

These fuckers always find a way.

Oh shit, this is my fault. They wouldn't have him here if they didn't know he knows. Whatever they've done to him, it's all my fault.

She didn't say any of those things, but they were written on her face as plain as day when she pulled back to look at him. Yseult knew that Aradia had been worried when she couldn't get ahold of Waki, but she'd been the only one really communicating much with Aradia these last couple days as the young specialist immersed herself in studying Goa'uld. The others, whom she had encountered briefly on base during the occasional break to stretch her legs, grab some lunch, or do a quick workout only knew she'd been in kind of a sour mood lately. She hadn't spoken a word to anyone yet about her fears - that somehow someone had found out she'd told him. She'd been afraid to, in case she was wrong.. but now it looked like she'd been right. She swallowed slightly, reaching up and brushing her thumb lightly across his cheek, sounding a little sick as she spoke.

"Wh.. what happened?"

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Yseult's full lips pressed into a tight line as she held her own questions until Wakiki had a chance to answer Aradia, she had seen the gymnast's worry first-hand. Besides, she wished to hear the answer as well. Olivia would have to be told as soon as possible, of course. Most importantly, she wanted to know if whatever method they had used to... empower Wakiki was reusable and if so, how reliably.

We have paid too high a price to rid ourselves of the Ascension Device to be having to worry about another.

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For all that he'd tried to play the game, when Aradia threw her arms around him, he didn't resist. The IOA had set this up, and they'd be discreet, but that might be asking too much right now. Instead, he inhaled the soft scent of her hair and felt the curves of her body against his. His arms ached until they were allowed to enfold her completely.

"It's alright," he murmured to her, pausing to kiss her forehead. "Don't look like that, babe. I chose this."

"Chose what?" she asked, her anxiousness rising.

Wakiki sighed. This was going to suck. "I was given a chance to test a device that might have given me powers, since my sister had been able to get powers, too," he told her. "I took it." He glanced past her to look at Yseult. "The process burned the machine out completely. I, however, am fine. Slight headache, but all my parts are in their right places."

He looked down at Aradia, his eyes apologetic. "I wish I could have told you what was going on, but things moved pretty fast and I was isolated once events were in motion." He figured everyone in the room knew exactly what he meant; he hadn't been allowed to contact anyone.

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"Given a chance."

Bullshit, given an ultimatum is more fuckin' likely, the hell it was just a 'chance' if he didn't even have a chance to call me about it first. Sons of fuckin' bitches, I hate the goddamned government! I wish we had run away to Cuba or some other fuckin' planet, he never should have been put into this situation!! God DAMNIT!

She look on her face mirrored the anger of her thoughts, which were starting to get a bit overwhelming from their intensity. He knew, of course, that none of that anger was directed at him from what she was thinking. Any other man - one not able to read her mind, anyway - might have been quaking in their boots.

"Was it dangerous?"

Waki paused for a split second - he knew Aradia well enough to know telling her the truth was probably a very bad idea. At the same time, he cared about her too much to want to lie to her. Unfortunately, that split second delay cost him the choice entirely, as Colonel Carter made it for him.

He shouldn't have to lie to her. We've already asked enough of him already.

"The procedure was.. not without risk."


The beautiful acrobat started to dive for Carter, fist clenched to swing at the blond Colonel, head of the program or not. It was only the mental obscenity that gave Wakiki the warning he needed to keep Aradia from doing something very stupid. As the hotheaded acrobat twisted towards Carter, Waki managed to grab her from behind, one arm around her waist and one hand pinning the arm that was poised to deliver the punch.


"What?! Like she doesn't deserve it?! You should've stopped this!! You should've found some way to stop this, damnit!! This is because I broke the NDA, isn't it?!?! He didn't do anything to deserve it, it wasn't his fault!! I should've been the one that was punished, not him!!! Not like I ever had a choice about this shit either! And now you play with people's lives just like the NID did!!! You're no better than they are, and you KNOW IT!!! The only difference between the IOA and the NID is that the IOA FILLS OUT THE FUCKING PAPERWORK FIRST!!!"

It was a relief, finally, to tell someone how she really felt.. especially at the top of her lungs. It wasn't enough that the SGU had saved her from the NID, she was still just as trapped as she had been before.. just a different kind of trapped. All the anger and the frustration that had been building up inside her for months finally exploded, and she screamed it at Carter as the tears rolled down her cheeks. In her mind they were all the same.. the SGU, the IOA, the NID. They'd taken away her choices, and now Wakiki's too. Aradia wasn't the type for politics, and she didn't care about red tape. All she knew was that when the IOA said "Jump", SGU said "How High?", and she was fucking sick of it. She was sick of mother fucking cowards who wouldn't stand up to anyone anymore, and knowing they'd put Waki in danger over their stupid bullshit rules made her furious, and sick - almost as sick as she felt over the fact that she'd been the one to place him in this situation in the first place, that if she'd just kept her fucking mouth shut he never would've had to make this kind of choice.

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Wakiki didn't notice the ease with which he grabbed her, or the fluid movements as he caught her. "Carter didn't know about this," Wakiki said softly. "Though I don't argue with you about the IOA, I should point out that Carter doesn't seem to be particularly bad. I mean, I've only known her for a bit, but she is a friend of Livy's. And she's with the SGC, not the IDA or the NIA or the other alphabet soups."

He dared to let go of her swinging arm to cup her face with his hand. His expression was gentle as he said, "I could point you at anyone who was involved from the beginning, from the first visit at my apartment to the last goon to hand me off, but none of those people are here. The only ones here are those who protested and tried to stop things." His dark eyes studied hers, and she saw it had changed him. There was a certainty in his eyes, like she sometimes had seen in Livy's or Kyria's gaze. "Babe, you know I wouldn't protect the sonsovbitches who forced me to spit on the sidewalk, much less anything else."

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Carter was torn. She felt guilty that she hadn't done more, she should have put her foot down and refused to allow the use of the machine without more simulations. It might have cost her in her career, but it was a man's life at stake, Livy's brother!

On the other hand she didn't like being accused like this and she couldn't decide between anger and the guilt. Then Wakiki spoke quietly to Aradia and calmed the situation. In the end she decided to hold her tongue. There was too much truth in Aradia's words for the anger to get traction.

She started toward the door, "I will give you all time to get acquainted. Find me when you are done."

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She listened to Wakiki, searching his face and expression for any sign of duplicity or forced diplomacy - but all she saw was that calm, steady gaze. He could sense the diffusion of some of her fury, though she turned and watched Carter quietly as she left the room. Once she was gone she glanced up at Waki, a faintest hint of regret touching her features.

"She really tried to stop it?"

He nodded at her, and she sighed slightly, still looking frustrated, but not as furious as she had before.

"She should've tried harder. Livy really respects her.. she's probably lost that now."

As much as she hated the organizations involved, she felt a slight tug of sadness at the thought of Livy finding out about this. The brilliant woman was dedicated to the cause, much more than Aradia could probably ever dream of. And though she felt justified in her concerns, she didn't necessarily want anyone else to have to suffer through the constant doubt and anger that she felt about it. It wasn't a fun way to live, and she sometimes envied Livy's - and some of the other specialists - devotion to the program.

"So.. what did it do? I mean.. did it do anything? You look the same, but so did most of us when we came out of the other device. I assume they wouldn't have brought you here if they didn't think it had any effect."

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Those IOA goons... they push everyone around, Wakiki thought, but didn't say. Not here, not in a room where it might get back to them. He wanted to play along. They'd expect some bitterness, but once his powers started to show, they'd expect some gratitude. He knew it'd be a while before they trusted him enough to tear things down. But he had time.

At Aradia's question, he cut back a curse and shrugged. "These things can take a while to manifest. Like Sam-"

"Sam?" Aradia asked.

"I mean, Col. Carter," Wakiki said, wondering if she'd told him that was her familiar name or if he'd pulled it out of her. "Like she said, the general improvement in health didn't come immediately. It happened more slowly."

He smiled down at her, drinking in her beauty. Her presence, the concern for him in her thoughts - all combined in his mind and in his heart. She was still so close - her body was warm against his and her eyes were so beautiful. He felt a surge of love for her and he turned to the others. "Hey, guys, would you turn around for a minute?" At the looks he got in return, he replied, "I want to be discreet."

Yseult smirked knowingly first, but they all got it, and with good natured expressions, they turned away from the couple. Wakiki took a second to stare - but only one as he had better things to do to Aradia - before he lowered his head and hungrily kissed her. For a long moment, he just enjoyed touching her, feeling her again. When they pulled apart, he pressed his forehead to hers. "I was scared for you," he murmured softly. That probably wasn't the brightest thing, but it did mean that people assumed she'd be reacting to what he said, not what he thought.

He reached out and pushed with his mind, the reverse of what he'd done to listen to thoughts. Aradia heard in her head: *I don't want the IOA to know, but I do have one little trick now. Please don't freak out - we can talk later.*

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Sure enough, there was a brief moment where her eyes flickered up to his, though it wasn't quite the shocked look he had anticipated. Aradia had never really talked about anyone else's abilities - she would have gotten in enough trouble having told him what she did, and she'd mostly avoided the subject since then. But it wasn't the look of someone who'd just been freaked the hell out.. only a bit surprised. It made him wonder if perhaps he wasn't the only one with such an ability, and sure enough, as the thought crossed his mind, her own confirmed it for him.

Telepathy? Just like Kyria. Except when I was around Kyria I wasn't constantly thinking about how much I wanted to--

She managed to cut the thought off in mid-sentence, and she pulled back just slightly, her eyes meeting his with an expression that was somewhere between amusement and annoyance.

DAMNIT. You bastard. Of all the abilities. Okay, fine. Cover story for the annoyed expression.

"You should have been scared for Livy.. and everybody else. They would've had to put up with me if anything had happened to you, you know. That's a job I wouldn't envy.. I'm kind of a bitch already."

She leaned up and pressed her lips to his again, firmly but briefly, and then broke away, stepping back a little and turning to the rest of the group.

"Okay, so.. we're done being discreet, I think. Or.. whatever. Um.. have any of you here not met Livy's brother, Wakiki, by the way?"

Her cheeks flushed slightly, but she steadfastly refused to act or be embarrassed about panicking that her boyfriend had been missing, kissing him once she found out he was (mostly) okay, or her actions towards Carter.. even in front of her commanding officer. Someone had to get yelled at for this situation, even if they weren't necessarily the ones directly responsible. Being in charge was a bitch, after all.

Why are we being discreet, anyway? Oh fuck it, you can explain later. Why do I have the feeling this is going to get -very- complicated?

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Yseult turned back around, a fair brow arched in amusement, lips curved faintly. Her heightened perceptions had readily heard their hungry kiss and she didn't fault them for it. It was all she could do not to kiss her husband every time he entered the room.

"I believe the sergeants Simms and Cole, they have not had the pleasure," Yseult said, offering Wakiki her hand in greeting. "Ryan and myself, we are meeting Wakiki at the Warehouse restaurant, the day after I was released from isolation. It is nice to see you again, Wakiki, though I could wish it was under different circumstances."

Her expression was welcoming, but her vivid eyes with over sized irises of turquoise were intent as she studied him. With a mild effort of will, she refocused her vision, looking deeper, perceiving the organic bits that made Wakiki, Wakiki, the one that had been altered on a genetic level by a different alien device than the one that had changed the rest of them.

"If you are having no objections, Wakiki, I would like to perform a physical and several other tests. Just to make sure there are no unforeseen side-effects, of course." Yseult tilted her head, her smooth face not telling him everything, but showing genuine concern. She had seen the look he had given her, answering the question she hadn't asked, rousing her suspicions.

Click to reveal.. (Taking a Peek)

Using Biological Awareness to see what she can see...

Perception + Bio. Manip. (First die Mega): 8d10.hitsopen(7,10) = 3 successes

Medicine Roll to decipher what she's seeing...

Mental Prodigy Roll (First 2 dice Mega): 7d10.hits(7) = 0 successes! Botch, I guess. Not sure what that might do...

Medicine [Xenology] Roll (First 2 Dice Mega): 13d10.hitsopen(7, 10)= 7 successes Advanced Skill: Xenology 3 to mitigate difficulties

QP: 26/30

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*You have that feeling because you're smart, babe,* he thought at her, hiding a wince from how complicated this was going to get personally. *And we can have a long talk, in private.*

"Nice to meet you guys," Wakiki said, giving them a charming smile and offering his hand to each. "I was going to see about a run-down of what you guys do and what I'm expected to do, but I guess Dr. ... was it Sierra?"

"Good memory," Yseult told him with a smile, "but I am reunited with my husband and am Dr. Dionne-Langlois."

"Argh, another two-name combo doctor," Wakiki said, but his grin was good-natured. "What is it about advanced degrees and morphing last names?" He spread his hands wide, his smile becoming rueful. "I submit myself to your tender care. Just be gentle, please. I'm sure Aradia will not wish me harmed."

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"I am afraid, the two-name thing, it is not a doctor thing for me, but a French-Canadian thing, Wakiki," Yseult clarified with a grin, then nodding towards the door. "Come, my office, it is this way. As for being gentle..." A faint twinkle appeared in her uncanny eyes. "Aradie, she will get you back in one piece... mostly. I am a scientist, if not a mad one, yes?"

She waited for Wakiki by the door, tapping her lips with a long finger as she studied him with heavy-lidded eyes. His brain activity was usual in its intensity, though not necessarily for one with Specialist physiology. He had alterations at the cellular and genetic level, similar to those made by the Ascension device, but distinct - Like two paintings by different artists of the same subject. Two independent processes for the same result. She glanced at Ryan, then back at Wakiki. Three processes. Those who utilized the Ascension Device a second time show unique characteristics as well.

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Ryan hadn't spoken, the implications in this whole scenario clear to him. Inwardly he was furious.

"Welcome to the team, Mr. Izumi." He kept his voice even, and smiled.

He smiled at Yesult, and nodded. "If you are, you're our Mad Scientist."

He waited patiently, already planning to smooth things over with Colonel Carter. She was his boss now, as he now led this team of specialists.

Ryan considered what to admit he could do, but felt it would all come out sooner or later.

He looked to Aradia and frowned. This wasn't going to be easy, but such was the burden of command. Perhaps Wakiki's addittion to the team would spur her to do as he'd suggested. It would certainly help.

He thought about Wakiki and then of course, Olivia, away and grieving. Half the team is either related or dating, I'm the only one with no real ties to anyone else. Of all of them, Yesult was the main one he felt anything more than he should towards, and that was largely due to she was the only one he'd led in the field before. I see teamwork drills in the works, if they give me the chance to arrange it. Perhaps here.

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Aradia watched as Yseult led Wakiki out of the room, shooting him a small smile when he glanced back, to at least reassure him that she wasn't going to kill anyone in his absence. Once the door closed behind them she sighed, sinking down into a nearby chair. She propped her elbows on her knees, and let her face sink into her hands. It made it difficult to tell whether she was more angry or upset, though it was a safe assumption that both emotions were present.

After several long, tense moments, the lithe young woman straightened up, running her hands over her face before she looked up at Hawke, her expression wary.

"So.. what now? Can I stay here, wait for him to be done? Or am I in some deep shit now.. sir? For.. getting mad at the Colonel?"

Or for breaking my NDA? Though I have a feeling punishment for that, if it's coming, will be from way higher up on the food chain...

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Ryan noddd. "Technically you aren't military so such an outburst isn't gonna result in a court-martial. You can just remain here for now, if she come back demanding a pound of flesh, I'll take care of it, That's part of my job."

He looked at her sternly. "Your Outburst was however extremely rude and uncalled for. She is the commander of the entire Force, As Cam had been. Don't let that happen again, You may not be happy, but if we can't at least respect each other, then we'll never be a real team in the field."

"If we got in trouble everytime we got mad at a commanding officer, I'd probably never have left the brig. You just need to be abit more reserved."

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Charlie had stayed quiet until now, but he broke in for once. "Also, Aradia... It's my impression that Colonel Carter didn't seem any happier about the risks then you were. I don't think she would have intentionally put your boyfriend's life in any danger whatsoever."

The voice was as monotone as ever, but his face, the key indicator of emotions, showed sympathy and genuine concern.

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She was quiet for a moment, though she nodded slightly to Charlie in thanks for his obvious concern. Then she shook her head slightly, and pressed her lips together, focusing on Ryan. He might have expected anger.. but instead he saw only a sort of tired sadness.

"I suppose it was rude. I'll give you that. But it sure the hell wasn't uncalled for - almost every word I said was true. She didn't even bother to deny it, she just left. There was nothing else she could really say to me. She knew it was wrong, I saw it on her face. I'm sorry, Major. I can respect my teammates, because we're just doing our jobs, and trying to help people. But as long as the brass continues to bend over and let the IOA fuck us however they want.. they'll never have my respect. Never. The IOA send us out to defend the Earth from all the scary alien monsters that want to kill us or turn us into slaves, but they give us no choice in the matter, we can't tell anyone, they hold our families over our heads and threaten us any way they can think of. Maybe you can't get it. You were military before. But the NID ripped my life away from me, and because of what they did to me, something that was no fault of my own, the SGU and the IOA basically hold me hostage. I have no choices. I'm too dangerous to "let go". Maybe, if I was lucky, I could leave Earth behind, like they let Kyria and Dec do. That's great. I could earn my freedom at the cost of giving up everything and anyone I've ever cared about. And maybe it wouldn't piss me off quite so bad, except we're the slaves of a bunch of corrupt bureaucratic bastards.. people who are just willing to play games with other people's lives. People like Livy and the mess with Hatchins.. people like Wakiki. And if you can look at me and tell me that doesn't piss you off too, I'm not sure I can trust you either."

She didn't yell this time, didn't try to throw any punches or glare at him accusingly. She just said it.. most of the time, she wasn't even looking at him. She just looked.. resigned.

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Charlie let out a pained sigh, because in a sense the words could have been his own. There had been NID and IOA... well, subversion could theoretically be appropriate, during his time in his now lost other Earth. And this had not changed, nor did the real effort to change the status quo, no matter how justified defiance would have been.

"Aradia," he began solemnly, "guys. I don't think right now, there is honestly much we can do about this fifth column that is the IOA. As pointed out, they hold the trump cards, and our superiors are at the mere least legally bound to follow the bastards' orders."

He allowed a hint of a smile to show. "On the other hand, there is one thing we could pursue over time, that could put an end to the shit. The IOA can't do what it is doing if the light can be and is shining on them. If there was a way to... get the US government to open up on the Stargate program... You get the idea. Besides, the world would be better off if the more beneficial technologies could become available for public use."

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Joining her at the door, Yseult led Wakiki to the Beta Site's lab, which, while not as extensive as the one she had under Cheyenne, was still more than adequate for her needs. At least, for now. The lab, like most labs anywhere, had the same feeling of antiseptic impersonality, clean and efficient. She directed him to the examination table while she cleaned her hands and got the implements needed for a physical.

Her lips still quirked with amusement, she told Wakiki to remove his shirt, than proceeded to measure his height and weight and check his temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate. She checked his reflexes and response to pain and sundry other things, her movements sure and professional, slender fingers surprisingly strong, yet gentle. Her eyes continued their study, seeming to see far more than they should. If he was to decipher Yseult's angular scrawl, and knew what was typical for a 'normal' person, he would notice that his vitals would have been unusual, but the blond doctor didn't seem concerned.

Finally, she drew a sample of blood and held up the full syringe, staring at it for a moment, as if she could divine its secrets with her eyes. Then she set it aside for later testing and sat down, crossing her legs, and tapping her lips as she studied him, head slightly tilted to the side.

"Bien, that is being done. Now, can you be telling me the differences you have felt or noticed, since being affected by the device?" Yseult asked, tone cool and official. "I have noted some, and can hypothesized on others from the tests and what my eyes, they are telling me. But..." Yseult said, voice growing very serious - though not unkind - as she leaned forward, "these changes we have been affected by, they are not a natural thing and can put stress on our physiology, cause unforeseen alterations."

"They can be physical," she explained, a finger tapping her cheek, pointing at her eyes with over-sized irises, "or mental in nature. They perhaps can even manifest as uncontrolled bursts of the... energy we manipulate to utilize our abilities. I tell you this, because it is something you should be knowing. Also, I can see that you are suffering a moderate amount of this stress - Quantum Backlash Syndrome as Kyria is calling it - though it has not progressed enough to have a quantifiable effect. Yet."

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Ryan looked at Aradia, his pupils having narrowed considerably, the only outward sign of his anger.

"No, she didn't like it. No Good commander ever likes situations like that. But that was the way things have played out, and now we all must make the best of it."

"In case you don't know Aradia, I'll go ahead and tell you. Back when I was still with the Corps, the General I served under called me in and told me about a new program that would help create better soldiers to defend our country. I was told it could have ill side effects, and that death was possible. I volunteered any way. I took hold of the machine and lasted longer than anyone else before I fell unconscious. I spent the next week in between my assigned cabin and the training rooms. Then The SG team broke into the compound and stole the machine."

"In light of this, the the men guarding me had orders to kill me. I defended myself as a trained military man does."

"I was rescued by the attackers, along with a number of others, and brought here, where I was told a Man who'd been like a father to me, who'd always been the ideal of a Commander to me, was an enemy of the state, and the world. My whole world was torn away from me as I was told I could easily be tried for Sedition and Treason."

"They showed me proof, I'm privy to things that make it hard for me to trust Anyone. I've had several teams assigned to me, and so far, the only specialist to stay with me, that wasn't reassigned has been Yesult." The way he said reassigned implied a far more sinister word.

"I know what they are, I know they don't care about us any further than how we can be used. But that's not going to stop me from doing all I can to defend my home."

He looked at the others. "I'll lay it out for you all. My loyalties are My Team, My country, and my world. My main priority is to make sure everyone comes back every time we go on a mission, That's just how we Marines are trained. If the pricks in the IOA can't handle that, then they'll replace me. But understand this, we all have to trust each other, because if anyone screws up, everyone suffers."

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Anger obviously wasn't the best approach when attempting to mollify or dress down Aradia - it only seemed to piss her off more, and he could see the flare of aggression briefly cross her features. For once though she tried to hold it in a little, though her voice was still terse when she responded.

"Well then Sergeant, from the sounds of what you've been through, I should think you, of all people, would understand my hesitation. I never said I doubted any of my teammates. So far none of my teammates have given me any reason to do so, you included. So you can chill out about that, okay?"

She glanced back towards the hallway briefly, before turning back to Ryan with a scowl on her face.

"But all I trust is what I've seen. And at this point, there's only one thing I trust the IOA or the SGU command to do. I trust that when they find someone else's discarded toys, they'll pick them up and use them however they want to instead of throwing them in the trash. I'll admit it's a step up, I guess. But that's all we amount to for them. Tools. Toys. Instruments. We are their weapons now. And you know the big difference between you and me, Sarge? You signed up to be a weapon. Maybe for the wrong people without realizing it. And that sucks. And I'm sorry. But I didn't sign up to be anybody's instrument. I got drafted. And until I see Carter, or any of the rest of the brass try and stick something of theirs out on the line for us.. their reputation, their career, their lives.. you know, the things some of us have had to give up? Until I see one of them take a chance for one of us instead of playing it safe.. don't expect me to do anything more than be used. If they want my loyalty.. they have to earn it. Until they think of us as people, and not just playthings.. the best they get out of me is to follow orders, or to do what I think is right. And you can trust me to do that, Sarge. Cause I know now what happens if I don't. It's not me who pays. I get it now.. the gloves are off. They made their point."

As she spoke the last few words, she gestured towards the direction of the hallway she'd glanced at only a moment ago.

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His reply was much quieter, as he reasserted control over his temper.

"Two people already went to bat for us Aradia. General Landry is now stationed in the Antartic because he told both the President and the IOA where they could stick it over reassigning the Specialists away from the SGC to the alphabet soup agencies and making some of our comrades simply disappear."

"Also, O'Neil has told the IOA off as well, but he was better connected than Landry and didn't get quite so vocal with the President and so still has his job. But he too stuck his neck out for us Specialists, and Damn near didn't pull anything back."

"Cam took alot of flak too, Stuff you guys, even me until I was promoted, We didn't hear half of what goes on above us. Colonel Carter was put in about in as bad a situation as she could have been, and she made a Commander's choice."

"Our Immediate superiors aren't our problem, they never have been. It's the people above them, they're the ones we can't trust."

He shook his head, this wasn't a debate he'd wanted to have, and he was already planning to speak with Colonel Carter when he returned. If he was getting a new teammember, especially like this, she should have at least told him something, as opposed to making him play devil's advocate blind.

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Aradia stared at him quietly for a moment, not saying anything, but he could see the brief flicker of surprise in her expression. She hadn't known - that was the problem with keeping everyone in the dark, it allowed just this kind of resentment to breed. But of course the true reason for Landry and O'Neil's reassignments had been kept hush-hush, and Cam had never informed the specialists of the risks he'd taken for them, either.

She glanced away after a moment, fighting back the urge to say something else - the urge to direct her anger up the ladder even further. If Ryan was right, if he wasn't feeding her a line of bullshit, then she didn't have the right to be angry with O'Neil, or Landry. And she supposed she could understand why Carter made the decision she did, even though it was still wrong, and she was still angry. It sounded like it was, indeed, the people at the top of the list who were the bastards. The ones willing to play around with people's lives, who deserved no respect and warranted none of her goodwill.

But the words she almost started spouting out word, because of the people they were about, would probably land her in even hotter water than she might be in right now. The next few thoughts she had were most likely treasonous, at least by someone's definition, and she swallowed them back without speaking. Aradia had never found herself in a situation to give her own government, or President, very much though before this, but she finally started to understand the anger people felt when they whined and bitched about the government. She was pretty sure that "freedom of speech" thing might not be looked upon so kindly from a Specialist though, and getting thrown in jail wouldn't do her any good though, or Wakiki either. It was over.. done. There was nothing she could do to go back and un-risk his life, and after all, they'd been fortunate. She pushed any fear of what this might do to their relationship to the back of her mind as well.. now that Waki could see inside her thoughts, she was afraid that he might not like the person she really was.. how much of a coward she could be, afraid of becoming the kind of worthless bitch she'd been raised by. She tried to put on an awfully badass face, after all.. though she didn't know how much of it he bought. Waki could be very perceptive.. but he was still a man.

So after a brief expression of surprise, followed by several long, tense moments of silence, Aradia finally shrugged slightly and spoke.

"Okay, Major. I understand."

Her voice was neither hostile, nor convinced.. it was just flat. Ryan couldn't tell for sure whether he'd gotten through to her or not. But at least she didn't seem to be gunning for an argument any more. It was.. something.

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Wakiki telepathically watched the back and forth between his girlfriend and new boss closely. He was learning that just because he wasn't in the room where the interesting stuff was happening didn't mean he couldn't still hear things. More than that, he heard their thoughts, and knew each ones' true heart on the matter. Both were sincere and in a way, both were right.

Wakiki had the sudden feeling that he was going to hate knowing what people were thinking.

For now, he ignored what had just happened and looked at Yseult. "Doctor," he said with a charming smile, "I'm going to level with you. My sister is the smart one of the family, so you're going to have to speak a little more simply than that. This backlash thing... can you give me examples of the alterations? I get that you're telling me it can hurt me, but I'm still not sure how. And since its my health, I'd like to know." He hoped that neatly sidestepped her questions - at least until he knew he could trust her.

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