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Mutants & Masterminds: Legacy - Interlude - Sword of Damocles


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Interlude – Decisions

Serene Dorian’s private Quarters

Azkett was overjoyed to see Serene again but their reunion was only of short duration. The importance to find a solution for the immenent thread weight too heavy to really relax or enjoy their accomplishment. Nonetheless the young heroes were celebrated for rescuing the entire Legacy Team and the Queen of the Dragon Witches.

Given the short notice of this event Serene had little chance to prepare properly to accomodate her guests but fortunately her Butler quickly found a way to prepare a small dinner.

ooc: You are at Dorian’s Manour which is reminiscent of the infamous Wayne Manour. The interiour and exteriour architecture has been arranged to perfectly reflect the design of the late 19th century. All technology is cleverly hidden and virtually invisible for the unassuming eye.

Aina took a seat at the comfortable dining table nodding in approval to Watchwoman. „I must confess, I hadn’t expected this and I gladly accept your hospitality. I am very aware of the danger threatening your home and I assure you I have a solution for your problem but I want something in return, of course.“

Serene’s Butler carefully filled the glasses with a delicate red wine and retreated into the background ready to tend to the guests needs and wants.

ooc: You are all at Watchwoman’s Manour (Dorian Manour). Transportation was swiftly arranged and you lost only about 30 minutes. There’s a small holographic timer at the centre of the table displaying the estimated time until the Planetoid will impact earth. The table you sit at is large and heavy mahagony with matching chairs. The entire place is perfectly arranged and very elegant. Even the smell of the rooms is authentic. Fire away with posts – depending on the negotiation and arrangements you make I will start the next Issue.

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Djane had changed back into the clothes she'd been wearing before the lamp had sucked her in - jacket with Wear-A-Comp™ and jeans and sneakers. She still wore the Legacy ring, and still had ruby red eyes, and she knew that the use of any magic would mean putting that stupid outfit back on again, so she was determined not to do it.

She was quiet, not sure how exactly to stop an extinction-level meteor. For the first time, the dread began to seep in, that everything around her could be gone in a day. Sure, there were colonies out there, and she was pretty sure that all of them could evacuate a lot of the Earth, but still...

She wasn't sure what was scarier. The thought that she couldn't magic it away, or the thought that she could.

She cast glances at Watchwoman, conscious of her possession of the lighter, and unsure about the feelings that had flooded through her before. Maybe it was the plane. Or maybe she was going to feel that way about her 'master' no matter what, which scared her even more.

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Watchwoman came into the room, still dressed in her suit. It technically wasn't the same suit; she had several spares. She'd gone to change and shower, both necessities after the stink of Hell. With Hudsy purring in her ear and her gadgets restocked, Watchwoman felt better.

She headed for the setting to the right of the table, only to pause a second and sit at the head. It only cemented the fact that Father was incapacitated and the fate of the world was on her shoulders. "Please, eat your fill," she told everyone before taking a spoonful of soup. She was surprised at how hungry she was.

With the hardest edge taken off her appetite, Serene looked to Aina. "Let's start with your proposal, since you are eager to begin."

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Teletha hadn't ever been to Dorian Manor. She appreciated the architecture and nodded. It was everything she'd expected from her Mother's stories of it. She'd gotten cleaned up and changed, her long silver-white hair now a long braid down her spine. She took a seat close to Serene and next to Aina.

She ate in silence as she thought about the problem facing them. It was hard to worry about their parents, all of them were in horrible shape.

She nodded to Djane and Watchwoman and smiled. "I'd like to hear what you have in mind as well."

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Karra stepped into Dorian Manor with careful trepidation. Mom had always told her to be careful here and she was lots bigger and stronger and stuff now. She hadn't been here in forever, or at least several years and it looked a lot smaller than last time she had been here, but she wasn't sure why.

Watchman has all sorts of weird Machine-Toy-Things, right? Maybe he has a Shrink-O-Ray or somethin' and zapped his house and made it a bit smaller and it doesn't have a reverse setting so he couldn't put it back to the right size. Karra looked around, ready to dodge out of the way or to punch the Shrink-O-Ray back at the Shrink-O-Ray machine, resolved not to be small again. Like Echo. Not that there was anything wrong with being small. Really! Just... she didn't want to be small again.

Still dressed in her black costume, Karra noted with a sad smile, tears filling her eyes that Butler - she forgot his name every time - had placed the chair her mother used to use at the other end of the table, where she'd be able to stretch out her legs with passing the far edge of the table. The heavily constructed chair, with surprisingly elaborate carving, would have been over large for a human, but was just right for her mother, and maybe just a bit small for her. Karra supposed Mom's chair would be her chair until Mom got better and big again.

Karra grinned as she looked down at her plate, filled with rich, delicious smelling pastries covered in sugar and cinnamon and real chocolate drizzle. As a Shytari - mostly, anyway - she didn't really need to eat or drink, not the way most people did, but she really liked her sweets.

Her grin got even wider when she took a sip of the wine and found out hers wasn't the funny tasting grape juice that Watchman and Mom liked, but the awesome and sweet red juice that she used to always have when she had visited Dorian Manor. She brushed a strand of metallic, fiery hair out of her face and gave Butler a shy and grateful little wave.

Then MegaGirl proceeded to stuff her face with pastries as she waited for the others to tell how they were going to make the Planet-Chunk not turn Earth into a whole bunch of Planet-Chunks, 'cause that would be bad. Asteroids - Hee-hee! I said 'Ass' - and Planet-Chunks are fun to zoom in, but are bad for most people.

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"Enter the receptacle and commence memory download," Matrix directed her.

Echo nodded as she trudged through the seemingly endless winding corridors of Core Annex, surrounded by EMP-shielded concrete and the constant hum of air processors that kept a cooling breeze circulating through the otherwise barren halls. Behind those walls were stack upon stack of crystalline servers, router hubs, optical switching panels, the sum total of computer hardware to broadcast a network that spanned not just a planet, but a galaxy.

It was just one of hundreds like it, and Matrix lived in them all. This one was distinguished merely because it was the closest to her debriefing site. And while the other kids were probably now relaxing and recuperating from their ordeal, she now faced another debriefing of a far more invasive sort.

She navigated the labyrinth with the unconscious ease of one who's downloaded the map of it into the back of her brain. Her own corner of the sprawling core was itself fairly large, taken in and of itself. Bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and a general purpose room that she used for study and recreation. Each was spacious, if a bit...dry in decor. The walls were devoid of adornment. She'd gone through a phase or two where she'd enjoyed putting posters of popular media figures up...but she passed out of the phases as quickly as she'd entered them; her enhanced mind reaching maturity far ahead of her physical development.

In her bedroom was a niche in the wall that was laden with opti-electronic equipment that glowed softly in the dark. She peeled off what was left of her clothes, depositing them in a chute that normally led to somewhere else in the complex where they'd be laundered. This time, she suspected, they'd find their way to an automated laboratory. She backed into the niche and waited, choking down a rising anxiety.

At some point, and it was a recent development, Echo had started to hate memory downloads. There'd been a time she'd loved it...it was one of the few times she actually -felt- close to her 'father.' And it was so much EASIER than trying to explain stuff! With a human father it might have been awkward, but Matrix never judged, never got angry, always saw the big picture. But the last several times, Echo had felt less comfortable, and identified within herself a sense that the downloads were invasions of privacy; unwelcome. Matrix began having to cajole her to the receptacle, and now she was starting to associate his voice with that unpleasantness. She couldn't hear him anymore without wincing and wondering when he'd want to delve into her experiences again.

The plastic and metal of the receptacle was cool against her skin, and she flinched from it for a second until Matrix advised, "Please keep still." There was a pinch at the base of her spine, and then another at the base of her skull, and in her imagination it was like getting bitten by two enormous insects. Their mandibles were like pincers, gripping her.

Echo closed her eyes as the world faded to white. When she opened them, she was with her father. He was tall and handsome, in a fatherly way...in his late thirties or maybe forty. Yellow-brown hair with just a little hint of grey, and a three 'o clock shadow that she'd loved to rub her cheek against when she was smaller. She lowered her face, not wanting him to read her expression.

It was pointless, of course. "Something is troubling you," Matrix said gently. "Something you've experienced? Flag the memory when you download."

Couldn't we just talk? Like regular people? she wondered. But as soon as the thought formed, she'd already formed arguments against it. Talking was inefficient. It was a crutch, necessary for beings who had no better means of communication. But knowing that didn't make her feel better. Perversely, it only increased her melancholy.

Matrix displayed a puzzled expression and her hesitation, and prodded her. "Begin."


Echo was getting dressed, and her father was digesting the memories she'd sent him. Panic was knotting her stomach, and it was hard to keep her face still. Under the panic though was something else...a sort of frantic, manic exhilaration. It was how she imagined a man who threw himself off a cliff must feel. Yes, he can see the ground coming up at him with fatal intent...but for those few seconds, he was flying.

"Echo," Matrix said crisply. Her blood froze. So fast. So soon.

"There is an anomaly in your memories. A discontinuity. Explain."

"I can't," she replied, relaxing slightly. "What you're seeing is just as I experienced it. One second I was standing at the pillar, the next I was already in the process of destroying it. There was a five point six eight second difference between my internal chronometer and my experienced time."

There was a pause. Then, "You have no explanation?"

"I speculate I was affected by some action of Aina or the demon, which suppressed my consciousness and caused my body to act according to another's will," she replied blandly. This was the hard part. Lying to Matrix was extremely difficult. Fortunately, in this case, it wasn't REALLY a lie, and it was an explanation that suited the facts of the situation precisely. She was merely leaving out one possible suspect, and since she'd neglected to send the memories implicating that suspect, he had no reason to include her.

Another pause. "I won't be present at your meeting at the Manor." Echo thought she detected a certain amount of grumpiness over that. It wasn't something anyone but she could have noted...his voice was as imperturbed as ever, but something about the words he chose implied its emotional content to her anyway. "Inquire with Aina whether or not this anomaly in your memory is because of her."

She nodded as she finished getting dressed. "All right."

"I have also identified areas in which your performance can be increased. I have uploads and upgrades available. Please use them before going to the Manor."

Echo sighed. Uploads meant going back in the receptacle, though there was nothing unpleasant about them in particular. "I just got dressed."

"These upgrades can't help you until they're installed," Matrix reminded her. "They may make the difference between success and failure. Are the consequences of failure worth the inconvenience of undressing?"

Echo lowered her head. "No," she mumbled. He was right though. He was always right. Why couldn't he be wrong just ONCE?

She dutifully started pulling her clothes off again, and moved towards the receptacle...


Echo arrived at the Manor precisely on time, dressed in a shirt and blazer and skirt that looked a bit like a rather uptight parochial school student might dress. Her hair was pulled back and worked into a bun at the back of her head, and there was no sign of high tech gear on her person.

She chose a seat near Watchwoman and Aina, so she could observe them closely. She ate quickly and efficiently, with small, thoroughly chewed bites. It was hard to tell if she was enjoying the food or not, though the truth was that she was loving every bite of it. The physical changes wrought by the upgrades had taken a certain toll from her body, and the food was a most welcome source of energy to replenish it.

When her meal was done, Echo looked up and around at the others, waiting for the 'witch queen' to begin the conversation.

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Originally Posted By: Watchwoman

She headed for the setting to the right of the table, only to pause a second and sit at the head. It only cemented the fact that Father was incapacitated and the fate of the world was on her shoulders. "Please, eat your fill," she told everyone before taking a spoonful of soup. She was surprised at how hungry she was.

With the hardest edge taken off her appetite, Serene looked to Aina. "Let's start with your proposal, since you are eager to begin."

Originally Posted By: Tesstarossa

She ate in silence as she thought about the problem facing them. It was hard to worry about their parents, all of them were in horrible shape.

She nodded to Djane and Watchwoman and smiled. "I'd like to hear what you have in mind as well."

„My people are dying.“, Aina opened bitterly. „We are waging war since ages against the Magelords and they never ceased to attack our realms. They seek to wipe us out because they envy our power. As far as I know the Magelords are not unknown to the Legacy League.“, she gave MegaGirl a sideway glance before she continued.

„They are an evil abomination of magic users and slavers. Recently they offered a peace treaty sending their diplomat to our kingdom who swore the oath at our gates. It was a trap…“, Aina looked at her plate putting down the spoon suddenly as her appetite evaporated and gave way to anger.

„The Diplomat sacrificed himself in an evil scheme to capture me. Before my guards could intervene the trap was set and I was teleported away… to this prison.“, Aina spat the word prison as if it’s mere existence was an afront to her.

„The only reason I agreed to hear the Diplomat was an offer they made. My kingdom exists in peaceful coexistence with the realm of the Fae. One of their most valued kin has been captured by the Magelords and held for ransom. They offered her exchange for knowledge in return. Knowledge over the elements of the dragon aspects. Since I felt obliged to help our allies I agreed to hear the Magelord out which was my mistake. Without you I would still be held prisoner in that place and my kingdom would surely fall in the wake of the Magelords imminent attack. I ask you to help my people defend ourselves against the Magelords and their slavery, in return I shall help you destroy that asteriod that is threatening your homeworld. I probably will need some help but I sense someone present who could join my effort.“, the Dragon Witch’s fiery gaze set on Djane for a moment followed by a smile.

„I am willing to extend my offer to a permanent alliance with the League, I’m sure we can both benefit from such a treaty.“
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Every hair on Serene's body stood on end and she felt as if she had jumped out of her skin as Aina's last words snuck into her head. I'm willing to extend my offer to a permanent alliance... That was League-changing, to make such a bargain. The thought of making that kind of decision left Serene a little dizzy. And yes, Serene could see the benefits of such a treaty - having friends - in the plural, no less - as powerful as Aina would be handy. That, of course, assumed that Aina's people won the war. If they didn't, there would be an enemy more powerful than they who probably wouldn't be too happy about the League taking sides.

"I see," Watchwoman said, her voice thoughtful. She took another bite of food she wasn't tasting and added, "Can you tell me more about the abilities of the Magelords? From the power your story suggests they wield, I'm not sure that we can help you against them. An idea of what we can offer would be very helpful."

Yeah, she was stalling, trying to think. What in the hell should she do? She didn't know, but Father had told her there would be days like this. He just failed to mention how completely awful they'd be.

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The Celestial Centurion stood by impassively. He had no need for food or drink, and this was enough rest to allow him to recover his energies. Instead he watched and observed and waited. He waited to see why it was that Hælious had restrained him from leaving immediately to attempt whatever he could to save this world. With less than eighteen hours before this planet was cracked in half Herak wasn't even certain his abilities would have mattered, but to stand by and do nothing was untenable. Worse his new compatriots were sitting down to a meal and diplomatic negotiations. Herak rolled his eyes and tried not to grumble, his patron had stayed his hand for a reason, he just wished he knew why.

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"Magelords are very bad," Karra said with impressive emphasis, considering the eclair that she had managed to consume in a single bite. "They made Mom all tall and strong and stuff - but not as tall and strong as me - and all the Shytari too - well, only the first of the Shytari, not the new ones. The new ones were made like other babies, by... you know..."

Karra's gorgeously cute face went red with innocent embarrassment, but then her open expression firmed, cat-like golden-green eyes literally glowing with righteous wrath. "They made Mom and the others do bad, bad, things, so bad Mom wouldn't even tell me everything bad they made her do. But the bad Magelords made Mom and the others too powerful and stuff and they were able to free themselves and defeat the Magelords and kick them out of the Shytar system."

Karra jumped to her feet, standing tall and proud, posing with hands on hips, a towering and shapely figure of truly immense strength, vacant eyes staring intently into the distance. "I wanna help defeat the Magelords!" MegaGirl declared resolutely. "I... I bet you they made Mom small again and after we defeat them, Imma gonna make them fix Mom, good as new!"

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Originally Posted By: Watchwoman

"I see," Watchwoman said, her voice thoughtful. She took another bite of food she wasn't tasting and added, "Can you tell me more about the abilities of the Magelords? From the power your story suggests they wield, I'm not sure that we can help you against them. An idea of what we can offer would be very helpful."

Yeah, she was stalling, trying to think. What in the hell should she do? She didn't know, but Father had told her there would be days like this. He just failed to mention how completely awful they'd be.

„They are a selfish and arrogant race of sorcerers. Their only goal is to gain more power and destroy everything in the magical realms that does not bow to their will. My people are the only opposition they face aside from a small number of slaves they created who managed to break free from them.“, Aina glanced briefly at MegaGirl with burning anger.

„Even though they are abominations they were the only ones who successfully managed to fend off any following attacks by the Magelords. I think you know them by the name Shytari. Their numbers are too few to stage any kind of counterattack and I believe the Magelords have come to the conclusion it’s a waste of time to keep hunting their former creations… but if we could ally, together with the Legacy League I’m sure we can end their tyranny. If you are not willing to support a war then at least help us free those they enslaved…“

Originally Posted By: Djane
"Can, uh, the dragon witches help us with this - " She waved towards the hologram of the asteroid. "I think that'd be a nice show of good faith."

The Dragon Witch gave Djane an annoyed look with a raised eyebrow and commented flatly, „I wouldn’t have offered my help if I couldn’t – but I need your word on this bargain before I do anything. I’m sure you can help me in my endeavour, little Genie.“
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Teletha watched the interplay keenly. "So we help you in your war against the Magelords, possibly committing the League to an Alliance that could bring the MageLords here to Earth, in exchange we get a formal Alliance with your people, and you will help us Save our planet." It wasn't a question, just her spelling it out for everyone.

She looked at Serene and nodded. "I know what my parents would say. Our Duty is to our world, which may perish in the next eighteen hours. If We can save it, and make a new ally, then I'll gladly take their hand in friendship."

"I vote we accept her offer of Aid and Alliance, in exchange for helping us we should help her free her captured comrades."

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Vote? Serene wondered if that was really the way the senior members of the League had done things. It didn't seem likely, but what did she know? Silently, she watched the genie ask her question and waited for the Dragon's answer.

A thought occurred to her and she subvocally asked, "Hudsy, what do you know about the way that the League handled internal decision-making?" She wondered if they really dared to make this kind of decision for their parents. After all, with allies came the ally's enemies, who became your enemies. What chance did Earth have against powerful enemies like that? There had to be a reason that Earth had never chosen to ally with the Dragon Witches before today. That alone made her cautious.

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Originally Posted By: Testarossa

She looked at Serene and nodded. "I know what my parents would say. Our Duty is to our world, which may perish in the next eighteen hours. If We can save it, and make a new ally, then I'll gladly take their hand in friendship."

"I vote we accept her offer of Aid and Alliance, in exchange for helping us we should help her free her captured comrades."

Aina nodded at Tessa giving her a friendly smile, „I doubt the Magelords will invade your home world, but their minions will. They are a very territorial and envious lot and don’t like to get dirt on their own hands. They’ve created the Shytari as their soldiers but obviously made them too powerful… they’ve become more cautious with their experiments ever since. In the case they retaliate the Dragon Witches will defend your borders, too. That I vouch for with my life.“

Originally Posted By: Djane

"In your - " Djane falls silent, contemplating the meaning of that. Then she looks at her sleeve, annoyed.

"Stupid computer crashed." She tapped the holo-emitter in her sleeve. "You know about genies then?"

„Well, of course I do. I know everything about magical creatures, especially those who originated from my realm. We are in good station with the few Genies left in existence. I’m glad that you are part of this Alliance, that’s a good sign.“, for the first time the Queen seemed almost warm and compassionate with her answer.

Originally Posted By: Watchwoman
A thought occurred to her and she subvocally asked, "Hudsy, what do you know about the way that the League handled internal decision-making?" She wondered if they really dared to make this kind of decision for their parents. After all, with allies came the ally's enemies, who became your enemies. What chance did Earth have against powerful enemies like that? There had to be a reason that Earth had never chosen to ally with the Dragon Witches before today. That alone made her cautious.

Hudsy promptly produced the requested data, „There are no official rules or laws governing decision-making. All decisions have been made by Watchman as Leader of the Legacy League.“

Hudsy waited a short moment before he added, „He did debate with his team, though. Sometimes things have been put to vote and he decided accordingly, sometimes he decided against it. Watchman had always the last word.“
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"I'm not an experiment or an adominal - abonimat - what you called me," MegaGirl pouted, folding her arms beneath her breasts. "I'm me, Karra, MegaGirl. But I can zoom to Shytar and ask them to help. I haven't been there in a long, long time, like five years or something. They weren't very nice back then, they said mean things about mom and me and dad, but maybe they're nicer now and will help."

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"They're too far away to help with this crisis, even if they are willing," Echo says quietly. "And there's no evidence suggesting they would be more receptive now than they have been in the past."

"Furthermore, this asteroid being on an intercept course for Earth is not accidental, which means whatever entity is behind it has effectively declared war on Earth, and the League."

She eyed the Dragon Queen. "If this enemy is the same as hers, an alliance is advisable."

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"If it is the same," Watchwoman said carefully, making sure that she kept her tone flat. "We know nothing about those who threw that at us. While it could be, we shouldn't operate on assumptions."

Light glinted off the green goggles of Watchwoman's hood as she turned to face Aina. "If we didn't ally ourselves with your people, would you still accept and render aid?"

Click to reveal..
Sense Motive check per Joani's request: 1


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Aina set her fiery gaze on Serene nostrils flaring angrily, „Then I’m wasting my time here. I’m sorry to see your people perish if you don’t want to accept my offer but maybe it’s a better alternative in the face of being enslaved by the Magelords.“, Aina was about to stand up, every fibre on her lean body tensed. It looked like she wanted to smash the table angrily and had to force herself to hold back.

„If that’s your last word I’ll leave, my sisters are dying and suffering as we speak.“

Click to reveal..
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"That wasn't anything other than a question," Serene said sharply, "one which you haven't answered. And it is a fair question, given that what started as a discussion to render mutual aid has suddenly turned into a discussion of an alliance."

She remained seated and calm, but she was very angry. She was in way over her head and she no longer had even a guess what Father would do. All of that made her angry. The desire to release herself again rose, but she shut it out. Cooperation forced under duress was not cooperation in truth.

"Make no mistake - I am willing to help your people. But an alliance is a much deeper matter," Watchwoman said, steepling her hands together. The second she'd done it, she realized that was what Father did when he was debating with others. You really do become your parents.

God, I hope I only become my father.

"Surely you can understand a need for reasonable caution."

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Herak's knuckles popped from within his clenched fists. His hands glowed as streamers of plasma leaked between his fingers. "You would allow an entire planet to die for the simple reason that its people would not form an alliance with you?" The Centurion's helm was cocked and staring at the witch, but the loathing in his eyes was hidden from view. "You are not worthy of these people. They would have helped you regardless, and will likely still do so but you have proven with your words that you do not deserve the help you will receive."

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Echo reached over and put a hand on Centurion's shoulder.

"Not helping," she said quietly.

Then she said more loudly, addressing the table, "I propose a compromise...a testing of the waters that could lead to alliance by helping us overcome our mutual suspicions and prejudices with a simpler and less threatening exchange of services."

Echo looked at Aina. "Your part would be aiding us in diverting or destroying the asteroid so that no damage is done to Earth or its allies."

She then regarded Watchwoman. "Our part would then be in rendering a service of similar magnitude in her war against the Magelords...that is, we would fight against them in a battle in which a prize as valuable as a planet was at risk, and do all in our power to secure total victory."

"When the exchange is complete, we will have a much more concrete understanding of one another, and how we work as a team. Then we will know if alliance is really what we both want, and need. At that time we will either decide to part ways peacefully, or form an alliance. Either way, we will both benefit from the short term agreement."

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"Yeah, I like that. Testing the waters so to speak. Finding out if this'll work to our mutual benefit." Djane tapped her wearable computer, waiting for it to reboot. "Damn thing never works right. Anyways yeah, sounds like a great idea."

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Aina's angry eyes briefly rested on the Celestial Centurion's shape when Echo raised her voice.

She considered the proposal and slowly nodded. "I am willing to agree on these terms... and ignore the insults I just heard.", the queen slowly seated herself again and forced herself to calm down.

This meeting had more of a political flavour than anything else and Aina was a queen after all... a very powerful queen if she wasn't bluffing about her powers.

"Do we have an accord?", she addressed Serene again in a very formal tone raising an eyebrow expectantly.

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Echo's proposal was perfect, exactly what Serene herself had wanted. For it to come from another member of the team was better; it wasn't coming from Serene, who Aina was a little irritated with. This gave the idea further credence and had helped Aina agree.

"The League hasn't been a democracy to date," Watchwoman said evenly, a little creeped out that everyone was looking to her - though she'd been readied for this - and a little surprised at how much like her father she sounded.

Standing, she reached over the table. "The League will enter into a limited accord with you," Serene said. "You will help us stop the meteor, and in exchange, we will help you deal with the Magelords." She kept her wording precise. "And at the end of matters, we'll see where we stand."

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Aina took a long drawn breath considering her options and then slowly nodded.

"Agreed... and we shouldn't waste any more time now.", the tall woman stood up her eyes remaining on Serene.

"Your house seems large enough for what I have in mind. I need some space to create a ritual circle and I'd like your little Genie to be part of it. I also sense a strong connection between her and your armored friend here which should proof beneficial to our task."

She gave the projection of the approaching planetoid a short look and nodded again.

"Maybe you should assemble an emergency team with the rest of your members because I'm not entirely sure if there'll be any collateral damage. I can setup a portal that will place you in close proximity to the planetoid - if anything goes wrong or not as expected you'll have a short response time to intervene and prevent the worst."

The Dragon Queen was determined to get started - there were still 17 hours left and any further wasted second could decide earths fate...

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MegaGirl stood straight with her arms folded beneath her chest, nine feet of brawn and beauty and very little brains, chin tilted confidently up, giving everyone, even the ones who hadn't said anything sharp nods of agreement, as if she understood what they were saying. In reality, all that she managed to glean was that there was going to be two groups, for some reason.

"That sounds like a good plan," the Mighty, and Mightily Clueless, MegaGirl assumed. "Where do I stand?"

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"I'd like to be part of the ritual, if you need a fourth," Serene said, lifting her chin. This sounded way more dangerous than the emergency team, and she was not letting Djane go somewhere unsafe without her. "Better yet, perhaps explaining more of your plan, so that we can best utilize the talents we have? We can talk while we go to the Great Hall. The room should be large enough to conduct your ritual, unless you need more space than a football field." Pausing only to grab her plate and glass from her place-setting, Serene began to lead them through the massive and fantastic Dorian Manor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Djane
Djane looked to the Celestial Centurion and then back to the dragon. "A... a connection? And 'part of the ritual?' Exactly what does that mean? What ritual? Is this gonna get us to the asteroid?"

Originally Posted By: Celestial Centurion
Herak nodded, "When we were in the hell realms, I felt something. My powers were more," he faltered, searching for the right word, "certain. I suppose. I felt that link, even if I didn't, and still don't, understand it."

Aina nodded friendly at both of them and answered in a matter-of-fact kind of voice, "Well, it seems you draw your power from the same source. At least that's what it feels like for me. I may know someone who could shed some more light on this matter if you're willing to accept my invitation."

Originally Posted By: MegaGirl

"That sounds like a good plan," the Mighty, and Mightily Clueless, MegaGirl assumed. "Where do I stand?"

"Actually I was hoping you'd be joining the second team. I believe your physical prowess is much more efficient there than your "spiritual" power here...", Aina tried not to make it sound as if she was looking down on the young heroine...

Originally Posted By: Watchwoman

"I'd like to be part of the ritual, if you need a fourth," Serene said, lifting her chin. This sounded way more dangerous than the emergency team, and she was not letting Djane go somewhere unsafe without her. "Better yet, perhaps explaining more of your plan, so that we can best utilize the talents we have? We can talk while we go to the Great Hall. The room should be large enough to conduct your ritual, unless you need more space than a football field." Pausing only to grab her plate and glass from her place-setting, Serene began to lead them through the massive and fantastic Dorian Manor.

At Serene's offer Aina smiled satisfied holding up one hand to keep TK and Echo waiting. "The plan is to restore the damage planet to its original state. If we should fail... then destroying it would be the only other viable option. In that case I can't control or say if any parts or debris would still manage to breach your homeworlds atmosphere and do some damage to the population. The second team should bring some considerable firepower with them."

Originally Posted By: Testarossa

Tk stands there and waits. "Do you want Echo and I to round up anyone else available as a backup team?"

Originally Posted By: SalmonMax

"What will be expected of the two teams?" Echo asked as she followed Serene. "It's hard to judge who should do what without knowing more about what you're proposing."

"I hope that answers your questions?", Aina added once she was done explaining the "plan" to Serene. Even now her arrogant nature and attitude was unnerving but what options did they have?
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Serene frowned. "No, that doesn't answer them, but I suspect that any explanation will make less sense," Watchwoman said honestly. "Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it." She hoped, sincerely, that those words weren't about to bite her in the ass.

She nodded to the rest of her team as they left the room. "Good luck," she murmured to them, though she knew they wouldn't need it. She had full faith in them.

ooc: continued in Issue #3

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