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Trinity RPG: Back to the Stars - Xiao Dao: Arrival - Khantze Lu Ge


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About 24 hours after arrival above the planet in the Alpha Centari system, the Captain has called for a meeting of the various members of the order. A holographic display of the planet was up in the middle of the briefing room, and several spots appeared to be hot spots. It appeared that some kind of battle or war was going on below, though the full details would require closer inspection.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears that the planet is at a state of considerable unrest. As the Chinese representive, and this being a chinese colony originally, and our resident Ambassador, you have the greatest authority in situation, Ambassador. What would you like to do? And what suggestions do the rest of you have?"

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John looked to Lien waiting to see what the woman would put as first priority. John knew what he felt was most important; recon. They'd just arrived, and while scans from orbit were all good and fine they were nothing like proper eyes on target and feet on the ground. Even clairsentient scanning would only get you so far. A vision wouldn't let you read a book or a newspaper, or slice into a data terminal.

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Lien looked the map over and nodded thoughtfully to herself. "We know the what and the where; now we need to know the who and the why. It this is resource war, reconnection with Earth might go a long way in cooling the hostilities. We should identify how many different groups there are and who the leadership is. We should hopefully learn the general impetus for the conflict while we're doing that as well."

She looked around the room, her complexion still pale as it had been since the Jump, but she was feeling better today. Besides, this was the first time she'd been needed for something more than just interpersonal spats on the ship. She wanted to be here and wanted to be useful. "Any ideas of how to go about collecting that information?"

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Marvin nodded as he looked over the map. The answer was simple, but there were many ways to go about it.

"Get onto the planet. It's not a good idea to reveal our presence though. I'd say, Anatole, Evana, myself, and anyone else who has the psi or mundane talents to pass themselves off as someone else. We can pass information through my crystal to John at the ship. The trick would be constructing a cover ID, and getting us on planet undetected. The ID's not hard."

He looked over to George for his knowledge on this subject. "What kind of stealth have the smaller ships got, or can be rigged up?"

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George shrugged and looked to the Captain as he answered, "As far as I know we don't have any ships with stealth capability, and it's pretty difficult to hide an orbital re-entry anyway. At that stage you'd have to be coming in on the fusion rocket still, so you'd be visible to anyone looking in the right direction."

He pauses and then smiles, "Unless of course you feeling like trying to dead stick it in far enough to try to use multiple parachutes to deccelerate to the point you can cut in the hybrids low speed drive. It would still leave you visible due to the parachute stage, but that could be reduced by coming in on the night side."

Turning back to Marvin he asks, "You think you can fit in ok? How good is your chinese? It is after all their colony and so the official language. Perhaps the Ambassador should work through offical channels? I assume that the Ministry had a presence here before we lost contact even if she didn't want to go through the Governor's office."

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George smiled and shrugged, "Good, that's one person who might be able to move around then. Assuming you can get to the ground without being spotted. Actually, you're a Clear? Can you feel if there is any significant signs of psions or anything coming from the planet? I'm afraid my Attunement range is only about 15km, so I couldn't reach the planet from here."

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Cornflower eyes narrowed at the two men blithely discussing infiltration as Astrid folded her arms over her chest, regarding them with a mien no warmer than the frigid land of her birth.

"When they have caught you, what will you do?" she asked tersely. "You will be pretending to be someone else, and you will be sneaking onto the planet under the..." The Norwegian soldier frowned slightly as she sought the appropriate phrase.

"False pretenses, ma'am," a helpful crew member supplied quietly.

Astrid nodded emphatically. "Under the false pretenses. Any military force will be seeing that as a threat, a breach of their security, an act of war. If you are lucky, you will be executed once they have finished with you, and the rest of us may be able to get out of the range of their weapons. Or," she amended, "their ships if they are feeling like pursuing us. I would do it, in their place." She shrugged. "It would be too difficult and dangerous to be keeping you as hostages, and if there were two of you, there must be more, yes? Your plan is a stupid wager," the gunsou stated flatly, looking at both men in turn. "Unacceptable risk for potential of minimal return."

"This is the Ambassador's purpose," she said, nodding toward the smaller woman. "Any plan that you make that is not including her is either ignorant of her skills or insulting to them. She is Chinese, and she is a diplomat. You are neither, any more than I am. Citizenship is a document, not a heritage." This last seemed as much a challenge as a statement, issued with squared shoulders and firmly planted feet.

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Evana listened, letting her narrow, exotic eyes scan the room. She nibbled on the end of the stylus she was using to jot notes on her datapad. Between her eyes, sensually glossed lips and the deep purple leather the Norça called a 'uniform' the barely covered cleavage that would drown an infant, her brow furrowed as the men talked then raised slightly as Astrid laid down the hammer of common sense upon them; a trait the collective Psions seemed to have in short supply.

"Astrid is correct." She said softly. "First and fore most no one here has mentioned attempting to establish an open channel of communication between us, our diplomat, and the surface's governing body. You're speaking of inciting a war and committing to espionage before we have even attempted to discover what the problem is. War has two or more sides. We need to learn where the break down happened, identify the responsible parties and negotiate from there. A start is for our Ambassador to ply her trade."

She relaxed in her chair, her pants creaked slightly as she crossed her legs and leaned back slightly in her seat. "The Ambassador should first attempt to communicate with the governing body in an attempt to discover what went wrong. You'd be surprised the amount of intel one can gather from a simple holo-call. Once we have that intel, we should use it do decide our next course of action. All this planning useless until we actually have the opportunity to speak with those in charge. Once we facilitate communications if our Ambassador feels she can resolve this peaceably, then we we will."

She smirked and her eyes gleamed. "If not, then we decide whether or not to eliminate our targets silently, or with lots of loud noises."

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George turned to the two ladies with obvious annoyance, "I think you two need to get your hearing checked or something. I just suggested that the Ambassador go through channels either with the Governor's office or through the Ministry before Marvin said he did know Chinese. Added to which I have never suggested that this was a good idea, nor would I go along with such a mission. I was simply asked if I thought the ships we had would be capable of a stealthy insertion to which I answered to the best of my ability. So next time, before you start getting all high and mighty, I suggest you make the effort to get your facts straight."

With some effort George calmed himself, and the faint sparks along his shoulder faded away, before continuing, "The elements fighting on the surface are likely to be due to one of three basic events. One, would be a civil war of some kind, most likely along cultural lines. Two would be a conflict with another race, either discovered on the surface or invading from space. However, since we have obviously not detected any ships from an invader during the last 24 hours that seems unlikely. And lastly is the unfortunate possibility that this colony has been found by a large group of Aberrants. This is possible given their return to Earth space almost twenty years ago and that Alpha Centuri was always considered as an obvious first place to first even in days before they were kicked off Earth."

George nodded towards the beautiful Norcan, "As Evana said, our first step, in all those cases, should be to work through the official channels to obtain information. After all, this is meant to be a mission to recontact the colonies."

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John nodded, "I agree with Astrid, and Evanna and George," he paused a moment to let that last bit sink in before continuing. "This is an earth colony. A Chinese colony. The ambassador should contact the surface via vid-link and alert them to our presence and the renewal of interstellar transit, once that is done we get as much information about the current situation as possible before making an official diplomatic mission to the ruling government, or governments if that is the case."

John looked around the table, "Then we can perform whatever concealed reconnaissance we feel is needed. Five years may be a long time but I don't think we need to assume that these people will not welcome us and news from home."

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She rolled her eyes at George's display of sparks and static electricity and shook her head.

"Don't agree with me," Evana said, slightly annoyed as she looked to John. The Psions in her company were quickly becoming persona non grata in her eyes. "It was Astrid's idea, I was merely adding my thoughts to it."

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Anatole sat quietly besides Evana, all-but invisible as he studied the datapad he held in one hand, reviewing the projected population figures and demographics on hand while the others talked. Evana (and Astrid, who'd managed to gather some of his mannerisms from sharing quarters with the silent Norca) knew that he was certainly listening, but didn't see the need to add anything to the discussion.

There was one moment when his attention was diverted from the data-readout. When the Orgo raised his voice and made his bioelectrical display, Anatole's pale eyes locked onto the man, the rest of his body maintaining it's customary stillness. The moment passed: as soon as the Orgo calmed down, the blond man's eyes dropped to his datapad once more, resuming his air of apparent indifference.

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Lien sighed. "Ladies and gentlemen, can we please focus? There is a war raging beneath us. I know we haven’t been getting along as well as could be hoped, but the bickering needs to stop until at least after we’ve done our jobs.”

It’s like herding a group of unruly chil- She cut the thought off abruptly. Not. Helping. Focus.

“We need to know what’s going, and we need both the official line and what’s actually going on. Let’s send out a greeting message on official channels and see what response we get. We should also send a reconnaissance group to get a ground-level view of the situation. Evana, Anatole, and Marvin, I think the three of you are the best option there. If you will go, please stick together and help each other out. John and George, if the two of you would pool your abilities and resources to gather as much long-range intel as possible as well. The most critical thing here is know what is going on and who the critical players are. Gunsou Magnussen, I’ll need your help both as a military advisor and as a strong symbol to anyone that we meet with that the Xioa Dao is not only well defended itself, but capable and willing to ensure security on the colony during the transition out of war as well.”

There, everyone has something to do, and it’s all critical to getting this taken care of. She fought the urge to rub her temples; she had a headache already and knew that this would only be the start of hard decisions and long days.

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John shook his head, "My abilities don't work that way. Or rather I'm not yet skilled enough to be able to do what you ask. Only masters of Telesthesia are able to do detailed scans at range. My powers, and my skills, are more suited to ground work, tracking and path finding, scouting and spying at shorter ranges. Even on my best day I couldn't reach even half a click with Sensory Projection."

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George nods to the Ambassador then turns to John, "Shall we start with the sensor's?" barely pausing for a reply he heads across the bridge towards the relevant post.

Christ knows what Lien thinks this ship can do to 'ensure the security of the colony'. Apart from the crew we only seem to have the 30 odd Legion, the Ops team of 4 and I assume the Norca 4 or 8 or whatever it was. Either way it all adds up to a force of about 40 or at most 50 vs a colony of 3 million.

Arriving at the sensor post George starts calling up the high resolution images he can of the conflict areas. He also correlates the position of these conflicts with the known locations of settlements and atmospheric convertors from before the Upeo were slaughtered by the Aberrants. Next he does the same for images in the near IR, far IR and UV bands of the EM spectrum.

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If Astrid disagreed, or intended to say more to George, she made no sign of it. Whatever she thought of his psionic display or his argument, she remained silent on the matter and instead turned her attention to the Ambassador, nodding as the smaller woman spoke. When she was done, Astrid leaned forward, resting her palms on the control panel and studying the display.

"I will be very honest with you, Ambassador. I do not think this is the most effective plan. It does not provide the best use of our talents," she said evenly. "I believe this ship does not have the crew or the hardware necessary to protect a colony from a military force of any size. I would recommend that we avoid planning for a field team before we make contact. Once that is done, we will have a better idea what will be necessary, ja? No one should be deployed blind when we have the option to get more information before they leave."

She paused for a moment, then added, "But this is your mission, and I will follow your orders. You are the Ambassador. If you wish to avoid an incident, we will do it. If you wish to cause an incident, we can do that, also."

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"As the person in charge, if that's your wish Ambassador, I will comply." She nodded politely in compliance. "I must state for the record though that Anatole and I are trained for espionage and assassination. Sending a 'dick' along with the two of us will only slow us down. He'd be more of a liability than an asset. He's better off here, out of our way." He looked to Marvin and smirked. "No offense."

"Now as far as this whole 'speaking Chinese' thing goes, my vocoder easily translates Chinese, always has." She shrugged with only a single shoulder, tilting her head slightly in that direction as if to dismiss the language issues entirely. "Frankly if we're there illegally and as enemies of the state, having a 'citizen' with us amounts to nothing. Stopping to chit chat with the locals will not be on our priority list. All we'll need to do is hear, understand and keep moving. If we find ourselves talking to anyone chances are we've already been captured, or are about to be."

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Lien chuckled, and tried to make sure it wasn't a giggle. Apparently showing off her own ignorance was a good way to get people moving and talking about their own areas of expertise. By all the powers that be, if me being a bit stupid is what's needed to make this work, I pray my IQ drops a point each day. She held up her hands and smiled at everyone.

"Okay, one at a time. I don't know what you all do best, other than as a very general understanding that I could glean from your personnel files. Thank you for correcting me; I mean that sincerely." She nodded to Astrid and Evana, "Let's see what official contact we can make and what information we can gather from the ship. Once we've done that, we should reconvene and look at our other options for gathering information and what can be done most immediately for a cease fire."

"Captain, while I am the Ambassador on this mission, I think it would be best if the announcement of our arrival come from you. Once we've managed to establish contact with someone on the surface, then it can switch over to diplomatic channels, but if the factional rivalries down there are more politically based than anything else, an official Chinese ambassador may not receive as positive a response as more politically neutral ship captain." She gave the room one last look around. "Are we ready then?"

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The Captain nodded. "Actually, at this point, likely they know we are here, if they are looking at the skies at all. Of course, with all of the battles going on below, they may have missed us. In any case, your correct, it likely would be a good idea to make contact and see what we can find out, at least, what they are willing to tell us." He paused. "I'd like to add something, folks, it will take several weeks, about 3 to 4, to recharge the jump drive, so we'll be hear a while."

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"Bloody hell," Evana complained softly under her breath. The prospect of being stuck either in the orbit of, or on the surface of a war torn planet didn't much appeal to her. She wanted beaches, casinos, sex, and the occasional dead dictator lying at her feet. What she was getting was a cold ship, having to deal the other orders and worst ship rations she could have conceived of. "Should've guessed."

Shrugging away her frustration though she looked back at the Ambassador. "One last thing Ambassador, should the need arise for you to meet any of these officials in person than I strongly suggest you not go personally." Evana's flesh rippled and shifted slightly, muscle and bone could be heard as they reworked themselves in a rather grizzly fashion. She didn't seem to bothered by it. With a moment, Ambassador Lien stood before a near perfect of herself, although she never imagined she'd ever see herself in black vinyl with purple leather chaps while showing that much skin, ever.

"I should go on your behalf, you should attend as one of my advisers, so you will at least be present." Her voice was perfect, barring a difference in accents (Evana sounded slightly British today, tomorrow would probably be French). "disguising your features should not be difficult. You can make use of your telepathy to inform me of what I need to say, but I feel it is best that if our enemy is to plan something unpleasant for you, that the brunt of that should fall on me first. We can not afford to let our emissary fall into enemy hands." She kept the form, as unsettling as it was for other to see how adept she was stealing others' identities, even her voice was Lien's.

Click to reveal..
For the moment, Evana looks like Lien. smile
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George nodded to himself as the Captain spoke. Three to four weeks was a little longer than the preliminary testing reports he had seen had reported, but those had been short trips within the solar system. It would be something he knew his biotech engineering colleagues would be working on to shorten as much as possible.

He looked on with interest as Evana changed into the form of the Ambassador, indeed as soon as he realised what she was going to do he started filming it with his minicomp using a sub-vocalised command. He had read as much as he could about all the various Psi Aptitudes during his Noetic studies, but there was few good observations of the secretive Norcas powers in operation. He wondered how complete the change would be, for example would he be able to tell the difference in the two womens bioelectric fields? Without anything else to go on he assumed that you might be able to but that it would depend on whether Evana had any other changes or enhancements that she had kept going after the change to Lien's form.

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Lien eyes widen at the display; she'd seen Norca shapeshifters before, but never looking like her. It was both fascinating and disorienting. She and her attendant exchanged a long look before Lien finally nodded to Evana.

"That may be a wise course of action. We should assess it on a case by case basis, however." She chewed thoughtfully on her lip, "And if you would speak with me after this meeting, I would appreciate it." There was nothing unfriendly in her tone, just a thoughtful request.

She nodded to the Captain. "Well, that may seem like a lot of time now, but it's only moments in the course of negotiations. Shall we get started? Captain, would you announce us to the colony?"

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Her form slowly adjusted itself back to it's original state. The way the icy-blue hue to her flowed out from her roots like cascading water washing away the black of Lien's color was almost a show in itself. The Bio make-up of her uniform allowed it contour to a new form, thankfully, but inside she was a bit thankful to have her own guise back. Evana was so in love with herself that she'd prefer to taunt the crew in her own body, for now.

The seamless transition all happened in a matter of moments. "Most certainly." She replied to the Ambassador with a mischievous grin she was quickly becoming famous for.

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With a nod to the ambassador, and to Evana, then to the rest of the psions, the Captain got up to leave the room. "This may take a bit, I'll be back with what I know, at least, what they are willing to tell me, in an hour or two, I believe. The ambassador is welcome to join me for this, if you wish, or not. If we can reconvene in about one hour, that might be prefect to reassess the situation."

He walked out of the room, leaving the psions to decide what to do with the next hour. It was about enough time to grab a bite to eat, or clean up a bit, if they wished too. Or they could just wait.

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She nodded her thanks to the Captain, then turned back to the blue-haired Norça.

"Perhaps we could speak now? This won't take an hour I don't think, but it as good a use of the time as anything." She smiled, but the two trained assassins in the room could easily pick up the tremor of nervous tension in her.

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"I've no objections, Ambassador," Evana said softly with the typical tone of enchantment that made every word sound like she was attempting to seduce her listener. For all they knew, she was. "Here? Or somewhere more private." Again her voice offered a tone of the possibilities involved in getting Lien alone in a room with her.

Evana was simply picking on the poor woman. The more tense she became the more Evana seemed to feed off it and felt the need to push a bit harder and a bit harder... as is she was eager to see just how much of a 'good girl' (by Evana's standards) the Ambassador was, surely she had a breaking point under all the silk and smiles.

Besides... it's not like there was anything else to do in the butthole of space among a gathering of the drabbest personalities Earth had to offer. May as well have her fun where she could. For fear of being flayed alive she was practicing her technique on Lien before moving onto to Astrid.

She smiled pleasantly at the Diplomat. "I've all the time you need."

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As per usual, he remained quiet during the interplay between the various personalities around him, a picture of disinterest with his eyes riveted to his data readout. Evie's shapeshifting antics were nothing new to her twin; for that matter, her vamping of the seemingly straitlaced Ministry telepath wasn't terribly surprising either. Evie liked to joke when they were alone that she'd gotten all the libido for both twins. Like all the best jokes, it had a strong element of accuracy. Anatole didn't mind so much. He didn't really understand what all the fuss was about sex, despite his sister's best attempts to explain.

Sensing something other than well-vamped nervousness under Lien's voice, however, Anatole folded his palmtop away with one smooth motion and looked up, regarding her steadily. Though he didn't say anything, it was obvious enough that he was curious as to what was on Lien's mind.

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Like a bird caught between wolves, Lien shied away from direct eye contact with either of the twins. She hadn't flushed or really even shown much of a sign that she'd caught the flirtatious overtones of Evana's tone as she nodded, "My sitting room, if you have no objections." She looked distant for a moment, then quietly directed her words towards the male Norça. "Anatole, perhaps you should come along as well."

Her nervousness making her actions all the more birdlike and quick, she bowed respectfully to the others and lead the way out of the room once the twins had signaled their willingness to follow.

Continued in Delicate Situations.

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With a brief nod to the Captain and the rest of psions still present, Astrid turned on her heel and made her way to the Legionnaire quarters to check on the state of her men.

Click to reveal.. (OOC Note)
I'm sorry for the short post, but I don't really have anything to add. The active posters are relocating to a separate fic, and I can't monitor the site actively right now.
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One hour later, the Captain returned to the briefing room in order to pass on the information that he had. "Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, the government of Khantze Lu Ge was ecstatic to be back in contact with Earth, and quite willing to tell me their problems. From what I can tell, they have nothing but bad news. It appears that the war below is Abberants vs. Humans, and they have no further air support, their space port, and all air forces have been destroyed. This means that except for any flying Abberants, the only air force here is us. Additionally, there appears to be a good number of abberants, and while there were some psions stranded here when contact was lost, they've had an extremely high rate of attrition. At this point, the authority the Ambassador and I bear, as representatives of Earth, can allow us to declare Martial Law, though it will be a while before earth can move to reinforce, I am certain they will. That however, is only what I know on the surface of things.. " He let his words come to an end, and then waited for the rest of the psions to think over his words and have their say.

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"Well, at least we don't have to worry about not being welcome." John looked at the holo of the planet, "Aberrant's though, correct me if I'm wrong but we're not outfit for war. I suppose if they have some kind of leadership maybe we can take out their commanders and give the colonists time to wait for reinforcements from Earth?"

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"We've the tools and the talent." The azure haired Norça spoke up. She was looking at her cleavage, playing with the zipper on her already too tight purple leather 'uniform' apparently caught in a deadlock of thought about how much of her chest she should expose to the room's occupants. It was moments like this that made others appreciate Evana when she was bored. Finally she tugged it up to its usual half-way mark, covering up the black lace of her lingerie but still providing more than enough for her compatriots to salivate over.

"I say we go down there and provide support." She made a face of disgust as she noticed a chip in her nail polish. With her attention divided between battling aberrants and real important things, like applying another coat of 'Slutty Secretary Red' nail polish, she was no longer looking at her fellow Psions as she finished her statement. "Saxon is right though, we're not outfitted for full scale war, but we are equipped well enough to defend the colony if the need arises."

"I'm not strategist however, Anatole and I are used to working together or alone, not in large groups." She'd already placed her finger in the device that would buff away and remove the nail polish so she could apply a fresh coat. "Either way, I'm guessing it'll be fun."

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"Fun..." Lien muttered, but nodded, "We should do whatever we can to help them. Do we know what the population of the colony is now? Or what their general condition is, beyond 'war'?"

She bit her lip as she thought through the possibilities. "We should bring their leadership up here to talk and gather intelligence; they'll know better than us where to focus our attention. We should also send a team down to make contact with the other Psions and provide a morale boost by letting people see that we aren't just a voice in the sky."

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Frowning, the tall Norsewoman shook her head thoughtfully at the Ambassador's suggestion and murmured quietly to herself.

"Through each doorway, before one would advance, one must look about and peer around, because one can't know for sure where enemies sit in the hall beforehand."

Still scowling pensively, her girlish features startlingly sober, Astrid folded her hands behind her back and paced the floor in long, slow strides.

"If they are at war, finding any Psions on the surface could be difficult. They will not wish to give away their position to the enemy, and we should not risk them. If they are still alive, they are very lucky, or very skilled. Better to let them come to us. If we are wanting to establish a presence on the surface, we will need to secure a forward base of operations. Assess defensive capabilities, availability of resources and access to medical necessities, and the stability of the command structure. Establish hot zones, assist in evacuation of survivors. We will have much need of the colonists and any remaining military personnel. We will have difficult work, but not impossible if we get information from these leaders and the standing military. It will be..." She paused for a moment, considering her next words carefully, and then broke into a sunny grin. "Fun," the young Legionnaire said simply.

"I am also thinking," Astrid continued, resuming her pacing, "that having anyone here on the ship is a very big risk. She is unique, ja? Some tactical advantage for us, but also security problems, too. We will need to monitor guests very carefully if they are to be permitted on-board. No incoming or outgoing transmissions. No data transfers. No recordings or images. We should consider that these people could be agents of the Aberrants, or some other group, and be wary. "

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"On that note." The Captain spoke up, as he listened to what everyone had to say. "We're here for several weeks, enough to charge the ship for another jump, which I imagine we'll make a jump back to earth to update them on the situation. That's not long enough to really fight a war, though I suppose we could interject ourselves in a few difficult situations, and we might be able to make selective surgical strikes. It is enough time to study the situation and attempt to find out more when we report back to earth, before making our next jump to the next system on our list."

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"Sir. No one has suggested fighting a war," Astrid replied calmly. "But our plan must still be for the... long-term strategy. Many things can happen." Glancing at the two Norça, she paused for a moment, one pale brow raised inquisitively. "We should be making plans for the ...contingencies?" She considered the sound of the word, and nodded before continuing. "Our goals are to be assisting the colonists, combating the Aberrants, and reinforcing the existing military as we are busy gathering information. In doing all of this, we prepare for an easier transition for the people when a larger force arrives from Earth, ja??"

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"If nothing else we have the training and skills needed to get the colonists more detailed intelligence on the aberrant forces and maybe make surgical strikes. It's not much but its probably the best we can do without endangering the ship." John paused and then added grimly, "Assuming that the aberrants haven't already found us and are planning to attack."

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"Those are good points, both of you, and I admit, I am loath to do nothing, considering some of what I've been told about the situation on the surface. Earth is going to have to bring a lot of forces into the system.. at the very least, a few surgical strikes with some of our forces might be able to reduce some of the pressure on the forces on the planet's surface. As long as we remain somewhat cautious, your plans sound like good one's to me." The Captain replied. "Your cleared to go ahead with them, just keep me in the loop... I need to see to our defenses, in case we do get attacked while in system." With that he stood and prepared to depart.

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Almost gleefully Evana's smile stretched from ear to ear as she raised her brow slightly. Did the Captain just give her free reign to execute her plans against the Aberrants?

The malice in her eyes border lined lustful as her gaze fell upon her fellow Psions. "Excellent, we're cleared to act. Who's going with who?"

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