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World of Darkness: The Academy - Chapter 5: The Loose Thread

Dawn OOC

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Sean sucked in a breath through his teeth. Knowing that... magic... or something was real was one thing. Actually seeing it was another, and still shocking. His hand came but stopped an inch away from her pristine cheek.

"Swan..." Sean paused to swallow before continuing on, "Swan, how do you feel...? Your face, it isn't damaged anymore. Do you- do you... remember anything?"

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"I feel better," she confessed, her eyes wide. "I think... I think the sword takes life from others and gives it to me." Swan looked terrified as she took another step back. "Would you touch it... the handle, to see? See if it does it to you. Only if you want. I don't want you to get hurt."

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Sean's own eyes widened as he looked at the dark blade, though he forced himself not to take a step back. When Swan made her request, his breathing quickened, but her didn't look away from her. Either its gonna try to suck the life from me, or give me a boost like it did for her. Either way, it helps me, or helps her.

Sean licked his lips, then nodded. "To help you, I'll give it a try." To his surprise, his voice sounded sure, confident.

He took a single, long step forward, looking down on the obsidian-hued weapon, resting innocuously on the workbench. He took a long breath, held it. His hand slowly approached the hilt, a finger darting out to touch it for a split second, feeling a slight chill, though that might have been just from the bared metal. He gritted his teeth, then firmly grasped the hilt in his fist, come what may.

I hope this doesn't turn out to be monumentally stupid.

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Surprised first by the light tap at the window and then by Frida's unusual exposition of protective qualities, Sylvia couldn't quite suppress a hint of a smile. "Thank you, Miss Ricci; your concern is appreciated, though I suspect that I would have fared quite well on my own."

Extracting herself from the car - only to reach back in, keying the ignition to belately raise the passenger window - the teacher finally made her way to House Lancaster, a small entourage of extremely past-curfew students in tow. Renata had run on ahead, leaving the door slightly ajar and saving Sylvia the delay of punching in the security passcode.

There was no welcoming committee of campus police - golems or otherwise - but her instincts still said that a walk-through was in order. Turning, she said, "Miss Ricci, Mr. FitzCoventry, I believe it to be well past time for you to get some sleep." Almost as an afterthought, she added, "If anything - anything at all - seems amiss, please let me know immediately." With that, she started up the stairs to stalk the halls of Lancaster.

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There was an unpleasant tingle when he left his hand on it. After another moment, he became aware of a growing unease; he wasn't sure he'd call it pain but it wasn't pleasant.

Sean let go after a moment, swallowing. His hand ached as he opened it, as if he'd been squeezing it too tight for too long.

Swan watched, waiting for his assessment.

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Out in the night Ryan moved through the trees and among them with grace and ease, while not strongly suited for the wilderness the skills of a Parkour Tracuer were nonetheless incredible useful in cross country running. Eventually the trees thinned and Ryan slowed to a stop at the top of a steep cliff face looking out into the night. Above the night sky was starry and clear, the wide band of the Milky Way glowed like a rend in the fabric of the sky. (Something like this )

Ryan looked away from this odd vision and down at the distant lights of some city or town. This night had started out fun and exciting and before they had gotten even a hundred feet from their dorm he and Sean were caught up in a maelstrom of weirdness that had quickly caught others up in their wake as they tried to help Swan and understand their fractured memories. He looked up again into the apocalyptic sky and imagined what would be on the other side of that tear in the night. A world of all women perhaps, where men did not exist and were not required. A world of repression and dictatorship, military conquest. A world were the dry desert was farmed by slaves lorded over by their bestial masters.

Ryan looked away, that last thought seemed all too realistic. He looked down the cliff, wondering if he could scale down it safely in the dark. The cliff was nearly vertical, and the pain the collar imposed was nightmarish and growing worse by the yard. Ryan gritted his teeth and forced himself to continue. Ryan stumbled backwards from the cliff uttering a harsh cry as he did. He tripped gracelessly over a fallen branch and fell onto his ass. "What the hell?"

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Sean looked down at his hand for a long moment, opening and closing it, trying to ease the ache. He wasn't sure what he had been expecting, it hadn't been that. More than anything, it had felt like a mild shock, the voltage imperceptibly increasing, concealing how much of an effect it was actually having.

"I didn't... exactly hurt," Sean said, looking back at Swan, giving her a slightly forced grin while massaging his palm with the thumb of the other hand. "But it certainly didn't feel good either, Swan."

His expression grew thoughtful and glanced at the blade again. "Maybe... maybe it's like a warning or... a lock? The, uh... er, magic version of biometrics." He caught her perplexed look as she mouthed the unfamiliar word and hastily explain. "The sword only, um... works, for one person. You." I can't believe that that sounds plausible.

Sean nodded at the blade, his stormy eyes sincere. "Go ahead, Swan, pick up the sword. It's yours." He lips quirked into an encouraging grin. "If it did steal a bit of my... erm, life or whatever, to help ease your pain, it's a fair trade."

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Click to reveal..
Chapter 5 is formally done; it's long enough and this is an excellent stopping point. Chapter 6 picks up immediately after. I'll leave this thread open for RP for a few days.

5 xp to all

"A fair trade?" Swan asked, clearly upset. "You have granted me grace, shelter and food, and it is fair that my weapon steals life from you? If I could, I would return what was stolen, both to you and others."

She looked angry. "I do not know why or how I would have such a weapon. But I do know that I don't want any part of it."
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