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World of Darkness: Balance of Power - Werewolf Venue Guide Sheet


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Werewolf: Aftermath of Fratricide

Part 1: Basic Information

Venue Name: Manifest Destiny

Venue: Werewolf

Lead Venue Storyteller: Luna (Dawn, OOC)

Part 2: Styles of Play

Action: Combat and challenges 3

Character Development: Personal dilemmas and choices 4

Darkness: PC death or corruption 4

Drama: Ceremony and grand story 2

Intrigue: Politics and negotiation 3

Manners: Social etiquette and peer pressure 2

Mystery: Enigmas and investigation 5

Pace: How fast do stories emerge, develop, and resolve? 3

1 ~ Never present

2 ~ Sometimes present

3 ~ Often present

4 ~ Usually present

5 ~ Always present

Part 3: Description of Venue

Since the day Kansas City was founded, the Uratha of the area have tussled over it. Its position as a central trading route as well as a hot spot during the Civil War established its importance. Until the 1970’s, the balance between the Pure and Forsaken was pretty even. There was the occasional skirmish, making Kansas City something of a warm war – not passive enough to be cold, but not boiling hot, either.

In 1973, a sudden influx of Pure changed the war. What had been seen as a ‘weekend war’ became a heated battle. More Forsaken entered the fray; entire packs settled the area to keep them out of Pure hands. Blood ran thicker than the Missouri River, and there were deaths on both sides. Packs fell and were replaced; fresh meat was poured non-stop into the grinder.

It all stopped with shocking suddenness on December 21, 2009. Overnight, the Pure disappeared. Their territories were left unguarded; their totems were gone as well. The spirits have been recalcitrant to say, which leads many to believe they don’t know and are unwilling to say such to the Forsaken.

The Forsaken have won the war by default. Now the question becomes – “What now?”

Part 4: Notable NPC’s (under constructions)

Current Forsaken packs:

Pack Swope – This pack was the largest of the packs in Kansas City, and had helped found the Liberty Pack and the Independence Pack. As the longest-running pack in the city, it was considered a great honor to be chosen to join them. They also served as mentors to the newly-changed, guiding them from their confused beginnings to when they became another pack’s responsibility. When the Pure War started, Pack Swope was on the front lines, and their territory was a gem to be claimed by the strongest. For a time, Swope Park fell to the Pure. After the ‘victory’, the remnants of Pack Swope moved back in and reclaimed their lost land. But there are only three, and they face many challenges.

Alpha: Unknown

Totem: Fountain – Fountain seems to be a weak totem to newcomers, but given the disproportionate number of fountains in KC, it gives him a lot of compatible essence. In truth, his ‘weakness’ right now comes more from the weakness of his pack than himself.

Territory: Swope Park, KCMO

Jayhawks – The four founding members of the Jayhawks were KU students during their first changes. They met through Pack Swope’s ‘mentorship’ program, found they shared a common interest and grouped together. At first, they were just as immature as a pack formed around a sports team would be, but they matured and are now one of the most stalwart packs, with eight members. They have fared the best against the Pure, keeping their territory despite the bloody incursions they faced.

Alpha: Duke “Nightclaw” Osburn, Irraka Hunter in Darkness

Totem: Jayhawk – It’s unknown if this spirit is meant to be representative of the historical connotations of Jayhawkers or if it is the spiritual manifestation of the sports team mascot.

Territory: KU Edwards campus and vicinity

Forsaken packs (defunct):

Liberty Pack – Once considered the strong right-hand pack of Pack Swope, they were wiped out during the Pure War. They were well known for their level 5 locus located at the Liberty Memorial (resonance: Remembrance). After the Pure had left, the locus had been reduced to a level 3.

Alpha (last known): Shalona “Caeser” Searcy

Territory: Crown Center area

Independence Pack – Considered to be something of a joke in the area, this pack took too much territory. Unable to hold it all, they ran themselves ragged attempting to control it. They were never successful and fell first when the Pure came.

Alpha (last known): Rico “Doubletap” Ortega

Territory: Independence, west of 24

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