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World of Darkness: Balance of Power - Changeling Venue Style Sheet

The Story Guide

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Folks, I've only got one character so far! In an effort to inspire more characters or at least more submissions, here is the Changeling Venue Style Sheet! TA-DA!

Changeling: Penny Royale

Part 1: Basic Information

Venue Name: Tumble Weeds of Hades

Venue: Changeling

Lead Venue Storyteller: Malachite_OOC

Part 2: Styles of Play

Action: Combat and challenges 4

Character Development: Personal dilemmas and choices 5

Darkness: PC death or corruption 3

Drama: Ceremony and grand story 3

Intrigue: Politics and negotiation 3

Manners: Social etiquette and peer pressure 2

Mystery: Enigmas and investigation 4

Pace: How fast do stories emerge, develop, and resolve? 3

1 ~ Never present

2 ~ Sometimes present

3 ~ Often present

4 ~ Usually present

5 ~ Always present

Part 3: Description of Venue

For over thirty years Spring had reigned in the Penny Royal Freehold. Monarchs took their turns in each season, but Spring always held its sway. Penny Royal enjoyed an insulated existence, free from harassment by outside changelings, incursions from the hedge, or Fae activity. With the death of the Spring Queen Wild Rose two years ago, it has become clear why: she had made a Compact with a clan of hobgoblins that lived in the surrounding hedge. Each year she took a maiden and a youth, both of which must have excelled in some physical activity, and brought them to the hobgoblins. In return, they curved the paths of the Hedge away from the metropolis, creating a labyrinthine maze around the city.

When the hobgoblins came for their tribute after Wild Rose’s death, Goldscale, the new Spring King, refused to pay. The hobgoblins were less than pleased.

The Labyrinth has become a nightmare for the city. Changelings now inside the metropolitan area find it nearly impossible to get out; while the hobgoblins shepherd anything perceived as trouble directly to the heart the freehold. Nightmare creatures are hunting young men and women all across the city, dragging them into the Hedge and chasing them either to death or madness. Hedge creatures are encroaching into the suburbs that used be sacrosanct havens for former slaves of the Fae; and worse yet, though no one has yet been officially named, it is known that there are now privateers and loyalists amongst the new Changelings that have inundated the city since the Queen’s death.

There are even those muttering that two lives a year are certainly not worth this.

Welcome to the Penny Royal Freehold.

Part 4: Notable NPC’s (under construction, still negotiable for PC backgrounds)

Goldscale: Spring King, Draconic Fairest

Mother Swan: Summer Queen, Windwing Beast

Jekyll: Autumn King, Gameplayer Wizend

Old Man Death: Winter King, Leechfinger Darkling

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