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Star Wars Episode 3 - Some spoilers within


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Has anyone else seen the Episode 3 leaked video? It's still 16 months until the movie comes out, but I was glad to see some stuff for it... even if it was all blue screen material. I desperately hope that the 12 minutes battle between Anakin & Obi-Wan is great. Playing the video to "Back in Black" was hilarious.

So has anyone else seen it?

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I would but I'm reminded of a line from The Usual Suspects, which I'm slightly modifying here. Keaton once said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is George Lucas.

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It would be impossible to guage the quality of the movie from what was shown, other than to notice that there is still a ton of blue screen material, which could mean more lackluster acting. I dig the evil looking Anakin with the light(n)ing from stage left. It's been my one wish since episode 2 to see Boba disintegrate Mace Windu, and the scenes of SLJ swinging his lightsaber around Palpatine's office may mean his demise happens at another's hands. All the fight scenes should mean that the huge duel will kick ass, but I remember seeing the Matrix revealed stuff for the Smith fight and thinking that would be awesome, which ultimately disappointed me.

I'm going to be as optimistic as possible with this, because like all geeks I want Star Wars to be as good now as it was when I was a child. The only problem is that I don't think this story can be told to my liking and be PG. And I don't think there's any way that Lucas would release it as a PG-13 flick, cause that would cost him millions.

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Lucas should hang his head in shame for the failed project that he has foisted upon us.

Bad Japanese Accents


An Anakin that couldn't act hurt if you shot him.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad dialogue.

Jar-Jar returns.

Gratuitious, and badly done, shots of Natalie Portman's tummy.


Offing Darth Maul in the first movie.

Man, now I'm pissed.

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The trade deferation was bad, in both dialog and appearance.

I'm neutral on Jar-Jar. He's not my thing, but I did see episode 1 with a bunch of kids and they went crazy for him. I think he may be decent, just not for me.

I'm not sure that I have a problem with gratuitious Natalie Portman belly shots. I'm not saying that it made the movie better, as I think they were trying to put perfume on a pig, but at least it's better than seeing/listening to 3PO's stupid jokes. There are some decent actors in the movie, but I just don't think Lucas got good performances out of them.

Midichloridians made no sense, and unless they are referenced again in episode 3 in a way that is enjoyable, was a complete waste of screen time. It does compare to Trinity somewhat though.

If you can nix toad and get Saruman, then by all means do it.

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The Portman thing didn't offend me or anything. I love a good flash of female flesh, hey, I'm a pig. But at least do it well. Don't have all of a sudden her outfit rip in such a way that it looked like it was supposed to rip that way.

Midichloridians were actually detrimental to the story as a whole. If the Force is based on such basic biological conditions and there is an easy to transport test to detect it, why in Episode 4 does the Emperor not have:

A. An army of Dark Jedi at his beck and call


B. Eliminated every single other potential Force manipulator through a series of required tests and cullings so as to reduce potential rivals.

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