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Mutants & Masterminds: StarGate Freedom - [Prologue] A New Ally (Kor/Curtis)

z-Servant of Ra

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"If I understand the situation, they were defending Bashaak's life from a group of Jaffa intent on proving their manhood by ganging up on him, though how that could prove anything other than cowardice I do not know."

"As for other events, yes, my dear wife was paying rather more interest this evening, but luckily I had time to set up my scans before leaving. I was just about to check if they had produced any results when I discovered the mess on my return." He frowned at the men but gave Charlie a wink when his head was turned enough for Persephone not to see it.

"Tell me, should I actually find something do you believe you might arrange transport? If we cannot apprehend our target ourselves then the rewards will go to others no matter that it was our idea and effort. I would prefer a ship with a cloak if possible."

This new host was much more suitable, dealing with the old host had been like dealing with a child; hard to remember the face wasn't real.

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Kor growled low in his throat. The rumble was barely audible. Persephone. This woman was one of the Onac, and had taken a slave as a new form. Kor would have twisted her head clean of her shoulders if Jono told him to. Instead his body tensed and he waited, just in case.

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Charlie stared at Persephone, his face a mix of confusion, horror and dismay. She looked at him; Bethany cringed internally from the look in her eyes. For the Tok'ra, there wasn't a flicker of external response, but Bethany felt it. Ignoring Charlie, 'Persephone' said, "A ship with a cloak? You ask much. I'll see if I can arrange something, but the planet is still in disorder, and resources remain scarce." Persephone smirked in irritation. "And of course, our people are oh-so cooperative."

"It would help," Jono said softly.

"I'll see what I can do. I'll return later, to see what results you may have found," she added, nodding to her 'ally'. Turning to Charlie, she said, "Come, Charlie. We have much to do."

The slave, his face so tense it almost looked painful, nodded and followed her out of the room. That left Kor and Jono with Jono's new 'gift'.

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Jono turned to Curtis and ran a scan over him checking for bugs then quickly checked the room as well, "Well, before I stumbled through the Chappa'ai and got captured I was a military tech also. That was 50 years ago more or less. I've been host to one of the Goa'uld ever since. Hephaestus was lame even in Earth's own legends, the difference is he wasn't lame like they say, it wasn't a physical deformity, after all when you can just take another host physical issues aren't much of a concern."

Seeing Curtis' glace at Jono's lame leg he smiled and gestured, "Don't let that fool you, Cronus did this to me because Heph got uppity. His real problem was that he couldn't control his hosts fully, a couple hours every day the snake would go to sleep and I and the hosts before me would be free of his influence. Such a condition would have been a death sentence if he weren't so useful. A few months ago I was freed from the snake. I'm all me again, but before I could find a way back to Earth and warn people of what's going on out in the galaxy some idiot team of soldiers bumbled their way through the wormhole and had the dumb luck of running smack into Ra the supreme System Lord. He took them as slaves and learned of how far we had come since the rebellion. And here we are."

He was taking a major risk telling this stranger his secret, but he needed an ally, someone he could really trust to help with complicated matters. Kor was a godsend and he trusted the big guy with his life, but he wasn't someone that could perform unsupervised independent action.

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Curtis let out a whistle of surprise, but he knew unless this was a cruel joke, there was no reason for such a blatant statement to be false. "Alright, that's one spot of brightness. And I can understand it kinda now. You see, I happened to get a view of this Chappa'i sending out Jaffa through the computers as we evacuated Cheyenne. And there was some secret hoopla about about a team for something. It all fits. Now..."

Curtis paused and considered the situation. This was a key spot for fifth-column work, if they knew what to do. "What was that about? The project between you and her?" The emphasis was so toned because 'bitch' was just too light right now for his liking, and he didn't want to focus on expletives.

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"Persephone came to me saying that after the Rebellion thousands of years ago, some Goa'uld were left behind. They were enemies of Ra, but that doesn't mean they were friends of humans. There really aren't any good snakes. Persephone suggested I find them and we could turn them in to Ra for the reward. Me, I'd like to find them and take whatever they have that is useful and then turn them in. Any equipment we could capture would be a leg up for the resistance." He smiled at Curtis, "Incidentally, I am assuming there will be a resistance and that we will contact them at some point. That's where you come in. I can't go out among the populace without the snakes wondering what I'm up to, it would draw the wrong kind of attention. But I can send you out on errands. You on board with that?"

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Curtis nodded, with a true smile back in place. "Of course. Just wondering, I don't suppose it's a problem for me to learn the tricks of these?" His arm gestured to the consoles and devices about. "You might need a second person pulling his weight if you have to be out."

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Jono shook his head, "I'll teach you what I can, but the technology is literally alien, it will take time to learn. I've had 50 years and was sharing a brain with one of the best snake scientists they ever had." He grinned, "We'll start with the basics and progress from there, just don't expect to learn it all over night."

He proceeded to the door panel and described the key codes that would open most doors and then led the man over to a console where he pulled up a schematic of a ring transporter and explained the codes to operate it. He was giving Curtis exactly the info he would need most in order to flee and escape the Goa'uld, it was a test in a way. With what Jono was providing the man could sneak out at any time, but he thought he was a good enough judge of character that he didn't think Curtis would flee. The man seemed genuinely eager to take part in a resistance, otherwise he wouldn't have confided his secret in him.

Next he went into a brief explanation on the snakes and their culture and how to avoid getting himself smote by an angry 'god'. In general he explained to Curtis as quickly as he could the basics of how to survive and behave in this new society along with a who's who of the power structure.

After an hour and a half of intense knowledge transfer he finished, "So, do you think you can survive and get around aboard the ship without getting killed? I could really use someone who can move about freely."

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Jono and the human Cur-tis were talking. Kor watched, and tried to listen but as they conversed they forgot that Kor was there and their speech became faster and less clear. Eventually Kor started to stare off into space. He day dreamed pleasant fantasies of snapping jaffa necks and disemboweling Goa'oulds with his claws. It was a nice daydream where the blood flowed swiftly and his enemies put up only enough challenge to be honorable kills while proving utterly incapable of stopping Kor's blood drenched swath of vengeance and destruction.

Kor realized that Jono was no longer explaining the magic to Cur-tis. He focused on his friend an was surprised and dismayed that it was story time and he was missing out! Kor moved next to the slave and sat down, a broad toothy grin on his face as Jono explained the history of the Onac as well as Jono's own story. When he was finished Kor was ready to tell his own tale but Jono asked a question of the slave, something about moving on the ship with free lees. Kor wondered what a lee was and why, if they were free, he didn't have one.

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Curtis listened to the lesson with full attention. "I think that's a given after what you've told me." His lips pursed as he came to terms with losing his pride. "So how are you going to find the lost snakes? There's a whole planet to go through, and even if they have their tech letting off energy, it's not as it will be the only spikes on a scan..."

The point was unfortunately clear.

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Jono nodded, the kid was sharp. "Yeah, that's the same thing I've been running up against. If only I'd known when the invasion first started I'd have had an easier time of it. Still, gotta make the best of it."

He moved over to his systems to check the current progress of his search. "I did have one or two promising hits, but I left the search running while I was called away earlier. Hopefully we've got something more definite by now. I'm tapping into the sensors of the other ships in orbit and around the planet, but I've got to be careful to conceal what I'm doing. Don't want to tip anyone else off."

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Two of the five searches Jono had set up were done, but they revealed nothing. He didn't fret; they were the broadest searches and he didn't think they had a high chance of success. The other three were more likely to reveal something, but they were taking a lot longer than he had thought they would. Earth's atmosphere was clogged with radio signals that cloaked things from routine passes of his sensors. However, he didn't like the amount of time it was taking.

Curtis and Kor settled into their seats against a wall, waiting. The hours drug on as Jono went over the data as it came to his console. He trusted the computers, but trusted his perceptions and insight more.

Finally, Curtis had to sleep and was shown to a small cot. It was clear that Jono used this from time to time, and just as clear that Kor never could use it. It wouldn't be comfortable, and Curtis wasn't sure it would support him. Instead, Kor pulled out the thick blanket Jono had gotten him for when he slept over.

Jono worked on, keeping an eye on his scans and another on the news he was picking up from Earth. That was just depressing: his home was being overrun with ease. He'd known that Ra had brought overwhelming forces with him, but it didn't make the actual conquest any easier.

The first hit on the sensors came early in the morning. He was surprised to see it was in Egypt. Jono was excited, but suppressed it. His scans weren't done, and he didn't have access to a ship yet. He had to wait on Aphrodite or Persephone to come through for him.

There was a second hit several hours late, this one in the Andes Mountain of all places. Still, he noted it and went back to his scan; he was about eighty percent done.

Persephone returned when he was almost done with the final scan. Another hour should finish it, so he had time to talk to his tentative ally. Charlie wasn't with her as the woman swept into the room, looking better than yesterday. "Any results?" she asked crisply, very aware of Curtis watching her closely.

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Marty thanked Georgia as he got out of the van.

"If you could wait around for me I should be back today. If not I can just catch you here tomorrow."

He walked away and headed in to the throng of people just wandering about. Just like yesterday they all seemed lost. He wondered how long this shock would stay with them. As he walked he pulled his ring out of his pocket and put it on. Turning it so the symbol of Baal was on the inside. Putting on a expression of complete apathy for the area he approached the mother ship. As he approached the Jaffa at the entrance raised their staff weapons. Marty called out.

"Jaffa, hal mek."

They seemed slightly caught off guard but recovered quickly. "Kree tal shal mak!"

"Tirion Markesh lo'taur Goa'uld Baal." Marty held up his hand so they could see the ring. The Jaffa looked and then resumed their stance. He was no longer important to them. Walking in to the ship the very first thing he did was go to his room and change in to more fitting clothes. To this day he still wore the heavy coat and uniform that he had worn as a pirate and bounty hunter. Picking up his Zat'nik'tel he walked in to the hallway. Now he just needed to figure out his next step.

Up until now he had been mostly playing it by ear. Now he had a opening in to the resistance. He had to set up a way to still have access here. Once Ra left he would not be very welcomed. He needed another Goa'uld. One that could get him past the guards but still was unimportant enough to be interested in working with Baal. He went through the list of the Goa'uld on the ship. He decided to start with one of the scientist. Hephaestus was probably his best place to start.

He made his way to the lab he remembered. When he stood in front of the door he clapped twice to announce his presence and waited.

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Jono looked at his ally and wondered just how far he could trust her. Not very far, but he had to trust at least a little or he'd never accomplish anything. Besides, now that he was on his own he needed allies among the snakes.

"It's almost done with the scan, but I do have two results. Were you able to procure a ship? I feel the seconds ticking away. With this invasion anyone who was hiding here will be digging themselves a hole and pulling the dirt in over them. If we are to accomplish anything we must strike quickly or lose any chance."

Before Persephone could respond there was a clap at the door. He repressed any exclamation of annoyance and simply frowned then pressed the open sequence. "Yes?"

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Marty lowered his head respectfully. "Lord Hephaestus, I bring you greetings from Lord Baal."

Marty kept his voice low and kept an eye out to make sure no one else was around.

"Lord Baal believes that Chronus will fail in the leadership of this world. He has sent me to monitor things for the time being. My lord has an interest in the home of Tau'ri. He would look quite favorably on any Goa'uld who supported his claim to the world when Chronus is stripped for failure by Lord Ra.

I have come to you because I face a problem. Once Lord Ra leaves, the majority of Jaffa on this world will be the servants of Chronus. Wearing the ring of Baal would most likely just get me killed, either directly or through torture. Were I to be able to name my self as one of your servants during this time it would allow me to move more freely. In return Lord Baal will know of the aid you gave him in this. At the very least my lord could see to fixing that leg."

Marty waited for a response without looking up.

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Jono blinked. Had this man just boldly proclaimed his allegiance to another snake right here in front of him and Persephone. Still that showed some serious balls.

"Come in." He moved out of the way for the man to enter then closed and locked the door behind him. He gestured to Persephone, "This is Persephone. You speak boldly and before not only myself."

He kept his kara'hesh ready just in case, of course he always did.

"So you wish my patronage as you serve another master? Very well, I will accept your service, but under certain conditions. You will work for me while you pose as my servant and if you betray me or any who serve me in any way it will be to your regret. I know of your lord's reputation and I expect he can make you regret it even more than myself."

He glanced at Persephone to see her reaction before he continued. "The leg is not an issue." He raised a hand to forestall a protest, "I know you cannot make such a promise, but ask yourself if my assistance in delivering a prize a large as this world is worth what I ask. Your lord will need someone to administer this world for him, if I render my assistance and betray Cronus, that will be me." It was a statement not a request.

If it worked out he would be able to protect the people of Earth and move beyond merely a resistance, they would be able to take the fight to the Goa'uld, it was worth the risk.

"Two questions first. Do you have access to a ship should the need arise, and do you have men you can call upon?"

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Marty thought through his words carefully. Persephone was only a small risk. She was even more of a minor Goa'uld then Hephaestus. If he was making this kind of deal in front of her then Marty could also feel secured she felt no real loyalty to Cronus. He still did not look at either of them directly, keeping his eyes at their feet.

"Lord Baal chose me for this mission because I am quite effective on my own. I have no ship as I am here infiltrating the resistance movement on the planet. My lord was not specific on how I should achieve my goals here. My intent is to keep the resistance ahead of Cronus. His failure to quell this planet should be more than sufficient reason for his removal. Cronus is not known for his patience, or his careful planning when things do not go his way.

As to betrayal I am here as a servant to my lord. It is not my place to betray the gods. I will serve you as long as it advances my lord's plans."

Years of speaking the lie had made it so easy. Just play the good little servant. Never show the hate or disgust. Never reveal how much you really know. Besides, his real goal was Ra. Once the sun god had fallen these two would most likely not have the support to be a threat to a planet ever again.

"If there is nothing else his Lordship requires I will take his ring and return to my mission."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bethany and Shayltar were having their first major disagreement, though to the other men in the room Persephone appeared to simply be her usual reticent self, content to let those more powerful than her make all the decisions.

...he shot you!

I'm well aware and you getting angry about it right now isn't helping me keep my temper.

But he shot you!

And while there's nothing more I would like to do right now than return the favor, Jono just told us that he's found two Goa'uld signatures on the planet. That piece of scum isn't worth the chance to remove two powerful Goa'uld from existance and weaken Ra's power further. He's a worm, and in time he will be dealt with, either by us or by his "benefactor". He's a fool if he thinks Ba'al's patronage will extend one moment past his usefulness or his inconvenience to the System Lord.

...but he shot you...

Please take into account that if these two actually pull of what they're plotting and Ba'al honors this agreement, as long of a shot as that is, Earth would be only technically ruled by a Goa'uld. I'm still uncertain of Jono's stability, but it would be a vast improvement over the depradations Chronos is not doubt already putting into motion.

...I'll still probably shoot him at some point, but for now he's useful. And I might not aim to kill.

"The Lord might ask for your name, human. Else how would he be able to assist you? Or know your movements?" Her voice was soft and deceptively meek, eyes kept downcast from Hapheastus with respect and off of Marty because he was too low to grace with her direct attention. Her intrusion into the conversation also served to remind them both that while she might be a minor Goa'uld, she was still a Goa'uld and the wife of a less than minor player in the pantheon whose head they were speaking of disgracing and most likely getting killed. Her coal-colored eyes flicked up to Hapheastus', then demurely away again.

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With strength of will Marty stopped him self from casting a glare over at the other Goa'uld. Not only was her interference annoying but her demand was problematic. If he gave them his real name then there was a chance word could spread later on. If he gave them his earth name he could be compromised while in the resistance. At the same time he had no good reason to refuse giving the information.

"I am Tirion Markesh. The name I am giving the resistance is different and when I am among them if you are able to know my movements then there is little point to my mission. Either Cronus is aware of their movements at that point and they will be unable to do anything, or there are others already guiding the resistance and there is little need for me to be there."

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"I need to be able to contact you among the resistance, and if this will work I will need direct contact with them as well. If I will rule this world after Cronus is gone then I will need them on my side, and to use them effectively and keep them alive I will need to know what they plan and feed them information."

He turned back to the console and input some symbols. He hadn't had a ring, Hephaestus was not the sort to keep a personal servant, he was too much into his own work to bother with a servant. "Give me a few minutes to manufacture a ring. I did not pack everything when I came to this world." Part of the ring would be a tiny amount of a substance that could easily be tracked, but only if someone knew to look for it. No transmitters or active broadcasting, just an element that would be easy to find when he scanned.

"While we wait for it to be finished, Persephone, we were discussing our venture. We need to strike quickly and we need transport and men. Can you get them or know how we might? Together I believe we can commandeer a sufficient contingent of jaffa, but there will be questions."

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"I will see what I can arrange," she answered cooly. Her eyes flicked over to the interloping human, clearly conveying her disinterest in discussing their plans while the professed servant of Ba'al was standing there.

Actually, I have an idea on that....


Dr. Jac- Charon. The Goa'uld that interviewed me. He seems pretty narcisstic-

They're all narcisstic.

Well, be that as it may, he might be a way to get what we need without going to Hades about it. You know he'll want to know why we're going somewhere on Earth and will send people loyal to him to tell him what's going on.

Fair point, but what does Charon get out of giving us a ship and men?

Information about Earth. That's why I was given to 'Persephone', right? To give her an edge on dealing with Earth as a reward from Ra. Dr. Jackson was an archaeologist. He knew all about the past. I know about now. Who's who, or at least who was who, in the political landscape. Who held titles and who held power. Offer him a portion of the information. A list of names of people that held real power instead of just offices in the political arena.

It would have to be pretty substantial information, something that he could take to Ra or a way to get ahold of another person to use as a host. Are you really willing to do that?

To get rid of two or three of Ra's main supporters? I think it's worth it. It's just names, and given how paranoid most of those people were, they're probably not even going by those names anymore. Or they're already dead or with the resistance that's forming. We can trade the names and general areas of influence those people had. 'A starting point in return for a chance to see some of this world first-hand.' Charon will suspect it's something more, but we don't need more than a small ship and a contingent of personal guards. And playing up the caged wife that would really be greatful for some time away from the domineering husband might help. I don't know how...interested...he'd be, but unless he's rabidly gay or asexual, I don't see it hurting.

Alright. It'll take a few hours to set up a meeting with him. If I don't come up with a better counter offer in that time, we'll go with this.

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Curtis remained quiet on the cot, unobtrusively resting, one eye peering at the visitor. He wasn't in the trusting mood of this man, and he figured his new boss didn't as well. Sure, only some one with official stuff could get in, and this guy knew about the alien politics, so he seemed authentic.

But the offer was too convenient, and frankly, he doubted that even a trusted slave would be allowed this far away. As human history showed, even the best-treated slaves wanted to be free.

Jono's trip to capture the lost snakes was going to be more important right now, he reflected, and pushed his worries aside. We can keep an eye on him.

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Marty considered while the two "gods" ignore him. He listened to them talk. This was getting beyond his means and he had to make sure it didn't.

"If that is the case then you will not have need of my services. I am a infiltrator and do not forget Lord Baal has no reason to trust you at this time. My contact will be when I can get away from them without rising suspicion. As to tracking if they discover I have anything not native to this world I will be compromised. These Humans are smart. More technologically advanced then those in the past the Goa'uld have ruled over. If you insist on these terms I shall simply have to accomplish this mission without your support."

He would give them only a few seconds to consider this before he turned and started towards the door. Best to play on a Goa'ulds greed. It was often the fastest way to get them past their better judgments.

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"I am afraid that is not an option." Jono focused his full attention on Baal's servant. "We have sensitive matters in progress. You will not be allowed to leave just now. You may wait a day or two to reconsider your position."

He hated acting like this, but it is what Hephaestus would have done. Actually he would have killed the man out of hand, but Jono couldn't bring himself to do that.

He paused a moment considering the said, "You have made me an offer on behalf of your master. The offer was acceptable to me. This planet would benefit from my rule, and I from ruling it. I will make my own contact with this resistance with or without you as it happens to serve my purposes. I had already decided this before you arrived which was why I was so willing to accept your services. Why do you now suddenly object? Am I not giving you exactly what you asked for?"

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This was degrading fast. Marty had to think quickly. He glanced around the room and spotted the man laying down. If there wasn't a middle ground to be had Marty had already failed.

"Your offer is more than fair God Hephaestus it is the current terms that are unacceptable to Lord Baal. However that does not mean that there is nothing I can do for you. You wish contact with the resistance and I can not risk my own mission to be that contact. If you provided someone of your own like, which you had planned on doing, I can assist them in getting in to the resistance. That way they can be your contact and if there is information I discover that you need I can provide it to them immediately to get to you.

Would that be acceptable to you?"

Marty started considering if he could get a shot off before Hephaestus could raise his shield. If he was quick enough he could put Persophane on the defensive. He would have to take out the Unas and the Tau'ri quickly after that but it could be done. Hopefully it wouldn't be necessary.

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Smiling Jono nodded agreement. "That is an excellent suggestion. Baal chose his servant well, you do him credit."

He looked to Charlie, "I'll send you to meet Tirion in a couple days, right now our other business is more important."

The fabricator finished and Jono took the newly formed ring from the machine, such a small job was childs play for a device meant to replace starship parts. He offered it to Marty, "Here. I trust you will not jeopardize my safety with your actions. Beyond my own life, there is a world at stake. I have a certain... fondness for this world else I would not place myself at risk for gain, even gain so great as this world. Call it nostalgia, or greed on my part, but this world should not be destroyed and it's potential eliminated."

Jono hoped Persephone would not take that statement as weakness, but Earth's future was more important to Jono than his own life.

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Marty took the ring and pocketed it. He nodded to the god without ever meeting his eyes.

"In two days send your servant out. Make sure he is dressed appropriately. He should look for a woman named Georgia. She will take him to a inn where he can find a man named John. That is the way in to the resistance. If John is not there for any reason I will find a way to get to the inn and get him in my self."

Marty gave a good description of Georgia.

"If he has any trouble make sure he stays at the inn. In one week if he has not joined the resistance I will come and find him, or I will send a Tau'ri that I have befriended to retrieve him."

Assuming there was nothing else he bowed low to the two Goa'uld. "By your leave, oh mighty gods." With that he turned and leaved.

Click to reveal..
if there is something else that needs to be discussed just let me know and I will remove the leaving part.
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"That is acceptable." Jono was pleased, this would allow him to make contact with the resistance independently from Baal's servant and in a much shorter time than he had expected. On top of that he would have a potential favor owed by Baal. Given the current situation it was unlikely that Earth would be able to fight off the Goa'uld and make them withdraw. The first rebellion had worked only because ship hyperdrive technology wasn't as advanced and it took months to travel between star systems, that and internal Goa'uld politics had distracted the snakes from Earth making it of little importance, or so Hephaestus' memories had revealed. That wouldn't be the case this time. Earth was the focus of those same politics and wouldn't be forgotten. Jono's best hope was that he could get appointed the ruler here and give the people breathing room to build up it's defenses and acquire the technology to fight back and then hold the Goa'uld off.

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Once Marty was away he walked through the ship. Stopping a servant here and there he described the two tau'ri he was interested in. The boy was a part of Ra's little retinue now. Marty could barely hide his reaction when he learned of the fate of Yseult's husband. As soon as he was away from anyone he swore several times in his native tongue. It could have been someone unimportant like Persophene. It could have been a young one with their first host. It had to be Hades. He would have to tell her, even if it would have been right to hide this information Marty wouldn't be able to stomach it. Deciding he had had enough of this ship he returned to his quarters. Changing back in to his civilian clothing he threw the uniform in the crate he had. He added his Zat to the two already in there next to the two staff weapons. His own personal weapons cache. Once he made sure it was packed properly he sealed the crate and with a labored grunt, picked it up.

As he left he nodded to the Jaffa guarding the entrance and recited the quick praise to Ra and wished them the greatest victories where ever they were heading next. He could not hate the Jaffa the same way he hated the snakes. He had never officially been a soldier but being a bounty hunter gave you a good appreciation of the life. In some ways they had no choice but to believe in what they did. Marty had to stop a few times to rest from carrying the crate. Smart and quick he had never really been too strong. He preferred solutions that didn't require brute force. Finally he saw Georgia and waved to her.

"Hey, I met with my friend. Listen, I need one more favor from you. This crate has some important things in it."

Marty made sure no one could over hear them and spoke quietly.

"Important to the resistance. I need it hidden until I come back for it. I also need no one to look inside until then. They are going to need this when they are ready to move but not before then. Can I count on you?"

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