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Mutants & Masterminds: StarGate Freedom - Prologue: Sharon Knight

Sharon Knight

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"Yes, but then, you've given me yourself, Anubis has held that part of himself back." She sighed. "Perhaps because of language barriers, but even so, there are ways he could have sought to reach beyond that, at least spending more time with me."

She smiled at him hesitantly. "You have also given me understanding and compassion, and have endeavored help me integrate more into my life as it has changed, and I value that even more. More then any power that anyone else might give me."

"Also, you understand me better, just by our discussions, I know and understand that. I know that I like you and your company, and though I certainly didn't expect to be where I am today, or having to make this kind of choice, I'd prefer to make it with you, then any of the other warriors I've seen so far."

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Rahotep was silent for another moment. "We will want to wait until after your fever and prim'tah," he told her. "That is next. You will become sick as your immune system fails, and then you will receive your symbiont." Rahotep was silent for a moment. His hand raised uncertainly, hovering over her cheek. He let it drop and straightened.

"Did you have questions for me about the process, or your prim'tah?"

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She frowned slightly at the words that he offered, they didn't entirely make sense. Looking back at him, seeking a measure of reassurance, she chose to ask for clarification, though she no longer was certain, however, that she really understood enough to ask the right questions. "I'm sorry, I don't understand, what fever, and what symbiont? And what's a prim'tah?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"What Lady Hathor did will stop your immune system," Rahotep explained. His expression was gentle as he reached out and brushed her hair back from her face. "You'll get a fever, and the priests will perform the prim'tah to unite you with the symbiont that will give you greater strength."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure I mentioned all of this before."

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"Some of it, I don't remember you saying anything stopping my immune system, but that's alright, it may have gotten lost in everything else I've had to learn." She held up her hand, and began to count out the new things on her hand. "A new language, a new people, a new culture, a changed world, new rulers, a new life... " On the last one she started on her other hand.

"And a few other things, some of which have been very bewildering, and surprising. Is there anything expected of me during this process? Or is it something I must simply go though?"

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  • 1 month later...

"Nothing expected," he said solemnly, "save for you to endure it with the strength we've come to expect from you. Hemet Nekhet. Brave lioness." He raised his hand and Sharon leaned into the expected caress only to have him drop his hand and pull back. "When it is done, we will talk more." He gave her a gentle smile. "I will give you more of my time and companionship."

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She reached out and grasped his hand a moment, then squeezed it gentle. "That doesn't sound hard at all." She winked at him even as she held his hand, then she leaned back somewhat. "So, how long will it take?" She was actually ready to get on with it, at this point, even though she didn't know everything that it involved yet.

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"It depends," he said softly. "Once you are sick, it won't be long after that. Some fall quickly; others are stronger and it takes a few more days." He looked proud in an oddly possessive way as he told her, "I believe you to be strong enough to last for a while. Perhaps more than a week."

"What's the minimum?" she asked.

"Two or three days," he told her.

He was quiet for a moment, his dark eyes considering her. "Hemet Nekhet, I would ask-"

The door to her room opened and Anubis stood in the doorway. "You have had your pouch?" he asked, his bearing arrogant. Rahotep nodded, inclining his head once. Anubis was as handsome as Sharon remembered, his well-muscled body on display with only his gold-girded loincloth around his waist. "And Rahotep has said you command our language well enough to speak now. I would spend an hour with you, as you have said."

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Sharon glanced between them, then looked at Rahotep with a bit of confusion, then she gathered herself up and sat down on couch she was laid on, and met Anubis eyes directly, then turned and met his eyes directly Rahotep as she did her best to meet each of them equally.

"It has not just been a time of learning of the language, but also a time of learning.. " She paused, trying to find the best way to say it. "the ways of the people I have been chosen to join." Not exactly of her own will, but at least she had some measure of choice in life, and she decided she would simply have to make the best of it.

"Please sit, both of you." She paused and waited to see if they would or wouldn't, then she would continue, it was somewhat halting, sense she was struggling to make sure each word was said properly in the proper tongue.

"I have several things I want to say, to please wait until I am done before you reply." She waited for a nod from each of them, before she continued, she would not continue until she got it.

"I did not fully understand who was putting themselves forward at first, so I didn't even realize who all was courting me. But now that I know my choices, I am honor bound to consider both individuals who have put themselves forward. Thus what I have said to one of you, applies to both, which means I expect to meet each of you in physical combat. But, I am making it clear, whoever wins me may not be the better warrior, but will the one who wins my heart. And the final choice is mine." She looked at both of them, turning her gaze from one to the other, waiting to hear any replies or simple nods from them.

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Rahotep looked like the kid who'd just had his Christmas present taken from him. Still, he quietly bowed his head. Anubis, on the other hand, made his displeasure clear with a growl. "Now I know why you sought to teach her," he growled to Rahotep. "You wanted to steal her before your betters could claim her."

"My gifts are as good as yours," Rahotep said softly, "even if she can only carry them in her mind instead of around her neck." There was a hint of bitter pride as he added, "I do not have the favor of Ra to ornament her with such finery. And she has made her choice."

The younger man heaved his shoulders in a sigh. Suddenly, he turned to Sharon and said, "You have made your choice. I will respect it. Now, is this my hour to talk with you?"

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In Sharon's view, Rahotep's gifts were even better then Anubis, because they could not be taken or lost, if it wasn't for her sense of honor, she might have simply chosen him and been done with it. That, and he had given her even more, in his consideration and willingness to explain himself. But, Anubis had also put himself forward, and she had promised to consider his suit, which meant now she had to get to know them. Actually, as she thought it over, she was both flattered and somewhat disconcerted to be in this position, it was both like and unlike matters in school.

That thought brought her back to considering what had happened to her, she was now seeking to chose a mate from among those who had conquered her people, and she had no idea how things were going on earth. For a moment, she thought about that, but there was nothing she could do about that, at the moment, so she turned her attention to matters she had some control over.

Her gaze turned to Anubis and she met it squarely, she wasn't going to back down, they had chosen her for her fierceness and warrior nature, well, she would be as the lioness they declared her. Carefully choosing her words, so both of them could understand. "No one has stolen me, even if he had tried, I am won, not stolen, Anubis... until today, I did not even know Rahotep was trying to win me, so you had the advantage until this point. As to the other matter, you may always talk to me, either of you, an hour of my time each day is yours, if either of you wish the discussion to be private, you have only to ask."

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Then I would seek to gain back some advantage and know you," Anubis told her.

"She'll be sick with fever soon enough," Rahotep interrupted. "She should rest."

"She is not yet sick, and will not be in an hour," Anubis interjected. "She can talk, for a time. She has had much time with you, and now I find myself at a disadvantage." His tone made it clear that he wasn't used to being in that position.

"You could ask me how I feel about it," Sharon pointed out.

Anubis looked startled by her suggestion, but Rahotep inclined his head. His expression conveyed a hint of smugness as he said, "Very well. Do you wish to speak with Anubis now or wait until you recover?"

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"To what end? Do you wish to spend some time with me, or simply to better maneuver in this matter?" Even as she said that, she wondered, it would help her make her choices. "In any case, I wish to be fair, so..."

She looked at them both a moment, nodded a moment to Rahotep, then turned her gaze directly to Anubis, and speaking carefully as she had been taught. "As it seems I have only a bit of time to speak with each of you before I am going to be sick for a time, but I also believe that Rahotep wanted to ask me something privately, so.. I would appreciate a few moments to do that, then Anubis, my time is yours" She waited a moment to see if they agreed.

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  • 1 month later...

Rahotep nodded even as he looked displeased. "Yes, I did have a question," he said, his dark eyes flickering to Anubis, as if he were afraid that Anubis would figure out what he wanted and ask first. "Prime Anubis, would you permit us the privacy?"

It had been a very polite request and Anubis could deny it, if he wanted to look like an ass. Instead he nodded and left, though it was grudging. Rahotep looked at her and asked, "I would ask to tend to you through your sickness. That is something given to family members, but I know you have none currently to help you through it. I would be honored to care for you."

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"That's very gracious of you, I would be honored to accept, though I suspect from your words, that I will be out for some of it." She took a deep breath, then reached out and squeezed his hand.

"Now, if you would, ask Anubis to return, I must be fair, and this will give me time to know you both, and my new people." It would also give her time to make up her mind about what she was going to do. Here she was caught up in a triangle, it almost like a soap opera, and she didn't like them at all. Bu,t it was a lot different being caught up in it, then it was watching them.

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  • 1 month later...

Rahotep lifted her hand and lightly kissed it. "I will return," he promised before reluctantly releasing her and stepping back. As Sharon wondered where he'd learned that from, as she'd not seen any of the Jaffa do it before, he exited the room.

She only had seconds to herself before Anubis entered. The handsome Jaffa smiled at her, his manner more confident than Rahotep's more reserved demeanor. Anubis sat easily on the bench, reclining on his side with the grace of a cat. "So tell me about yourself," he said, still with that eager smile "Tell me all you have told Rahotep."

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She struggled a moment with the language, but she was a smart young woman and had managed to learn a good bit from Rahotep about the new tongue.

Slowly she managed to respond, choosing her words with care to make her point clear. "What do you want to know? That my father was a warrior and I am trained in the martial arts, the capabilities of hand to hand combat? Or that I am still unbalanced and unsure by this new life I am expected to embrace? That I still don't understand everything about my new people or the ways I am expected to follow? Or that I never expected to be selecting a mate so early in my life, and that I somewhat resent the sudden expectations upon me?"

She reached out and grasped Anubis hand, and met his eyes with her own. "So, now that I have put some of my concerns forward, tell me of yourself... why am I so interesting to you as a potential mate?"

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His eyes lit up when she took his hand in hers. "Because you are beautiful and you are strong and you are smart," Anubis said. His other hand closed around the one that held his. "Because you are the brave lioness. That is what I have always wanted for my mate - strength and beauty and heart."

He gazed at her and it was like something off of a romance novel. His dark eyes were intense as he gently rubbed his fingers over her skin. "What I want to know about you is everything."

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This was not going to be easy, she realized, Anubis was making a serious effort to win her, and by giving him a fair chance, the matter was suddenly much more complicated then she had imagined. For a moment, she fiercely wanted to be able to talk to her father or her friends, to seek guidance, but neither were possible at this junction of her life.

She was somewhat confused and then she spoke up again, direct and to the point. "But, why me? Surely there are those among the women you know who have these traits? What makes me stand out among them?"

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"My warriors told me how you fought when you were captured," Anubis replied, smiling. "They spoke of you leaping into combat. It was as if you were already Jaffa and so I begged Ra to grant you the first gift of being His Servant." The light of fanaticism glowed in his eyes as he added, "You will carry his spirit within you and it will make you strong. Strong enough that you will be Jaffa in name as well as in spirit."

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And that shifted quite a bit inside her, he was romantic yes, but his fanaticism didn't suit her at all. "I see." She wasn't sure how to respond otherwise to his statements, so she moved on. "Surely I am not the only woman that has such spirit and courage, or is it that courage that caught your eye?" And if it was, she thought back to her friend, perhaps she had been correct.. she should have run, then she wouldn't be in this mess, but even so, she couldn't have made a different choice, she had to help her friends then.

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"Yes, other Jaffa have caught my eye," Anubis admitted, smiling at her. "But you have the spirit of a Jaffa without being one, and I can only assume that your power and strength will grow with you becoming Jaffa. That is why I want you. I believe that you will be the bravest, strongest woman I will ever meet."

He smiled at her warmly, reaching out to brush some hair back from her face. "I would like to share my life and my battles with you."

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She took a deep breath as he made his declaration and then she slowly let it out again. "I see.. I don't know really know how to respond to that, I'm very young for such things.. at least by my people's standards.. but suddenly I'm in a situation that is both clear and confusing at the same time."

"I understand I'm going to become rather sick soon though.. " She was starting to feel rather nervous about the amount of attention she was getting from Anubis.

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  • 4 weeks later...

“Yes,” he said softly, “but it is part of the process. You are giving up your human frailties and opening yourself to Lord Ra. It will seem frightening, and there is danger. But I believe that you will come through, my lioness, and be stronger than ever.”

“Humans aren’t that frail,” Sharon protested, even as she remembered what Rahotep had done to the table.

Anubis snorted, his handsome face wrinkling in derision. “I have fought humans before, many times.”

“But not like my humans,” Sharon said in reply, trying not to get angry.

“Yes, I have. The first group that same through the Chappai’i were vanquished by my men and myself,” Anubis boasted, his head high. “I have faced the warriors of this earth and defeated them. You and one other have given me hope that we will find many worthy to become Jaffa. Those of you who were born greater than your fellow humans and deserve Ra’s blessing.”

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She was about to speak again, then she closed her mouth with a snap, not willing to keep arguing with him. Besides, his last words suggested that he might have been responsible for the situation earth was in at the moment. "You might try looking at those who are law officers, who study martial arts, or are military personal then, they are most likely to have the spirit your looking for then.. "

They would also be the ones most likely to try and support humanities resistance efforts, but she figured that Anubis already knew that was likely. And she wasn't going to clue him into it if he didn't realize it.

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"Yes," Anubis said, "we have already found such people, but you were first. You and Osahar."

"Who?" Sharon asked.

"Osahar. Another taken from your planet." Anubis tilted his head at her. "He is already in his prim'tah. You can see, if you wish."

"Of course," Sharon said immediately. She wanted to know what she was facing - and to see another Earthling, one who might be willing to help her escape. Anubis led her through the building, past so many twists and turns that she knew they must be somewhere massive. Finally, he stopped before a door and opened it.

The door slid upwards with the typical hiss. Sharon stared at the sight. A man lay strapped to the table, wearing only a cotton loincloth. He was shivering and sweating, muttered under his breath. Sharon only caught a single name: Betty. He said it like a plea - or a prayer.

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  • 1 month later...

Sharon looked in on him and she frowned, he seemed to be quite sick, no doubt this is what would happen to her also, soon. She was somewhat disturbed by the size of the place they had been traveling though, but that was minor compared to this discovery. She watched the man for several moments, memorizing his appearance, even as she put away any hopes for him being able to help her. At least, not for a while, instead she turned back to Anubis and looked at him, then decided she wanted to be alone for a while to think. From the sound of it, she would be rather sick very soon. "I'd like to go back to my chambers now.. "

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