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Unwanted Absence


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Hello everybody,

I've been having a shitty week and am looking at a lawsuit which takes all of my concentration and energy at the moment.

I'm most likely am going to be away for another week and my presence here will be close to nil. I'm sorry for all this but it's really really important since my wife's future is dependent on how this turns out.

Anyway - I'm not gone, just distracted and I hope for your understanding. I'll be back for sure I just don't have the head for gaming right now and I'm sure you all will understand.

See you next monday and I hopefully I can tell you how things are turning out. This week is going to be fully scheduled with counseling of several advocates and lawyers.


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Thank you for your kind words. I'm back for now but not yet done with that issue (it'll take some time).

I've spent my entire vacation focusing on it and now I'm back to work which also means I can spent some time on the site again. I'll keep you updated on the matter of course but for now lets get back to having fun. Been a not-so-fun week and I need distraction wink

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