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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Virtus Arach - Ch. 1b - Ghost Busting

Dave ST

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After a few more stiff drinks and a light lunch (be a shame to waste the effects of good alcohol) Rose and Ambrose made their way to The Great Vigo, one of the oldest taverns in all of Four Winds that was named for an ancient hero. Whether the hero actually existed or not no one knew, but the name and attractive waitstaff drew customers in by the flocks. At least, it did before the haunting started.

At peak lunch rush hours the place was bare save for one or two die hard patrons. The ceiling fans spun slowly in the silent tap room and as their boots echoed on the creaking floor boards barely anyone took notice. Off in the back corner several lovely woman wrapped up utensils in napkins and behind the bar a middle aged woman who still possessed the beauty of a woman half her age sorted various bottles of drink and organized glasses.

She looked up at their approach and looked puzzled for a moment at the Crimson Musketeer and her blue haired companion. "What can I get for you today?" She asked, about as cheery as could given the depressing atmosphere.

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A freshly-clothed Ambrose looked around at the nearly empty taproom for a minute, as if the rumored ghost might pop out at any moment. Satisfied that he wasn't going to have to get nuts on anything just yet, he turned to the woman, flashing a smile as he replied, "Nothing for me right now, though if things go well, my well-prioritized friend and I might make you regret that question."

His voice began to rise in a mighty crescendo as he proclaimed, "We are mages from the great and prestigious Virtus Arach, here to save you from all your troubles!" Afterwards, he promptly fell silent and turned towards Rose with a shrug, as if to say, "Yeah, that's all I got."

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All Rose could do was thrust a palm over her face and shake her beplumed head. Ambrose meant well, and he did have a certain flair for... embellishment, but 'subtlety' was not in his vocabulary. That one lady had an armload of cutlery close at hand wasn't lost on the young mage, and she thought it might be best to intervene before Ambrose really turned on the charm.

"Let's try that again," she grinned, elbowing the occasional nudist companionably in the ribs as she approached the woman at the bar with a friendly, open smile. "Hi there. We're from Virtus Arach. We're here to hunt your haunts, pursue your poltergeists, stalk your spectres, and otherwise remove from this establishment any and all spooks, wraiths, apparitions, phantasms, revenants, shades, and supernatural entities plaguing you and your fine patrons. Well," she amended after a quick glance around the nearly-vacant bar. "Those that're left, anyway."

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"Mages? Great and prestigious?" The woman gave the two oddball companions a once over with an amused grin curling on her lips. "Well, one out of three isn't too bad I suppose. C'mon up, I'll pour you a round and explain the situation."

She waved them forward and set two glasses on the counter.

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What, she doesn't think we're Mages? Rose wondered, then shrugged. The lights were a little on the low side, so maybe she just didn't get a good look at them.

"Drinks and a story? Sounds like an ideal situation," she said cheerfully taking a seat at the bar. Briefly, she considered whether or not this drink would come off their reward tab, or if they'd have to pay out-of-pocket, but she dismissed the thought. They'd worry about that later. After all, maybe the woman would be grateful enough to give it to them on the house!

With such happy thoughts floating around in the back of her mind, Rose leaned forward, resting one elbow on the bar as she listened to the barmaid attentively.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Several months ago," Dana started, the thick tip of the bottle clanged lightly to Rose's glass as she poured. "Someone claimed they heard crying in the late hours. A few weeks later a patron claimed she saw a ghost in Room 10."

Dana cocked an eyebrow and swigged a large gulp from the bottle herself before continuing. "Long and the short of it, there is a ghost up there in Room 10. Only appears at night and all she does is cry, cry, cry... her infernal whimpering seeps through walls and keeps everyone up or disrupts the otherwise cheery atmosphere down here in the tap room."

She leaned on elbow onto the bar. "Look, I feel for the girl, I do, but I've a business to run and she ain't paying... so I want her gone. I don't care about the why's or the hows... just give her the boot."

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Non-paying ghost in Room 10. Cries all the time. Got it."

Rose nodded, taking a bracing draught from her glass. The alcohol snaked its way pleasantly down to her belly, warming her insides in a delightfully comfortable fashion. She couldn't remember ever actually dealing with ghosts before, but she'd never let a little thing like a total lack of experience get in her way.

"Well," she said slowly, turning to Ambrose, "they usually only stick around because they have some kind of unfinished business, right? So we've just gotta figure out what she needs to do. Maybe she left the laundry out on the line, or something. We cross that off her list, she makes for Ghost City, and we're both richer and more inebriated."

A frown crept over Rose's face as something occurred to her.

"Wait. You said this just started a few months ago? Has anyone recognized this ghost-girl?"

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  • 1 month later...

After his crimson companion concluded conversating for the moment, he let out a derisive snort, a grin planting itself on his lips. He waited to see if he was going to be asked what all that was about, but then decided he was going to speak anyway. Apparently, he had already forgotten how the last time he spoke played out.

"How absolutely amateur of you, Rose. Of all people, I'd expect this sort of nauseating novicity the least from you!" Now that he had gotten the niceties out of the way, he got down to the meat of the matter.

After finishing a strip of jerky he had suddenly procured from his pocket, he took on an air of one who is being forced to explain the obvious as his attention focused on his so-called accomplice in awesome.

"This ghostie has been bothering the good people of this tavern for several months now, aye? Well then, had somebody recognized said spectre, they would have spoken up and likely posted the job themselves for us to help the distressing damsel on her unfinished business. As this hasn't happened yet, it only stands to reason that our plaintative poltergeist is a complete stranger to everyone to come in contact with her, and so is incredibly intent upon making this job as painstaking as possible for we marvelous mages."

He finished with a roguish grin as he turned back to Dana. "Would you happen to have any rum on hand, perchance? I'm finding myself rather thirsty after all."

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Dana just blinked in confusion after all that. "Uh, yeah, one sec." She returned with a jug of rum and glass.

"You're friend is right Ms. Rose, no one recognizes the woman." She straightened her smock, brushing off some dust that she acquired while climbing to get the rum. "If you're lucky, you may see her tonight. I'd be happy to allow you to stay, free of charge if you're willing to try and exercise it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"You know," Rose said blithely, "you almost sounded like you knew what you were talking about there, Ambrose. Well, okay," she amended. "Your facial expressions kind of looked like you might know what you were talking about, but I, uh... I sort of wasn't paying attention." With a sheepish grin, she flipped her braid back off her shoulder. "I was busy trying to figure out if that," she said, inclining her head toward a swarthy-looking figure hovering over a bowl of stew. "Is a man, or a woman. Really, I can't tell."

With a perplexed shrug, and a shake of her head, Rose took a long drink from her mug and set it back down on the counter with a resounding thunk.

"All right, we'll do it! We'll vanquish this vaporous vixen and-" Rose stopped short, glaring at her companion. "Oh, great. You've got me doing it, now! Ugh! Anyway, we'll take care of this ghost problem of yours, don't you worry, madam proprietress!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

They did their best to not get 'slovenly drunk'. Much to their credit they succeeded by only making it to 'incredibly drunk', they were working, after all.

Rose had made it to her bed, just not into it. With her knees on the hardwood floor and her head drooling puddles of slobber about mid way upon the mattress she blissfully sawed something resembling logs...

Ambrose somehow managed the opposite. His face was pressed hard against the cold floor, the trademark droll puddle spilling out wide and a bubble of snot expanding and contracting with the rhythm of his breathing. The rest of him managed to make into bed, which led to the question of how he got there legs first...

Late that evening though as the stars appeared in the sky and the moon shimmered in its rightful spot among the heavens a cold mist crept through the rooms of the Great Vigo Inn and Tavern.

Those asleep in their beds would never have felt it crawl slowly across the floors, but Rose and Ambrose were pioneers and consistently challenged the status quo.

Softly through the midnight air the weeps of a young woman echoed ethereally throughout the hollow halls of the upper floor...

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