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Day 3.5: Eventful Night?


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Samantha remained close to her friends. She did feel better and was glad that she finally had a chance to 'come out' again but still the situation in general felt wrong to her.

"I don't know what's going on guys... but something is really really wrong about all this. Something...", Samantha broke off her sentence as she felt something stirring in the back of her mind. Violet was regaining consciousness. Samantha slowly panicked - she had no idea what would happen if Violet came back.

"Alex...", Samantha looked at Alex pleadingly. "Violet is... unh..."

"She is coming back...", Samantha stood there shakily and scared. Even Will's power had little effect on her, she was too worried with Violet and what would happen if she regained control. Steeling her self against a possible change Samantha hoped she had enough force of will to keep Violet at bay.

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The chanting of the crowd quieted while William spoke, but increased even more once he finished. Oddly enough, his speech had absolutely no effect on the street preacher or the two converts.

The fervor of the crowd's chanting should've completely drowned out the preacher man's even toned reply, but the trio could still hear him. "You hard-hearted and perverse people! You have eyes yet you do not see! You have ears yet you do not hear! You have seen the glory of God and you call it evil!

We shall knock the dirt of this evil town off our shoes, but before we do I want to tell you one last time! To all in this city, the time is not too late! Repent now and turn from your wicked ways. AS IT IS WRITTEN all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! AS IT IS WRITTEN the wages of sin are death! AS IT IS WRITTEN the gift of God is eternal life through His Son, our Lord. AS IT IS WRITTEN God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, His Son paid the penalty for our transgressions.

Once we leave, it shall be as in the time of Elijah for all that is under the rule of the prince of this age! AS IT IS WRITTEN, these are the teachers that you have gathered to tell you what your ears are itching to hear!

I have done naught but tell you the truth! I hold no malice for anyone here, though you yourselves wish my death! I tell you truth, the words that you have heard today are the eternal words of the Creator, and my death shall not squelch them! AS IT IS WRITTEN, vengeance is Mine sayith the Lord! Believe what you will, but I have done naught but try to tell you the truth! The Lord is loving and merciful, but He is also righteous and just! Tempt not the Lord to wrath!"

With that the street preacher started to simply walk away. No one in the crowd would part for him, and as he started to try and leave the fury of the crowd increased dramatically.

The most surprising thing to William, was that he could tell that this man was telling the truth. Despite all the 'loopholes' and 'work arounds' that his mind could conjure for this man's actions, words and emotions, William knew that he was telling the truth.

That didn't change the fact, though, that the crowd that had gathered (which was very sizable, over 100 people by now) was on the verge of forming a riotous mob and doing who knows what to the preacher man. William had done a very good job at stirring up the crowd.

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Will said quietly to Sam and Alex, "The bad news is my power didn't reach him or the other two, more evidence he can twist things. The good news is I didn't get any feedback. The really awful news is he thinks he's telling the truth."

"Notice how he said 'we'? We shall do this, we shall do that. He's not alone, he brought back up."

Ignoring the actions of the crowd, Will looked around casually and felt out with his mind, did anyone feel like the preacher did?

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As William gave his report, there was a slight nagging at the back of his mind, and it was quickly squashed. Whatever William said, and whatever excuse he could think of, he knew that the preacher was telling the truth.

There were three people that William could sense who felt even remotely like the preacher, and by that, they didn't feel anything like the crowd. Two of them were the two converts, and the third was Violet Samantha. Samantha didn't really feel all that much like the preacher and converts did, but she had a strong sense of unease about her. Either something was very wrong with her, or she perceived something very wrong with this situation.

The Street Preacher walked the edge of the crowd, followed by the two converts, looking for a way out. Nobody would move for him though, and the more he looked, the louder the crowd got.

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There were things that didn't add up here. The most obvious explanation was that Will and Sam had been gotten to, the problem being that he didn't believe it, the problem with the problem being that if he'd been gotten too then he wouldn't.

Will said out loud, "Interesting. I think he's telling the truth too. He's either right or he got to me." Will looked at Sam and said, "You too Sam. I can feel your unease."

Will looked at Alex and said, "I don't think I can trust my judgment here. I tried to inflict doubt on him and now that's what I feel. Alex, should I throw the crowd at him?"

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"No." She walked over to where the crowd barred his exit. "He wishes to leave, clear a path and let him do so. No one else will die today." Her voice carried a darkness and unsaid threat to the crowd as she looked to the Preacher. "I doubt all this as well."

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Samantha felt Violet slowly stirring in the back of her mind. Violet was slowly regaining consciousness and once she was fully aware she would take control again. Samantha didn't want to relinquish control, though.

As Violet got stronger Samantha felt another change. Usually she would slowly feel a tingling sensation through her body as it slowly numbed making her actions sluggish until Violet was in full control. But nothing was happening. Maybe because Violet was still shakey and not back to full strength.

Violet was semi aware which was a strange sensation for her. She normally would've taken over by now but she felt too weak? She started another attempt by assuming her form but her body didn't obey her commands. That means Samantha's body didn't obey. Something was wrong and then it slowly dawned on her. Samantha was getting stronger - not only through her willpower but also in power. Samantha was stealing her powers!

Alex couldn't tell much of a difference except that Samantha who was trembling a few seconds ago now seemed to be doing fine again. Her posture was straight and self-confident and she looked better than she did before.

Will could pick up an entangled mess of emotions emenating from Samantha and Violet. Both felt fear but out of totally different reasons.

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Click to reveal.. (Graphic imagery)
Under Alexandra's ire and implicit threat, the crowd parted and the street preacher and the two converts headed out. The crowd closed back in around them as they passed, leaving the trio alone in the center of the circle.

As William sensed the tumultuous emotions within Samantha and Violet, he sensed, strongly, confusion coming from the masses... as well as a rising blood lust. Also, the seeds of doubt that he planted with his power were taking root and flourishing.

Of course, the doubt, blood lust and confusion were flourishing in a way that 'past' William could never have imagined (though in a way that 'future' Will found completely natural).

The street preacher and converts reached the middle of the mass of surrounding 'humanity' just as William suggested taking Samantha back to base. It was then that William's empathic ability alerted him to something going down just a moment before it reached the ears of the trio.

The mob turned on the religious threesome. The roar of the crowd drowned out any pleas for mercy or screams of agony that the threesome shouted out as the mob enveloped them and started ripping, tearing and pulling. It was the most disturbing thing William had seen or felt all day... not the brutal mob murder, but the emotions of those they were killing. There was an ever so brief flash of surprise and fear, but long before their lives were ripped apart, there was nothing but pain and peace coming from them. The thought that they could have such peace, a peace that William himself had never known, while they were literally being torn limb from limb was enough to turn William's stomach.

Alexandra, for her part, once she figured out what was happening, tried her best to stop it. But for all her powers, she was helpless to save the threesome from the mob.

Samantha, just learning about her access to 'Violet's' powers, caught only the surface thoughts of the mob and of the threesome, but it was enough to drive her to her knees, dry heaving onto the pavement, and wishing beyond wishing that she was fully clothed (and armored for that matter).

The attack lasted only about thirty seconds, but seemed like an eternity for the trio that possessed super-natural abilities.

Samantha was regaining a bit of her composure, and William and Alexandra were about ready to go off on the crowd when several people emerged from the mob, covered in blood and holding various body parts. The three of them that appeared directly in front of the trio held heads. Three more simply held oozing, bloody hearts. Another three held bloodied torsos that had been ripped off below the waist, most of which were trailing organs and intestines back through the crowd, and had gaping wholes in their chests where their hearts had been ripped out (ala Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, but bloodier). Three more held groins, with what was left of the disemboweled abdomens and a couple of thighs. Completing the circle were people who held whole or parts of the arms and legs.

The entire bloody circle was filled with reverent pride, and kneeled down almost in unison, holding out their various body parts as offerings.

At the lack of response, by the shocked trio, the one who was holding the head of the street preacher stood up and took a step forward, offering the head to William. His voice was full of pride. "We figured out what you were doing. You were testing us. You let us listen to him lie and deface you to test us. To see what we were going to do. When you didn't kill them yourselves and ordered us to let them pass, we knew that you were testing us. You even feigned talk of leaving us to further the illusion that you actually wanted us to let them go.

But we figured it out. You have taught us well. We passed your test, and here are your offerings. The heads for you [motioning to William], I really like it when you crush them between your bare hands. They truly give a satisfying 'pop' when your might overcomes them."

Then one of the ones holding a heart stood up and stepped forward, holding out her heart to Alexandra. "My favorite part is when you, mistress, burn their hearts to a crisp with your bare hands. The odor that they release reminds me of your greatness."

Finally, one from behind them spoke up, offering up their groin and thigh that was still trailing pieces of intestine to Samantha. "I especially love it when you lift up their groin into the air, using nothing but your mind, and then make it explode into itty bitty pieces that rain down on all of us. It reminds us that we all only live and have pleasure by your will. And to spread the reminder around and share it with all of us... you are truly the most gracious of them all."

With that the three again bowed on both knees, offering their selected parts to their selected patrons. The rest of the crowd, only the lucky few of which had varying degrees of blood soaked into their clothing, started chanting reverently and softly, so as to not drown out anything that the trio might say.

"Min-ion! Min-ion!"
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Stone faced, Will reflected, *Basic rule of leadership: Never give orders you know won't be obeyed.*

*Another basic rule of leadership: Always be in charge. That means be ready to bless random things after the fact even if they were accidents or not according to the original plan.*

*That works for dog training too. No mater how bad he's been, after he comes to you, you have to praise him.*

Will said simply, "Thank you. This is your kill, your victory, do what you wish with your trophies."

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At William's response, a wave of confusion swept over the mob. The man who spoke up first looked at William. "But these aren't our trophies. These belong to you as offerings."

It then appeared as if he got an idea. "Masters, please, come with us, and we'll show you where you have put your previous... examples..." With that he stood, and everybody cleared the way for him to lead the trio to the Manhattan Bridge...

Everyone in the trio knew exactly where they were headed, though it made absolutely no sense to their 'past' selves. It was the last bridge to the island left standing after the war, and it was the perfect place to warn people about the dire consequences of disloyalty when entering this 'protected' area.

Their 'future' selves remembered the bridge fondly, it was some of their best work... but their 'past' selves wanted anything but to look upon what they 'remembered' to be there.

The mob, however, completely expected them to follow...

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As he walked with the crowd, Will realized that Victory had left a sour taste in his mouth. Retrospectively it was clear what had happened. His first plan had been correct. The Preacher had been a power shifter of some flavor, turning the mob on him was the winning move. They had no power to shift so the Preacher had lost big time.

But Will hadn't made that call. He'd called in the wrong play, and the backup reserve squad of normals had disobeyed orders and snatched victory from defeat. And now, good leader that he was, he had to thank them for it.

The truth was he'd been honest. It hadn't been his victory, it had been theirs.

Will reminded himself sternly that everyone wasn't a key player in every play, and even if he'd personally screwed up, he'd far rather lose personally and see the team win than vise versa. His ego would recover, what he really needed to do was thank everyone properly and then get laid.

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Samantha was still a mixed bundle of emotions. Her fear slowly subsided though and got replaced by something like curiosity and excitement which strongly conflicted with her disgust and dismay at what was happening around her.

Deep inside Violet started to panic and get frantic. She tried again to assume control over Samantha's body and failed again. The loss of power was palpable now for her and she could feel herself weakening and thus slowly fading into the background. Samantha was sucking out her powers and she had no means to stop her.

Samantha slowly realized what was happening and smiled as she gained access to Violet's powers. She first used her shapeshifting to cover herself and not appear totally naked under Will's leatherjacket. Samantha wasn't the most beautiful girl but she wasn't chopped liver either. Now her features slowly changed giving her an unearthly beauty - almost angelic. She slowly started to radiate an aura of confidence and with it her beauty increased tenfold.

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Alexandra grew cold at the display, smothering the part of her that burned to give the mob what they wished. She looked to the others as they followed the mob, stifling the Urge to vomit at the display.

She looked at the others and shook her head, Too disgusted for words.

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The mob led the way and the trio followed. They were in the middle of the mob, but they still followed.

Over the course of their journey, they learned that the man holding the street preacher's head was named Ricky and he was an accountant, but that was about it, as most of the trip was taken in reverent silence.

As they neared the Brooklyn Bridge, they began to see the sky fill with black birds that they could only assume were ravens, crows and a few vultures.

Then the glorious or revolting (depending on who you asked) sight came into view. The Brooklyn Bridge had seen it's share of the war, but it was still standing, though for how long nobody knew. But what made it the spectacle that it was were the literally hundreds, if not thousands of body parts strung up from it; all in varying stages of decay.

Even from the distance that they were, they could see the white of rib cages, arms and legs that had been up long enough to be picked and weathered down to gleaming white. There were very few bloated parts, as they had been disassembled, but there were at least several prime examples of every single stage of decay hanging somewhere up from the suspension cables of the bridge. Not only that, but the blood from these thousands of limbs had actually stained the roadway and sidewalk an obvious reddish-brown color.

"See, m'lords? Your greatest monument, and a warning to all who enter New Minion City. And these are only the most recent, as you have had us pull parts down to make room for your most recent examples.

So, these are not our trophies, they are yours. We merely killed them for you and because of you. So, ultimately, no matter who dealt the lethal blow, the kill is yours. It is for you and because of you that everyone in this city lives, breathes and acts."

With that, those who held body parts again offered them to their proffered patrons.

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Alexandra just barely resisted the urge to hurl at the sight of the bridge. The analytical part of her mind could clear see however which "trophies" were clamed by each of them. Violets were mostly crushed, her own were mostly charred and blackened, the result of here balefire power.

In her mind she could remember actually hanging the trophies and taking them. She could remember the burning joy, the cold satisfaction. She looked at the others.

"It's all true. We did all of this, this is who we've become.."

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Will had a wall full of trophies back home, wherever home was. It was expected and normal. This had been his idea. He remembered pushing for the monument. He remembered taking the 'trophies'. It felt 'right' and 'natural'... and yet it didn't. There was a serious conflict there, and for the moment Will stood conflicted. Still, he was leader, and they were followers in need of direction. The greatest sin a leader had was hesitation and he was committing it now. You always move forward.

Will nodded and said, "Correct. Find or sharpen some stakes, I want to see those heads on pikes within a day."

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Samantha watched in shocked silence what they had done. The unbelievable display of power and it’s abuse was evident and it was tainted to it’s deepest core. It strengthened her resolve and confirmed what she was thinking. They had become what they never wanted to be.

Violet screamed furiously as she attempted to wrench back control of Samantha’s body and for a moment it appeared as if she managed to take hold of her. Samantha gasped surprised but closing her eyes she fought back Violet’s attempt. Her body twisted oddly as she half transformed into Violet and then back again – but not quite back.

Samantha’s control over Violet’s powers increased giving her an unearthly beauty and confidence she’d never believed possible. She could feel the emotional confusion around her, she knew what William was thinking and her power increased with every passing second while Violet got weaker and weaker.

“We’ve become what we never wanted – can’t you see that? You’ve become monsters!”, Samantha accused Alex and Will.

”Don’t listen to her!, screamed Violet in vain – she had no control, no power – no way to tell the others that Samantha was wrong.

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The mob was slightly confused by Alexandra's words, but William's set them into motion. They all bowed, and all left with purpose, to go fulfill the dictates of their gods. All except for Ricky. Ricky stood up from his bow and asked William, "Would you like their leader's head in a place of prominance on the bridge, or would you like it to commemorate the location of their destruction?"

He seemed to ignore Samantha's outburst, waiting intently for William's reply.

Samantha's accusation and Alexandra's implied one hung heavy in the air for a moment. Then, independantly yet simultaniously, they all had the same thought run through their head.

We haven't become anything that we weren't, we've just trained the world to accept us for who we really are.

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Originally Posted By: Stargaizer
The mob was slightly confused by Alexandra's words, but William's set them into motion. They all bowed, and all left with purpose, to go fulfill the dictates of their gods.
Will was slightly, but only slightly, relieved to see this part of his world was working.

Originally Posted By: Stargaizer
All except for Ricky. Ricky stood up from his bow and asked William, "Would you like their leader's head in a place of prominance on the bridge, or would you like it to commemorate the location of their destruction?"
Will replied instantly, "Here. Always put trophies together..." Will thought, *The whole city would be a mess if we spread these things out.* Oddly that wasn't a comforting thought.

We haven't become anything that we weren't, we've just trained the world to accept us for who we really are.
Will wondered, *At what point did I become this*

Will glanced at Violet/Sam and noted her contortions. The preacher had really done a number on her... and on the rest of them too. Just for starters the Preacher said others would come and he'd died happy. Will felt uneasily that this was far from over. This was the point where they should withdraw and take stock.

Will thought at V/Sam, *You up and reading again? I feel like going somewhere to think and heal, but I don't feel like returning to the base. How about you?*
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Alexandra looked to the others and watched the mob leave to find something to hang the trophies. "This wasn't what we signed on to do, this wasn't the choice I thought I was making." She remembered more of the death and destruction. Moments of blazing passion, and moments only coldness of a computer's analytical mind could match.

"we should go somewhere else now, someplace we can rest."

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Samantha gave Will a long and thoughtful look before she answered, oddly enough Will and Alex could hear both Violet and Sam speak at the same time,

*I can hear everything*, Samantha’s mental voice was a mixture of fascination and excitement about having so much power.

*Don’t listen to her! She’s stealing my powers – Will. Knock her out! She’s stealing my powers! Help me!, Violet’s formerly alluring and magical voice was high pitched and full of despair and vitriol. Will could feel how Violet was weakening and struggling to reach him mentally while Samantha had no trouble at all.

Will and Alex could see how Samantha changed more and more in appearance granting herself the beauty and grace she always longed for. This time it wasn't 'tainted', though. She didn't turn into an exaggerated sexfiend like Violet was. Samantha's face was still recognisable but the symmetrie of her features reached absolute perfection. The color of her green eyes sparkled with intensity and her red hair gained a silken quality shining brightly in the sun's light.

Samantha's body gained curves that were still extraordinary but not exaggerated or emphasized on her breasts. The effect was breathtaking nonetheless - Samantha has become an immaculate beauty appealing both to the pure and the sexual mind and she was gaining more and more confidence and power with each passing second.

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William's wondering went unanswered, but that was ok, because he had enough to deal with right then and there. Apparently one of his best teammates (or at least most versitile) was being subducted and replaced with an unknown and an unreliable.

This wasn't good.

She was pretty though... and in a completely different way than Violet... maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get to know her...

By now, everybody, including Ricky, had left to go find something to place their body parts on. The trio was completely alone, and for one moment, however long it lasted, they were alone.

As for going somewhere where they could think, heal and rest... any place in the city was theirs. They could go into any building and request it be vacated, or any particular room given to them and it would happen. Any where else, though, would be a different matter. They had no car or transportation other than their powers. That wouldn't be a problem if they were on 'company business', as they could just use the shadows or any doorway... but right now, since their assignment was patrol, the shadows would only take them back to base. As for the doorways... they'd first have to contact someone at base and let them know where they wanted to go (which would be as simple as thinking 'towards' the req. officer)... but then anybody who wanted would know where they were.

Or, of course, they could have Alexandra fly them wherever they wanted to go... she'd grown strong enough to lift both William and Violet (as well as flying herself, of course).

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Hmm... Will had always liked the little sex fiend. He'd liked Sam too, although it'd be years since V had let her out. And it was also true that V had been giving him the cold shoulder for a long time, so it was possible he personally would be getting more.

Will focused on something other than the beauty before him and considered he was replacing an experienced teammate with an inexperienced one. Not a good choice. On the other hand, neither Will nor Alex were telepaths and he wasn't willing to kill V and/or Sam. 'Choice' didn't appear to enter into it.

Will decided to worry about something he could do something about and said, "Alex, please fly us to the top of a tall building."

It'd be a good place to look out and pretend to be on patrol.

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Alexandra nods, Selecting on of the larger flat-topped banks as their temporary respite and flies the two of her team-mates there.

She looks to the others. "Sam, You and Violet have always been of two minds two separate entities. Now it almost seems like I'm going through the same thing. My own mind is at war with itself, I don't remember things, but when I focus i see them as they happen, recall the way it felt, but there's a sort of disconnect there, like I'm watching, not doing."

"Does that make any sense at all?"

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Will grunted in agreement. That sounded familiar. The answer was obvious since he'd already been looking for it. Will stated,

"Someone is playing head games with us. I'd like to think it was all the Priest, but he's dead, and the sense of unreality isn't getting smaller. Whatever game he was playing, it was only a small piece of this."

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This particular roof was one of the ones that looked like it was topped with gravel; so there was both plenty of traction and plenty of loose thigs to potentially get thrown around.

There were also several square metal boxes poking through the ceiling, most having to do with ventilation in some way, but not all. There was also a door leading down into the bank.

So, all in all, a fairly typical roof.

The eerieness of the light was only magnified up here, out of the reach of the street lights. The orangish-yellow light was brighter up here, casting stronger shadows and generally making things seem more other-worldly. And, thankfully, there was a taller building between them and the bridge, thus blocking their view of it.

So far as they knew, no one had seen them come up here... they were all alone... or at least as alone as they ever were...

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Originally Posted By: Ally Kat

She looks to the others. "Sam, You and Violet have always been of two minds two separate entities. Now it almost seems like I'm going through the same thing. My own mind is at war with itself, I don't remember things, but when I focus i see them as they happen, recall the way it felt, but there's a sort of disconnect there, like I'm watching, not doing."

"Does that make any sense at all?"

Originally Posted By: Courier

"Someone is playing head games with us. I'd like to think it was all the Priest, but he's dead, and the sense of unreality isn't getting smaller. Whatever game he was playing, it was only a small piece of this."

Samantha listened carefully while she pushed Violet’s attempts to take over with increasing ease. Violet got weaker by the minute her near limitless powers over the mind and emotions faded away faster than she could get hold of it. Samantha smiled inwardly before she answered Ally, “It makes sense – at least to me. I feel like I’ve been locked away for far too long and Violet actively kept me blind and in the dark. I think this is all her fault.”

That’s a lie you… you!..., Violet gathered all her remaining strength in another attempt to take over Samantha’s body and hopefully thus regaining her powers.

Click to reveal..
Samantha’s roll Contested roll vs. Violet to stay in control (4d10.hits(6)=2) 2 Suxx

Violet needs 4 suxx to beat her Contested Roll vs. Samantha to assume control (4d10.hits(6)=1) only 1 suxx. Sam stays in control

Violet’s assault was comparably weak or Samantha has simply gotten too strong. Violet felt spent and tired. She just had tried to wrestle back control from Samantha and it didn’t even make her flinch or show any kind of reaction. To the outward observer Samantha briefly closed her eyes and barely shook her head which could have easily been interpreted as part of her answer.

Click to reveal..
ooc: Will may notice that there was another attempt of Violet’s to take control but it was literally smashed off by Samantha. Samantha’s confidence grows even stronger after this and she is slowly reaching the power level Violet once possessed

“Ally, Will, I think Violet manipulated you both most the time. She may have been manipulated by someone else who used her as a tool and kept me locked away inside, unable to reach out and speak to you. But this ends now. This ends today – we’ve betrayed our own vows… I can sense how she is trying to gain back control and then tell you that everything is just fine and that I’m lying. But ask yourselves – now that you can see clear. What is more likely, her or my truth?”

It was almost eerie to watch Samantha and hear her speak. Her features were near angelic now, her beauty radiated like the sun in a warm and soothing light. Her voice was confident and compassionate. They had never seen her like that before.
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Will looked at Samantha probingly and said gently, "Sam, no offense, but I think you're blaming her because you don't like her. I can feel you two fighting, or maybe you one." *You'd be better off if you'd make peace with each other but saying that is like giving unadvised marital advice. It's likely to start a fight and we have other things going on.*

"Violet didn't create the Priest, or the rest of the world, and we are far from alone in doing what we've done. The scale of this seems somewhat large, even for her."

Will hesitated and said, "...What do you remember? I think all three of us should compare notes and see if our memories match, or maybe that's, 'where they match'. If she had you buried, maybe your experience of all this is different enough to be significant."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Samantha nodded to her friends with a thoughtful look on her face. With growing power her confidence skyrocketed and she firmly denied Will “access” to her mind.

“I’m don’t dislike her, Will. She subdued me whenever she could and I don’t blame her but now things have changed. She is the weaker of us two and that’s the struggle you are feeling. I’m not fighting her – she is fighting me and I’m just defending myself.”

She shook her head to discard the topic and focused on his question, “The last thing I clearly remember is our first mission. Everything else is hazy and feels like a bad dream to me. That’s why I was assuming it was Violet’s doing. She is capable of that – she could’ve easily changed your memories to whatever she wanted. I could now, if I wanted…”, there was a disturbing smirk on her face as if she actually considered testing her abilities on them.

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Will raised an eyebrow and said lightly, "Careful there. That's true in theory. In practice, the last time she tried that on me V had feedback bad enough to knock her out."

Will frowned harder and digested the rest of what she'd said. He said, "There's a saying: Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. So this is enemy action. We went on one mission, and our first time out someone nailed us. We were raw rookies, it would have been easy. The real question is, nailed us with what?"

"These memories, if they're false then what have we been doing for the last few years?" Will struggled to continue. If everything he knew was wrong, then how deep did this rabbit hole go?

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“I don’t believe this is coincidence and I think what you faintly remember is exactly what happened over the last years. One thing is for sure, though – time has passed or we’ve grown far stronger than we thought. I know what Violet was capable of when we went on our first mission and compared to that I’m much more powerful now. Time must’ve passed – enough time for us to grow in power – and create this.”, she looked at the city below and the “fruits” of their labour. Instead of creating a free and liberal world they were dictators and tyrants that ruled through force and intimidation.

“This… I don’t know if this is what we wanted… I don’t even know which side we’re on. Maybe we’re the bad guys and never knew?”

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Will snorted at Sam's comment. By definition they were the good guys, you ALWAYS rooted for the home team. Will eyed Sam speculatively and non-sexually. He could only see one way forward, someone had to make a leap of faith and he was the leader.

Will said, "Sam, if years have passed and these are false memories, then the questions remains, why? Who has been doing this? Were we originally on team Preacher? We need to know what's going on..."

Will hesitated, this was the point of no return, then he continued, "...and you need to find that out. I need you to go inside my head and pull away the shroud."

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Samantha was just starting to delve into William's mind (not a very nice place to go at the moment) when suddenly everybody got the very strong impression that they were being watched.

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I need a spot/awareness check from each of you. DC 7 1sux for Alex, DC 8 2sux for William and DC 8 3sux for Vi (because you're otherwise engaged at the moment)

You can all go through the beginning of Vi going into William's mind, just make sure that at the end of your post you feeling like you're being watched (and your roll)

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