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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): In the Shadows of the City - Chapter 4: Session 1 In the Darkness, Light

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The days were relatively peaceful. The nights too had become moreso. They had regrouped the teams. Kage and Jo, Kazuo and Shin were two strike teams, and The largest team was comprised of Kenobi, Skye, Keiko, Kenichi, Kaori, and Jim. The large team hunted the Demon Lords, the smaller continued to trek through Tokyo for the lesser demons.

The nights were growing cold when Skye, Kaori, and the others were leaving the shrine and were greeted by a white serpent demon, something they'd never seen before.

It laid there quietly then rose up like a cobra. "My Mistress seeks an audience preceding possible parley with the champions. As the others have all left already, I speak to you now. I have been sent to escort you to her. In the interests of this I have been asked to extend you Safe Conduct to her and afterwards regardless of the outcome, back to this Shrine. What say you?"

The Serpent demon waited, giving them time to consider. The last time a a deal had been offered they'd refused, with a humbling price.

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"We should go and listen," councilled Kenobi. "Most likely the other option is far worse."

He didn't sound happy about the statement. He sounded resigned to the fact that you had to make compromises in order to reach the end goal of beating each of the Oni Lords in turn. Really, what else could they do?

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"I'm going," Skye said firmly. She had no desire to be hurt again, or for others to pay the price for her reluctance. She didn't look at her teammates. She'd parley, and if they wanted any say in the terms, they would agree.

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Kenichi was the sole dissenting opinion, but he went along as well. The Serpent led them through the city to one of the many unused warehouses. Inside, The Woman from before, the 2nd Head of Orochi, the Summoner, Stood faiting, Naginata in hand.

"I'm so glad you all decided to come. It makes things so much easier."

I am the Second head of Orochi, and I have asked you to come to discuss a potential end to the curret situation."

"As you know there are eight of us in all, even though you killed one of our number, she was not sealed, and will return."

"You will have noticed that there have been alot less attacks as of late, almost to the point that there are none. This is a ruse. First head has a plan far more underhanded at work than I like. If it succeeds, then our world will be destroyed. Regardless of my current status, I do not wish to see that happen."

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"Excuse me, but how can we trust you? While there is some sense that you would be ... be dismayed by the plan of your superior and take action, we also must sense that the opportunity for you to betray us are manifold."

"Besides, what do you require of us that you could not accomplish yourself?"

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The "woman" nods. "It's true I cannot really offer you much that would justify this turn of events. This is much bigger than before. He's out to destroy everything this time, and whether you believe it or not, I'm very fond of the human who I was incarnated into. I was very content to live her life , but the call went forth and the plan to bring back our father was set into motion."

"Believe it or not, I have human friends, and yes I have protected them from harm. I will continue to do so, but unless you start actually winning this War, All of humanity will die and there's nothing that can be done about it."

Shee looks to Keiko and Skye. "The Solar and Lunar Priestess, I presume. Would you like to continue?"

She looks to Kaori and Jim and Kenichi. "Warriors, Knights, Champions. I can see by your faces you'd like nothing more than to cut me down. But what i offer to you now is much more importance than subduing one of the heads of Orochi. Hear me out."

She looks back encompassing them all with her gaze. "I realize you may yet require something more to prove this is true. She shrugs and her form seems to shine as it changes into that of Himeko Mayumi. "This is the human form I was born into."

"No doubt now realize the truth of the others."

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"The shifting of your form proves nothing," Kaori said. "You're all demons, tricksters and liars one and all. I came here upon a vow of peace, and so for the time being my blade shall remain at my side, on my honor, of this much you can be sure."

She squints her eyes, untrusting of the demon before her, and it showed to the rest of the group. "Without being vague, tells us what this other demon is planning to do and how we can stop it. If it's truly as bad as you claim, then it's in your best interest to not play games or skirt about the issue with us."

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"Before, humans seldom became demons. Possession was common, but they were never given real power. He is giving any human who wants it the chance to become a demon. He's turning humanity's darkness on itself in a way that's almost impossible to fight. Fortunately he can't really call anymore real demons through the gate. It's still far too closed to call through any bigger demons.

Because of this he's stepping up the turning of humans into demons. He's introduced a new soul contaminate into the hound and tiger demons. This cotaminate turns the victim into a hound- or tiger- class demon after two to three weeks. You may not be aware of it, but because the number of attacks have dropped to almost zero, the blockade may be lifted by the end of the week. If this happens and people are allowed to leave, the soul contaminate will spread across Asia and then the globe.

Thus far you five have fought, and been hit and been shown to be immune to the contaminate. The easiest way to stop this is to Seal the seventh and Eighth heads, as they are the main progenitors of the hound type demons."

She smiles. There are four of us that cancreate our own demonspaw, The Serpents are mine, 7 and 8 create tigers and hounds, and Five creates Shinobi. Five will follow my lead, but 7 and 8 only obey 1.

"What I want from you all is to Seal the Seventh and Eighth heads, after you do this my serpents and Five's Shinobi will handle the Spawned demons, leaving you to deal with the other heads.

Once you have Sealed the others, We will offer you our True names and and submit to being sealed."

"You will offer your name before I offer mine, That is the bargain we struck."

A darkclad figure emerges from the shadows, her hands at her sides. Only soft brow eyes can be seen the rest is covered in shadowy black Cloth.

"I am aware of the bargain I struck for your cooperation, and once a Lord makes a deal, they must adhere to it."

The figure nods, and pulls her hood back., revealing the face of Sayoko Inari. "I present my partner in this parley 5th head of Orochi."

A hint of annoyance was in her voice. t was clear she hadn't expected the other Lord to appear.

"I have guaranteed their safety for the night, so regardless Sister, I ask that you adhere to that."

The other Lord nodded. "I wanted to see them all up close as much as you did. We're putting everything in their hands, not just our lives. I felt that warranted a personal touch."

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Ken couldn't figure out wether it was good not to be named, or not. Maybe she didn't consider him a threat. Maybe she was right to. No matter, he wasn't going to bring that up to her. If he was ignored, he would not be attacked. Maybe then ... no, his companions would be attacked and he didn't believe he could protect them.

What was he going to do?

For now, he would sit back in the shadows of his greater companions and listen.

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"Although I'm loathe to trust anything a demon says, if what you say is in fact true then perhaps instead of engaging in interpersonal discussion you should tell us where to find Seven and Eight so we can be on our way." Kaori looked at the demons, her pose was perfect and reeked of arrogance and superiority. She had little time or patience to play games with these demons, once they'd slaughtered and sealed away the two important threats, these two would be next.

She'd have to discuss with the Priestesses on a manner of sealing them away completely, wretched beasts such as them didn't deserve to be resurrected or born again into any form. Souless and formless would be their fate.

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Kenichi looked at all of this, he had been dumbfounded since the serpent arrived at the shrine through the barrier set around it. It made him feel very very weak and unprotected. With everything that had been going on the last couple of weeks, Kenichi was certain his hold on reality was not as strong as he originally tought.

"So the plan is for you demons to double cross this two demons, minors beneath you because we are to trust your word that what the 1st head is doing is not good for your personal agenda, you offer parlay and pretty words and you expect us to believe you and help you."

Kenichi looked around, he was terribly surprised at the amount of people who were agreeing to this. "Maybe I skipped the brain washing you did earlier, but what dosen't tell us that the two heads you want dead didn't piss you off because they ate the last dessert and once they are dead, you are going to do a triple cross and kill us too?"

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"Kenichi," Ken said patiently, "we can not beat eight of them. We can not beat four of them. Maybe, with some help, we can kill ... and seal away ... two of them. Wether they betray us afterwards is of little concern as long as we have defeated the first two and not been broken ourselves."

"We defeat these two and we win something. If these two keep their words and stay out of the other demons' fight to destroy the planet, it will then be three against us, as one was defeated, but not sealed away and should return sometime soon, right?"

He looks to Soyoko,

"Is that not right, classmate?"

He smiles wanly, not so much with hope, but resignation.

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Himeko nods. "Because once a demon Lord gives their word to do a thing, once we strike a bargain, we must adhere to it or we lose our powers and die. Being sealed doesn't mean Death for us, it just means that we are no longer Demon Lords. Killing a lord is merely one of the more effective ways of sedating them long enough to be sealed."

Sayako looks to Kenobi. "She will return in the next two nights. That will be when she is weakest as she will be unable to spawn any more demons until afterwards."

If you wish to do battle the I would pursue Seven First. Her brood is less in number but much stronger and more effective. Thankfully they do not hunt in large pacs like 8's and She almost always is alone."

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Ken looks to Kaori and Kenichi. They are the most effective killers, barring Lindh. Without them agreeing they rest of them are just spouting empty words. He watches and waits to see if there is a bargain to be made.

Part of him wants this bargain so that the fight will be one step closer to being over. Part of him wants this because he fears fighting and what that brings. Part of him just doesn't want to fight Sayako. Though he barely knows her, he has a sympathy for her and maybe he even understands what loneliness she is going through ... or is that all a carefully crafted illusion?

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Jim looks around at the group, "Lets face it we haven't been doing a whole lot of good so far. If this gives an edge on actually something then I think we need to go with it."

He then turns to the two Priestesses, "Do you girls know how to do this Sealing?"

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Kenichi turns to look at the whole of the situation, realizing that trusting the demon lords is death, but so is standing around and waiting for the attacks to resume enmass.

"I hate you, everything you represent and everything you actually want to accomplish. But if working for you this one time will mean less innocent deaths and less demons roaming the streets, I will be happy to become the knife in the back of the seventh and eight demon lords."

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Keiko, who was huddled a little ways back in a little ball of fear and misery, looked up through her long hair and cleared her throat.

"I do. Skye's learning. I know...I know you don't take me seriously, but...please remember demons do things for their own reasons and those reasons are never good. Please keep that in mind before you agree."

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"Keiko, I don't see an alternative," Skye said softly. "We have a chance to gain an advantage right now. Last time we tried to ignore a deal that they offered us, we paid a high price." Skye wasn't trying to manipulate by reminding the others that she'd paid the highest emotional price, but the possibility was there regardless.

"But I'll vote with you, Keiko," she added softly, showing solidarity with the other priestess.

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"I promise nothing." Kaori said simply, her eyes closed in disgust as she looked away only to open them again as she walked away from demons. "Double cross, triple cross. It's all of little consequence. In time they will all be slain."

When she got to where Skye and Keiko stood she turned to face the demons again, her hair swishing dramatically as it fell behind her. "And when you're sealed away we will find a way to seal away the flesh as well. Regardless of the guise you wear, you are still a demon. There will be no trace of you left in this world. Your 'friends' will mourn your passing like we've mourned the loss of our families at your hands. You will not continue to protect them, because I will carve your black hearts from your chests myself if that's what it takes to rid this land of you."

She bowed politely. "Do keep that in mind as I'm slaughtering your brethren, because you're next."

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Sayoko wheeled on Himeko. "This is what you put our fates to? Death even if we help them? What do we win then sister? What show of faith do we get for our own?" The fifth head raged to the infinitely calm second head. She looks to Kaori and Skye and nods. "If i could return your parents to you, If I make your grandfather Well again, you will let us live in peace after we are sealed?"

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Skye laughed, a bitter, harsh noise. "You'll give back what you took away? How generous of you. Let's start with everything that is wrong with that statement. First, you were the ones who thought it'd be a grand idea to make me an orphan. Second, my mother is dead. It's not like you could return life to her, and even if you could, I don't think I'd like whatever you did to her. You broke her, and you can't fix her. Third, you deserve whatever you've got coming to you from Kaori. You have murdered, destroyed and reveled in your evilness. You ignored the cries for mercy from your victims, and now you want your cries to be heard by those who couldn't stop you before?

"You look human," Skye added venomously. "Now's time to enjoy that very human experience of reaping what you sow."

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"And so you all shall then. If there shall be no peace between us later, then there shall be no peace after this night."

She turns to Sayoko. "We are done here."

She nods to Kenobi. "I will see you around Kenobi."

She looks to the others. "The rest of you should pray that I do not see you." With that she melded into the earth and Sayoko faded into the shadows leaving the champions with the lower class serpent demon there.

"Parley is still in effect You may return to the Shrine in peace this night, so long as you do not break the rules of the agreement." It begins to slither off leading them back to the Shrine should they follow it.

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"Oh well done", says Jim sarcastically as he turns to Kaori and Skye, slow clapping them as he does so. "Our best chance at shortening the odds against us and the rest of Humanity turned instead into a more personal vendetta, because you two couldn't keep your bile to yourself for an extra 5 minutes. Of course we would do our best to kill them afterwards, but you take advantage of what you can first, especially in the piss awfull position we are in. Or perhaps you've forgotten that just one of those two on her own killed Lindh, and practically killed most of the rest of us WITH ONE ATTACK."

He turns away from them with a shake of his head and a muttered, "Aww, fuck it." and starts after the snake and the way home.

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"Better times, Sayoko," he said to the girl as she faded into the shadows.

"It could have been a trap, Keiko. It could have been the break we are looking for. You have gambled that we will become strong enough, fast enough, so that they don't kill us all next time we meet ... all eight of them ... now."

"Last time I was arrogant, I nearly got every one on my team killed. They left me untouched as a lesson. I wonder what lessons they have planned for the rest of us now."

He turned to follow James. He had nothing to say to Skye or Kaori. His sense of dread to what lay ahead grew with every footstep.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow it will begin and we won't be able to stop them.

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