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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Nexus Earth - Chapter 6 Session 2b Battleground Moscow

Justin OOC

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The Super Dimensional Fortress class Macross hung in space briefly before the massive warship began it's reentry over Russia. Ryoma sat with Georgi and Valerie, and Ibis in the situation room. "We have confirmed activity for four hundred and thirty enemy mechs in and around Moscow. We count close to two thousand scout class mecha on the ground. "

"That's the bad news. We did not bring any reall ground forces to handle that many scouts. Our primary goal as such is to elimanate the ground assault mechs, most of which are heavy and assault class." He looks at Georgi.

"I'm going to release about fifty of our Macross Security people to accompany you with about two hundred of our scout drones. Use them as you see fit Georgi but you must get the Russian Leadership out of Moscow and back aboard the Macross."

He looks to Ibis. "I know you are not cleared for Combat Ibis, but if you and Valerie can take out the Meteor and sortie it will be among the most effective anti-mech killers on the field."

She nods once. " I'll do all I can Captain Nagare." She still hadn't called him Father, and to her knowledge he hadn't been told.

He looked to Valerie, "Whether you fly with Ibis or go with Georgi on the ground is up to you. We seriously outgun them now that we've handled their capital ships, but we cannot turn the Macross's weapons on them while they're in the city. So we're at a dramatic tactical disadvantage."

Admiral Gloval Beeped the room to inform them that they would be onsite in ten minutes.

"Deecide quickly by comrades, War does not wait for anyone."

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Georgi looked over the assets at his disposal and formed 6 squads of 8 personnel and 20 drones each. He still had 80 of them, and an idea. Asymmetrical warfare would come in handy. A direct assault would be suicidal. They would need to use diversion, stealth, and hit and run.

"I want these last drones outfitted with high-explosives." Georgi told the ordinance personnel on the Macross. "They will be our 'kamikazi' fighters. I want them to lie in wait for a mech to get close, then have them close and detonate. I want it to look like we are clearing a path to and from the Parliament building." Georgi began to form up the squads and assign leadership positions to the NCO and officers.

"And lets see about getting each squad some heavy weapons. Rocket launchers and sabots would be nice." Georgi shouted to the ordinance people. "I don't want to bring pea-shooters to a gunfight."

Georgi continued the frantic work of getting everyone ready for the rescue of the leadership. Georgi checked and double checked the com signals to make sure that there would be no communication disruption. He told the squad leaders to use the vox-coms for tactical information only. He also began to plan the route that they would take. Squads 1-2 would take the left flank, with drones taking point. Squads 3-4 to the right. 5-6 were going straight down the middle.

Squads 7 and 8 were going to another location. Georgi knew of an emergency escape tunnel that led directly underneath and up inside the Kremlin. With squad 8, Georgi would take the tunnels and rendezvous with the targets in the Kremlin. After that, it was a simple matter of getting them out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The security personnel saluted and gathered up their equipment. They were not armed with Mjolnir armor, but theres was lighter, faster, and had other properties as Georgi watched a couply literaly blend into their surroundings and then reemerge. "Camoflage systems are green!" All over the bay he heared everyone check in.

The leader of the detachment nodded to him. "Sir all personnel ready for combat., all systems have been checked and everyone is armoed with either Search and destroy or hostage recovery packages."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Alright everyone." Georgi said in his vox-caster. "Take it slow and be careful."

At the head of his group, Georgi moved carefully and with determination. His eyes scanned the surrounding area for enemy Mecha, but hoped they could avoid them until after they had secured the targets. Aside from being seen descending into the escape tunnels, the worst thing to have happen, is for non-combatants to get in the way of prosecuting a battle. The men among the leadership could help in a pintch, as all Russian men over 18 are required to serve in the military, but the female cabinet members most likely were not.

Georgi had put a plan into place, a planned diversion. When the Russian leadership is ready for evacuation, the left flanking troops, along with those in the middle, would open a corridor on the left side of the city leading to the parliament area. Kamikazi drones would engage the larger mecha, while the stealthier ground units the smaller mechanized units and troops. Hopefuuly it would make the Circinius think that they were trying to evacuate the leadership down the left.

Georgi paused briefly to get his bearings as he searched for the building that had the entrance to the escape tunnel. Several minutes later found the Drovinsova Paper Mill and moved his units inside. In the basement of the mill was a series of tunnels that led to various strategically significant location. Georgi took the one that led under Red Square and to the parliament building.

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Valerie turned to look at Ibis. "Are you sure you want to sortie out Ibis? If you are not feeling wel I can go out with Georgi." The concern on her voice matches that of a mother talking to a child who had been hurt on the park.

"Yes Valerie, I will sortie out in the Meteor, it's the least I can do after what Saito did." there was a tinge of sadness on Ibiss' perfectly calculated voice, "After all, it was his wish to protect us all."

Valerie could just nod, having nothing to add. She helped Ibis climb into the cabin, and sat behind her. "You know the drill Ibis, you keep us out of danger and I'm going to make sure nothing survives in the skyes of Moscow."

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Valeried nodded and togetheer the two of them set about clearing the cold Russian skies.

On the ground Georgi Led his Team through the secret tunnels and was suprised to encounter no resistance. That changed when they emerged in the courtyard of the parliment building, under the guns of a small Wasp type mech and three dozen Ravager class scout mecha. The Mech swung it's heavy machine guns into line with the new foes, held its fire.

(OOC Posts about taking down the enemies if you would please. Georgi the mech is the big threat as it has a com system that can call in more support. YOu don't want to be too flashy as that draws attention, but your team has enough firepower to get the job done. You just have to do it fast and without really making anything go boom loudly. Valerie, you're in a mecha, I shouldn't have to tell you what's expected from you in a mech that flies over a city infested with Mechs that don't.))

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Georgi spoke quickly into the vox mike as his suit's assault rifle came to bear on the large mech. "Unit 8! Seek cover and engage the large mech first! Use small arms only!"

He sighted his weapon over his target's communication array as his breathing slowed to a rhythmic pulse. Inhale-hold it-squeeze, exhale-hold it-squeeze. Each pause in his breathing would be a pull of the trigger.

Initiative: 20 (Critical failure!)


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The CRT troopers with him let loose with a hail of gunfire at the Scout Mechs around them dropping at least a dozen as the scouts surged forward, not heeding his order, but mindful of the threat.

The small mech's machine guns came up and sent a storm of metal their way, catching on SPI armoed trooper and turning him into a fine pink mist.

(OOC the scouts are in close, they're a big danger, it looks like The Wasp is all Georgi's)

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Ibis looked different when she was piloting, at least as far as Valerie's sensors could analyze. She was more vibrant, a bit flushed and her eyes looked like she could take in the whole world at the same time. Valerie envied that, everytime she sat on the Metor and tested the Zero system, it felt like something was awry and not going how it is supposed to go, like something was blocking the power of the mech itself.

"Still, the city is filled with walker types. Think we can do a couple of low sweeps through them wide streets to clean em up a bit? or should we just pick as many of them as possible?" Valerie slowly worked with the Beam Cannon cross hairs, the mechanical move itself was insignificant with the overwhelming advantadge the Meteor had over the Wasp and Ravager class mechs that surrounded the Kremblin and the whole disctrict.

"Valerie, I'm not that used to the Meteor controlls, my own Mech had a very different combat style and in my actual state..." Ibis trailed off, keeping for herself the end of that phrase.

Valerie put her right hand on Ibis shoulder. "You don't need to worry Ibis, I will make everything better."


From it's position in the air, the Meteor looked splending holding a defensive position with it's massive shielded right arm and the beam cannon on it's left arm.

Taking a low sweep, Valerie went for the kil...

(OOC: Waiting for Long to explain a bit more what I'm facing so I can get some kind of tactics going on.)

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Ibis gripped the controls with as much strenght as her weakened arms would allow from her, the Meteor did a backflip in mid air and using it's massive shield charged like it's namesake againsts a large crowd of Drone, making the first ones tumble into ones behind them in succesion, rushing through them and pushing them back, in the the end a pair of them was crushed beneath the shield and several more had their legs damaged enough to not be usable.

The massive shield arm covered from the incoming fire, and taking a side-jump like a gymnast the beam-cannon shot in rapid succesion peppering some of the fallen enemy mechs with fire but not keeping them down.

Using the thursters the Meteor took an aided jump behind a corner as the enemy bullets started flying behind it leaving scorch marks as missles followed the meteor.

"This enemies are quiet the pest, but all their weapons are long ranged ones that cause friendly fire. Val, I think the Meteor has something along the lines that could help a lot." Ibis turns to smile at Val "I hope you know your way around a sword."


The Gundamn had already turned the corner and by the time the drones did, it had dissapeared into the sky. From atop one of the buildings, the titanic mech took a handle from it's back and out came a sword that looked large even by Gundam standards.

The cold wind carried wathever sound or words the Gundam had expelled but it's actions spoke quiet clearly when it fell from the top of the building, cleaving a droid with the massive sword and turning to the rest. The Kremblin on the background was witness to the many droids that came towards the Meteor in search for a prey and turned into the hunted.


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Georgi's shot with the countermeasures active did the job taking the head clear off the Wasp's shoulders. The Security memebers around him cleared the courtyard and gave the all clear signal. It was unkown if the mech had signaled it's compatriots.

Outside the Meteor dodged shot after shot, killing a large number of enemy mecha, and providing a huge distraction for Georgi's team below.

(OOC Georgi continue on at your discretion, you will encoutner large numbers of ravager drones in the building, with almost no one left alive until you get into the underground bunker system accessible from the main hall. You can cinematically fight your way in, the ravagers won't be a big deal for the people with you or for you. The fun starts when you have to protect unarmored Civilians.)))

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Now I am become death. Destroyer of worlds', Georgi found himself thinking of the American physicist, Robert Oppenheimer, who, after witnessing the Trinity A-bomb explosion, quoted the Bhagavad Gita. The very same quote came to Georgi's lips as he waded into the Ravager class drones.


Shortly before going into on killing frenzy, Georgi had signalled for the diversion to begin: All drones and units were to attack. The goal was to simulate an attempted rescue 'push' towards the Kremlin in the Southern section of the city. Units 1 and 2 would hold position on the edge of the ulitsa Bol. Polyanka, and open fire, with their drones making Kamikazi runs at the mechs from cover inside buildings.

Units 5 and 6 were to move towards units 1 and 2, from the ulitsa Bol. Ordynka, then swing north Towards the Kremilin on the ulitsa Bol. Polyanka, towards the Kremlin. With luck, there will be enough of units 1 and 2 to watch the flanks of 5 and 6. Their drones would make direct assaults against the mech units, supported by heavy weapons fire. Their goal, to draw in enemy Mech's from the East, where Georgi was making his rescue. Once the enemies eastern flank had moved to reiforce the south, units 3 and 4, who had been in hiding near the Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, would slash in towards units 5 and 6, attacking those reinforcements from the east, hitting them on their rear flank.

Georgi knew the feint would cost him alot of men, but it was necessary to rescue the leaders. Without them, they would be unable to mobilize Russia into helping against the Circinus Federation. Besides, These were Russians and his countrymen, even if they had abandoned him years ago.


A Ravager exploded into flaming shrapnel, hitting one of Georgi's men. The man fell to the ground, half of his body turned to gore on a wall behind him. Another soldier died taking out a Ravager with his own body; the grenade still in his hand as he leapt onto the drone and detonated. The man died a hero's death. Georgi himself had taken several hits, each of which would have been fatal to a normal soldier, yet Georgi was glad to have taken the hit, rather than one of his men. He would gladly take a hundred more, if it meant his men could go home to their friends and family. Even with their losses, they were inflicting appalling casualties on the enemy.

One of their kamikazi drones slammed into a Ravager, blowing off it's legs and toppling the metal killing machine into a building. A giant cloud of brick dust obscured them, and Georgi used the opportunity to set off a couple of smoke grenades. With a quick command, Georgi had the remaining units advance on the Kremlin.

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The Meteor seemed to excel at melee combat, with it's powerful Zanbato having the ability to cleave through the drones like they were made of paper, and it's energy and physical shielding avoiding pretty much all damage, completing the powerful armor was an agile pilot who might not be at her peak anymore, but was more than enough for wathever was piloting the Ravager mechs and the Wasp defense mechs. Coach Georgi was trying aiming for a pincer attack coming from the south, Val and Ibis had decided on helping his offensive, if they could pin at least one of the sides from giving reinforcements, it would strenghthen the movement as a whole.

Taking a booster jump through the skies of Moscow, the Meteor landed himself on the junction of Mohkovaya Ulitsa and Manezhnaya ploschad the larger Ulitsa was littered with Ravager mechs and several Wasp nests, not even counting the myriad of overturned and destroyed cars.

Lifting the left arm, the beam cannon raising with it, several of the Wasps and Ravagers opened fire on the Meteor, but ignoring the minimal damage they caused the Metor started not a battle, but a slaugther. The Wasps and Ravagers kept coming through the Mohkovaya Ulitsa, trying to outpower the Meteor with numbers, Valerie just hoped that this diversion on the main streets surrounding the Kremblin was enough to help Coach Georgi and his unit.


"Ibis" Valerie called out softly, her hands on the triggers metaphorically. "am I holding you back?"

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No,, but Ithink there's a way for us to do this quicker." She tapped a button and a slot appeared between Valerie's knees in the cockpit, as two control pannles turned over to reveal softly glowing spheres. "Place the Stock in the slot, and take hold of the spheres. Then you can use your own powers and its to boost those of the Meteor's offensive and defensive systems."

In the distance, groups of larger mechs began to appear, Including a quartet of 100 ton Atlas, two 100 ton Behemoth, 3 eighty-five ton Warhawks, and half a dozen seventy ton Archers.

Atlas pic


Warhawk pic


Behemoth pic


Archer Pic



Georgi could hear the thunderous tread of the approaching mechs, and it was clear he'd have to hurry and get the delegates out if he wanted to get them out at all. There were simply too many mecha in the area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Georgi pointed to a handful of men. "You..come with me. Drop all your heavy gear because we are moving fast. The rest of you, set up a perimeter and await the other units."

Over the Vox, Georgi spoke one word. "Siberia." Upon hearing the word, all available units were to disengage combat and reinforce units 7 and 8. All surviving drones were to engage any Mech units to hid the redisposition of troops. By the time the enemy realized it, Georgi would have the leaders safely in and out of the tunnels and on their way back towards the ship. The remaining units would dissolve into the city and reform in friendly territory.

"Valerie." Georgi spoke again. "When you can, I need you to cover our flanks as we redeploy. Good luck. Out."

Georgi and his small band of 5 men, made for the Kremlin, ducking into the escape tunnel. The group ran the three kilometer distance without encountering the enemy. Finally, they found the concealed stairwell and metal ladder that went up into the building and began to climb. The small squad entered a spacious coat closet from a trap door. For being surrounded by a war zone, Georgi found the silence unsettling.

"Let's move out and get the delegates back here." Something told Georgi that the hard part was to come. Fighting with armed soldiers was one things. A group of unarmed civilians made fighting impossible. Many people were going to lose their lives today. Why can't it be mine and not my men? Georgi lamented. He hated his abilities at times like this, where his men would pay the ultimate price and he would always emerge unharmed. His suffering was to live. The mental scars run deep. No surgeon can ever fix those.

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The hunt for the Delegates wasn't difficult, the sounds of gunfire still rang out here and there, followed by the screams of men and mecha. The entire place smelled of blood, but soon he found the last squad of brave Russian Guard trying to delay a pack of eight Ravagers, the Delegates and Prime minister behind them, realizing they had been herded here by the Ravagers.

Georgi and the squad of four with him him had only seconds to intervene or the politicians would be dead.

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"I will do my best Coach!" Valerie quickly produced the Stock from within her clothing, and connected it with the Meteor. "Are you sure this is how this things are supposed to work Ibis? I mean, did you guys in Circinus have this kind of things to connect all the time? I won't feel as special anymore if you answer yes." Valerie flashed Ibis a huge smile, not sure if her more focused and serious compatriot had seen it and she prepared herself for battle.

The Meteor did an improvable long distance jump using it's rocket boosters, landing on the other side of the Kremlin facing the reinforcements by itself. "Come and get your share!" Leveling the Meteor beam cannon, the power graphs for the weapon were out of charts, albeit they were tiny charts. Pressing down on the trigger like controllers, the beam sailed forth towards the reinforcements shooting two of the enemies, who then proceeded to get right back up heavily damaged but still moving. "Huh....Looks like this will need a bit more power. Get me close to them Ibis!"

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There were seconds to act and Georgi flew into action. He fired at the four closest to the surviving delegates. The rifle muzzle flared as each round flew out towards a separate target.

Initiative:25 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2198815/

Attack 1- Multiple targets:

-targets 1 and 2: 15, 16 {multiple targets combat technique, countermeasures active}http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2198816/

Extra Action

Attack 2- Multiple targets:

-targets 3 and 4:12, 16 {multiple targets combat technique, countermeasures active}http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2198817/

Damage: 100 (base)

Defense 1 and 2:16, 15 {extra defense} http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2198818/

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Each of the shots found their marks, the Squad each shooting another unit. All four units were driven to the ground by the heavy Satoshi weaponry, their chests blown through by the countermeasure enhanced shells.

The Russian Guards eyed the team quizically.


Outside Ibis nodded. "Roger that." With that she dove in towards the assault class mecha, "Take em down hard!" Already they were throwing up an impressive stream of firepower, some of it hitting despite Ibis' best efforts.

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Georgi walked up to the guards and identified himself as he saluted. In Russian: "I am Colonel George Illiyev, Former Russian special forces, working with Satoshi Heavy Industries to rescue the remaining leadership of the Russian Confederation. If you wish to live, you will follow me."

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  • 2 weeks later...

They looked at him dumbstruck, but the politicos behind them stopped them and replied in Russian. "Come these men have save us, let us trust them now. We cannot remain here."

With Resignation the Troops formed an inner circle arund the Diplomats while Georgi and his squad began leading them out of the maze of death.

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When Ibis shot forward with the Meteor towards the barrage of missles and lasers Valerie could feel herself in the battlefield, the missles impacted on the Meteor it's tough armor and shielding deflecting the majority of it but the overpowering waves of artillery fire were starting to wear them down, the formation they had was also prime for stopping full frontal attacks, but Valerie had to protect Coach Georgie, no matter what his team and him would have to survive this for the greater good, there was still much more to his story than this.

"Ibis, hold the course steady!" Taking the titanic sized Zanbato from it's mechanical scabbard the Meteor gundam rushed the Atlas battle mechs under the heavy artillery fire of the Warhawks and the Behemots, their impossibly strong railcannons and unending supply of missiles finding their target more often than the extremely skilled pilot would care to admit, rushing forward zanbato cutting the air behind it as several explosions go off at the same time around it, lifting enormous clouds of debris and dust. The previously shining Meteor explodes upwards from that cloud cleaving an Atlas in half and quickly advancing from that position into the ranks of the Archers, the flames from the close range Flamethrowers that the Atlas used as defensive weapons crowned the flash of the Bean cannon the Meteor had hidden under it's massive shield. Bursts of energy crushed the Archer walkers mercylessly as the Atlas tried to block off it's escape route.


The Warhawk mechs with a more sophisticated sound detection equipment could detect a faint screaming coming from within the Meteor as it mercylessly dwindled their ranks.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Valerie roared once again as the Beam cannon proved it's usefulness once again dispatching of another Warhawk artillery mech, it was followed by a school girl giggling as the enemy flamethrowers were once again deflected by the Meteor's tower shield.

"You know Valerie, no matter how much you scream the machine won't go beyond the specifications, it's still a machine." the pilot returned cooly to the gunslinging girl behind her, mocking a cringe everytime she screamed.

"Don't be a party ruiner Ibis, machines got spirit just like everything else on this world, they grow with careful caring for and regular mantainance, and might just give you that extra little push you asked for if they love you back....or if you dope them to the sky using an external power source!" Valerie introduced the SdZ to the hatch that Ibis had pointed before at her, the hum of Meteor as it started using the auxiliary power was music to Valerie's ears until she heard Ibis.

"Hey, was the shielding supposed to turn pink too?" Ibis pointed out as their energy shielding turned into a bright pink coloring. "Well, its prettier like that." Valerie retorted.


The enemies only saw the color of the energy changing as a sign of worse things to come, as the Meteor moved faster and it's beam cannon was empowered on every shot like some kind of spiraling power beyond control.

The Meteor advanced deeper on the ranks of the Archers as the WarHawks and Behemots shot around him and every shot that missed him ended damaging further their ranks, one of the Atlas suits attacked the Meteor from behind holding onto it's shielded arm, the momentary pausing of it's momentum was key for the second and third Atlas to grab a hold of the Meteor, and the world went quiet for a second.

"VALERIE! They are going into Meltdown, if their energy core blows up this close to us it can potentially put the Meteor out of comission for this fight."

"If we take it at ground level, a big portion of the city is going to be ruined by one of those meltdowns, put evetything we have into the trusters and lets take em to the sky with us."

The Meteor rocketed into the sky in a huge burst of power lifting the Atlas mechs into the sky and dissapearing among the three explosions in the russian sky.

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Before reloading his weapon and turning back the way he came, Georgi spoke. "It is extremely dangerous outside. If I tell you to seek cover, do it. If I ask that you leave me and my men behind, you will do it. If you do not obey my commands, you will die: The invaders will show no mercy. I will do everything in my power to rescue you, but you must listen to me."

"Let's move out!"

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Valerie floated amid the debris from the three selfdestructed Atlas powermechs, the reinforcements had been neutralized by 99% a single remaining Mech was still on the Moscow heart, waiting for a smiting, unfortunetly the Meteor was being sligthly uncooperative with the main pilot unconcious.

"Come on Ibis, wake up! It's not funny to do this when you just got out of the hospital!" Valerie's eyes were watery as her friend laid unconcious on her pilot seat, and she couldn't get any closer to her. "If you don't wake up I'm going to have to pilot this and you know how that usually happens." Valerie started poking with the movement and spaceflight controllers, the heavily damaged Meteor complained but started to move still within the Earth's gravity field, but high enough to almost not care.

Valerie looked all around the Meteor, she had to go back and cover for Coach Georgie, his job was much more important at this time. Using the Meteor's thrusters would get her to move forward, or down in this case, but she lacked the stability for it to work, but brillance hit Valerie over the head when she least expected it, looking at the magnetic restrains on the Gundam;s feet so that it could stand in the hull of the Macross type ships.


Looking up towards the sky, the last Archer unit saw death approach it on a pink forcefield as the Meteor came back from orbit using the Zanbato as a surfboard and the remains of it's Shield arm as a deterrant for any reentry heat that went through the forcefield, Crashing through the Archer unit gave a resounding "Reinforcement Units Neutralized", the following landing after the stunt had the Meteor go through several blocks of previously demolished buildings, the tremors and aftershocks probably felt all over Mescow.

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Georgi aand his team managed to safeguard the Russian diplomats safely back to the dropship as a recovery team moved in to recover the damaged Meteor.

Soon everyone was aboard the Macross and the massive warship hovered over the now quiet Russian Capital.

(OOC you may interact with each other if you wish, or with the Russian diplomats but this chapter is over, well done 10 cp))))

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