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Sorry, Undiscovered Country? Star Trek 5? You liked Star Trek 5 more than this?

Or was that Star Trek 6? In which case...you liked Star Trek 6 more than this?


Anyway, finally saw it. It was a good movie. My head-scientist was screaming and pounding the bars on the cage I put him in, but didn't quite break free. And the Spock romance thing...I didn't really...it didn't work for me. I'd have been happier if that had been something that developed over more than one episode. I mean movie.

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Perhaps after a second viewing of Trek and a review of 6 I might deign to make them equal in my mind but at best they'll be tied for 2nd behind Khan.

1) Wrath of Khan

2) Undiscovered Country

3) Star Trek

4) First Contact

5) Search for Spock

6) Voyage Home

7) (tie) Generations and ST:The Motion Picture

9) The Final Frontier

10) Insurrection

11) Nemesis

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Originally Posted By: Dave ST

I am so sick of them fucking with time just so they can get the original people in it though.

Oh, and Simon Pegg for the mother fucking win!

That's actually what impressed me about this one. Usually in Star Trek, when something happens that alters a time-line, the protagonists usually are arrogant enough to say that completely killing off that time-line is justified because whatever replaces it will be "better."

There was no such speechifying in this film.
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Originally Posted By: Juri 'Salamander' McClendon
Originally Posted By: Dave ST

I am so sick of them fucking with time just so they can get the original people in it though.

Oh, and Simon Pegg for the mother fucking win!

That's actually what impressed me about this one. Usually in Star Trek, when something happens that alters a time-line, the protagonists usually are arrogant enough to say that completely killing off that time-line is justified because whatever replaces it will be "better."

There was no such speechifying in this film.

Also, normally all is undone and made back to normal at the end. No such b.s. in this one. What happened happened and motherfuckers had to DEAL.

I liked that.
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Agree to agree!

I usually dislike time travel stories because they almost always result in a return to status quo. Whatever was done is undone, and only the Significant Protagonists are even aware anything untoward happened.

This time there are -real consequences-. Vulcan is GONE. Starfleet lost a mess of ships. History's changed for reals.

I find that...nice.

And it was a clever idea, using time travel to create uncertainty rather than to destroy it.

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