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World of Darkness: Attrition - The Fourth Test: Purity [Fin]

Sarah Dead-Wolf

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Ariel looked out towards the hills, conflicted.

"I don't know," she said, "is that really how this is supposed to work? I mean, these spirits were a clear danger. But a deer spirit...what's it a threat to besides spirit grass? How is hunting and killing them maintaining any kind of balance?"

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"We are spirits, and we are predators," Amber grunted as her frame finished shifted to near-human. "There's nothing more natural than hunting prey spirits. And we're not going to trash the balance by killing a billion. But unless we do the Rite, it's just calories for us, which we could get from a hamburger."

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Sarah was cheered by the prospect of a group hunt... right up until a round of questioning found that nobody actually had the required Rite to make yummy spirit-deer meat into yummy spirit-deer essence. Amber and Ariel started making preferential sounds toward the idea of a drive-thru instead of dinner on the hoof, and the Dead-Wolf watched the hunt dissolve in a wave of urbanity.

No-Moss was still up for something a bit more vibrant and clean than a hamburger though, and that restored at least a measure of Sarah's equivalent of happiness. "OK, in that case you folks may as well get some chow back home; Moss an' I'll get something with a bit more life in it. Assuming you don't have a problem giving me a lift home afterward," she added; Moss replied with a nod, and the group broke off into separate dinner parties.

As Ariel and Amber headed back to the locus, the remaining hunters headed north through a surreal landscape of trails and trees, half-present houses and a variety of spirits endemic to suburbia. But as the land began to rise, that urban tidiness gave way to more wild lands... and with them, wild spirits. A rabbit-spirit broke from cover, darting off to a hidden den as the two wolves - one half-spirit, the other berift of life altogether - stalked through the underbrush, seeking larger game.

They would not be disappointed.

The deer, when found, was a big one. It had thrived on plant spirits of all sorts over the years, and its antlers were sharp. But in the end, it was no match for the two predators, and after a chase that tore across miles of increasingly rough terrain, it went down with Moss tearing at the flank and Sarah's jaws latched tight around its throat.

Both the living and the dead fed well in the primordial land; blood went to one, meat to another, and aside from the bones not a thing was wasted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was only a few nights later when the bubble burst.

Sarah was up in a tree, watching the old church beneath which her prey called home. She'd already confirmed a few handy details. A lack of windows and what seemed to be a well-sealed door certainly made the halon idea more viable; even though it would be more of a hassle to vent out later, at least she didn't need to worry about a coastal breeze ripping through badly gapped windows and sweeping the oxygen-displacing gas before it could do the job.

A sudden vibration in her jacket pocket was a very welcome sign; sure enough, the number on the screen was Ariel. They've spotted her out somewhere, and I can finally get this scouting done, the Dead-Wolf thought happily. Flipping the phone open, she quipped in a pleased tone, "So how far out is she?"

The smile dropped quickly. "Then why are you calling me?" Neutrality shifted to a frown. "What problem?" The frown became a glower. "Really? How long?" A sigh. "Eight minutes, huh?" Another sigh. "Well, shit. So much for the halon."

Years of unlife had taken a bit from Sarah, and one of those things was consideration that breathing wasn't exactly a constant process for the living. Ariel's experiment had determined that it could be even less constant for one of the People. And if Swara-Ann could endure the gas that long, this wasn't going to work unless she was asleep through the whole process. Sarah couldn't count on that.

"You know I still need to go in there, right?" Flinching, Sarah suddenly thrust the phone out away from her ear; protest could be heard clearly by birds in the next tree over. "Because," she finally said after the worst of it was over, "it's the best chance we have of catching her without it being on the street or someone's camera or actually getting some poor slob caught in the crossfire. Do you really wanna go in there blind?" A moment of waiting, then: "Just one. And just me. Less chance of her catching a scent that way." Another moment passed. "I know. I will. And yeah, if I'm not calling you back in an hour, let Amber and Lucien know. Take care."

Closing the phone, she started to pocket it... then as an afterthought, turned off even the vibrate mode. Only then did the vampire slip down from her perch and move like a shadow in the night toward the church.

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Streams of silvery moonlight mingled with unsettled dust in the air of the abandoned church through long neglected spots within the high ceiling above the floor of the main chapel. Papers, old cans of food and various assorted liquor bottles lay upon the floor all over along with abandoned mattresses and rusty, blackened oil drums the homeless once used for fires.

The sense of irony wasn't lost on the redhead as her boots crunched the grit of years of neglect on what was once a soft red carpet as she looked upon the massive crucifix far in the back beyond row after row of overturned pews. The night's moon beamed down upon the man nailed upon its surface and one had to wonder if he wept a silent tear for her damned soul.

The basement entrance was not difficult to locate, in fact, the floor plan she obtained from the interwebs gave her all the information she needed to guesstimate where she was currently located, and where Swara might be most likely to be 'lairing'.

Nothing could have truly prepared her for what her eyes took in. Although in the stages of ruin that reminded her of some post-apocalyptic Mad Max movie with papers and debris scattered everywhere along the sides of walkways the wall were spray painted with random graffiti as one could expect in an abandoned L.A. building. The stench of death quickly assaulted her heightened senses while her keen eyes noticed writing over the spray painted messages.

She stepped warily into the fellowship hall, a huge octagonal room that had been made the center of Swara's broken dementia. Claw marks decorated the walls, ceiling and floor showing the brunt of night after night insane rage filled tantrums. If there was any furniture in this place at one time she'd smashed it to splinters long ago. Some sections of a concrete wall, on the far eastern end of the chamber, were smashed out with a massive hole and several feet of re-bar protruded upward, broken and mangled that seemed to lead out and connect with a main sewer passage. Perhaps this was how Swara was able to slip and out most times without being seen...

Slowly Sarah's eyes made out the scrawling upon the walls, all of it seemingly scattered about at random but it didn't take her long to discern its order. Her Kindred nose quickly detected that all of it was written in blood...

Lord Jesus, please take my pain away...

Hungry... feed... flesh... kill...

I'm not this... I can't be this... kill me, oh, God please kill me.

Hunger. Mustn't eat. It knows! It knows! Power in flesh. POWER!

All things happen with a divine purpose... even fallen angels. Right?


Fuck off!

The rancid stench of vomit filled the air as Sarah noticed several places along the chambers walls where the yawn of a thousand colors had redecorated the place. All of it was pinkish if not completely stained a vile crimson. She was sure that had Swara not been able to regenerate she would have permanently damaged her throat and body many times over... then again, maybe her ability to heal was the only still keeping her going. The mental and physical fortitude of werewolves was second to no other creature, live or dead.

Alone in the dim lighting of the fellowship hall Sarah was left with a puzzle to piece together.

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She fought against her fall, Sarah thought to herself, caught in the horror and pain and despair of this accursed place. Might even still be fighting, given how fresh some of this still is.

Technically, the scouting mission was done, aside from the leaving. Sarah knew the ways in, how Swara-Ann was bypassing the doors, and where she havened.

But in an entirely different way, it had all just begun. This was a side that the Dead-Wolf hadn't seen in the park or the half-dozen quick cat-and-mouse encounters in and around the campus. No, this was something else entirely. There was, amid the chaos and destruction, a struggle for self happening here, one not completely unfamiliar to the vampire; so many of the dark words scrawled across the walls seemed echoes of her own Beast and its relentless call for blood and death.

Did werewolves have an unspoken Beast of their own? Was that the force behind a Rage? If so, it was such a tightly-held secret that she'd never heard whisper of it in her entire life (and unlife). And Sarah doubted it was something she could ask the pack and survive the asking.

With a whole new mystery and no answers to be had, Sarah gave the tortured words one last look, then silently made her way back up the stairs.

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The hellish cry tore the air, and Amber looked up from her casual inspection of the church. She was on top of another building, not too far away from the building that Sarah was currently inside. That wouldn't have been Amber's choice, but sometimes, you didn't have good options. Sarah had been right in that choice of tactic; she had the best chance of getting in and out without leaving a scent. Swara Ann's return was going to ruin Sarah's caution.

She pulled out her phone and quickly called Ariel. "I'm going to draw her away. Get Sarah out of there, somehow, without alerting Swara Ann that you were in there. Yeah, I know, I suck for being so unhelpful. Be careful."

She hung up without really giving Ariel a chance to argue. Amber had the best chance of surviving toe-to-toe with Swara Ann, if it came to that. Hopefully, she could just lead her on a merry chase for a bit, after which Swara Ann would get bored and give up.

Yeah, Amber wasn't exactly counting on that, either. But the omega wouldn't be left high and dry against that thing. Normally, Amber would think, no way would she let the omega get killed by that thing, but well, that wasn't accurate in this situation.

She hustled downstairs and stood just inside the doorway, letting it shadow her. Dropping into wolf-form, Amber tipped her head back and howled. It was a howl that said, "Hi, I'm all up in your business. Come here and make me stop." Tensely, she waited to see if Swara Ann would come and investigate the intruder. She should but Amber didn't really think she was sane enough anymore to do what she should, only what she did.

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Mangy snow white ears perked up in the bitter black of nearby alleyway...

Yessssssss....... The child barely made a sound louder than his whimpers as his neck snapped, crushed slowly by the vice-like jaws of its captor. Limply the precious soul struck the pavement and in a flash the beast was en route to its challenge.

The scent of death and carrion assailed the air she drew closer and Amber's keen senses could detect he arrival of the soul broken young werewolf...

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The first blood-curdling cry caught Sarah's ears as she'd just reached a landing halfway up a stairwell, stopping her dead in her tracks; the second - a more familiar sound - came only seconds later. If Sarah's heart could beat, it would have raced.

One of the problems of not knowing First Tongue, she would take the time to lament later if she survived, is that you don't know what your allies are trying to tell you. In this case, Sarah chose an interpretation all her own: *Get the fuck out while you can!*

Forcing vitae to and through her skin, the vampire rippled and changed... not into her beloved wolf form, but something much, much more apt for her intended act of fleeing. Moments later, the falcon burst from the top of the stairwell, striving for altitude as fast as wings would take it and looking for a way out.

For a moment, Sarah thought she was effectively trapped; the heavy old church doors were closed and there was no way she could shove them open like this. Hiding amongst the rafters looked to be the best option, until she wheeled around through a side vestibule and nearly ran into a dangling rope. Hope surged anew as she darted upward through the blackened shaft, dodging a massive old bell before escaping the church with a shrill falcon's cry of freedom.

With eyes far sharper than they had any right to be, Sarah searched from lofty heights for werewolves, both ally and enemy.

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Moss swore under his breath as things obviously went to shit. He quickly moved away from the window of the abandoned building half a block away that he had been using to observe the church from and ran as quietly as he could for the fire escape and made his way down until he was only one floor off the ground. The last drop and dash he would make once he had a better idea of what was going on, or if he heard the fight starting.

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Try to keep unnoticed for the moment...

Dex + Stealth = 4dice

(14:54:02) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 4d10 and gets 7,10,3,7.

(14:54:14) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 1d10 and gets 4.

= 1 sux

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Amber bolted; there was no shame in running if running had been the plan. Of course, part of her raged at turning tail and being chased, but the part of her that was more than wolf - and more than human - knew that this was the right tactic.


The voice was suddenly in her head. A human would have freaked; Amber might have freaked had she not had god-knows-how-many-pounds of angry werewolf on her heels. That kind of pressure doesn't allow for much in the way of consideration, and as a werewolf, Amber was used to following sudden, inexplicable urges. So she ducked right between two cars, and then between two buildings, bounding over a gate without hesitation.

At first she thought she'd just trapped herself in a back yard, but the voice came again. Under the roses. She ducked under the flowers and found a wolf-sized hole in the fence. Wiggling through cost her a couple of steps, but it slowed down the slavering Swara Ann more.

On it went, Amber dodging and ducking through a convoluted course. She noticed that when they hit brief straightaways, Swara Ann was able to close distance. If it hadn't been for her mysterious mental guide, Amber would have been run to ground already.

Still, she'd run out of steam soon. Amber grimly began to consider the possibility that she'd have to stop and fight, or die tired. If she was going to get caught, she'd rather do it on her terms. Her golden eyes began to size up potential defensive positions for a possible stand. Hopefully, it wouldn't be her last stand...

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Moss heard the commotion as the two of the ran off, Christ Amber I hope you know what you are doing. Moving back up the fire escape to the roof he does his best to follow the chase, keeping an eye on the time as he does so.

Having lost track of where the chase has gotten to he reverts to clock watching and hopes he can guess it right. When the clock reaches 15 minutes from the start of the chase he quickly makes his way down to the street and changes into his wolf-form and copies Amber's idea of howling a challenge to Swara, in the hopes of drawing her away from Amber.

#Hey, nice stuff in your lair. Want to come make me give it back?#

Click to reveal..

Wits + Survival - to keep track of where the chase is...

(17:12:58) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 4d10 and gets 5,5,6,2.

no sux

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The Fish and Wildlife Service has this to say about a peregrine falcon's dive:

The Peregrine Falcon is often stated to be the fastest animal on the planet in its hunting dive, the stoop, which involves soaring to a great height and then diving steeply at speeds commonly said to be over 320 km/h (199 mph), and hitting one wing of its prey so as not to harm itself on impact. A study testing the flight physics of an 'ideal falcon' found a theoretical speed limit at 400 km/h (250 mph) for low altitude flight and 625 km/h (390 mph) for high altitude flight. In 2005, Ken Franklin recorded a falcon stooping at a top speed of 389 km/h (242 mph).

Halfway into her dive, Sarah Dead-Wolf had this to say about the phenomenon:


It may have been a good thing that she lacked the vocal capacity to actually utter the words. As it was, she dove from the night sky on silent wings after having spotted Amber and her predicament amid the fences and shrubs of backyard L.A. And despite her near-panic at the rapid approach of terra firma, Sarah had one advantage: of all the things Swara-Ann could have expected, a diving falcon with claws as deadly as silver knives was completely off the radar.

The undead raptor tore so deeply into the mad wolf that it actually pulled up with muscle still clutched in red-stained talons.

Click to reveal..
Perception to find the action: Wits + Composure + Auspex + form bonus = 10

(12:11:36) ChatBot: (Sarah_Dead-Wolf) rolls 10d10 and gets 3,9,9,9,4,10,1,10,5,1.

(12:11:43) ChatBot: (Sarah_Dead-Wolf) rolls 2d10 and gets 1,4.

Exceptional Success.

Attacking via dive (spending vitae for Protean Claws for the talons): Str + Brawl + Spec + Claws = 7

With Swara distracted by Amber and Rorx (and confused as all hell anyway), I'm assuming an attack from pretty much dead above is going to be a surprise.

(12:14:40) ChatBot: (Sarah_Dead-Wolf) rolls 7d10 and gets 9,5,2,10,2,8,2.

(12:14:45) ChatBot: (Sarah_Dead-Wolf) rolls 1d10 and gets 8.

4 Aggravated. Ouch!

Of course, there was one tiny problem with this tactical air support: surprise or no, the bird-form of Sarah was now within her prey's reach... and that prey was a track-and-field medalist.

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Hearing Swara's cry/howl of pain Moss starts a long string of swearing in his head as he turns and sprints for the sound of the injured werewolf.

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Wits + Composure to hear the ruckus start = 5dice

(19:05:11) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 5d10 and gets 3,8,8,10,8.

(19:05:16) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 1d10 and gets 7.

= 4 sux

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Ariel hung up her phone and hurried up to the church's front door at a brisk walk. One hand was in her jacket pocket where her gun was small comfort against the forces arrayed against her this night. She didn't look around furtively, though part of her desperately wanted to. Guilty people acted guilty. She didn't want to seem that way, just in case.

Of course, she had no idea how to stop a wolf from smelling her, but it seemed reasonable to open the door with her hand in her jacket. Surely that would be less smellable than touching it with skin, leaving some of herself behind.

She edged into the church, into the cool, dark air that stank of mildew and ancient stone. Try not to sweat...try not to sweat...sweat stinks...

"Sarah?" Ariel called in a stage whisper. God, let her be using her good ears. "Sarah, if you can hear me, you've got to get out now!"

No response. Fuck.

Alright, maybe the vampire heard the same thing Amber had, and she'd already gone. But she couldn't leave it to maybes. She'd have to make sure.

So Ariel waited a second for her eyes to adjust, then moved forward into the old chapel.

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She'd chased Amber all the way into an old junkyard by the time the falcon descended down upon her. As the beast's flesh was torn deep and it cried out in bitter, hate filled agony. Bones snapped and muscle popped while the already massive beast contorted into something even more brutal.

Sarah's intent to inflict grievous, incurable harm upon the frightened girl only drew out instincts more fearsome than anything the vile spirit that rode her consciousness could ever have hoped to kindle. Sarah was a blessing in disguise it seemed, kindling the girls' rage and giving her that final push over the edge she needed to really do some damage.

Those who caught sight of her in the dim moon light and scattered fading streetlights saw an impossible transformation. Although her fur was possibly the purest shade of white one could imagine now it was unkempt and a sickly gray with mangy patches of rash covered skin. Physically she should have been dead; her body was so emaciated from hunger that her flesh was pulled taught over her bones. Sickly blackened claws extended from each of her digits as a slimy thick saliva coated her blackened gums and wickedly jagged teeth dripping down in long strands that refused to break.

Amber knew the urshal form well, but what Swara was now was not an urshal. It looked like the from but there was something far more primal about it. She now stood nearly eight feet at the shoulder (a full three feet taller than an average urshal) and her eyes carried with them a gleam... a reddened gleam that bore into Amber heart and told her exactly what sort of power Swara had called upon...

...and it scared her.

The Beast arched her head and bayed loudly...

For miles and miles the cry was heard and rung deep in the ears of everyone that heard her cry. It was twisted and wrong in the ears of the Uratha who heard it but otherwise they seemed unaffected if only slightly agitated at this mockery of the People. But Sarah, Sarah was a different story. Deep within the recesses of her mind, deep within the dormant halls of what vampires called 'memory' rest a spark from when she was once alive. The howl triggered somewhere deep within her that primal fear all humans once held for wolves and their kin the Uratha.

With a mighty swipe of her paw Sarah's falcon from was struck from the sky where she tumbled across the ground in a bouncing splash of feathers.

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Uratha are unaffected by the howl.

Sarah is under a the effects of a Willpower 4 Lunacy as per the Primal Howl gift. Although strength of purpose is enough to prevent her from fleeing outright, she is still at -4 to all actions. Swatting the falcon was drama, not an attack.

Swara's defense is 2, her armor is 2.

Those engaged in the battle (Amber, Sarah, Swara at the moment) are in a 'Combat Zone'. Basically, anything goes in terms of power use and shifting. You can not break the Oath or the Masquerade as long as long as you keep it in the junkyard. In short, you're free to kick as much ass as you like, go nuts. Harmony and Humanity are a different story, keep those beasts in check. eek

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Fear knotted up her chest and Amber's hackles rose immediately, but she didn't hesitate. An explosion of power from within her feral heart resulted in an external explosion of fur, muscle and bone. Amber would later thank Luna that they were concealed among the detritus of humanity, but she quietly admitted that might not have stopped her. Swara Ann had crossed a line, forcing Amber to follow her over it.

Silently, Amber's Garou form slammed into Swara Ann's transformed side. The old plan was gone to hell, which was ok on some level to the Rahu. This was comfortable.

And if it was her day to die, it was her day to die.

Terrible claws ripped into Swara Ann's exposed side, rending fur from flesh and flesh from bone. Amber finally broke her silence with a defiant howl that preemptively declared victory - and graciously allowed for surrender. Rage from the Garou form and natural arrogance was a beautiful thing in battle.

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Amber's attack roll: 2 sux, 2 Lethal

1d10=5, 1d10=9, 1d10=8, 1d10=2, 1d10=7, 1d10=6

E: 9/10 | H: 12/12 | WP: 3/3 | First Round of Garou form

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Sarah's Beast had one and only one thing in mind at the moment: flee in terror from that thing that swatted her to the ground like an errant fly. There was a significant chunk of what remained of her human side that wanted to join it.

For good or for ill, what portion remained was made of sterner stuff. And it wasn't about to leave her cousin to the devices of this horrific monstrosity.

With precious blood, the Dead-Wolf shifted, feathers falling way as she struggled to her feet as her namesake, trying to shake off the worst of the blow and gather her wits and nerve to take on Swara. But the sight of Amber in her war form - her true form, in a way, a perfect blending of body and spirit - put pause in Sarah's step. Her Rahu cousin's mighty roar put some steel back in her spine, and - shaky or not - Sarah started forward again, teeth bared for battle.

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Shifted from falcon to wolf, 1 vitae. 8 vitae, 4 willpower remaining
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Growls and snarls were met in kind as the massive albino beast staggered from the impact and visceral fury of Amber's onslaught.

With speed faster than Amber could have anticipated the huge beast spun around and clamped down hard upon her leg, yanking her off her feet and with a mighty sway of her neck threw her to the ground in front of her with an earth shattering gasp of escaped air from shattered ribs. with a savage fury she gored and clawed at the fallen Uratha warrior as sprays of blood and shredded organs filled the 'arena' in a grisly crimson mist.

Not all of it was Amber's, as she rended her foe so to did her foe rend her and primal growls and roars filled the night air.

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(Swara-Beast) Heals 1 Lethal!

(Swara-Beast) rolls 7d10 and gets 6,4,9,4,10,4,8.

(Swara-Beast) rolls 1d10 and gets 6.

3 Lethal to Amber. She is not knocked down and can act normally. The throwing her to the round was simply for effect.

Health: ****x ●●●●● ●●●●● ●●

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Amber remained crouched low, taking advantage of the position to bite and tear at the legs and lower body of the other female werewolf. Blood and foul entrails dripped around her head and splattered to her feet as she carved a litany of pain into her enemy's hide.

The pain of her wounds was nothing to the Rahu; the fog of glorious war burned such trivial considerations away.

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Amber's attack: 2 sux

1d10.open(10)=4, 1d10.open(10)=1, 1d10.open(10)=5, 1d10.open(10)=9, 1d10.open(10)=9, 1d10.open(10)=1

E: 9/10 | H: 0/9/0 (12) | WP: 3/3 | Second Round of Garou form

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Ariel was in the darkened sanctuary when the most bloodcurdling howl she'd ever heard rose up in the night. She grabbed onto the back of a pew with both hands and struggled with unexpectedly potent instincts that rose up, howling of battle in her muscle and blood and sinew. If Sarah was in the church, she was safe for now...the fight had started, and it wasn't happening here.

For one of the few times in her life since her First Change, Ariel let go and instead of throttling the wave of her werewolf self, rode on it instead. In a heartbeat she was a wolf...not much bigger than any wolf. She whirled around and galloped out of the sanctuary, out of the nave, into the night waiting outside. As she continued on, loping towards the sharp scent of blood that was now as clear to her as the sun at daytime, her wolf self swelled and grew to the size of a gorilla or small bear.

She wasn't going to hang back with her gun THIS time.

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Trepidation was in every padded step as Sarah moved in toward her prey: a creature that now outmassed her at least four to one. But one look at Amber valiantly going into battle with the monstrosity was what it took to put determination back into her unbeating heart.

It wasn't easy. Still shaken by the unearthly howl, Sarah knew she would need everything she could muster, every trick in her arsenal, to deal with this monstrosity. Fortunately, she actually had a few of those tricks, and one of them had been served by the past several seconds spent shifting and closing on Swara, seeing how she moved in battle. The benefits of that careful observation would now be one of the few and desperate edges on the Dead-Wolf's side.

With careful and calculated effort - and a desperate, silent wish to Luna for luck - the wolf dived in, biting the monster hard in an unguarded flank.

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Fighting Style: Tooth & Claw 1, reduces Swara's defence against Sarah by 1 for the scene.

Spending a willpower to bolster the bite attack.


(20:07:54) ChatBot: (Sarah_Dead-Wolf) rolls 4d10 and gets 10,9,7,3.

(20:07:59) ChatBot: (Sarah_Dead-Wolf) rolls 1d10 and gets 2.

2 Lethal

8 vitae, 3 willpower remaining

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With a violent swipe across Amber's muzzle with it's gigantic paw she was cast aside from the fight briefly rolling several feet away across damp, oil stained earth.

"Puny, dead thing!" Its voice arouse from nowhere, though lips that didn't move; just an echo of sound to be heard. Two spoke, a dark malice filled tone that demanded to be notice was overlapped upon soft, kind tones of a woman who seemed trapped in a small space, her voice echoing across the Shroud. "Be gone!"

With a jerk and a flex of iron hard muscle the Swara-Beast shook off Sarah and was upon her by the time she hit the earth with a wimper of pain. Her massive jaws sank deep into flesh and cracked bone into splinters. Rending the prey in her jaws she shook her head from side to side piling on even more sever injuries before letting her go and throwing her through the air where she smashed into the side of an old rusty van leaving a huge impact dent.

"All will perish! All shall suffer as I have suffered!" Figuring Sarah to be down and out the Swara-Beast turned to face Amber as the mighty Rahu was shaking "And now pathetic Uratha... you die!" A low growl rose up from her throat as she approached Amber as the hackles on her back rose up in preparation for a strike.

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(Swara-Beast) Heals 1 Lethal!

(Swara-Beast) rolls 6d10 and gets 7,9,10,7,9,10

(Swara-Beast) rolls 2d10 and gets 9,8

6 Lethal to Sarah. No permanent damage, but it sure as hell hurt.

Amber was just affected by the gift "Warning Growl". Swara's defense has increased by +2 against Amber's attacks.

Health: ****x x●●●● ●●●●● ●●

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Sarah had been through a lot in her short unlife, and in the brief life before it. She'd been battered and torn in a variety of ways that would have staggered the mind of even the most jaded E.R. physician. She'd survived things that nobody had any right to survive.

Even by that gauge, and even for lack of anything so horrid as burns or the touch of Protean claws, this was bad.

Broken limbs struggled for purchase, dead tissue betraying her will as severed muscled tried and failed to bring a body pushed to the breaking point back to its feet.

I'm no good to them like this, she rued, and there's no time to heal. Healing this mess - if one could truly call the vitae-based reconstruction process "healing" - would take less than a minute... but, she knew, real battles were won or lost in less than a minute, and the effort would leave her so weak for blood that she'd be a risk of a hunger frenzy. Even now, it was all she could do to keep her Beast from packing up and heading for the hills as fast as her body could drag itself.

The air. I can take to the air. See if maybe I can harry it and stay outta reach. Or at least keep track of the thing if it runs.

Vitae was pushed past bruised and broken bones to bring about the strange transformation, which began to take shape. Sarah's form began to shrink from wolf to bird... and that was when the critical error was exposed. The abuse that a wolf's body could bear was simply too much for that of a falcon. She'd asked too much of the flesh, and the flesh finally said, "No more."

Consciousness slipped away as did hoped-for wings, and Sarah - once more in her human form - collapsed unmoving and unseeing to the junk-strewn ground.

Click to reveal..
Shift in size pushed the damage over the edge, full of lethal and into agg, forcing her into torpor. On reversion to human form, she's got two Lethal left, but the torpor remains. Sarah's gone nighty-night for the next two weeks. Vitae is expended for healing, one per night, until she's fully healed, which will leave her with two vitae when she wakes (if nothing eats her or the sun fails to destroy her in the meantime).

And this, folks, is the fun part about characters not knowing the mechanics. smile

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Moss sprints up the alleyway and leaps the broken fence into the junkyard. Spotting Sarah lying broken on the ground near the massive albino Garou form and the blood coating Amber strengthend his resolve. Normally Moss wasn't much of a fighter, but he was certainly going to do all he could in this fight, even if it meant his own death.

Leaping at the albino he shifted into his own Garou form, tall and gaunt seeming it still possessed strength enough to equal any weightlifter. His long claws glinted briefly in the light as they ripped into the horrific parody of a true Uratha.

Click to reveal..

Claw attack

Str (Garou) 5 + Brawl 2 + 1 Claws speciality + 1 Claw bonus + 3 Willpower - 2 Defence - 1 Lethal Armour = 9 dice

(14:05:29) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 9d10 and gets 1,4,10,7,5,6,5,7,4.

(14:05:37) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 1d10 and gets 2.

= 1 sux!

10/11 Essence, 5/6 Willpower remaining

current Health = 0/12 taken

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Flesh and bone reknitted, flowing together like water on Amber's ravaged body. This process didn't slow the massive werewolf's attack on the other werewolf.

The ferocity of her opponant's growl threw the enthusiastic Uratha off however, and her next series of bites and claws failed to do as much damage as they should.

Click to reveal..
Amber's attack (-5 dice total): 0 sux

1d10=2, 1d10=2, 1d10=5, 1d10=5

Free action: spending Essence to heal

E: 8/10 | H: 0/10/0 (12) | WP: 3/3 | Second Round of Garou form

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Just then, galloping as fast as a horse, a massive reddish-colored wolf exploded from the thick underbrush and snapped at the monster Swara had become as she stampeded past! The new wolf's jaws tore a gash, but didn't catch and hold, forcing the gigantic wolf to skid to a stop on the loose topsoil, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Click to reveal.. (Attack roll)
Bite attack for 5 dice.

(10:58:16) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 5d10 and gets 7,10,2,6,2.

Popping 10.

(10:59:07) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 1d10 and gets 6.

1 success after defense and armor.

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Even with all her power the Swara-Beast backed up a few steps at the arrival of yet a fourth member of the assault team that had rallied to hunt her, but he step back was momentary. The Primal Form she'd chosen to assume made the Rage swell up within her and in a heart beat she was once again upon her enemies.

She let out a growl similar to she directed at Amber just moments before. No Moss cringed just slightly as the wave of a warning crept under his fur until he steeled himself finally and readied to receive the assault.

She was on him in a hurry, her jaws clamping down on the side of his neck, constricting his ability to breathe and rending flesh while threatening to snap bone. With a jerk she tore away, in a crimson spray, nearly the entire side of his neck exposing muscle organ and bone.

Click to reveal..

(Swara-Beast) Heals 1 Lethal!

Target - No-Moss

(Swara-Beast) rolls 6d10 and gets 10,10,4,8,3,6,1

(Swara-Beast) rolls 2d10 and 7,5,

3 Lethal to No-Moss. Swara-Beast attempted a warning grown on No-Moss, but was unsuccessful.

Health: ****x xx●●●● ●●●●● ●●

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Moss gave a howl of pain as she tore away, but gritting his teeth he used the momentum she gave him to spin around, clawing her as he did so. The trademark long claws of the Bone Shadows caught in her fur and ripped long furrows through the muscles of her back exposing the spine to the night air.

Click to reveal..

Burn an Essence to Heal 1 Lethal

Garou Str 5 + brawl 2 + Claw bonus 1 + Claws Speciality 1 - 2 Defence - 1 Armour + Willpower 3 = 9 dice

(21:07:59) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 9d10 and gets 8,10,5,4,10,2,6,5,7.

(21:08:05) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 2d10 and gets 8,8.

= 5 sux/Lethal!!!

Health Taken = 2/12, Willpower 4/6, 2nd Turn of Garou

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Moss' ferocious attack called to Amber's own rage, and she put extra effort into her attempt to attack the pissed Swara Ann. Her teeth sunk deeply into the werewolf's thigh, ripping fur and flesh and releasing another gout of blood.

This is what she was born to do - though some part of her sorrowed to be doing it on a spiritual member of her family.

Click to reveal..
Amber's attack (-5 dice total): 5 sux, 5 lethal on bite attack

1d10=3, 1d10=9, 1d10=5, 1d10=2, 1d10=10, 1d10=8, 1d10=3, 1d10=8, 1d10=4



Free action: spending Essence to heal

Free action: burning a WP on the attack - can't have the Itheaur showing the Rahu up wink

E: 7/10 | H: 0/11/0 (12) | WP: 2/3 | Third Round of Garou form

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Ariel whirled and assessed the situation. What she saw startled her. Amber's brutal attack had clearly nearly dropped the beast that Swara had become. In her awkward, instinctive version of First Tongue she barked, She's almost dead!

When she lunged forward, instead of going for Swara's vitals or neck, she tried to latch her jaws onto one of the larger were-thing's arms, to grapple her and bring her down without squeezing the last drop of life from her body.

(Int + Medicine to get an idea of Swara's physical status: 2 succ)

(14:28:20) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 4d10 and gets 4,3,3,10.

(14:28:30) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 1d10 and gets 9.

(Str+Brawl-Defense of 2 = 5 dice: 3 successes)

(07:27:10) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 5d10 and gets 1,8,10,7,10.

(07:27:17) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 2d10 and gets 4,4.

(07:28:51) ChatBot: (Max) rolls 3d10 and gets 1,6,1. (This is the Will Point)

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Very slowly the wounds covering her body began to mend, despite the vicious attacks she just suffered from the combined efforts of the Rahu and Itheaur.

Her resolve faltered, her opponents could tell by the low growl in her voice that the sudden realization that she was outmatched had arrived in the deep, black pit of her instinctual soul.

As Ariel clamped down on her fore leg in an attempt to drag her down. Swara-Beast rolled with the momentum of the take down and completely bowled over Ariel with the majority of her bulk before springing to her feet and starting to dash as swiftly as possible out of the junkyard.

Even in her injured state her speed was inhuman, even more so than the other werewolves present could have imagined. The truth was, Swara was fast. Before any had a moment to react she was already over the large fence via a mighty leap from the roof of two cars stacked atop each other.

Click to reveal..

Grapple attempt failed. Swara has fled the scene, the PCs may give chase if they like but for all intents and purposes combat has concluded.

(Swara-Beast) Heals 1 Lethal! (Natural Regen)

(Swara-Beast) Heals 1 Lethal! (Essence Expenditure)

Health: ****x xxxxx xxxx● ●●

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Fuck the bitch is getting away!

Leaping to the top of the same two cars as Swara had left by Moss burns Essence to return to the form of a normal wolf, the better to pass less noticed in the public areas he was entering.

With a sniff and a lick at the plentiful blood she had left behind, he leapt down and followed her trail as quickly as he could, growling back at the others as he went.

*We finish her now. Too powerful spirit to heal her*

Click to reveal..

Burn essence for shapeshift

Tracking roll = Wits 2 + Survival 2 + 2 for Wolf form = 6dice

(20:32:37) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 6d10 and gets 9,5,10,10,1,9.

(20:33:37) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 2d10 and gets 6,3.

4 sux

+4 dice bonus for tasting her blood

(20:35:14) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 2d10 and gets 1,8.

(20:38:03) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 2d10 and gets 4,1.

+1 sux = 5 sux

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Amber released her rage, and her body shrank to the default human. She knelt for a second until Moss's growl caught her ears. Frowning, she looked at Ariel. "What'd he say?"

The other werewolf relayed the message in First Tongue. "Shit! Go after him, don't let him engage her alone. In fact, don't let him engage her at all!" Amber ordered. Moss's willingness to work outside the boundaries of the pack would be dealt with later. "I'll be right behind you, but I need to get Sarah under some cover in case we can't get back before dawn."

Trusting that Ariel would do as she asked, Amber picked up her former cousin's limp, torn form and staggered over to a stack of wrecked cars. Quickly poking around, she found one with a trunk that didn't appear to be rusted out. It took her several minutes to get the trunk open with some improvised tools she found. She dumped Sarah inside and slammed the lid, making sure it would remain closed. Satisfied that she'd done what she could, she shifted to the wolf.

The Urhan-shaped Uratha paused and hunched down next to the stack of cars with her cousin. A quick burst of urine guaranteed she'd be able to find the stack again, and then Amber was up and running after her packmates, hoping she wasn't too late.

Yes, she'd been trying to kill Swara Ann. She knew that, and was only slightly mollified that she'd started by attempting to defend herself. But when she was in the Garou form, all she'd wanted was to kill the Enemy, whatever that was. But that wasn't acceptable, not for a Daughter of the Moon. As she found the scent of her packmates and started to follow them, she hoped that she'd be able to rectify that mistake before it was uncorrectable.

Click to reveal.. (OOC Mechanics)
Amber's Larceny to open the trunk: 4 sux

(15:25:40) ChatBot: (Amber) rolls 5d10 and gets 8,7,3,10,10.

(15:25:49) ChatBot: (Amber) rolls 2d10 and gets 4,9.

I assume that 4 sux is sufficient for a trunk lock; if not let me know. I'll do the rolls until she succeeds or totally fails, and edit as needed.

Amber's Tracking (see numbers* below): 2 sux, enough to follow

(15:43:39) ChatBot: (Amber) rolls 13d10 and gets 1,2,3,10,2,8,7,5,2,4,6,1,5.

(15:44:23) ChatBot: (Amber) rolls 1d10 and gets 4.

*Wits 3, Survival 2, Urhan Perc bonus +4, Taste of Prey bonus +4 = 13 dice

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Ariel paused to look at Amber, head tilting to one side and ears perking forward in an expression of canine attention-paying that might have been comically cute, had it not been on a canine the size of a compact car.

She then bobbed her head in an approximation of a human 'yes' gesture, and bounded off after Moss. She knew very well how fast werewolves healed. It wouldn't necessarily take much for Swara to recover her confidence, wheel around and rip Moss from nose to tail.

It wasn't long at all...a few seconds really...before she found Moss snuffling along, trying to track the fleeing Broken werewolf as fast as he possibly could.

Wait, Ariel advised him in First Tongue, trotting around in front of him. Amber will come. Then we hunt.

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"There's a hole in the middle of her chest,

There's a hole in the middle of her chest,

There's a hole in the middle

There's a hole in the middle

There's a hole in the middle of her chest."

Amber - all of five years old and the favored of the Wren clan children - had started the song, and all the other children had joined in. She had done so after turning into something big and hairy and almost the size of an adult, and shoving the sharpened stick right into the heart of her little cousin Sarah, who found herself pinned to a tree at the edge of the clearing. Amber wasn't big and furry anymore, but the song was working on Sarah's last nerve.

"When I get unstuck from here, you're in trouble!" she called out, her voice only slightly distorted by the fangs in her little mouth.

"Shut up!" Amber shouted back. "You're staked, so you're not allowed to talk!"

Sarah growled silently to herself as the children giggled and then dived into another verse of the song:

"There's a stake in the hole in the middle of her chest

There's a stake in the hole in the middle of her chest..."

Torpor dreams, Sarah was to learn, need only the thinnest of connections to anything resembling reality to be a well and true bitch.

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She caught up to her two pseudo-packmates. In Urhan, she found them quickly. She'd been thinking; one consideration she'd had briefly was to leave this alone until Sarah was up. This was Sarah's quest. But she quickly discarded that Swara Ann was killing humans and needed to be stopped.

Time to hunt, she growled, jogging past them and putting her nose down. Find her scent. Her golden eyes flickered to the two of them. Plan stay. No killing until her teeth in our throat.

They would find her and run her to ground again. And again, and again, if necessary. Whatever it took to take out the maneater. With luck, they could get her healed. Amber wasn't sure they could manage that, but she'd try.

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Moss gave a wolfish shrug and got back on with tracking the possessed Uratha.

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Track by scent

Wits 2 + Survival 2 + 4 Wolf form + 4 Taste of blood = 12 dice

(18:43:11) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 12d10 and gets 8,8,9,10,10,9,8,2,1,3,1,6.

(18:43:23) ChatBot: (Moss) rolls 2d10 and gets 2,6.

= 7 sux smile

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