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Warhammer: Shadows of Empire - Well Met in Untergard

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The Dwarf, Grombar had left early. He said he was going to go to the ruins of the old smithy to hammer the dents out of his armor. By the look of him last night, he would be gone a while.

The Innkeeper had provived room and board (free this time), cooked a filling breakfast and then headed out with a wheelbarrow into the nearby woods to gather apples. The stable boy was tending their horses and thier tac. Once more, the militia stood at the bridge.

At sunrise, Hans and one other had gone over the blood-soaked bridge to scout out the east wood to be sure that the Warherd was definitly gone. Schiller could be seen across the platz at the warehouse, his bandages from his many wounds visible.

The sun had risen strong and warm. Spring was definitely here. Peasents had headed out around sunrise to start planting their fields and the burghers had begun affecting repairs to their businesses.

The heroes had a chance to sit down and take it easy. Their wounds itched, and their poultices stank, but that probably meant the wounds of the past day were healing. Now was a chance to sit back and talk with the people they had risked so much with. Maybe they could even make new friends.

[Have fun you guys. Post away.]

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He was sitting in the morning sun outside the inn, enjoying the warmth as he patched his shapeless leather hat. The Beastman arrow had gone right through it, and Diarmuir cursed softly as he pulled tight the twine, knotted it, and cut it free. That dealt with, he turned his attention to his cloak.

The bounty hunter sat crosslegged, his lethal blackened steel crossbow next to him within easy reach. He was dressed in well-made but plain clothing: linen-lined brown leather pants, a white drawstring shirt, and a sleeveless brown leather jerkin open at the front. His knife-belt was laying on his other side, the hilts of his daggers also within easy reach. Now and then as he worked he would cast a glance around him, alert as always to his surroundings. Part of that was habit, but another part was the leather sack that he had his back comfortably propped against, inside which was the brass head of Baa-Raak Bloodhorn, a prize worth a hundred gold crowns when he delivered it to Talabheim. Until then, the mismatched eyes of the deadly Human would remain wary.

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As was his want Wolfgang was up with the dawn, despite the bandages on his head, arm and leg he left the Inn and began a patrol of the town, on both sides of the bridge.

Strangely he felt closer to Ulric in the aftermath of this minor battle in a small out of the way town than any of the greater battles he had taken part in over the years, and so he felt the need to be outside. Nodding and waving to the farmers as they set out on their own work for the day he checked the ruined buildings, making sure that none of the beastman had stayed behind.

Returning to the occupied side he checked on the wakefulness of the guards and checked when they were due to be changed before calling to pay his respects to the Captain and to check on his wounds.

Click to reveal..

If he hasn't already done so he will give the Captain a heal Blessing.

(01:25:13) ChatBot: (Wolfgang) rolls 2d10 and gets 5,6.

Giving him one Wound back smile

Coming back to the Inn for breakfast he encounters Diarmuir leaving the building with a plate for of breakfast. Nodding to the bounty hunter Wolfgang went inside and grabbed a large plateful himself before returning to an outside table. He sits in silence while he eats, letting anyone else come and go as they wish while he ponders the battle and his new awareness and connection to his god.

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Mikhail rose when he woke, no effort was made to awake early, nor any to sleep late. He left his bow and the mighty axe Anastasia behind as he went down to the common room. Once more he provided drink that would not twist the tongue of those who imbibed it and once more he took a plate of food that would have fed three and made short work of it. His massive frame, over six feet tall, and broad at the shoulders, was all the more impressive without his Wolf helm and cloak. He was dressed in only simple leathers with a braided headband of green and brown holding back his long wheaten hair.

He set down the large stein that the inn keeper had found for him. He looked at Wolfgang, bandages covering his wounds. Mikhail sniffed, "You stink my friend. I think perhaps you are more poultice than man now!" He laughed and rose, "Another mead?"

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Nayobee was actually smiling as she left the building to join her companions outside. Untergard proved to be the hardest challenge yet and she was grateful that the God of War and Murder had chosen to bless her with the honor of fighting here. Unlike the others she had taken time to clean her armour of any unwanted stains and work it back to pristine condition. She was ready to fight and leave again any second – just the way she liked it.

“I need to thank you and apologize, Mikhail. You have not failed me.”, there wasn’t much she added to that and it was likely that she would never go further then just admitting it. ‘I’m sorry’ wasn’t part of her vocabulary. Craning her head a little to catch Diarmuir’s eyes she extended a gloved hand to him in a gesture that was more Human than Elvish. “Good fight and quick thinking, Diarmuir. A rare quality amongst Humans.”, that must’ve been something like a compliment although her face didn’t give much clue about it.

She sat down next to Mikhail and took the offered Mead with a smirk. Today was a good day.

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Diarmuir leaned forwards, wincing a little as the stitches in his shoulder pulled a little, but his gaze was steady as it met Nayobee's and he clasped her wrist firmly. "Thank you." he said as he leaned back. "I like to consider myself a rare Human." There was maybe a flash of dark humor in his odd eyes as he leaned back and started to scrub bloodstains from his armor, but his handsome face was deadpan as he glanced at the other two adventurers, then back to the Elf. "We all fought well. That kind of battle is not my preference, though." The edge of his mouth curved slightly in a smile. "I don't like my enemies to see me coming. Or, for that matter, even know that they're my enemy if at all possible."

He grinned a little before settling back against the large sack behind him and beginning to stitch the holes in his armor.

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Wolfgang shook his aching head with a smile as he replied to Mikhail "Aye my friend, right on both counts. but it seems that what we have done has proven of interest to the Lord of Winter and he has granted me further powers to pursue his interests. So now I have a headache for two reasons. [lifting his fresh pint of mead] Lets make it three!"

In the face of Nayobee's happy mood he simply says "Nayobee, I'm glad you were here and that this little skirmish was enough to brighten your mood."

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Seeing the bloody sack still being dragged around by Diarmuir Wolfgang barked a half-laugh as he pointed his bacon laden fork at it, "You have no need to carry that stinking then around with you my friend, no one at Talbheim will be allowed to question my word of your bounty claims validity. You have my word as a priest that you will get the money you deserve, even if I end up beating it out of some bureaucratic nonce myself."

The around a mouthful of bacon and eggs, with an obviously mock serious look he continues, "Though as the man who did actually kill him I could object.."

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Diarmuir fixed the priest with a calculating gaze that stretched on for a long moment, then shrugged. "If you wish, you can take a share to tithe to the temple." He looked at the other two and considered for a moment before smiling slightly. "We could even split the bounty 4 ways, since we all played our part in sending the son of a whore to his dark masters. Let it not be said that I am unfair. But I stalked this bastard, killed his Chaos-shagging Shaman, and broke a number of bolts on his thick skin, so I'll be damned if I get nothing for my wounds and troubles."

He paused in his stitching to pick up a piece of bacon and pop it into his mouth before going back to work.

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Originally Posted By: Nayobee
“I need to thank you and apologize, Mikhail. You have not failed me.”She sat down next to Mikhail and took the offered Mead with a smirk. Today was a good day.

Mikhail choked on his mead and sputtered, coughing as he tried to clear his breathing. He turns to the other men, "Did I hear correctly or did Nayobee actually say something nice??"
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"I'd only take what I need for living. I'm no bounty hunter and I could care less about money.", Nayobee said without turning to face Diarmuir.

"I understand your preferences though. I'm not fond of a direct assault myself but we were running out of options. In the end we prevailed and history is written by the victorious.", the elven maid was enjoying that part obviously. The fight, even though their lives were at stake put her in a very good mood.

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Wolfgang finished his mouthful and washed it down with more mead before replying, "Nay Diarmuir, I have no wish of the bounty in particular. I need only my travelling expenses and enough to cover repair and upkeep of my weapons and armour. 5 crowns would more than cover it I'm thinking. The rest you can share with mikhail here and Grombar for all I care."

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"True." Diarmuir allowed, happy at the thought of more gold for his troubles. He smiled faintly. "I'm just happy to be alive and wealthier than when I started. Of course, fed and rested is good too." He finished with his armor and relaxed, setting it aside and picking up a mug of mead.

"So where are you all bound from here? I was headed to Talabheim, but I'll be taking the River Road to Alhenhof to drop off this head." He gestured at the sack with one thumb. "I'm not so enamored of this filth I want to lug him all the way to Talabheim."

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Mikhail grunts, "I will welcome the gold." He listens as Diarmuir lays out his plan. "I think we had all planned to visit Talabheim but given that we need to stay together until that rotting head can be traded for gold it would appear that we will become traveling companions as well."

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“And what can we expect in Talabheim, Wolfgang? I won’t enlist in your army although I’m available for hire. Maybe I’m more of a bounty hunter than I thought?”, she shrugged and took a slice of bread and some ham.

“This ‘skirmish’ as you described it is just a shadow of what to come. We have the enemies attention now – this was no coincidence.”, the way she said it made clear that she was not reluctant to face the consequences. Actually she was looking forward to it. “I don’t think our paths will part any time soon.”

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"Well, I'm not going to Talbheim for hte army. I suspect my reasons are similar to Mikhail's. The church has sent too many of it's priests out into the war and now they find they are short of what they need to maintain the Temple there. I am to help at the Temple, both with it's protection and perhaps with the teaching."

Wolfgang shrugs to the others, "As to what you do there, it's up to you. Although if its bounty work you want I'm sure the Church could probably find you something for a little while."

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"Sounds good to me." Diarmuir shrugged as he drained his mug of mead. The warming brew soothed the itch of his wounds and improved the scoundrel's mood, that much was obvious. "I'm no damn soldier, and if I never see another siege I'll be happy." He took out a long clay pipe and tamped a little aromatic pipeweed into it. He grumbled under his breath as he started to get to his feet. "Of course, the gods won't grant me that happiness, so I'll just have to make the best of whatever awaits in Talabheim. 'Scuse me: I'm going to get a light for my pipe."

He moved without a noise into the tavern, heading for the cookfire.

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"I suppose we shouldn't waste much time here in Untergard then. I'm ready to leave for Talabheim, just tell me when you are.", Nayobee looked at the more severly injured men.

"Is that Dwarf coming with us? If yes we should give him a day headstart at least.", it was another attempt of making a joke of hers that didn't quite deliver. Maybe it was the way she spoke or simply the fact that her face didn't even change for a second to show any emotional indication of trying to be funny.

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Wolfgang runs a practised eye over his own wounds, "I should be fine to travel the day after tomorrow, and I guess the rest of you will be about the same. So perhaps we should try to relax in between getting our gear ready for the trip and be ready for an early start in two days time?"

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Wolfgang nods, "Aye, but sometimes a gesture is all that is required to turn the tide and determine the fate of a battle, but you have to be prepared to face the consequences if it fails."

Having finished his breakfast Wolfgang stands and says, "Well if we have decided to leave in a day or two I will go and warn the Dwarf, he may wish to travel with us as well. And then I think I'll see what ingredients I can gather for the trek."

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