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Aberrant: 200X - Enhancement Proposal: Performance Prodigy


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So this character I have here is a flutist, and I was looking at the Voice to help him play the flute. No such luck. How about this?

Performance Prodigy(substitute for a better name if you like): Any musical instrument you pick up is played like a chorus of angels is accompanying it. Make a Charisma roll: for every success, you can add another die to the perform roll.

Sound groovy?

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Sounds like Bardic Gift from Aberrant Compendium by SProcket over on the EON site.

Bardic Gift

Many novas in the performing arts have amazed people worldwide with their works of superhuman virtuosity. A nova with this enhancement has a flair for the performing arts that’s simply incredible.

System: The nova gains + [the nova’s Mega-Charisma] automatic successes on all Social rolls involving the performing arts (music, singing, dance, acting, etc.) The nova may also make a Charisma roll to have her performance evoke any emotions she desires in her audience through sheer artistic merit. This is not direct manipulation, like the Emotion Manipulation power – it works through the same psychological inputs that baseline performers have used for centuries. This enhancement costs 1 quantum point to activate, and lasts for the duration of the performance. Any emotions evoked by the nova’s performance will remain with the audience for a while afterwards, just like the effects of any other good performance.

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p175. The Voice

The player of a nova with The Voice may apply her Mega-Manipulation bonus dice to any Arts (Singing) or Perform (Singing) rolls she makes.

Voice only provides Mega-Manip bonus dice. I'd much rather have the new enhancement as it is written than The Voice. This proposed prodigy enhancement is a better numerical result.

As a singer I'd rather roll perform using this new prodigy and Mega Charisma and get a potential 6 die to my perform than 1 die for my dot of mega Manip. Big numerical difference.

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I'm good either way. However, if we do decide to allow the new enhancement for singing, and I don't see why we could not. I would also say that you obviously should not be able to do both Prodigy and The Voice at the same time. Cause that would just be broke. smile

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That would be fine with me. I do think singing and instruments should be purchased separately.

And for those who were not in chat just now. One of the reasons I propose having the enhancement work for singing is that until now the only way to go if you wanted to be a singer was Manip to get The Voice, but with this enhancement it would be possible to ignore Manip altogether and go straight Charisma. Some folks might not have any desire to be manipulative after all.

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