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Mutants & Masterminds: Future Imperfect - Fiction: Old Friends, New Friends [Complete]

z-May Allman

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Two months before start of game...

They didn’t get many days off anymore. That’s what was making this one extra special; it was a chance to kick back and indulge in a hobby. The question of which hobby was being hotly contested, but Ronnie wasn't involved; she had kicked her feet up at the outdoor café and was enjoying a green tea latte and smoking a fat Cuban. This was actually what she truly enjoyed doing, so she was happy enough to let the argument rage while she drank and smoke and watched people walking back and forth.

She still wished she’d gotten to go to LA, but Vegas wasn’t bad either. This city had enough pretty people to make watching enjoyable, with fat tourists and other freaks thrown in for variety. Grinning, she drew another drag on her stogie and watched one particularly nice ass clad in khaki pants pace as its owner talked on the phone. Idly, her eyes drifted up as he turned, giving her his profile.

She choked on the sweet smoke in her lungs, coughing violently. He was far enough away that he didn’t notice her hacking, thankfully, and she carefully studied him through her shades.

It took a moment for the Others to realize that something more interesting than their squabble was happening. Is that…? Celeste asked, her sultry voice the first to arise out of the morass of noise.

Looks like it, Ronnie said, narrowing her eyes at him critically.

So what’s the plan? Lena asked after a moment.

Let’s get to the car and change. Then someone’s going to go talk to him.


The blond walked easily up the sidewalk, hurrying without seeming to be in any haste. She relaxed when she saw the man ahead, just hanging up his phone and looking frustrated. She tossed her sun-bleached hair over her tanned shoulder, made sure that her sundress was straight, put on a dazzling smile and walked forward. “Pardon me,” she said to her target, squaring her shoulders as he looked at her. “But do you have the time?”

“Yeah,” he said, looking at his phone. “It’s 3:22.”

“Thanks,” she said, but let herself pause and frown a little. “Do… I’m sorry, but this is so corny-sounding. Do I know you?”

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Travis repressed a smirk and looked the woman up and down. He shoved the phone to his pants pocket and shook his head, "Sorry you don't look familiar." His mind is elsewhere, trying to determine his next best move with the limited information he has. After a moment he realizes that the woman is still standing there and staring at him. "Umm, should I know you? Do you know me?"

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Well, he's about as swift as Trav was, Celeste remarked drily.

Talk to him, not us.

"You seem so familiar," Celeste said, frowning a little harder. "Wait, you're friends with Ronnie, aren't you?"

Wha- Girl? What are you doing?

Dangling a line. Shut up and let me talk.

"See, I'm sure I saw you with her. Not recently, though." Celeste frowned. "Your name is Travis, right?"

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"Umm, that's my name yes, but ... uhh," Travis was caught off guard completely, this woman knew his name and claimed to have known him via somebody else. It was just the sort of blind luck, twist of fate connection he needed. "Listen, I think maybe we should get a drink and sit down." He looked around, "Do you take coffee in this heat?"

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We're in! If only he were literally in us! Lena crowed.

Hush, Ronnie snapped. Now's not the time.

"Sure, I don't mind a cup. I can always get it iced, too," Celeste said easily, heading toward the coffee shop. "It's been ages since I've seen you; how have you been? Do you and Ronnie not hang out anymore?"

She reached into her purse casually and brushed her finger over her gun, just to make sure she had it. Unfortunately, her concealed carry permit was in Nana's name, so she was going to have to be careful with it.

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Travis scanned the menu trying to recall which things he hadn't tried. He'd found coffee to be rather unpalettable to his tongue. His chai arrived and they took a table near the back of the place in the corner below an AC vent. Travis sighed as the cool air washed over and refreshed him. "Listen, umm?"


"Oh, umm ok, Celeste, are you sure you know me? Cause you see I have what the doctors call retrograde amnesia, I can't recall anything from my past." He takes a sip of the chai and smiles. "I literally have no memory past a month ago. I don't know who this Ronnie is or when the last time I saw her was," he looks into her eyes, "But please, if you can help me at all ... well you don't even know how much it would mean to me."

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The admission from her old comrade was a surprise, and Celeste's face showed it for a second. Her blue-green eyes studied him for a moment, while a conversation raced in her head.

Amnesia? That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard, Lena growled.

It would explain a lot, Celeste said.

Ronnie said, He's supposed to be dead. She sounded guilt-ridden and horrified. It was so out of character for her that the other were momentarily silent.

Clearly he's not, Lena rejoined, the first to recover.

I wouldn't have left him, if I'd known he'd been alive. Ronnie's voice was fragile with near-tears - tears that were threatening Celeste's eyes.

"Damn it. Sorry, allergies," she mumbled, grabbing a napkin and dabbing at her eyes. She got things under control and smiled as she took a sip of her own beverage, a short, bracing mug of expresso. "Now, um... I don't know much about you. Ronnie and I are... well, we were closer in college. We only see each other once in a while. You'll probably have to talk to her; I only really recognized your face."

We have to be sure we can trust him, first, Lena said. I don't fancy being in jail because of your guilt, Ron.

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Travis looked crestfallen, "Oh, ok. Thanks. I don't suppose you have Ronnie's number? Or umm, e-mail? I really need to talk to somebody who knew me before. Its like, its like I can't even tell what's real and what's not. I mean, I had an ID on me when I woke up, I've been following that back but it doesn't lead to people. A condo, a closet full of clothing, bank accounts. It's ..." he looked at her expression and frowned. "It's a little hard to explain."

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"Yeah, I do," Celeste said, digging in her purse for a pen. Taking a napkin, she wrote down the number that Ronnie used for her business. "I think she's in town for a few days. You'll need to check with her, though. She comes and goes like the wind, like a cat."

Overdoing it much? Ronnie asked, still sounding shaky.

Hush, I'm just your blond bimbo friend.

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"Thank you so much. Really, this means a great deal to me." Travis smiled and put the napkin to his wallet, his brand new wallet that was all but empty. "I umm, I have a question. Do you know if," Travis blushed a little, "Do you know if Ronnie and I were ... you know, intimate?" Re gretted asking as soon as the last words slipped out, but despite the embarassment he didn't retract the question.

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Travis nodded and turned a little more red, "Umm no, nothing else, thanks. I uh ... thank you again, really." Travis shook Celeste's hand and watched as she left. "Brilliant," he muttered to himself after she had gone. Shaking his head he sat back down and pulled out his phone and retrieved the napkin from his wallet and set to dialing the number he'd been given. Here's hoping.

After the second ring a woman's voice answered. "Hello," Travis said, "My name is Travis Kincaid, I'm looking for Ronnie ..."

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"Crap," Celeste muttered as she heard the phone in the car ringing. "Didn't waste any time, didja?"

He never did. Giggidy! Lena giggled.

Celeste ducked into the car, but it was Ronnie who picked up the phone. "Hello?" she asked, feeling Celeste's sundress attempt to stretch across her wider form.

"Hello. My name is Travis Kincaid, I'm looking for Ronnie."

"You found her, but you're supposed to be dead, Travis," Ronnie said, pressing her phone between her ear and her shoulder so that she could try to get the dress unzipped. She rather enjoyed breathing.

She heard a whistle as the zipper came down, and she spun, her purple hair flying as she saw a college-aged kid staring. He got the finger as she added, "We should talk. Where are you?"

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Originally Posted By: May Allman
"You found her, but you're supposed to be dead, Travis," Ronnie said.

Those words echoed in Travis' ears. You're supposed to be dead. He made a choking sound as chai found its way into the wrong anotomical pipe. Supposed to be dead. Travis coughed it clear and set down the cup. "What did you say?" Dead. "Do you know who I am? Do you know why I can't remember my past?"
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"Ah, good ole anmesia," Ronnie said. The kid had started to make gestures that indicated he'd taken her gesture wrong, so she said, "Hang on."

Putting down the phone, she got out of the car, meaning her six foot frame was displayed to its fullest. "Fuck off before I break your cock off!" she shouted at him. He ran, and she got back in the car and snatched up the phone. "Sorry about that. Kids today, you know? Anyhow, we should meet, and not via phone. Where are you?"

Without waiting, she began to shimmy into her pants.

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Travis blubbered. It was neither dignified nor particularly intelligent but for a moment he simply couldn't form a coherant thought let alone words and sentances. Finaly he said, "I'm just about to head back to my condo, you know where that is right?" He was testing her in the least sophisticated way, it was damn near insulting but he didn't care. "Meet me there in fifteen minutes."

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"No," she said, sounding irritated, "I don't know where your fucking condo is. We were partners, not lovers. How about some directions?" She buttoned her pants and went to work on wigging on the tanktop, getting the sundress over her head while not flashing her bra, and not dropping the phone.

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Travis smiled, "All buisiness then, fine." He gave her the address as he walked out of the coffee bar and headed home, it was barely a block away and despite the heat of the late "autumn" he walked briskly back.

Less than fifteen minutes later his door was knocked on. He went and peered out, "Hello, who's there?" The woman outside the door was tall, taller than he was and had purple hair. OK, not what I was expecting at first but it makes sense based on the phone call.

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Ronnie stepped inside and glanced around. "Nice digs," she said. "I always thought you decorated in car explosions and naked women, but I can handle this." She walked into the room, dropping the leather jacket she'd brought for when the sun set and things got cold. She selected a spot on the couch and sat down, crossing her legs. The point of her boot bounced as she said, "So, I guess you want me to start. Or did you have specific questions?"

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Travis smirked, "I have freaking total retrograde amnesia, if you know it I probably don't. Heck I didn't even know my own damned name at first. So start where you see fit and don't stop until its none of my damned buisiness."

Travis felt a little weird just coming right out like that but it also felt very natural like it was the way he would have responded to the woman. She took a moment and then laid it out, everything she said she knew about him, their partnership in a black bag group, the mission where she thought he died, and the fact that he was a mutant.

"Mutant ... that explains the weird shit that's been going on. OK, so ... what the fuck do I do now?"

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Travis nodded, "Though I don't know if people are looking for me. Worse than that though, I feel like something is missing. Every damn PI and web search and every comes up too clean my past is so perfectly severed that it feels fake. Like I'm living the cover for some other identity. You don't know anything about that do you?"

She shook her head, "They don't let us compare notes like that."

"Fuck, figures." Travis went to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of beers. He gave a sharp whistle and tossed one to Ronnie. "Let me ask you, is what you do, what WE did, is it worth it? Should I even bother to go back or should I take this chance and run with it?"

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Ronnie sighed as she caught the beer. This was a question she always had trouble with, and not just because it was truly only something that someone could answer for themselves. It was because the Others were pretty evenly split themselves. Rebecca Lee and Nana hated the work, Barbara tolerated it, etc and so on.

"Look, I like the work. I know others that don't," Ronnie said, holding her beer until it settled. "I can remind you of what it's about, but I can't tell you that you're going to enjoy it. You did once. But... well, Travis, you're different now. That's part of what convinced me to trust you enough to see you: your reaction on the phone. This isn't a cunning ploy to trap me, or at least, I hope not. Cause, I'll break ya for trying."

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Travis smirked and unconsiously extended a bit of his will, the fliptop of the beer bottle jumped off and the beer began to foam up into the neck. He stares, "Umm, sorry. I've been using it kinda instinctively. It's like, I can remember everything I used to be able to do with perfect clarity, I just need to think about it for a second. But with the TK it just happens, I've been so freaked out I haven't really even tried using it."

He walked back into the living room and flopped onto the couch, a cork of kinetic energy kept the beer in the bottle until he was settled. I'm not sure how different I really am, I'm just confused and I really want to get my damn life back.

"I suppose the question is, would it be safe for me to return even if I wanted?" He took a pull from the beer and looked at Ronnie, "I mean you say I was presumed dead for like a year and a half or something. I can't remember shit during anything before a month ago. Seems to me that the powers that be may not take kindly to that."

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"Nope," Ronnie answered, holding the foaming bottle away from herself. She didn't mind bubbling brew; it was his carpet that he was risking anyway. "They probably won't like it. Some may buy the amnesia bit. Most will kill you on the off chance it isn't real." She shrugged. "Honestly, you should probably hunker down and find a 'reason' you went underground, something better than amnesia. Solve a major problem, come back a rogue hero.

"Or," she added, glancing at him meaningfully, "you can dig up dirt on someone important, and blackmail your way back in. I don't need to tell you that's dangerous."

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Travis chuckled, "Yeah, because I've got so much dirt!" He noticed that she wasn't sucking the foam up, "Party foul, that's alcohol abuse man, don't make me get out the shots ..." He shook his head then looked at Ronnie, "Its like little bits sometime float up and into my head when I least expect it."

He sighed, "Listen, I don't expect you to help me out. I can hope you will, but I don't even know if I have the right to do that. I need to find out who I was, before I was Travis I mean. Maybe that means going back to the company, but like you say, without something good I'd be risking my ass. I rather like my ass. So if you are willing I'd like you help in finding my way back in, for better or for worse."

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"Sure, I can help your ass," Ronnie said, grinning a little. She ignored the bit about party fouling - she hadn't asked him to open it, and she wasn't going to lunge to wrap her lips around the neck of a beer bottle. She might get it on herself, which wouldn't be cool. "I'll start hunting around for stuff, keeping my ears to the ground. But just remember: someone knows you're out there. You're back in your place, using your money. I'm betting that they know that you've been in contact with me. You need to start being careful yesterday."

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Travis scowled as the beer continued foaming out of the bottle. He looked into the kitchen and without really understanding it the dish towel leapt into the air and flew towards him. He directed it down onto the carpet beneath the beer. "Well unless I decide to run its a little late for that I think. Fact is that I've been active for a month, there's no coving it up so why cry over spilt milk right? But ... knowing to expect that, I, we?, can turn this situation around to our advantage." Travis laid out his idea slowly, as though he was having to stop and consider each bit separately. Together they worked out a plan, if somebody came looking for him, they'd be ready and waiting.

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