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Battlestar Valkyrie: Operation Bifrost - Episode 1 - En Garde

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Episode 1 – En Garde

Battlestar Valkyrie, Armistice Line 1 Week later

After some initial turmoil and confusion the crews of the Fleet managed to coordinate their efforts and clean up the mess that was left after the explosion of the Colonial Heavy 3255. The damage done to the Herakeles was annoying and left the vessel still drifting in space without functional sublight drives. The armorplating around the dockingarea was completely destroyed but saved the ships hull integrity else it would have gone the same path the Colonial Heavy went. The crews were doing overtime to get the ship back to working condition but have failed to repair the drives yet.

Captain Callisto’s damage report was frustrating considering the circumstances. There was no attack and yet 2 Raptors had been destroyed with their crew KIA and 5 Vipers had been damaged during standard landing procedures on board the Valkyrie. It was evident that the crew was virtually new and fresh out of the academys or basic trainings. Most Deckhands signed up for a year or two to bridge the time before they went to University only a small amount of crewmembers were actually ‘professionals’. The former Crew had almost completely transferred to Cmd. Adamas new command the BS Galactica.

Investigation of the wreck has left no doubt that sabotage was involved and quickly the rumors had spread that the SLF (Sagittaron Liberation Front) was responsible for the explosion. Without a proper crew list it was nearly impossible to determine who was missing and who wasn’t supposed to be on board the Gemenon Traveller or the Colonial Heavies. Admiral Kerrington issued a special investigation Taskforce under the Command of Captain Callisto with Lt. Bedrock and Lt. Davies as second in commands. She was supposed to find out any evidence involving the explosion of the Colonial Heavy and find reasons for the very unlikely jump of the Gemenon Prophet to the armistice line. Up until now no one could provide an answer since the crew commanding the ship has obviously been executed.

Steadily things were slowing down again and the crew has finally found its routine. It actually felt like being on board a good running Battlestar. The very little spare time for R&R was spent in the quarters talking gossip and playing triad. Even the XO showed up every once in a while to stay in touch with the crew.

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"Show 'em," Agrippina grunted, dropping her cards on the table. The octagonal cardboard hit the table and fanned over the smooth plastic, displaying her hand. Her grin widened as her disgruntled opponents threw down her poorer hands - until the last hand, which was set down with a smirk. Her smile faded at last, as she saw that she'd lost. "Frak," she mumbled as the pot was claimed by another.

She'd come here, hoping to play a few hands of triad and relax, to try to forget Everette or the damned book. She sighed as another hand was dealt, running her fingers through her hair. As she gathered her cards, she glanced around the room, checking out who was here. A surprising and diverse group, really, she thought, and then she was absorbed in the simplicity of the game.

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Callisto hustled through the corridor towards the crew lounge, feeling irrationally hurried. This was, after all, one of her few moments off. But then again, with every on-duty moment consumed with increased patrols, coordinating duty rosters from three different ships, and dealing with the stepped-drill schedule she'd implemented to try to get these green recruits high enough up on their learning curves so they weren't wiping out when trying to land, she'd had no time to look into the Everette matter.

She'd figured to start with the Chief. She was the nexus of a huge department that ranged all over the ship. If anyone would be in a position to know something, she would be. The next logical choice would be...well...the CAG. She still wasn't sure why the Admiral had chosen her instead of the XO to lead this. It was possible that there were ties between the XO and the Quorum, maybe...something worth checking.

Callisto sidestepped around the little knot of people hanging out just outside the lounge and went inside. For a second she stood still, scanning the room. She knew the Chief was off at the moment, but she wasn't sure how Agrippina spent her time, or where she went. The lounge was just her first notion of where to look.

And there she was.

Striding purposefully through the crowded lounge and around the tables, Callisto headed over towards the relaxing Chief. She tried to catch her eye and wave her over rather than going right up though.

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Bedrock smiles and waves at Callisto as she comes in, then goes back to reviewing the report he has buried his nose in.

System defending itself against our attempts to break into it. That sounds like the Cylons, all right. I'm not sure how people can relax with that sword hanging over our heads. So what were they after, I wonder...?

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Scarface finished shuffling and started to deal as the CAG entered the lounge. Well looks like the gang's all here. Hopefully Callisto will be able to get the Chief onboard, we're going to need some good tech support to find any more evidence of what happened.

Collecting his cards together he barely gave them a glance before looking around at the people in the room. No matter who was behind this if they could infiltrate people through the security around members of the Quroum then they could get people into the military. I wonder if Callisto has considered that yet. Looking back at his cards he splits his attention between the game, Callisto and the Chief.

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It took another hand - another loss - but Agrippina realized that Callisto was not only there, but wanting to talk to her. Frowning but not looking at Callisto - who didn't seem to want others to see them talking - Agrippina collected her money and gave up her seat to a waiting crewmember.

She eased over to the wall and took a drink from her flask. It was remote enough that a people could talk without attracting much notice. Silently, she waited for Callisto to join her.

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Callisto grinned vaguely and looked around. She really didn't know how to be subtle about this, but Agrippina wasn't much for subtlety anyway.

"You know Lt. Everette? I see him on the flight deck sometimes. You ever talk to him?"

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"Sounds like a yes," Callisto remarked. She looked back at Agrippina measuringly.

"Everette's caught my eye. I think he's up to something, but I can't tell what. I'm trying to nose around without making anything official out of it...at least not until I have something concrete."

"So what did you two talk about?"

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"About how I didn't murder a deckhand," the Chief replied, her tone daring Callisto to make something of the comment. Callisto didn't, so Agrippina continued. "He wants my help in the investigation. Seeing as it was helping me keep my ass out of the brig, I am rather eager to help him.

"What are you investigating about him?"

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Scarface pushed back from the table as the chief left it and went over to grab himself a mug of coffee before making his way over to the two of them.

"Hi Boss, I know this mmay not be the best place, but had you thought about the possibilty of infiltrators on board? If they could get them close to members of the Quorum they could probably get them into the military."

He leaves the comment hanging there and looks to see the others reaction to it while he takes a sip of his coffee.

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Scarface turns to the Chief.

"The liner had at least one member of the Qourum aboard, or so I heard somewhere, and the bridge crew were shot by someone who was already on board. Therefore whoever was responsible managed to get their people through the security screening around those members. If they could get through that, then they probably could get through the standard screening for people joining the military. And that means that we may need to look out for accidents and incidents that foul up the running of the ship at key times. You not being on the flight deck to tell the greenies we have here how to load the fighters properly could be an example. So where were you, and who got you there?"

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Callisto sighed. She'd hoped to keep this more civil.

"Lieutenant," she said firmly, "that's enough. She's not being interrogated. I'm just having a friendly conversation with her. If you want to stay and take part in the friendly conversation, that's fine. If you'd rather interrogate people, well, there'll be time for that too. But not now."

She gave Agrippina an apologetic look.

"Sorry about that."

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Battlestar Valkyrie, Admiral’s Quarters

“Take a seat”, offered Adm. Kerrington, “I’ll be right there with you.”

Major McLeod sat down and took in a first impression of the Admiral. He had seen him occasionally on more formal meetings but this was the first time he actually met the man face to face. Admiral Kerrington’s reputation was manifold. He seemed to be a man of much controversy but it didn’t seem to slow down or affect his career.

The Admiral was putting away a folder on his desk before he returned to the comfortable chairs he had in his quarters. One of the few perks a high ranking officer called his own.

“I’ve been through the logs and worked through a pile of reports concerning the ‘accident’ and yet we fail to find any more reasonable information than bits and pieces that don’t make much sense. You know how rumors can affect morale and the last thing I need right now are a bunch of hotshot pilots with itchy trigger fingers. From your report I understand that you decided to reboot the system and shut down the MCP – I respect your decision and it seems to be the only way to get the Herakeles back in shape but in case of an emergency we won’t be waiting on you. You better have one hell of a navigation officer in your CIC to keep up with us.”

The Admiral was smiling briefly before he continued.

“I’ve assigned my CAG and two Lt.’s to investigate the ‘accident’. I want you to give them free hand on your ship, should any trace lead them to the Herakeles. I’m positive my CAG will request some information from you any time soon, don’t put her down – she is in a foul mood. That’s just a fair warning.”

Admiral Kerrington seemed to be finished with his monolog and raised an eyebrow expectantly at Major McLeod.

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McLeod sat back in the chair and wondered what this was really about. What the admiral had just said could have been relayed across any channels, and hadn't required his personal presence for a face to face meeting. There was more to this than met the eye and McLeod was blunt enough to say so. They didn't call him "the Bull" for nothing.

"Admiral, there is more to this than you are telling me. I know there is something deeper going on here and you didn't need a face to face meeting with me to tell me to cooperate with your CAG. What's really going on? Is this about the Quorum, I have my own sources and I know they are the reason we were sent out here. I just don't know why."

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The Admiral left his chair and took a Step closer to the Major. “So you’ve got your own sources, Major? Someone heard something about this mission and you think you’re on top of things?”

Admiral Kerrington sighed straightened his uniform and then suddenly laughed. “I like your attitude, Major. It’s not only about the Quorum, but it is most definitely more a question of politics than the military. We’ve got to keep our eyes open lest we get squashed in a political battle that could lead to a minor inbred war. We can’t afford that with the latest Intel we’ve got on the Cylons. We have more than enough reasons to assume that they are planning some kind of attack. Our presence out here is questionable. Deep space scans don’t require a full blown taskforce and I’ve got better things to do than babysit some damn Prototype. Guess I picked the shortest straw without knowing that we were picking. The reason I’ve asked for a face to face meeting is easy. I don’t trust the channels and their operators. Someone is frakking with my command and I want him served cold on my plate. We are on the brink of a full scale war, I just have to find out against whom. The civilian ships supposedly jumped out of coincidence to our proximity. I don’t buy that and anyone with half a brain will agree. Help me solve this and report only directly to me and I’ll wrap up your recommendation as Commander once we’re done with this mission.”

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McLeod nodded as if it was nothing then said, "I don't know anything specific, but when I heard something was up, I pulled a few strings to get assigned to this duty. Of course this wasn't what I was expecting. My brand new shiny ship all busted up and these frakking civvy ships behind enemy lines. It stinks, from top to bottom." He gave Kerrington a level look, "I'm not worried about promotion or climbing through the ranks, I've got everything I want right now except maybe a Battlestar of my own. What I do want is to get to the bottom of this situation and know who is setting us up and why."

"So, the CAG and her two Lts are your hounds? Don't worry, I will work with them and give them all the assistance I can."

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Agrippina felt her eyebrows rise. "Um, what?" she asked feeling like she'd walked into the conversation late instead of the scarred man. "Look, I don't know what's going on, but I got in enough trouble the last time shit got stirred up, so if you don't mind, I'll just leave you two to chat on your lonesome, m'okay? Nice to chat with you, Callisto."

Standing, she made to walk away.

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Battlestar Valkyrie, Admiral's Quarter

Originally Posted By: Mr Fox

"So, the CAG and her two Lts are your hounds? Don't worry, I will work with them and give them all the assistance I can."

"I wouldn't call them my hounds, Major. They are just doing me a favour.", the Admiral smiled knowingly at Major McLeod.

"You may want to join with the crew once you're here. I've heard most are gathering for some R&R-time in the crew quarters. But take care of your cupits, those jockeys are dealing a mean hand of Triad."

Just as Major McLeod was about to leave the Admiral's quarters the Admiral added, "And watch your six, you may not know whom to trust until it's too late. We're effectively at war, remember that."

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McLeod didn't have any doubt that there was a war going on here. The only question in his mind was who that war was against. He thought about that as he headed down to the crew quarters. He was pretty sure cylons were involved somehow, but at the same time, he could smell the stink of politics. He'd known since before heading out here that something was up, he just wished he didn't have to be proved right at the expense of damage to his ship. Someone is going to pay dearly for that before I'm through... He didn't even notice as crewmen blanched and scurried out of his way at the sight of him moving purposefully down the corridors anger evident on his face.

Before he entered the crew quarters he stopped and took several calming breaths before entering. Inside he looked one one crewman lounging in a chair smoking a cigar and asked, "Where's the CAG?"

The pilot gestured with his cigar toward a small group of people talking near a triad game. Moving over to them he asked, "Which of you is the CAG?"

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Agrippina Solas, Chief of the Deck, Mistress of her Domain, saw the Major as she started to leave. Given the conversation she was leaving, it shouldn't be surprising that she snapped to attention so hard she may have hurt herself. "Major!" she barked, stepping aside and giving him full access to the two pilots. Please don't put me in the brig, she started to chant, even as she edged away. Murder was bad enough, but if people started to talk about sabotage and inflitrators and her name was attached, she was frakked.

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McLeod raised an eyebrow. "At ease soldier. This is the crew quarters, no need for all that here." Inwardly he wondered what this woman had done wrong to be acting so guiltily, but he suppressed the chuckle he felt like voicing. He continued to look at the ones present waiting to for one of them to declare herself CAG.

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McLeod nodded to Callisto and he pitched his voice so that it wouldn't carry, but he kept his body language casual so as to not attract attention, "I just had a conversation with the Admiral. I understand you are looking into some of the issues we've had since this mission began." It was a statement, not a question.

"I will give you full access to the Herakeles and his personnel during your investigation and full cooperation as well. However, I would like to be kept in the loop on whatever you find. I volunteered myself and my ship for this mission because I sensed it would be important, but I don't appreciate political manuverings that get my people killed and my ship damaged." He gave a sardonic smile and added, "I won't rule out that the cylons caused this mess, but I am beginning more and more to think it is some ploy by members of the Quorum gain some political advantage."

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Battlestar Valkyrie, Med Bay

The place was crowded and tight. Virtually every single bed they had has been occupied by the passengers of the Gemenon Prophet. The medical team was doing overtime and extra shifts trying to attend to the injuries the accident had caused. Worst of all, the luxury liner had “difficult” patients with “special” requests. They all thought they where still on their vacation and expected a personal treatment and room-service.

Major Dr. Hamal was checking the last stack of reports signing the papers to release the few patients that had been lucky enough to get only minor scratches or a migraine because of lack of oxygen. That would at least free up some beds for some “real” patients. Nurse Bellem waited patiently for the papers deep rings under her eyes showed clearly that she hadn’t slept for at least the last 24 hours. Almost everyone was at his limit and it was just a matter of time before another accident happened because someone slipped or didn’t pay enough attention.

Doc Hamal gave the papers to the nurse and managed to give her a brief smile. Exhaustion was demanding it’s tribute as his body felt like he had run several marathons in a row. But there was still the case “Lorenzo”. The poor boy was on the machine keeping him alive. Doc Hamal had to put him in a coma else he would’ve died right there. He wasn’t sure if he could pull through with the surgery in his current condition when his thoughts where interrupted by a voice he didn’t know.

“Major Hamal? I’m Lt. Everette.”, the man said and saluted. “I’d like to talk with you about one of your patients. His name is Lorenzo, he got assaulted a few days ago. Do you have a minute or two for me?”

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The doctor gave an exasperated roll of his eyes to the nurse as Lt. Everette asked for his time. Without looking up from the chart he was reviewing Hamal replied curtly, "No, I don't." He signed the bottom of the form and handed it back to the nurse, "One mill of morpha should aliveate the muscle pain, and tell him to get plenty of rest, if its still hurting in two days he can come back."

Terrance turned to head back to his desk and saw Everette was still standing there, "Still here?" He muttered something under his breath before continuing, "Lieutenant, I'm just ever so slightly busy at the moment. Unless you can magically cure all these people you are just going to have to wait."

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Callisto stared at McLeod, asking herself why of all times did everyone have to pile on NOW? Five minutes ago she could have talked about it before trying to interview the Chief. In twenty minutes, she'd probably be done and could chat all day long with the Major and Lieutenant.

Now they were just frakking things up.

"All right, look, lets talk about this in...say...half an hour," the CAG offered. "I was kind of in the middle of something when you guys showed up."

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McLeod nodded. He was torn between ripping the CAG's head off and laughing. In the end he decided he just had to give some respect to anyone that had a spine that strong. It boded well for her investigation.

"Very well Captain, I'll start my cooperation by giving you an hour. You can find me over there playing some Triad when you are done." Without waiting for a salute or a reply he turned his back on the group and headed for an empty chair at one of the tables.

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Originally Posted By: Doc Hamal

Terrance turned to head back to his desk and saw Everette was still standing there, "Still here?" He muttered something under his breath before continuing, "Lieutenant, I'm just ever so slightly busy at the moment. Unless you can magically cure all these people you are just going to have to wait."

Lt. Everette hesitated for a short moment, contemplating his options. He nodded slowly and added a bit nonchalantly. “Actually the Admiral asked me to investigate this matter. It’s an order.”


(ooc: Alertness+Empathy vs. # 7 (hard difficulty) to smell the bluff)

Lt. Everette waited for the Doc’s response a brief glance to the side gave away his bluff.
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Hamal shot the other man a grim look over his shoulder, "Did he now? Fascinating. Really very interesting. Not that that means frak to me. My patients come first, the Admiral knows that. So why don't you back off and let me tend my patients, unless of course you want to go with me to see the Admiral? I'd like to hear from him why he thinks I should talk to you instead of doing my job and helping these people, specialist Lorenzo among them."

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Lt. Everette swallowed and nodded again. “It’s alright Major, no need to get offensive.”

He hesitated a moment before he added, “I’ll check back with you later, once you’ve got more time. Thank you anyway, Major.”, Lt. Everette straightened himself and saluted then made his way to leave the Med Bay. He didn't seem too pleased with how that conversation went.

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Hamal watches Everette go and shakes his head, "Damn kids ..."

"I'm sorry doctor, what did you say?"

Terrance looked up and saw one of the nurses nearby with yet another patient record. He sighed and took the clipboard, "Nothing relevant. Is this the most urgent of what is left?"

She nodded, "Discounting Specialist Lorenzo it is."

"Well then have the OR team ready Lorenzo for surgery, its now or never." The doctor dropped the other clip board and sat down heavily, eager to take the weight of his feet. "Gods, I can't wait for leave ..."

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Battlestar Valkyrie, Med Bay

The nurse nodded and tried to give the Doc a warm smile. She knew he was doing all human possible but it showed that he was at his limit. Everyone deserved leave after this fiasco but it looked like the problems had just been starting.

Battlestar Valkyrie, crew quarters

In the meantime, while preparations for the OR where underway, the crew-quarters got crowded with all kinds of unfamiliar faces. There were Pilots from all other squadron waiting to get back to their ships. Small groups formed gossiping or playing triad. Some bragged about their latest achievements or conquering (female-wise). Major McLeod took his seat and after a short debate about rules and bets the first hand was dealt. Ranks had no meaning in the crew-quarters – most of the time.

Few people seemed to have a good time while most were in a foul mood. Extra shifts on deck didn’t do much to bolster morale among the specialists and deckhands and some pilots started to complain about the poor quality of the “Knuckledraggers” job. The air was bristling with repressed anger.

Battlestar Valkyrie, Med Bay

The second hour of the difficult operation was underway and Doc Hamal started to feel how his hands were slowly getting numb. Tiredness was creeping up his limbs making him stiff. He blinked several times to clear his vision. The next cut was the critical part of the operation. He could kill the boy if he cut too deep. Only a few micrometers decided between life and death.


(ooc: Agility+Surgery+Advanced Education vs. # 14)

Doc Hamal sighed relieved that he managed to make the cut. The surgery was a success and now they only needed to finish the job and hope that specialist Lorenzo would recover without the need to use the re-breather. Doc Hamal nodded to his assisting surgeon and let him finish the job. It was routine from here, just a few stitches and he was done for the day. After going through the sterilisation of his clothes he sat down in the locker room and closed his eyes for a brief moment. He didn’t notice that he fell asleep just in the minute he closed his eyes.

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As the Major talked with the CAG, Agrippina slipped further away from the group. She really didn't want any more trouble, despite the fact that it seemed to be clinging to her. Grumbling to herself, she decided to head for the deck. Sure, she was off-duty, but working would be more pleasant than dealing with saboteurs or investigations. She was a deck-monkey, for frak's sake!

Of course, this put a whole new spin on her relationship with Lt. Everette. He'd had something over her, but maybe, she now had something over him. It bore thinking about - a lot.

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