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Aberrant RPG - shields/shield technology

Dr cornelius

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im thinking of trying to incorporate the shield belt technologys of fading suns and those seen in dune to abberrant. and am wondering how you guys would do it.

They would be quatum or ernergy cell powered, different belt ratings. they would have a minumum level that would activate them, and a maximum that they could take before overloading. Also they would have a fixed number of hits they could take.

The fading suns books i have say that they can take energy and kinetic energy attacks.

They also mentioned that they could take multiple attacks eg machine gun fire. and that a individual could jump of a 3-6 story building and the sheild belt would absorb the fall damage.

Some questions would would the minumum damage needed to activate the shield bash level?

what would you have as the maximim shield capability, given that you would have a different shield types. standard, dueling, assault, and battle shield.

And just how much damage would there be from a 3-6 story fall?

responses would be nice!!!!

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OK, Here's a simple Force-field belt, using the Gadgeteering Rules from the APG. They assume that you do not have force field (but can study it in the lab), have a Quantum of approx 3, and a Stamina of around 3:

Force Field Belt

Uses per scene: 2 (2 Successes)

Dice Pool: 3 Stamina (2+2 Successes)

Effect Level: 3 Successes worth (2+2 Successes)

Quantum: 2 (4 Successes)

Power Rating: 2 Force Field (4 Successes)

Quantum Storage: 6 Quantum Points (9 Successes)

Versatility: Baseline Usable (5 Successes)

Duration: Standard Duration (0 Successes)

Durability: 3 Health Levels (2 Successes)

Dice Pool: Stamina (3) + Force Field (2)

Total Effect: Grants +8 B/L soak to user. This puppy sucks up small-arms, and considerably increases your chance of surviving heavy-arms fire! It also gives Baselines a chance at surviving a medium-level nova attack.

Grand Success Total: 34 Successes

Minimum Hours required: 34 Hours + 6 hours study of Force Field

This basic template can be reused for many other Force Field applications, the Belt is but one possible design. It could also signify a ring (Remove the health level successes) or a generator (Enough power rating and ST support and this thing could protect buildings!). This is actually a pretty easy device to make, in terms of how many successes it can take.

[This message has been edited by Kirby1024 (edited 08-17-2001).]

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Kirby has a good wrtie-up tehre. If youw ant a more authentic Fading Duns feel (yes, I own it and have read it. Even got to play it a few times) you may want to add a "defect" or something that it will only stop an attack that does 3+ levels of damamge. Just a thought.

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nice right up kirby, i like it, and thats a good idea hydra about the defects you could use kirbys as the blue print for all the other types, just boost it and lower it in some areas for the different types.

The battle and assault shield increased in strength and duration and max damage. the dueling shield maybe increase the durantion it lasts keep the damage level. the standad shield hmmm, lower to say force field 1 but increase duration, and maybe lower the durability.

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I've actually been looking at the Gadgeteering rules, and the write-up up there's not quite accurate. Here's the corrections:

Effect Level: OK, forgot about the Quantum effect levels, Plus I got the costing wrong. For +8 B/L, 2 ELs for Quantum, and 3EL for Power Rating, which is (2+2+4+16+32), which is 56 successes! So, how about we ditch one of the PR Effect Levels (reducing 2 from it's soak), bringing it back to 24 successes?

Thus, the rest of the revised stuff is:

Total Effect: Grants +6 B/L soak to user. This puppy sucks up small-arms, and considerably increases your chance of surviving heavy-arms fire! It also gives Baselines a chance at surviving a Medium-level nova attack.

Grand Success Total: 54 Successes

Minimum Hours required: 54 Hours + 6 hours study of Force Field

Doesn't seem quite so easy now, does it? This thing will take at least a couple of weeks to build using the Gadgeteering rules. However, it is quite worth it!

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