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Aberrant: The Long March - Chapter 7: Omar- Sadness, Duty, and Joy


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...Phone Ringing...

Omar: "Hello?"

Voice on other end: "May I speak to Mr. Omar Khudikias"

Omar: "Speaking"

Voice on other end: "This is Dr. Abed Assef, with the Mosul Regional medical Center"

Omar: "Yes?" His voice sounded worried

Dr. Assef: "Your wife Alliana... has been in an accident. Sir, you need to come to the hospital."

Omar: "I......I'll be there as soon as I can"


Omar sat in a large chair, head in his hands. His face showed a man in shock. Every so often, he raised his head up as someone came by to shake his hand and offer their condolances.

The wake for Mrs. Khudikias was held in a large hotel on the banks of the Euphrates in Baghdad. Over 1000 guests attended the funeral, and half of those went to the wake. As the big man mourned, his children and grandchildren tried soothing him. He was inconsolable. For 48 years, Alliana had captured his heart. Now she was gone.

"How are you doing dad? The middle aged woman had set her hand on Omar's shoulder.

"I miss her."

"I know dad, we all miss mom." The woman's sympathetic look spoke of everyone's love for Alliana. "She would have found the service beautiful. You did right by her."

Omar started sobbing.

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1988- a few weeks after the funeral

The hissing echoed throughout the gym, as the hydraulic weights fought against the big man. The stonelike face on Omar was of determination and focus. A soft bluish glow surrounded him, ebbing and flowing with each flex of his muscles. Small rivers of sweat ran down his body, soaking the equipment. He was lifting like a man possessed.

Since his wife passed, Omar had sought refuge and solace in the gym. He came here to be alone with his thoughts. Unfortunately, a 7 foot tall glowing Adonis, who was adored by the people, also brought the paparazzi. Following on the heels of the photographers, were Novaphiles, reporters and 'Ziggurat' fan club members. All of them were hoping to get a glimpse of the Paragon's 'Big Man'. On any normal day, he would enjoy giving the crowds a show, but today Omar was hurting, and he wanted to isolate himself until he finished mourning. The windows were opaque today, to give him privacy.

As he lifted he began to wonder what the people outside were thinking about him. He had never before cut himself off from the people who adored him. It was part of his job with the Paragons. He was the public spokesman, and leader of the Eastern Division. The people counted on him. Regardless of his feelings, he owed it to them. People needed to know that their heroes were OK. Shutting himself away made people nervous.

He stopped lifting just long enough to press the button that made the windows clear. As he turned, he could see a legion

outside the gym, taking photos, and holding up their children to get a glimpse of him. Omar gave the people a wave and a smile. It was his duty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1988-Several months after Alliana's death.

"So what did she say?" Omar asked the middle aged woman sitting next to him.

"She said he had to ask her father first." The woman replied with a slight grin.

"Poor guy, he has no clue what he's getting into," Omar chuckled. "It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

"Oh stop it, Baba!" She gave him a friendly slap oh his wrist. "He's your friend!"

"..and she was my assistant for 5 years," Omar puts one arm around the woman's shoulder. "From the day she started, she ran my office like it was hers."

The other woman started laughting. "She is going to run him, like she did your office, isn't she?"

Omar began laughing along with her, a small tear of joy running down his cheek. "As I said, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

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