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Aberrant: Nova Reality - Which way do we go? (OOC)


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Anybody who wants to can pick it up from here. Find the three bodies in the street however you like. Tasha's close to flatlining, Damanor will probably recover pretty quickly, and the cop - well, he'll be in a lot of pain, when he wakes up.

Obviously, Damanor isn't thinking very clearly at the moment.

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Damanor used to be based out of Houston, and set up a few safehouses with his one-time partner. When he believed his sister would recover, he went into hiding. When the later symptoms came up, he concluded that the only way to save her was to get her to the WCK infirmary. Alchemist is the smartest doctor that Damanor knows, so he warped back to Chicago to try to get help.

Sorry I wasn't more clear on that.

On a different note, my postings will be erratic (again shocked ) because of a new work schedule. (I'm in D.C. over the summer, working for a lobbyist.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a few things on my plate, so I can't set down and write this out, but:

The day after Heaven Fell, April grabbed the team members she could find and told them that Alchemist's kids had been abducted by someone and taken to a Rashoud Fac, and that he had rescued them and was on his way to Chicago by an indirect route.

This takes a few minutes to work out entirely, since she makes the announcement alongside her assumption that Project Utopia was after Alchemist and possibly the rest of the team and what are we going to do, etc, etc. It isn't hard to get her to recognize that Alchemist didn't really say anything like that.

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1, How would april know? From what I read of Alchemist's fiction, things stayed relatively encapsulated as to who was involved. Not to mention I doubt that transmission he sent went very far. Just to his real self. So, how would anyone know untill after he returns and he briefs us (at least with what he wants us to know) on the situation.

2, Alchemist OOC should let us in on if we're involved in any way. By having all of us on the run it would effectively kill the game as concieved. Since right now all WCK members are in the public eye. We bail, and ther will be alot of prying eyes around trying to see what we're doing.

3, From Alchemist's story, we don't know WHO exactly is behind the kidnapping what-so-ever. It could have been an independent group.

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He sent April a letter. By mail. Because Alchemist doesn't trust important stuff to electronic comm's, and at the moment he's in full paranoid mode.

April would either mention the letters, or wave them in front of you.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, I posted up a seed thread to sort of catch up ourselves on the current status of the WCK, and where we should go next It's an IC thread. It's called "Many Happy Returns?"

I think people with technical skill, or people monitoring their com-links would know DigiGeist is back in the house, as it were.

So, if anyone feels like updating him on anything, feel free to ring his doorbell.

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Anyway - thanks for putting up that thread. I've been meaning to do something for a while, but the existing threads didn't have much for me to do and (as I think I've mentioned) I'm pretty horrible at doing anything that requires taking the initiative.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After all these time, I wonder if my char. could return to the group. As Alchemist knows I had a family problem that forced my leave of the board.

For the moment this problem don´t bother me and I could be able to post. Well, I hope you would accept the prodigal son. smile

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