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Your right Sandy is insane, but not in the way you think.HEr powers are not spawned from her insannity but the other way around.

SHe hates the fact that her powers kill poeple.SHe hate it.SHe as noted is mean on the boards, but more protective and kind in person.SHe do not wish to harm people.And also the fact that she talks about what she can do, doesn't mean she wants to do.

She if were in the Aberrant wars,w ould still most likely side with the humans.As to her is is not a "race" things but a power one.She gives what you give.

ANd agian wile sh has killed, she only once did it cold blood,and that was still in actions to defend countless lives.

Her insanity is ironically keeping her safer for poeple,as she fear what she can do. Notable she could fly over any magor city and blow it up, before anyone could respond.Even really fast novas.If I have nto made this point clear.Sandy's point is nto that she can do what she wants, but that she does what she wants. IF you do nto udnerstnad this, maybe I will let on later.

She has the power of a God,and really not many poeple could tell that she did not.But yet, what does eshe do with most of ehr time?Read books,and listen to music.But most of all trys to be just a normal preson.SHe dails at aht but she does try so hard.

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Originally posted by Jager:
As I said James, not aberrated. Good use of the rules, though.
Question: How do you get the +2 difficulty? Taint Resistance takes a mental aberration down in severity (Medium to Low). Was it errated somewhere?

I thought that those who commented were open to comment. If that is going to be the distinction, okay by me. I will edit my previous post.
It was errated. Taint Resistence reduces the difficulty of resisting Mental Aberrations as opposed to reducing their 'level.'
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Originally posted by Jager:
He has reached out a few times, but usually gets slapped down because he is "a bad man", "deceptive", or something like that. Despite the fact that he has never tried to hurt or kill anyone here. In fact, it kind of reinforces his willingness to work "behind the scenes" to help people.

Actually, Prodigy nails it pretty good when he said you've set up a double-edged problem. He reaches out, but he admit he manipulates and deceives, so no one can trust that his "reaching out" is earnest and not simply a scheme. The "hasn't tried to hurt or kill anyone here" fact is mired by his own admission of how he works: behinds the scenes and through manipulation and deceit. To the majority of the characters who've known Jager long enough to accept this about him, that statement can modified in their eyes to be "Hasn't tried to hurt or kill anyone here YET." Whether or not that's true isn't in question, but that's how characters are going to view it.

Point of fact: he HAS manipulated characters here even if he didn't seek their death or injury. Most of the older characters know this, and even if he professes he was doing it for non-selfish reasons, it's difficult for them to believe that he's above manipulating any of them again in the future.

The other is "abandoning" of Jordan Rossi at the end of OWW. That happened off scene and without my knowledge. It still pisses me off, but I have played along with it, anyway.

You shouldn't consider this a fuck up, hon. It happened completely without your knowledge and without your consent. As I understand it, Jager wouldn't have abandoned him, and you as a player were simply put into the position of having to go along with it.

He isn't trusted, and a few members here have hinted at the fact that they hate or despise him. As a player, I have asked about remedying this, but no one wants to give me, the player, the chance. I sucks sometimes.

1) The characters judge Jager off of what he says and what he does. He's admitted being manipulative, and he does manipulate. As already mentioned, this makes him difficult to trust. The morality of his reasons, even the validity of them, is irrelevant.

Speaking from RL experience on this one, there was someone in my circle of friends once who admitted that he was lying and manipulating everyone to get things he wanted.

Nobody really trusted him again. I put myself in the position to give him a second chance, and he has apparently taken advantage of me and I have no one to blame for that except myself, because I knew he was that way and I took the chance anyway.

The same applies to Jager and the other forumites. The characters may WANT to trust Jager, but in the back of their heads, they simply CAN'T.

This is important to note, hon, because Jager has an agenda. He has very far-reaching, even world-influencing goals, and those characters aware of this are even more mistrusting as a result. Someone who manipulates for selfish gains can be trusted to be selfish, but someone with a higher calling is dangerous.

2) About giving you, the player, a chance, I can't speak for everyone, but this what I'm gonna say on the matter since you brought it up. We've bounced ideas off each other a few times, and then all communication on your end stopped, sometimes for months at a time. Understandably, I know your Real Life is busy and it keeps you away from here, but nothing's ever really gotten started because we've never talked long enough to nail anything down.

On the other hand, if I've seemed resistant to what you've suggested as a plot line, nominally it is because once I strip away the dressing of the plot, what it comes down to is "Ashnod will come to see that Jager is right." While that's a perfectly fine story, the converse to that is "Jager will prove to Ashnod that she's misjudged him." In the end as a player, it became my responsibility to compromise if things are to go further, and the story seemed not so much about reconciliation between Ash and Jager as it did Ash looking at Jager in a new light. It was a bit...unsettling...that you approached me with the desire to have the characters make amends but that I was the one being asked to make concessions. I'm not certain that you intended it to come of this way, I really don't believe you did, but that's how it felt some of the time and I probably backed off a bit as a result.

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Originally posted by Jager:
I see him as friendly, helpful, and mentoring. He decieves, tricks, and spies, but he does so in an effort to keep people alive and aid them. He hates to see any nova die, as he sees thier lost potential vividly.

... Walker is both oddly powerful and yet, almost helpless in some situations. I like that.

Jager's saved Walker's bacon once, and from the posts he does come across as concerned with keeping Nova's alive and with respect for life in general. The whole stealthy/deceptive thing does make him difficult to trust fully. After all you're always slightly afraid that you'll be found wanting in the balance and foul plots will be hatched against you wink You can trust Jager to be Jager, he's helpful in a Robocop kind of way, you know, any message for the kids?, 'Stay out of trouble'.

I did design Walker to be powerful but not a combat monster, the powers were picked with his eruption in mind, being the storm at sea. And also his personality, I was intruiged by a section in the project Utopia book that said the Dr Faroud thought that the only limit on nova powers was their personailty and subconcious, so i played with that. Then consider that for most of the time he's been a Nova he's been in isolation from the rest of humanity/Novadom. With these three things in mind he had to be tough to kill, to have survived. But why would he need/develop offensive powers, when all he encountered was bateria, plants and animals? It also explains, if that's the right word, why he is vulnerable to other nova's powers, especially the mental/emotional ones.

I think the point I made about Jager's personailty also applies somewhat to Sandy, expect Sandy would probably just level the street you were in. I do kind of like the destroying angel concept though.
Must touch some primitive monkey instinct smile
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