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Aberrant RPG - Famous Comic and Book characters whit Aberrant Sistem


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I just read through this thread for about the 4th time. First because I was intrigued by converting some of my Faves to Aberrant, second, I am very interested in Superman, Kal El, and whatever else he calls himself these days. The interest stems from my own game worlds in which I am constantky dying to make up a Supes and run him. My disdain for merely "stating" what happens when my players run into Pax or Mal (or the likes of) made me read deeper into this thread.

My Point; I noted in one or two of the posts that one mentioned Quantum ratings above 10. Is there an "unofficial" ruling on this? I am wondering as it may be the answer I have been looking for. And Mastery 4? Wow! eek

the poster of this message in no way condones muchkinism, and this post is merely the ramblings of an unbeliever. Thank you. :P

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No, there is no such thing as an 'official' rule that allows over Q10. In fact, if you read the APG really carefully it pretty much is communicating that no one gets above Q8 in the cannon history and that the Q10 stuff is merely for those people who want to take it that far in their own games.

In canon it is stated that Pax has Q6 and the descriptions of his powers pretty much state that he has mastery 1 on a few of them. One of the developers in the developers, Deir'dre Brooks, over in the Egroups forums stated that the Q6 for Pax was a typo (NO! Not a typo in WW stuff! That's inconceivable!) and that he should actually have Q7. Divas has been said to have Q8 and again, descriptions of his powers heavily suggest the presences of Mastery 2. Deir'dre is also the author of the big Pax versus Mal fight in which all PCs are reduced to being gaping spectators, so if anyone has the inside track on what those two can do I would think that it would be her. Deir'dre also stated that Mal is supposed to have Elemental Mastery;Plasma, beaucoup defensive powers and five dots in anything that has the word 'Quantum' in the power title. Lots and lots of MegaAtt's too.

Hope that helps.

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It's of note that the power levels in Aberrant are a log function vice a linear one. By the time you have achieved Q10 you have the potential to create entire universes at your whim, mold reality like silly putty and just do things that are guaranteed to increase your neighbors insurance rates. You neighbors five galaxies over.

Increase in quantum represents not only a measure of 'power' but also of versatility and control. Once you have achieved Q10 you have the potential to be ~god~.

Try this; think of the most insanely powerful anthromorphic entity you can imagine. Dynasty, Superman Prime, Odin, Thanos, Lord Satan of the Nether Realms... It doesn't matter who it is because the results are going to be the same. They challenge you to a death deal and strike the first blow. Or rather, they would strike the first blow were it not for the fact that you have encapsulated the entire area in a Plank Sphere wherein you very whim is physical law. With creative use of a couple of minor powers you turn them into a Furby Doll and toss them a couple of universes away. Not out of spite but merely because they bore you. No save, no defense and no sweat. Not much of fight, eh?

Aberrant doesn't deal with the levels of strength to leverage planets out of orbit because it's a silly way to move a planet. There are so many better ways to do it. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from running the kind of game they like. Really.

You just have to keep in mind that at the absolute maximum levels attainable within the mechanics of the system, the very idea of what we refer to as power becomes irrelevant.

The aberrant system can simulate many things but the planet cracking power of Superman isn't really one of them. You actually can do it by using existing powers and just defining them as incredible strength with the advantages and limitations inherent in that. However (there's alway a however) as you get closer and closer to the holy grail of Q10 youare going to see reality itself distort with the powers being brought into play. Let's face, Superman Prime is essentially a living star in humanoid form. At Q10 I can potentially destroy stars without bothering to get out of bed.

Sorry. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade but the idea of Q10+ gets a little strange when you consider the things that you can do at Q10.

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None of the above was meant to rain on your parade Asche. Yes, you can create Superman and it isn't that hard to do when you start factoring in mastery levels. Sometimes the powers you are looking for are actually mega attributes and associated enhancements but they are there. Limited mastery (mastery with weakness limitations) are sometimes necessary, at other times you are take a power like quantum inferno with massive limitations and defining it as strength beyond the mind of mortals to envision - But it is possible.

I would draw your attention to the above example, though, as you get higher in the Q scales. Don't automatically assume anyone has Q10; unless you really want them to be the creator of their own universe theoretically capable of making our universe look like a really big walk in closet.

Best of luck.

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Jesus, you make some GREAT points Wizard.

The thought hadnt ocurred to me to define Q Inferno as God-like strength, but it could certainly work! (What limitations would I use to shorten range and how many levels?)

Planck Scaling is ludicrously powerful! Man,that power is like the equivalent of the Infinity Gauntlet in limited areas. Yeah,I guess that first punch is pretty much at the mercy of the Scaler (come to think of it, everything after that too.....)

I hadn't realized how truly powerful Q10 is.

Still going to try to find ways to bend and twist the system though smile

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