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I'm curious....

Justin OOC

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Let's say I want to run a game, something not So anime influeneced, but since it's me you know going in it might see some.  


Say in Involves Giant robots....


And Giant monsters....


And Them fighting...


and tearing up Cities and coastlines...While Humanity desperately tries to find out why this happens, and how they can stop it.... 



Does it sound like Pacific Rim?   It should, yeah, because God knows I'm drawing inspiration from it.


Is there any interest in such a game?  The Characters would be Normal people (likely quite skilled in their profession)   There will be combat (of course) and non-combat as finding a way to cease the attacks is every bit as important as winning against the monsters.  The Mechs will be built pacific rim style, to match the monsters in size and such. 


As far as rules systems I'm honestly thinking Mutants and Masterminds 3 for this, as opposed to besm3.


Posting will be a minimum of at least once a week, I will try to manage combat  with something new, conducting all the dice rolling, if possible on fridays in chat with those involved, to get the whole combat done in one go, and a single post can be made afterwards...

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Chuck I already have an anime based system I can use, thanks though for the link to the OVA system.    I helped playtest BESM 3e and have played it since 1e.   If i go for an anime system it will likely be BESM.


Rebecca, this is a world in peril, with limited resources to combat a numerically superior foe.  It's not a good situation but not hopeless.   The mechs are single pilot machines for ease of mechanics, and basically if you saw them do it in Pacific Rim, they can do it here.   There will be no flying mechs to start, and they will all be fairly uniform in size.

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It is the Year 2025.   The world of Man  stands resolute, though diminished, in the face of a foe unlike any other in our long history.   Ten years before, Gigantic monsters began to come forth from the world's seas, Attacking without warning, laying waste to cities the world over.   At first the military was able to cope, killing the first few, but casualties began to mount, and soon reached totally unacceptable levels.   Nulcear weapons were used, and this only proved to strengthen the monsters.     Inside a year, all nuclear facilities were decomissioned, and weapons were stockpiled far inland, away from the coastlines these creatures seemed most apt to attack.   

A new weapon was needed to combat these monsters, and so it was the Jaeger Program was created.   A Crash program that went from Theory to working model in under eight months, The First Jaeger, Alpha, was a machine powered by a massive internal combustion engine,  a bipedal humanoid walking tank, utilizing titanium alloy armor and a special Ultradense steel frame armed with massive fists, and a number of 120mm canon.   The first Pilot, Captain Steven McAllister, was chosen from the Marine Corps, a gifted warrior of all aspects, not 3 days after the debut of Alpha, It and it's pilot were called upon to perform.   

The resulting hour long battle flattened a dozen city blocks in the Bay area, But it was a Victory for mankind, as the Captain's Jaeger held aloft the gigantic monster's severed head.   It took a month and the resources of the entire military to repair Alpha, as the world looked on.   Only after two further attacks was full production ordered across the Industrialized world.  

Alpha and Captain McAllister would fight only one more time, attaining victory, but revealing a startling cost for humanity's safety.    The feedback from Merging with the Jager, to make your movement and the mech's one, was intense, so much so that after the fourth battle, McAllister was left comatose for a month, and even after waking, unable to ever pilot his machine again.  Whatever damage the mech took, it transfered to the pilot, leaving a body wracked with phantom pains, and virtually unable to function.

Seeing this, humanity endeavored to get more from their Jaegers, and make piloting them safer. For a full year after production, the new jaegers, improved models of Alpha,  kept humanity safe, until the monsters, now universally called Kaiju, showed that they too could adapt.   The kaiju and jaegers up until then had topped out at a hundred and fifty feet in height, always terrestrial, normally with thick armored skin and the same 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 tail 1 head form.    IT was not to remain as such.    The first of a new breed of Kaiju came forth, a 210 foot tall monster,  looking like a great tetrapodal crustecean, with four claws capable of hurling tanks.  This Kaiju, known as Stonecrab, destroyed 4 second generation Jaegers before finally being brought down by a fifth.   Humanity would need to act fast, to combat this new foe.

So it was that Jaegers were scaled up, new weapons made, new advances into increasing their stamina in combat, everything.  Each time this happened the Kaiju came back stronger.

This brings us to today, the unveiling of the sixth jaeger generation, The Omni series.  These Jaeger are meant to disassemble for rapid transport, and with appropriate facilities reassemble in twelve hours.  Standing 260 tall, they match up well against the Kaiju they are designed to fight, and with an eye to the future, are made to be easily upgraded as needed.

You the players, are the the pilots for these machines.   I will permit non pilot characters, but I will state now that the Action will ben in the Jaegers, so keep that in mind.  You are part of the Allied Jaeger Command, and can hail from any nationality, with nearly any non-criminal background   The story will take place across the whole of the world, though for the beginning we will begin in Los Angeles, at the LA Jaeger depot.  

Notes on Jaegers
They may have 4 weapon systems of the player's choice (fists and feet don't count)   2 primary, 1 secondary, and 1 tertiary (think in scales of effectiveness)   as an example, Gypsy Danger's got the Plasma canons in both arms as primaries, the sword in the left arm as a secondary, and elbow rockets as a tertiary weapon system.

The Omni Series are the first production Jaegers to be powered using the Plasma Turbine Drive.  A massive clean engine with the power output of a nuclear reactor, and none of the radiation.  The Catch is, it requires a Primer charge to start, and carries an Activation limit of  6 hours.  
Missile weapons are generally high explosive short range cruise missiles, though large canons are still seen, usually along one of the jager's forearms.  generally explosives are a bad idea, as the kaiju can peirce armor and cause a detonation, destroying the machine.

They are always humanoid in shape, and all the Omni series are 260 feet tall.   The Neural feedback situation is much less damaging, though the pain does still occur.   No pilot has been permanently sidelined in 2 years due to it.  

I am leaving things open so you all can play what you like, aside my general request for pilot pcs.
This game will be PL 6, Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edtion for character creation.    Characters are to be strictly human.

You may submit a design for your Jaeger  I realize the jaeger creator doesn't have all the options, use the best you can and we will adapt.



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This is Nina and this will be my Character


She is a Jaeger Pilot with a background as an U.S. airforce pilot (F35 or F22 callsign Knock-Out) who was involved in the initial defense against the Kaiju. her academic background is in science and engineering.

think samantha carter from startgate.


here is my jaeger at least prlim.



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This is Dawn, OOC, and Karrie is my pc for this game. Still working on jaeger designs, but Karrie's famous as an engineer even outside jaeger tech circles. She's known as the engineer who spent a week inside a jaeger, studying it from the inside out (complete with camping supplies and rations). She helped design the Omni series, as well as the fifth generation before that. Her jaeger is called Coyote Ugly.

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Okay, I love the enthusiasm, but I just got off the phone with my boss who informed me I will be working 12 hours a day the rest of the year, perhaps 6 days a week.  while this means a nice fat check for me, it does mean I will have far less time than I want.  Things qill supposedly lighten up for me in January, so I am going to table this until then.  Feel free to ask me questions, and the game idea and PL are not going to change, I just won't be starting it until the new year.


Sorry, but I want to devote the proper time to this project and I cannot do that at the present time.

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