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Hey here is the character I am having problems with. Tell me what you think so far?


Cad Hugh


Age: 16


Weight: 180 pounds


Height: 5'5






Born: May 30 1998


General Clothing: He prefers mostly simple and lose clothing. He hates it when his clothing is torn or worn. He doesn’t like fancy stuff, but he does have some formal clothing for special events.




Cad is a bit cocky, but not arrogant or prideful. He has positive self esteem, and likes to know his limits. He has a fun, relax attitude. When under stress this changes and he becomes more aggressive and cerebral in his actions. (more dominant then his passive natural self.) He has no love towards bully or those whom harm others often going to great lengths to make them suffer.


Cad has deep respect towards law enforcement, arm forces, and emergency response crews. It's mostly due to his family history and connections. He supports the troops, yet not those whom put them there needlessly. Yet Cad has no love towards poltics. He especially hates those whom are corrupt or use their office for their own gain.


Cad likes to explore, especially wood land and other nature areas. He has recently been interested in more urban areas and exploring them. He likes to try out new things at least once. That in case if he does not like something he can openly explain why. Some what open minded.


Has trouble expressing some of his feelings. This is especially true when it comes to romance. It took help from his brother in order to get his first love. He avoids talking about any of his fears as well. He tries to give out an very tough guy appearance.


Was train by various family members in weapons training. He is skilled in various knives, some blades including the katana. Even so he does not like to fight. Rather he fights in order to defend others, especially those who are weak. He is protective of his family and friends.




T.V.: Ninja Warrior, Military stories, Sci Fi shows (His favorites are: Star Trek, Star Gate, Ghost in the Shell, Gundam.), History.


Books: Military History or views on it, Certain fantasy and Sci fi (Black Company series is one of his favorites), Biographies.


Video games: Shooters, and action oriented games, and certain role playing games.


Foods: Fruits, healthy snack food.


Music: Rock,


Favorite Animal: Dogs




T.V.: Romantic Shows, Most reality shows, News (for the most part it depress him due to the constant stream of bad news.)


Books: Romance


Foods: Real spicy and sweet foods. Can stand mild spices or sweets but don't eat them a whole lot.


Games: Sports, Role playing games that make you have to grind in level, and romance games.


Music: Rap, Heavy Metal


Animals: Cats






Father: Rayner Hugh


Mother: Nerys Hugh (Meredith is her maiden name)




Arthur Hugh


Rosalind Hugh




Leonard Hugh


Cad's Friends:






Cad's Enemies:




Family History:


History of family members serving proudly in both the military and law enforcement. This is more prominent in the Hugh side of the family. Rayner is a high ranking general in the U.S. Special forces. Arthur is a military veteran as well as a police officer. Leonard is also an military veteran in several wars.


Several of his family members have also been well off in several white collar jobs. This is more on the Meredith side of the family. Nerys is a lawyer. Rosalind is in training to be a doctor. Grandparents are former politicians.


Rayner and Nerys met during a chance meeting in a bar. They marry a year later. They do care for each other, but it's more of a marriage of convenience then anything else. Both are devoted to their work and competitive in their selective fields. Despite their aggressive nature, and the distance apart from one another they have made the marriage work and had three kids out of the deal. Arthur the eldest, Rosalind the middle, and Cad the youngest child.


Relationship with family members:




Cad is on good terms with his father Rayner. Even so Cad does not see his father as much as his mother due to his work. Rayner goes to see his family every chance he gets. Rayner supports his wife’s decisions for the most part and they act fairly well together. Also disciplines the children when mother cannot. Wants his children to do right and follow in the family traditions.


Rayner is a smart and cunning person whom is more street smart then book smart. He is a blunt and practical person. He is a very traditional person whom supports his family. Loves his family except his step parents whom he does not like.


Rayner is a high ranking general in the U.S. Army Special forces (Green Berets). Serve in the invasion of Panama and the Persian Gulf War. He has used some of his experience and training to help his children out. He has taught them how to fight, to their mother dismay, with his sons being more successful then his daughter. He taught his sons how to shoot most civilian guns, as well as to use knives and the bow to great degree. With the training he has imparted several life lessons he hopes the children will take to heart.


He is 50 years old. 6 feet and 220 pounds. Very detail oriented when it comes to looks. Likes to wear formal clothing when not wearing uniform. Muscular, strong looking for his age.




Cad is in good standings with his mother. She is a busy women, but sets up time for each of her children. A strict, but loving person she abides by rules for the most part. She believes a person is responsible for their actions. As such she gives her children a great deal of freedom as long as they don't abuse it. If they do she can be swift and harsh in her punishments. If any of her children are too problematic she gets help either from her husband whom can be much rougher to them then her.


She works for a law firm that is well known and well respected. She is not a mean person, but is passionate about her work. She has faith that the justice system and in putting those whom deserve to be behind bars. Yet even she gets aggravated when a person she believes to be guilty is proven innocent.


She is a lean athletic looking women, whom still has a great look to her for her age. She is 45 years old. She is 5'0 in height. Weights 140 pounds.

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Cad looks up to his brother Arthur then his parents as such has a better relationship with him then any other member of his family. They are a lot alike in many ways. Both have a rebellious streak to them. Both got in trouble at school, yet even so they had good grades which gave mixed feelings to the faculty. They also like some of the same activities.


Yet the two differ in several ways. Arthur is the eldest brother, and the oldest of his siblings. Arthur is more romantic and mature then Cad is. As such is more social and able to get along with people better then Cad. He is also the better fighter among the two. Also the more competitive of the two.


Went into the military right after high school. He wanted to do time in the army so he could gain income for college. Soon after he got involved in the Afghanistan war after 9/11. He wits and skills along with being a good team member made him steadily rise in the ranks. Eventually got into a fight that wounded his left leg. That got him discharge from the army. Currently in law enforcement as a detective.


31 years old. 6 feet, 200 pounds. Likes to wear casual clothing when not wearing uniform. Nothing too over the top though. Very athletic and muscular person.




Rosalind has a shaky relationship with Cad. They never got along well at times, but she understands the reasons why even if her brother does not. This is mostly due to Cad behavior, like Arthur whom Cad was siding with, antagonizing several of her boyfriends whom he though were not going to work out with her. This is more due to them caring for her then anything else. Some of this has been true, yet not all the time. She has several relationships in the past, most of all were broken up by the male and not Rosalind. A few of them cheated on her, and she ended the relationship often with help at hand in case it got ugly.


The other half is Cad's personality. Her sister was a very passive person who likes to help people. Cad does as well, but does things more aggressively then her sister. As such they sometimes argue about how he could of done different. Arthur often takes the middle ground in such arguments if present.


She is an highly skilled and talented person. A bit squeamish and does not like horror movies or very bloody scenes. Cannot stand to be around corpses. Spent much of her college life at home to save money and travel to school. She is currently working on getting her Doctrine in Medicine. Currently working as a nurse.


25 years old. 5 feet, 150 pounds. Slim, elegant women. Wears elegant, and formal clothing that is somewhat revealing when not wearing medical uniform.




Leonard has an good relationship with Cad. Both he and Cad's father fears that Cad can sometimes get over his head. As such he tries to teach Cad to be more cautious when he visits. He also taught him some martial arts and Kendo. He fears that Cad has not learn his lessons as he hopped.


Former U.S. Air Force pilot. Served in war world 2, Korea, and some of Vietnam before retiring. Marry twice with 2 kids with the first. Twice widow. An expert martial artist and swordsman. Very patient and kind man. Does not tolerate needless violence.


Looks: Grey hair, blue eyes. He often wears gentleman clothing or a judo outfit. Very spry and active man even in his golden years. Five feet and five inches tall and weights 200 pounds. He is 88 years old.

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Cad and his siblings had lived for the most part with their mother due to her more stable lifestyle compared to their father. They had lived in a small close knit town where Nerys hopped her children would not get into too much trouble. Also the place was much closer to her work which did not take her long to get to. The place was very rural in some ways yet had many trapping of the higher class. Yet it had a large forest with several springs, and a mountain to climb. Cad and Arthur did a lot of exploring in those areas.


Cad visits his father when it was safe to do so and on his breaks from public school. As such Cad had been able to go to several parts of the world. This has mostly been in Europe, and Asia, but have seen a few other parts briefly as well. As such Cad has a working knowledge in a few languages. He also often visits his grandfather, Leonard, as well. Leonard own his own dojo and is a martial arts instructor in Japan.


Cad never really had a lot of friends at his previous school. He was never a real social butterfly. He was though respected by many of the students. He often stood up for several of the weaker students when bullies pick on them. He is smart, but not by a great margin. His worse classes are Science, and Social studies. His best is Literature. The rest of his studies seem average.


One day he notice this teenage guy was harming a defenseless girl who Cad had respected for and had a secret crush on. No one else seen it, and when he talked to her about reporting it she didn’t want to cause problems. It seems the guy was her boyfriend and quite popular in school. He was also a senior and that he would be gone by years end. She asked him to leave it alone. Cad couldn’t do so, so he challenged the guy to a fight and won. He caused a lot of damage to the guy to the point of sending him to the hospital.


In doing so Cad did a chain reaction of events he did not see coming. The person whom Cad kicked the shit out of was the son of a old rival of his mother. As such kicked off an hail storm of a legal battle. Cad was suspended from school for the year. He almost got sent to jail, and the backlash in his own family due to the way he handled the situation also did not help Cad.


Yet something positive did happen to Cad out of it. The girl whom he protected started to come to him. The lady was isolated by her previous boyfriend due to what Cad did. Yet she did not care. She wanted to be with him as it made her feel free in the first time in a long time. The two clicked early on and eventually became a couple.


Several months later during one weekend the two were camping out in the woods. It started out pleasant enough. Yet when night came things went to hell for Cad. He was ambush by his loves former boyfriend. The man came with several friends. Cad was able to take a few down before he was overwhelm. They bead and cut up Cad bad enough to the point of him passing out.


When Cad woke up, he saw the group by a bond fire with the girl bound and gagged. Cad was bound, but not gagged. The leader told them that they were alone in the wood and that they could easy kill and dispose of the couples bodies. The couple did not know if he would do so or not. Either way the man had plan on torturing the two before he decided their fate.


Cad saw the men rape and torture the girl before his eyes. Cad tried to make them ignore her, but only got Cad beaten up again. Eventually Cad's mouth got so sore to the point of not being able to scream or shout. During that time of the man's friend came over to check in on Cad. The friend goes to relax a few moments and then goes to kick Cad a few in the midsection for a few moments before going back to play with his friends.


Though in doing so he placed a knife where Cad was, thinking him too weak to use it. Cad noticed that they seem more interested in his girlfriend then him. Cad slowly moved to the knife making sure they would not notice him. With the knife he was able to free himself. He lay still in his previous position waiting for the right time to strike as well as to gather his strength.


The group were getting bored of it and were deciding what to do next. Some of them were nervous of killing the couple. The former boyfriend told them that he was going to kill the two due to the others for being cowards. While most of the group were talking, one went to check on Cad. That was when he struck. He took the first man out real easy by stabbing him in his gentailia.


Yet the man scream out in surprised and pain. Cad used what time he still had to attack first. A fight between Cad and the rapist occurred. One of them ran off in fear. Another ran towards Cad to try to take him out only to die by a stab wound in the chest. Then what fear Cad worse occurred, but not in the way he expected it.


The bastard boyfriend has shot one of his friends. That shocked Cad for a few seconds. That gave the man time to move the gun. Cad ran towards him, but figured himself a goner. Then something unexpected happen to save Cad's life. The girlfriend trips her former boyfriend up to make him fall. The man falls, but not before firing a few shots. Cad reaches the man before he could get back up or use the gun. Cad stabs the man to death in rage.


When Cad calmed down he goes to check in on his love. He goes to her, but by that time, she was already dead. The wounds were fatal, and she died rather quickly. Cad mourns for her for what seems like forever before he gains his composure. He calls the cops and told what happen.


In the next few months, the parents of the dead guy went on a campaign to put him behind bars for their child murder and that of the girl. A trail occurred, in which he was proven innocent of the charges. But during that time a large smear campaign occurred against him. Whatever friends he had soon turn on him, and the whole town thought he did it. Soon the whole town was against him due to the dead guy’s popularity, and the fact Cad wasn’t the most well liked guy in the town in the first place.


But that didn’t matter in the end, due to him being declared innocent of the charges. Even thought he was declared innocent, there was still resentment in the town for him. He father was away at the time, and his mother planned on moving him just to get away from the stigma of the place to them. Also she fears Cad would get killed if he stay here.


Now Cad is in a big city. He is still coping or trying to cope with what happen. Yet he has trouble doing so. Even so he has gain a few new friends and is trying to reshape his life back together.

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