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[Shadowrun] Agents of the Dragon


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It came up in discussion a bit with Max, so to clarify..


Draco Foundation Headquarters is in DC, but they have other offices around the world, and you folks work out of the Seattle Office of the Draco Foundation, as such, the following contact is the most important one, as your handler, and the person in the office most likely to call on you for your various jobs. She's not the only one in the office, but she's the most influential.



Name: Gwendolyn Luthien Kaera

Race: Dryad (Elf Variant) - Drake (Feathered Serpent Variant)

Known Capabilities: Druid - Great Mother Mentor Spirit

Basic Contact Rating: 4 Connections, 2 Loyality

Contact Roles: Johnson, Talismonger, Healer/Doc - Head of the Seattle office of the Draco Foundation


Appearance: Beautiful and a bit mysterious, while portraits of her are lovely, in person her glamour takes affect, making her appear more graceful and enchanting in person.


Personality: Charismatic and influential, she's also usually kind, polite and respectful as long as folks remain the same toward her (and because of her glamour they almost never do otherwise), she has a strong dislike for violence which has kept her out of the shadows. Despite this, she understands that sometimes it's necessary, but even when forced into such situations she tries to keep from doing any more damage then possible, she prefers non-permanent solutions to conflict, but how her team carries out missions given is completely up to them. She has a few environmental leanings, but almost every dryad does, and she has a strong dislike for toxic and blood magic, so is most likely to let violence slide in relation to them.


Capabilities: A druid and fairly high grade initiate, she's a very capable summoner and spell caster, the majority of her spells are health related spells, but she has a decent number of non-health spells, and she can always turn into a drake if she really needs too (she rarely does). She is also a practiced enchanter and can help with such matters when needed, sense she spends quite a bit of time studying the arcane. She is a friend of Nadja Daviar, and put in charge of the Seattle office of the Draco Foundation. She speaks fluent sperethiel, english, japanese, french, spanish and russian, and she's not bad with mandarin or or'zet. She knows a good number of people in Seattle and Cara'Sir.


Basic: She counts as a contact with connections 4 and loyalty 2, if you want to take her as such, but even without she's the one who most often is likely to give you missions, but not the only one.. folks may raise the level of loyalty if you like.. but the higher it is, the closer your relationship with her should be.

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Is this going to be one of those games where everything is some sort of meta-variant/awakened/drake/infected?


Because meta-variants are actually pretty rare (even in their country of origin), Awakened is a rarity, some infected are a slight bit more common than others but still, the books say rare and Drakes themselves are RARE (bold, ictalisized), like that's how seriously rare they are.


I'm curious because the first NPC you popped up is, damn near a genetic impossibility, outside the whole 'I wanted to see how many templates I could add to one NPC.' angle and has special snowflake written all over her. I know the PCs are supposed to Prime Runner-lite, but seriously if the street gangs are sporting MilSpec hardware and security grade hardened armor this game is going to loose credibility real quick.


The Druid girl already has me rolling my eyes and groaning. Totally fappable pic though.

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In answer to your question.. no, in fact most of the rest of the folks in the D.F. Seattle office are regular in terms of their metatype, a Dryad Drake is indeed rare, I doubt you could count them on more then one hand (you might be able to count them on 1 finger.).. the only other drakes out of this office will be one of you folks, if any of you chose to be drakes.

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So, population demographics, with the point Revenant made yesterday.. I looked it up, and there are a couple of things that simply don't match up, so to match what the book data is, and population percentages..


Based on a population of about 7 billion (which is a bit under what it should be, even with the huge amounts of die off's from VITAS), this is a bit too evenly distributed, but


Human, 60% - 4.2 Billion

Elves 12% 840 million

Orks 16 % - 1.12 Billion

Dwarves 8% - 6 - 560 million

Trolls 4% - 280 million

Non-Metahumans (including VITAS Infected) 2% - 140 million


Of these, metavarients usually vary between several thousand, to several tens of thousand at the most.. with a rare few being a few more.. so yes, they are rare, so to pick on trolls, sense Revenant is making a troll.., if one of the troll varients, the Formori are about 0.01% of the worlds troll population, that's about 28,000 Formori.. about 4% of those are awakened (Formori are 4x more likely to be awakened then regular trolls), so about 1120 would be awakened.. if about 1% of those was also a drake (which makes it ultra-rare, 0.01%).. you have about 11 such Formori in existence.. however, there is a market and bounties out on drakes, and in 2075 the dragon civil war, and metahuman-dragon conflict backlash ended up with a good number of drakes killed, so let's cut that number in half.. and round down.. 5 such Formori remain.

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Birth Name: Unknown
Aliases: The Red Man, Red, The Red Guy,

Social Networking Tag: #CrimsonFuckr
Birth Date: Unknown
Nationality: Caucasian
Metatype: Human, Vampire
Gender: Male
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 186lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blood-red

Distinguishing Physical Features & Appearance:

  • Deep, powerful voice, almost hypnotic.
  • Tall and thin with pale skin and blood-red eyes.
  • Almost always dresses in shades of red.

Psychological Profile:

  • Extremely self-confident, bordering on egomaniacal.
  • Self-reliant.
  • Vengeful in the extreme.
  • Possesses a twisted, immoral and sometimes vicious sense of humor.
  • Does not suffer fools.
  • Mystically inclined. Disregards the concepts of coincidence and chance.
  • Has a dark and twisted code of honor.


  • Values magic, cunning and strength of character.
  • Black Magician. Specialises in summoning and binding 'demons'. Extreme caution advised.
  • Unknown origins.
  • No apparent regard for life, morals or laws.
  • Has claimed on occasion to be older than the Awakening.
  • Has no, repeat NO traceable history. Just appeared on the runner scene out of the blue around 2058, 13 years ago.

Apparent Motivations

  • Power
  • Fun!
  • Working for the Draco Foundation

Current Residence: Unknown
Life Style: Middle

Street Cred: 16
Public Awareness: 6
Notoriety: 4

,, ,,

>>>>>(You serious? A freakin' BLACK Magician? Ooooh, I'm scaaaared!)<<<<<
- DrummerBoy (09:12:54/05-13-72)

>>>>>(No joke. There are some wizboys out there that practice actual 'black magic'. Forget the Hail Satan stuff spewed by chuckleheads who listen to loud music, though. These guys are a little more serious than that. It's about breaking the rules in order to gain greater insight, or some drek like that. Will-to-power stuff.)<<<<<
- Frosty (11:56:12/05-13-72)

>>>>>(Will to what?)<<<<<
- DrummerBoy (13:39:41/05-14-72)

>>>>>(Will to power. It's a concept that Nietzsche pushed in his work. It's all about freeing oneself from any restrictions that stop one from achieving their full potential. Aleister Crowley took that concept and ran with it when he said "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." He stated that for a person to realise their True Will, they had to cast off 'false' restrictions derived from societal morals and laws. Of course, Crowley was a fruitbat.)<<<<<
- The Nutty Professor (22:19:10/05-14-72)

>>>>>(He was a fruitbat THEN. These days he'd probably be a magician. Black magicians borrow from hermetic, theurgic and qabbalistic sources then twist it up with older stuff to work their mojo. And that mojo can be pretty scary. A fire spirit is a fire spirit, but when I saw a self-proclaimed black magician pull a fragging for-real fire snorting demon out of the ether I was impressed.)<<<<<
- Winterhawk (03:21:14/05-16-72)

>>>>>(Rumor's all we have at the moment, ladies and gents. The high and mighty Draco Foundation is employing a frag-mothering demon-summoning vampire as a, and I quote: "paranormal assessment and extermination specialist". Dude cleaned out a nosferatu cell in Krakow last month, and a ghoul infestation in the southeastern CAS six months ago.)<<<<<
- The Smiling Bandit (Strikes again!/Ha-Ha-Ha)


>>>>>(Did some digging, and this dude has been busy since Bandit's last entry. Bug spirit extermination, infected slaying, even some high-profile missing persons case in Denver where some Wendigo were hiding out and snatching folks for dinner. Looks like the Red Guy is real. And has a social networking feed.)<<<<<
- Winterhawk (09:25:41/07-28-72)


>>>>>(It is so gratifying to be talked about and appreciated. It gives me tingles in my tingly place.)<<<<<
- CrimsonFuckr (

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Well, that depends on the degree of SURGE


About 1% of the worlds population of metahuman's are SURGE mutants.


That means, based on the above population calculations

Human Changlings - 42 million || Elven Changlings 8.4 million || Ork Changlings - 11.2 million || Dwarves Changlings - 5.6 million || Trolls Changelings - 2.8 million


Of these, there are 3 general classes, depending on the degree of change, and to some degree, the class of SURGE affects acceptance by the general population, in fact, what the general public thinks of as SURGE is class II and III.


Class I SURGE can sometimes get by as a normal member of their race, depending on thier mutations, though there are inevitable differences if one knows what to look for, but they can be concealed, so a class one Surge mutant can get often get by as a normal member of his or her race, as there are bioware mods out there that can be the same as some of the changes that changling's are affected by.. generally class one Surge disappear into the regular population, and as such I see them as the majority of SURGE


Class II SURGE have more major changes, they can't really get by without detection, unless it's by completely covering themselves, and even then, some of the more major changes makes that difficult, but a few of them have been able to find ways to integrate into society without too much trouble.


Class III SURGE is impossible to really conceal, they often have problems integrating into normal metahuman society at all, and often end up in the fringe element, class three are what the real cat-people, or elephant headed human are found among..

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Birth Name: Unknown

Aliases: The Method Man, 'Sir'

Social Networking Tag: #DzntGivaSht

Birth Date: 02/07/29

Nationality: Black

Metatype: Troll (Fomori)

Gender: Male

Height: 8’0”

Weight: 647lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Red

Distinguishing Physical Features & Appearance:

  • Deep, dulcet, baritone voice.
  • Massive in size, no dermal bone deposits or horns.
  • Prefers suits and business casual clothing.
Psychological Profile:
  • Egomaniac.
  • Can not be bargained with or reasoned with once set to a course of action.
  • Vengeful in the extreme.
  • Enjoys psychological torture.
  • Does not suffer fools.
  • Disregards luck, Fate, or chance. Handles every circumstance at is comes.
  • Follows the Warriors Way and with a Code that only he seems to know.
  • Prizes power and values those with strength and intellect.
  • Physical Adept, Self-Initiated. Says he's "Rollin' 6 Deep."
  • Been on the Seattle Streets since he was 10, a dyed in the wool survivor.
  • No regard for life, morals or laws.
  • Likes big butts.
  • Can not lie.
Apparent Motivations
  • Power
  • Power
  • Working for the Draco Foundation
Current Residence: Unknown

Life Style: High

Street Cred: 16

Public Awareness: 6

Notoriety: 4


>>>>>(All the Adept stuff aside, this guy is a survivor. I used to know him when he was just slingin' BTLs in the lot of the local stuffer shack. He always had the determination to crawl to the top. A man like that is dangerous, once he's seen the sun at the mountain peak he don't wanna fall back into the shadows below.)<<<<<

- The Old Guy (10:17:54/05-13-72)

>>>>>(Draco Foundation has picked him up as an "Paranormal Recon and Acquisition Specialist". What the hell does that even mean?)<<<<<

- InTheKnow (11:56:12/05-13-72)

>>>>>(Reagent gathering, talesma, things like that. Basically, he's the big guy that holds it down while someone shaves it. I heard he also hunts things down that have... come up missing from the DF's archives.)<<<<<

- Laughs In The Wind (13:39:41/05-14-72)

>>>>>(Botched run about seven months ago. A group and I were transporting something someone wanted out of the Tir lands. It was hidden in the convoy and this son of a bitch comes out of nowhere and tears our convoy apart, pushes vehicles over, blocks the roads, I knew he had help but we only saw him. Left everyone alive just so he could ask 'Where is it?' then proceeded to execute the lot of them. I'm not pleased to admit it, but I sang like a canary. He politely thanked me and told me I was free to go. I still look over my shoulder from time to time.)<<<<<

- Chromeo (22:19:10/05-14-72)

>>>>>(Word on the street is: this guy has two daughters 12 and 17. Also he's been putting it to one of the higher ups in the foundation, giving one of their pretty little elves some jungle fever. If you want leverage on this guy, start there. I would.)<<<<<

- Winterhawk (03:21:14/05-16-72)

>>>>>(Best of luck to ya omae. There are evil things in this world, and this man is one of them. He is a monster that lives only for the gain of personal power and the desire to war with anything dumb enough to challenge him. That's not the sort of giant I wanna be pokin' with a stick.)<<<<<

- The Smiling Bandit (Strikes again!/Ha-Ha-Ha)


>>>>>(Okay, have you seen his current dossier? Bug hives, toxic cults, blood mage cells all around the world. The DF has him busy, but is he doing it alone or with a group?)<<<<<

- Rat In The Hat (09:25:41/07-28-72)


>>>>>(To every madness, a Method.)<<<<<

- CrimsonFuckr (11:02:51/07-28-72)

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Love the description, Troll.. both Red and Method are a bit darker then I was initially expecting, but anyone who does shadow work is going to need to be ruthless, and their willingness to work within the Draco Foundation makes them more on the side of the good guys, in a world as dark as shadowrun... of course, a big tough troll like this have pair of daughters is somewhat amusing




On another note, something I think will be useful for character development, considering the world and racial dynamics


Humans begin to go though puberty at about 11-13, and reach basic maturity by 16-18, though studies indicate a degree of mental growth and a very tiny amount of physical growth continues though the early 20's

Orks begin to go though puberty at 9, and reach basic maturity about 11-14, mental growth is likely to continue until 20.

Trolls begin to go though puberty at 9-10, and reach basic maturity between 11 - 15, like orks, mental growth is likely to continue until 20

Dwarves begin to go though puberty at about 12-14, and maturity about 17-19, mental growth is likely to continue to later 20s

Elves begin to go though puberity at about 14-17, and maturity between 20-24, mental growth is likely to continue into mid-30s.


As you can see, it's no wonder orks and to a lesser degree trolls have trouble integrating into mainstream society, by the time they are ready to join the world as adults, society still says they are children, where as dwarves and elves have an easier time even then humans.

Children can born from any relationship between interracial couples, but the child will be one or the other, which means, depending on the mother, Mr. Troll here could have a dwarf, ork, human or elven daughter.
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Staying away from the SURGE then. Actually went over what was availiable as a surge mutant, and the overall cost-benefit analysis justdidn't pan out. Character-wise it would have been interesting, but only for a non-hybrid concept (as in taking two concepts and combining them into one character).

So, I'm solidly a Human Rigger/Combat Medic.

I even got my gear mostly set up. I'll toss something up on Mina tomorrow.

Rev: Mind if I use your post as a template for mine?

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The following rule applies to adepts only, because they have fewer options with regards to metamagic, and it means more regarding their powers.. on a note, power powers gained this way need to be recorded, as they are separate from the magic rating..

  • Errata: Adept Initiation. - Adepts may gain 1 Power Point instead of a Metamagic at Initiation. (The number of Power Points an adept can gain this way is equal to their Magic: i.e. an Adept with Magic 4 can only acquire 4 additional power points through Initiation, for a total of 8 power points. These bonus Power Points can only be acquired via Initiation.) ,,
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Some Contacts within Draco Foundation

,, ,,

Nadja Daviar ,,

Head of Draco Foundation, Nadja is very attractive female elf, with dark hair and one of the more mysterious figures of the 6th world. She has inherited the lion's share of the great Dragon Dunkalzahn's estate after his death, according to his will. For years before that, she was his chosen voice (Great Dragons speak in dragon form though a kind of telepathy, but it's not something that can be recorded, and as they dislike taking metahuman form, they usually chose a voice to speak for them when speaking in public). After his death, she was chosen to take the place of vice president of UCAS, she inherited a significant amount of shares of Ares from Dunkalzahn, enough to be a major shareholder and to hold a place on the board of directors.. and she's the Chairwoman of Draco Foundation.. however, in 2064, a major revolution attempt in UCAS has the president kidnapped and killed, Acting President Nadja declares martial law, ordering Brigadier General Angela Colloton to put down the coup, then disappears, she is not seen again until the death of Draco Foundation Acting Chairwoman Aina Dupree in July 2073, at which point she returned to take the reins once more. Rumors about her run rampant.. if you can imagine it it regarding her, there is a rumor to that affect.


One of the most powerful elves in terms of influence in the world, she's a increadibly enigmatic and mysterious figure, and has moved almost completely out of the public eye, generally getting to see her is impossible, she refuses to see even Great Dragons on occasion.


Nadja is a contact with level 6 connections, but having a rating of loyalty higher then 2-3 is pretty much unlikely, she's very hard to contact, and very very reclusive




Name: Daithikar

Race: Eastern Dragon

Known Capabilities: He's a Dragon, you don't need more then that

Position: Member of Dunkalzahn Institute of Magic Research, Head of the Draco Academy of Magic in Seattle

Contract Roles: Professor, Magical Academic, Parazooligist, Preternatural Historian


Daithikar is a dragon with a deep interest in teaching and magical research, one would expect such a dragon to be more involved with the great dragon Schwartzkopf, but Daithikar appeared to have a degree of extraordinary respect for the Dunklazahn, some rumors suggest that he was one of the great dragon's agents among dragon kind, but there is no evidence to support it, Daithikar appears to be his own dragon. He joined the Dunklazahn Institute of Magical Research shortly after it was founded, and when there was a academy built in Seattle, he asked to guide and teach there, the Institute agreed to the request.


Personality: Inquisitive, Knowledgeable and Intelligent with a love for teaching, he is an extremely valuable contact for those seeking mystical knowledge, or connections with the various groups of dragons in the world. Of course, being a dragon also gives him a vastly different outlook on the world then metahumanity, something that can be both valuable and frustrating depending on the circumstances. As a dragon he is comfortable with several different magical traditions, though he favors the Mage tradition, he can guide a student of other traditions without to much difficulty, but generally he'll refer charisma traditions, such as Shamanic, Shinto or Aztec to their mentor spirits, unless it's a very specific need.


Contact Rating: Connections 5, he has a high degree of loyalty to his students, a magician who trained with him should have a loyalty rating of 4 or possibly 5 with a very favored student, others should have lower ratings.

,, ,, ,,


And a Repeat



Name: Gwendolyn Luthien Kaera

Race: Dryad (Elf Variant) - Drake (Feathered Serpent Variant)

Known Capabilities: Druid - Great Mother Mentor Spirit

Basic Contact Rating: 4 Connections, 2 Loyality

Contact Roles: Johnson, Talismonger, Healer/Doc - Head of the Seattle office of the Draco Foundation


Appearance: Beautiful and a bit mysterious, while portraits of her are lovely, in person her glamour takes affect, making her appear more graceful and enchanting in person.


Personality: Charismatic and influential, she's also usually kind, polite and respectful as long as folks remain the same toward her (and because of her glamour they almost never do otherwise), she has a strong dislike for violence which has kept her out of the shadows. Despite this, she understands that sometimes it's necessary, but even when forced into such situations she tries to keep from doing any more damage then possible, she prefers non-permanent solutions to conflict, but how her team carries out missions given is completely up to them. She has a few environmental leanings, but almost every dryad does, and she has a strong dislike for toxic and blood magic, so is most likely to let violence slide in relation to them.


Capabilities: A druid and fairly high grade initiate, she's a very capable summoner and spell caster, the majority of her spells are health related spells, but she has a decent number of non-health spells, and she can always turn into a drake if she really needs too (she rarely does). She is also a practiced enchanter and can help with such matters when needed, sense she spends quite a bit of time studying the arcane. She is a friend of Nadja Daviar, and put in charge of the Seattle office of the Draco Foundation. She speaks fluent sperethiel, english, japanese, french, spanish and russian, and she's not bad with mandarin or or'zet. She knows a good number of people in Seattle and Cara'Sir.


Basic: She counts as a contact with connections 4 and loyalty 2, if you want to take her as such, but even without she's the one who most often is likely to give you missions, but not the only one.. folks may raise the level of loyalty if you like.. but the higher it is, the closer your relationship with her should be.




Name: Tanya Mira Harding

Race: Human

Know Capablities: Tanya is a mundane human, with a bit of cyberware to enhance her capabilities.

Roles: Accountant, Fixer, Information Broker


Tanya is the Seattle Office's Accounting Manager, but what she really is, is an 'Equipment and Information Specialist', if you need something that you don't personally own, she is the the one to talk too, but more then that, she keeps her hand in the information business as well, if you want to know something, she's the one to go too. She keeps the records of the various items that the Seattle office has in storage, as well as what funds they have access to at this time. Of course, nothing is free, she rarely lets go of anything of value unless someone higher up has told her too.. but she has jobs of her own that she will sometimes ask a group of runners to look into if they want something from her.


Regardless of this, she is not all business, nor is she heartless, if someone can convince her of the need, she'll part with items and information for a future favor, though sooner or later she's going to collect, and she has enough favors to have quite a bit of influence in the office. She is also willing to be won over, though her tastes are high enough that can be expensive.


Personality wise, she's very curious, the term 'curiosity killed the cat' can be applied to her, and she's often wondering about things from other viewpoints, she has a mild addiction to BTL chips that some folks who know her make use of, as she is a bit more willing to trade favors for a new experience.


Contact Rating: Connections 3, Loyalty Varies

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The Seattle Office of the Draco Foundation ,,

Located toward the south end of Seattle and built to a exacting series of specifications, based on a design from decades ago, it's one of the more unique buildings in Seattle.


Inside, the air is clean, the plants are shipped in from all over the world, and carefully tended, some very unique flora has managed to grow here, and a number of plant spirits encourage the growth of this tower.. sometimes called the Emerald Citadel, by the locals, both in admiration and envy.


Rumor has it that there is a rather large complex underneath the tower, something that you are aware is true, this is where some of the less public activities of the Draco Foundation are discussed, and where some of the more dangerous items that are kept out of the public eye can be found.


Matrix and Astral Security are very high, between spirits, a few magical residents, a resident AI, and those of you who chose to live here, an option left open to all of you.


OOC: Real World Design: http://www.beautifullife.info/urban-design/vincent-callebauts-futuristic-skyscraper/

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Birth Name: Unknown
Aliases: Death Otter

Social Networking Tag: #D3tH_0R
Birth Date: Unknown
Nationality: Caucasian
Metatype: Elf
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 151lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green


Distinguishing Physical Features & Appearance:
- A little short for an elf
- Commits fashion felonies on a daily, willful basis
- Sperethiel is her native tongue, but a slight Irish accent creeps into her English when agitated


Psychological Profile:
Subject to abrupt mood swings
- Impatient
- Perfectionist
- Proud
- Adventurous; enjoys novelty and challenge
- Hates stasis; embraces change
- Appreciates poetic irony


- Scorched datatrail
- A technomancer since the first Emergence
- Prefers 'soft' approach, but doesn't flinch from lethal force
- Enjoys playing tricks and pranks, from harmless on friends up to ruinous on those she dislikes.


Apparent Motivations:
-Humbling the Mighty
-Working for the Draco Foundation


Current Residence: Unknown
Life Style: Middle

Street Cred: 15
Public Awareness: 3
Notoriety: 1


>>>>>(She's a phony. She likes to talk big, but anytime you bring up specifics she suddenly gets coy.)<<<<<
- Lazshil (02:09:51/03-10-72)


>>>>>(Maybe she's just not suicidal? Some of the stuff she's said, if she connected herself to them she'd be ducking hired

guns every time she stuck her head out the window to check the weather.)<<<<<
- Auld Grey Goo (02:13:19/03-10-72)


>>>>>(I can't say much about what she says, but Death Otter's definitely not all talk. She's fast. Even for for a 'linkhead

she's fast.)<<<<<
- OvR9k (03:02:44/03-10-72)


>>>>>(Here's the thing though. I don't think she's a technomancer. They can't get augs, and they don't do magic, but

Otter's as fast as a jacked up street sammy even in meatspace. I watched her in VR, and my reality filter couldn't keep up

with her. She kept glitching out in my display. What's that fast?)<<<<<
- Metameat (03:15:25/03-10-72)


>>>>>(Metasapient AI, riding in a lifelike drone body?)<<<<<
- baughb (03:16:13/03-10-72)


>>>>>(I think I'd know an AI if I saw one.)<<<<<
- Metameat (03:17:03/03-10-72)


>>>>>(That's just what they WANT you to think.)<<<<<
- baughb (03:17:56/03-10-72)

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Character Update


Completed and Approved

  • Red - Vampire - Magician
  • Method - Troll - Adept - Warrior Way's - Melee focus
  • Death Otter - Elf - Technomage

In Development

  • Ryan 'Teach' Church - Human - Former Ares Security Chief - Cyberware/Bioware Enhanced - Firearms focus (Almost finished)
  • Viktoriya Orlov - Human - Former Lone Star Agent - Cyberware/Bioware Enhanced - Sniper/Demolitions
  • Mina Halsey - Rigger - Adept - Artisan's Way (Vehicle Focused) - Focus Transport
  • Carver - Adept - Speaker's Way - Face
  • Jeremy - Ninja - Type Uncertain, but I suspect the Invisable Way, or a Mystic Adept (Mixing Magic types actually works well here)

Interesting that there are about 4 adepts (maybe 5) to 1 mage, which is about the way I think the things are likely to fall out anyway, percentage wise with regards to awakened. Of course, awakened/emerged to mundane is completely out of proportion, but that's not completely unexpected in the shadows. With regards to further characters, a second magician might be able to close off some of the gaps left here and there, especially as a healer, and add some more ritual magic options when on mission. [Although, a couple of NPC's are mages, but they arn't likely to be around when your on mission]

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Actually, Mina will have your medical needs covered, at least through mundane methods. Although once you mentioned "Artisan's Way", something in a book I do not have, I may have to delay a few more days as this could be the key that unlocks the original concept. Maybe.

Yep... Krul showed me the super sekrit ability I was missing... seems the drawing board and me tonight are having another date. :(

It's for the better, everyone, trust me.

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Yeah, as I recall mundane medicine and magically active people don't mix well.


That said, your friendly neighbourhood black magician has some healing type magic. Trust me. I'm intimately familiar with the workings of the metahuman body.

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Healing Magic is reduced by the essence loss, in terms of dice.. if you have enough skill and help though, even a street samurai can be healed by a mage.

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I'll officially send in Phantom to you Krul, tomorrow morning. In the meantime...


Datafile: Phantom


Birth Name: Unknown
Aliases: Phantom, Lupin, Fantôme

Social Networking Tag: #SilentFrog
Birth Date: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unconfirmed
Metatype: Elf
Gender: Male
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 166 lb.
Hair: Unconfirmed
Eyes: Light Blue

Distinguishing Physical Features & Appearance:

  • Described as tall and thin.
  • Voice of intelligence and humor.
  • At various times, has been observed with different skin and hair colors, creating ambiguity as to his ethnicity, identity and connecting his activities.

Psychological Profile:

  • Presents the image of being wealthy and cultured.
  • Generally calm and controlled, descending into increased sarcasm when stressed.
  • Shows a clear disdain for 'mere thugs.'


  • Adept and infiltration specialist, but also frighteningly capable combatant.
  • Unknown origins.
  • Seems to be very well educated.

Apparent Motivations

  • Wealth
  • Thrills and Challenges
  • Working for the Draco Foundation

Current Residence: Unknown
Life Style: Middle

Street Cred: 16
Public Awareness: 5
Notoriety: 1


>>>>>(All right, I call bullshit. Can anyone here seriously grok how someone like this slot could pass as an immeasurable amount of people without connections being made or leaving a massive trail of purchases for nanopaste and the like?)<<<<<
- TikkaTakkaTang (02:32:31/05-13-72)

>>>>>(Listen newbie, he's an adept like me - and one that I understand can change his facial structure and hair and skin tones around easily. Gotta be honest, he's damn good. I like the cut of his jib, as the old saying goes.)<<<<<
- Mika (15:13:23/05-13-72)

>>>>>(Ran across Phantom in a chance encounter, I was trying to grab a reputed artifact apparently in the possession of an corporate-funded expedition - sorry, best I don't say who. Managed to get all the way through to their prefab HQ holding room, and I get a glimpse of Phantom around the corner, with my target. And then I have CorpSec guards in my face. I bet he timed it that way.)<<<<<
- Elijah (13:13:40/05-14-72)

>>>>>(And now word is flinging about he's with the Draco Foundation?)<<<<<
- KarlKombatMac (21:12:38/05-16-72)

>>>>>(Definitely. "Covert Observation & Acquisition" it reads. But probably, he's not just a spook and a thief, they may have him on tap to cack people quietly too. Not impossible, despite his classy air - this guy is more than capable of fighting and killing if needed.)<<<<<
- The Smiling Bandit (Strikes again!/Ha-Ha-Ha)


>>>>>(More research on my part, and Phantom has been active big time for Draco. Little things like valuable items goes missing from major Ares & Wuxing locations, reports of secrets potentially leaked from UCAS and CAS databases, but barely anyone knows who could be behind it. Except Draco has big interests in all these situations.)<<<<<
- Winterhawk (15:58:59/07-28-72)


>>>>>(As a note, money and fine things, as you might presume, appeal to this guy, but not obscenely excessive the way all the big names at the top of the food chain like it. Partly because the thrill of the game is his other big motivator.)<<<<<
- The Smiling Bandit (Strikes again!/Ha-Ha-Ha)


>>>>>(THIS GUY IS FRENCH.)<<<<<
- CrimsonFuckr (


>>>>>(And sadly, despite all your weeping Crimson, you are not.)<<<<<
- SilentFrog (

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Dropping the Adept idea after all. It's a huge karma point sink that could go into nuyen for the rigger swag.

Expect Mina this weekend.

Also I have grown to accept being under 3 essence.

So, that everyone knows, Elvish Rigger/Combat Medic. Also SURGE I.

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I am a horrible person. Or perhaps all it took was a little push.

I'm moving Mina to my backup character. Talking with folks in chat I just did a pinch-hit into a character I could build overnight.

Sakurako "Endeavor" Hino will return.

Same concept as Mina (Rigger/Medic) but will also be centered around being a genius.

This will get done. And in the span of a day.

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A world map, circa 2063, for folks trying to recall where things are.. some of the borders have shifted and changed by 2072..




And this is a more current map of just north america, you can see the shifted borders I was talking about.



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Birth Name: Sakurako Hino (Unknown if this is actual identity)
Aliases: Endeavor
Social Networking Tag: #ThatDamnPilot
Birth Date: Unknown, assumed sometime in 2043
Nationality: Asian (UCAS origin)
Metatype: Elf, Changeling
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 121lbs
Hair: Albino White
Eyes: Albino Pink

Distinguishing Physical Features & Appearance:

  • Adolescent Features due to Neoteny disorder
  • Albino (Whitish hair and albino pink eyes)
  • Slightly more bulky than the average Elvish Girl

Psychological Profile:

  • Conflicted as she deals with her young form yet mature thought processes
  • Is more comfortable around her vehicles than people
  • Not adverse to teamwork
  • Sometimes is immature
  • In a fight she may not break way as easily, possibly due to overcompensating for her condition
  • May develop attachments to teammates


  • Rigger, experienced with Aircraft, Ground Vehicles, and Watercraft.
  • Experienced Combat Medic, how we don't know.
  • Trained in Rifles, Pistols, and use of a Mono-filament Blade.
  • Is a SCUBA Diver and is familiar with Parachutes
  • Has some outdoors skill

Apparent Motivations

  • Working for the Draco Foundation
  • Being faster than everyone else
  • Compensating for her issues
  • Genuinely helping others

Current Residence: Somewhere in Seattle, UCAS
Life Style: Middle

Excerpt from a Rigger Chatroom - 21:07:12/05-13-74

>[AceofAces] So, they start them young, huh?
>[UsedCarSalesman] Ace, She's 32, not 13. Didn't you read the profile?
>[AceofAces]What the drek? Poor girl must be crawling in her skin.
>[UsedCarSalesman] Well, she seems to be doing well for herself. In one way or antoher.
>[DocBrown] Hey, that kid saved my life once. Well with help but still...
>[AceofAces] Didn't you get shot down by a Thunderbird a couple months ago?
>[DocBrown] Yeah, why?
>[AceofAces] Sorry, bro, my bad.
>[DocBrown] Why you little...
>[ThatDamnPilot] Calm down, gentlemen.
>[ThatDamnPilot] This isn't the place for developing rivalries.
>[ThatDamnPilot] We're all profesionals and as professionals we keep it to business.
>[ThatDamnPilot] No more, no less.
>[DocBrown] Lay off of it, Pollyanna. I spent good money on that VTOL.
>[ThatDamnPilot] Yes, and your ejection seat did work because I did the maintenance, right?
>DocBrown has left the room
>[AceofAces] Sorry about that, he's always a hot-head. That's twice now I've shot him down.
>[ThatDamnPilot] How's life in Lone Star?
>[AceofAces] Never boring, that's all that needs to be said.
>[ThatDamnPilot] Umm... Uh... can I...
>[AceofAces] Sorry, you're not getting the scrap. It's evidence.
>[ThatDamnPilot] Awwwww...  :cry:
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Character Update.. though there are minor details here and there, these are the approved characters, I think we are going to be ready soon.. maybe by the end of the week.

  • Red - Vampire - Magician (Illusion primary, but a good smattering of spells from all catagories)
  • Method - Troll - Adept - Warrior Way's - Melee focus
  • Death Otter - Elf - Technomage
  • Endeavor - Elf Changling - Rigger
  • Phantom - Elf - Adept - Invisable Way
  • Xiao Saori - Human - Adept - Speaker's Way

In Development

  • Ryan 'Teach' Church - Human - Former Ares Security Chief - Cyberware/Bioware Enhanced - Firearms focus (Almost finished - mainly Long and I need to finalize him)
  • Viktoriya Orlov - Human - Former Lone Star Agent - Cyberware/Bioware Enhanced - Sniper/Demolitions
  • Seteheron (Tennative) - Elf - Drake - Magician - Chaos Magic Variant Tradition (Heavy healer focus)
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Friendly reminders from your Driver/Pilot/Captain...

1: Wear your seat belt. Goes double when on the plane.

2: Obey the no smoking sign when lit.

3: If we're going to crash, it's probably my fault.

4: Ejection seats are not a amusement park ride.

5: No, there aren't supposed to be holes below the water line.

6: The use of firearms in the cabin of my plane is a bad idea. Goes double for summoning or spellcasting unless I approve of such actions.

7: In case of a water landing, we're fine, the plane is amphibious. You'll be laughed at if you go for the life jacket. Unless we're sinking, in which case it might be a good idea.

8: Not sure if my boat comes with life rafts, not sure if I had the forethought to stock on such things. If so, great, if not, I'm willing to give swimming classes.

9: No one touches my motorcycle.

10: NO ONE touches the ROFLChopper.

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