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Scene 3: Besieged

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Breaking from the makeshift camp the small group settles in for the last leg of the trip. You follow the road into a lightly wooded area as the sun begins to set. "The waypoint isn’t far now," Alenka tells you. "We will camp there for the evening and return in the morning. Well within the time frame the Arl requested." As dusk gives way to the evening the forest becomes alive with noise. Still the group presses on, there is enough light to make your way along the narrow road even still.

As you approach the waypoint you can see the light of a campfire ahead through the trees. At first you are relieved, as Ser Blaker and the children must be waiting for you ahead, but as you draw closer, you realize something is wrong. First you notice a distinct lack of the noises of camp. Then the guttering light of a campfire that is dying not freshly started. Lastly, as the trees give way to the clearing waypoint, you see the wagon, lying on its side, one of its wheels sheared off, and then you see the bodies…

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While the others had been staring and cursing, Heln let slip a single gasp. Then she shot through the trees, careless of her own safety. Quickly, she began to check the bodies, both for their identity and for life. Even as she did that, her mind was whirling, thinking, trying to reason through this. Had the bodies been looted? What had attacked them? But most importantly--were the children here, and if not, where were they?

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Nayobee's instincts told her it was a trap but it was too late to tell since Heln was already storming off. Sighing the elven Rogue took her Bow and readied an Arrow moving carefully towards the clearing and keeping her eyes peeled for possible ambushers.

To Shiral'ven she simply nodded and quietly said, "I think it's a trap - stay safe."

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The scene around the wagon is that of a battle. The immediate area stinks of death, with the entire horse team of six slaughtered, three Ferelden guards dead, and nearly half a dozen darkspawn. A pair of blight wolves, two genlocks, and a massive hurlok lay scattered around the area. One of the blight wolves had fallen into the fire, and still burns, sending up an oily black smoke that stinks like nothing you've ever smelled before. Thankfully, such as it is, there is no sign of the children amid the corpses, nor that of Ser Blaker, the vassal that was escorting the children from Denerim.

If you wish to search the area more thoroughly you need to make a Perception (Searching) roll at -1 against a TN of 13.

Searching for signs of tracks requires a Perception (Tracking) test at -1 against TN 13.

Anybody wishing to search the shattered remains of the wagon make a Perception (Searching) test at -1 against a TN 15.

EACH ROLL takes 10 minutes of your time.

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Shiral'ven nodded to Nayobee, "You too, falon."

He stepped carefully into the carnage, staff close at hand and ears perked for the sounds of an ambush. With darkspawn in the mix, though, it was more likely that this was simply a tragic example of the dangers of Fereldan than anything else, in the elf mage's mind. He prodded the body of one of the blight wolves off the fire, just to stop the oily smoke and godsforsaken smell. He lit a fallen branch in the guttering fire, a poor torch but better than nothing in the gathering gloom, and headed to the wagon. He wasn't trained to pick out tracks from the earth, but he might be able to glean something useful from the wagon.

Perception Roll
[Malachite] 5:36 pm: Shiral'ven Perception Roll:

Malachite *rolls* 3d6: 2+5+2: 9

[Malachite] 5:36 pm: Grr....

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Djuric looks around in the area. He hopped to find something that would help him discover what had happened. Yet to avail he could not find anything that help him figure out the results of the battle and who went where and if their targets were alive. He was piss at himself. He wanted to curse, but knew it was not likely to help him in this case.

AceWildcard *rolls* 3d6: 5+3+3: 11
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The children weren’t here. There was hope that they and Ser Blaker were still alive. Seeing Djuric was searching the area, the swordswoman turned to help the elven mage with searching the wagon. She found nothing; with a growl of annoyance, she asked the slim male, “Do you want to help me search with Djuric?”

Searching the area: 12, fail

Carver-working *rolls* 3d6: 6+5+1+1-1: 12

[Carver-working] 3:08 pm: CRAP.

[envoy] 3:08 pm: what game system do you roll 3d6 for?

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As you set to searching the ruined campsite you find yourselves fighting the darkness, even with the help of torches, the wavering light of fire casts shadows that dance and caper like capricious sprites. There was nothing of not to be found by those searching, the wagon was wrecked, and aside from clothing and other belongings that had been scattered about it was otherwise empty. Likewise D'juric and Rymoa found little as the scouted the edge of the area for tracks. Only Nayobee managed to find sign of tracks leading into the woods. The elf had time only to call out when a chilling scream pierced the night...


jameson *rolls* 3d6: 2+5+1: 8


jameson *rolls* 3d6: 4+3+6+3-1: 15

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Nayobee had her bow already at hand and an arrow readied always alert for the worst case. It looked too much like a setup to her and she didn't trust much in coincedence. Keeping an eye out for Shiral'ven, knowing he'd be most vulnerable if caught between the lines the young elven maid tried to pinpoint the location of the scream while peeling her eyes for any unusual shapes which might have taken cover or hidden themselves in the underwood.

[OOC:Not sure what I can do here so I keep myself ready for combat]

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Heln burst into motion at the scream, running for the sound. It didn’t matter that she was leaving her companions behind; the scream could be from Ser Blaker, or one of the children. Heln wasted no time in going to their aid, or the aid of whoever needed help. It didn’t matter; someone needed help, and it was most likely the people they were here to help.

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Shiral'ven let out an oath when Heln took off after the scream - but his feet were already moving in the same direction.

Let it be some unlucky bandit at the hands of Ser Blaker, and not one of the children. Or more darkspawn. He shuddered. I can go the rest of my life without ever seeing another genlock, personally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rushing in the direction of the scream, you emerge from a thicket of trees halfway up a steep hillside. Ahead, you can see an outcropping of rock just a bit higher than you are on the hillside, at the top of a switchback trail but on the other side of a treacherous-looking, washed-out gorge. The scene lays out a routed battle with one side having taken cover in the outcropping and the other making its way up the switchback trail.

There’s a leather-armored Fereldan on the outcropping, in cover, a crossbow in his hands. On the trail below him are the bodies of more fallen guardsmen, more genlocks, more blight wolves. At the bottom of the trail you see a knot of darkspawn in cover, but as you watch they emerge as one and charge howling up the trail. One falls, a crossbow bolt in his eye, but the others surge on. You might be able to beat them to the defenders, but the gorge in your way looks treacherous.

Roll for initiative & Perception (Seeing) vs. a TN of 13 please!

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Heln hesitated only a moment before unslinging her crossbow. Grimly, she drew and prepared to take out some of the darkspawn before they can reach her fellow Fereldan.

Init: Carver-working *rolls* 3d6: 2+6+5+2: 15

Perception: Carver-working *rolls* 3d6: 2+6+2+1: 11

I assume that they are within crossbow range; otherwise I’ll revise.

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