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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Monster Academy - Profile: Haruhi Odorokubeki...


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Basic information:

Name: Haruhi Odorokubeki...


Alligence(s): Fangs of the Crimson Stone...


Marital Status: Unmated but possibly being forced into an arranged marriage...

Known Releatives:

Lord Crimson (Father)...

Kyoko Orokubeki (Cousin)...

Kyosuke Orokubeki (Uncle)...

Kana Orokubeki (Aunt)...


Phyical Traits and Stats:

Phyisical Age:










Supreme Vampire/Psychic Vampire...



Body: +5...

Mind: +8...

Soul: +5...

-180 Stats: +150 points...



+45...Bonus: +150 = +195...


+45...Bonus: +150 = +195...


Body Type:

Appears to be petite like a pre-teen girl...


Feeding mechanisim:

Haruhi feeds on both the mental energy (Energy Points) and the life force itself (Health Points) of whomever he touches after fifteen seconds when activating his feeding mechanisim. To activate he only has to think or in desperate cases it happens as reflex, in order to draw power he must be making skin-to-skin contact with his meal and the speed of the drain depends on how much skin on skin contact there is. the signaling of its activation is the ethral glowing of his skin which is more prominate in the dark....



Human Guise and Vampire Guise have no real difference except for the the eyes being dull amber when human, and bright red when vampire, the skin being a soft pale when human and deathly paper white when vampire, the teeth of course being longer and more pointy in the canine area when a vampire...



Being born into the prestigious Monster Lord family of the Odorokubeki, Haruhi had the chances of being born into many self-righteous mindsets, however he lucked out and even though it wasnt positive it was still better than being a spoiled prick...He grew up sheltered, meek, and quiet for the most part...When he was little his father who had chosen to leave behind his given name and go by the title "Lord Crimson" had always coddled the boy since he was his pride and joy, making the young vampire feel love and secure...this however changed as he received mental abuse from his older cousin...The abuse would range from taking control of his nanny's mind and leaving Haruhi stranded in the middle of town, using her telepathic mind reading abilities to out right pout every little secret from stealing cookies from the kitchen when he wasnt supposed to, to telling a group of visiting dignitaries what times of the day that the boy experimented with his body just to embarrass him...It wasnt until that he was old enough to enter high school did he escape the abuse from his older cousin, in a way people could say that constant torture throughout childhood turned Haruhi into the sweet and innocent boy he is today, its thanks to the cruelty that he became a better person through all irony...



Level: 0...

Points: +5...

Attribute: Weapon: Vampire's kiss...


Level: +15...

Points: +15...

EP Increase: +150...

Attribute: Extra Energy...


Level: +15...

Points: +15...

HP increase: +150...

Attribute: Tough...


Level: +3...

Points: +3...

Attribute: Appearance...(Beautiful)...


Level: +3...

Points: +24...

Speed: 100kph/62mph...

Attribute: Flight...(Psionic levitation)...


Level: +3

Points: +18...

Variables: Air-tight, Blocks Incorporeal, offensive...

Armour rating: +12...

Attribute: Force Field...


Level: +2...

Points: +16...

Damage multiplier: +2...

Weight: 2 tonne/4 tons, 409lbs...

Attribute: Super-strength...


Level: +4...

points: +8...

Resist: +4 to Mind stat rolls...

Attribute: Mind Shield...


Level: +5...(Regional Authority of Vampire Lands)...

Points: +10...

Attribute: Organizational Ties...(Child of Vampire Monster Lord)...


Level: +4...

Points: +20...

Grosses: $10,000,000...

Attribute: Wealth...


Level: +2...

Points: +4...

Sense: Sight, and sound...

Attribute: Sixth sense...


Level: +4...

Points: +32...

Weight: 1000kg/2 tons, and 204lbs...

Attribute: Telekinesis...


Level: +6...

Points: +36...

Attribute: Telepathy...


Level: +4...

Points: +16...

Sense: Darkvision/Night vision, Life force sense, Proximity sense...

Attribute: Supersense...



Level: +4...

Points: +4...

Skill: Etiquette...


Cost: +1...

Level: +6...

Points: +6...

Skill: Languages...(12 spoken)...


Cost: +1...

Level: +4...

Points: +4...

Skill: Performing arts...


Cost: +1...

Level: +4...

Points: +4...

Skill: Visual Arts...


Cost: +2...

Level: +3...

Points: +6...

Skill: Disguise....



Point gain: +9...

Effect: Loses all Attributes for an hour...

Object: Pure water...

Defect: Vulnerability...


Point gain: +2...

Marking: Red spires under his eyes and down his cheeks...

Defect: Marked...


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  • 3 weeks later...
Character Sheet
Body: 5
Mind: 8
Soul: 5

ACV: 9

Base Damage Multiplier:

HP: 195 (Althogether)
EP: 195

(0)Weapon: Vampire's kiss (Bite incapacitates
with pleasure)
(15)Extra EP: 150
(15)Tough: Extra HP: 150
(3)Flight (Psionic levitation): Speed: 100kph/62mph
(3)Force Field:
Armour rating: +12 (Air-tight, Blocks Incorporeal, offensive)
2 tonne/4 tons, 409lbs (Damage multiplier: +2)
(4)Mind Shield: +4 to mind stat
(5)Organizational Ties: Child of Vampire Monster Lord (Regional Authority
of Vampire Lands)
(4)Wealth: $10,000,000
(2)Sixth Sense: Can see and hear what
others cannot
(4)Telekinisis: Can lift 1000kg/2 tons, and
(3)Supersense: Darkvision/Night vision, Life force sense,
Proximity sense

(6)Languages (12
(4)Performing arts

Vulnerability (Loses Attributes for one
Marked: Red spires under his eyes and down his cheeks
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