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Mutants & Masterminds - [Review] Power Profiles #25: Light Powers

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Power Profiles #25: Light Powers

Vitals: Published By Green Ronin • 6 pages • $0.99 • full color PDF

Sadly this profile lacked sharks, or even irritable sea bass ...

Descriptors, Countering & Features

Four descriptors cover a wide range from the physical aspects of Light to its symbolic and spiritual meanings. Counting likewise goes into great detail, covering the possible uses for all the descriptors of light. Five features provide a number of interesting minor effects, from a built in flashlight, to immunity to sunburns.

Offensive Powers

Five core powers with a total of twelve different effects. Most of the alternate effects here are minor in their differences. One pair, Blinding Burst and Blinding Aura, are identical, which is likely a minor typo with the former intended to have a different Area Extra. The coverage here provides a great deal of options for subtle variations.

Defensive Powers

Five powers covering all the standard bases; immunity, protection, absorption and more. The Light Form power is notable for making it clear that a character in such a state can pass through transparent substances. One assumes this would be similarly true for translucent substances, but without explicit statement this remains the territory of GM's.

Movement Powers

Two powers, both flight based. Lightspeed is remarkably expensive, but effectively granting the player the ability to move at the speed of light; anywhere on Earth in a single move action, with space flight at the speed of light as well.

Utility Powers

Ten powers with eleven effects. This section works the best in my opinion, covering all of the very wide variety of effects light powers can perform depending on their descriptors. From enhanced visual senses, to concealment from sight, to healing and illusions. While little here is especially unique or original, the thoroughness is a feature in and of itself.

Other Light Powers and Light Complications

The last sections reference a number of previously released Power Profiles, again highlighting the variety of effects one can draw from. Seven complications close out the profile, with especially nice suggestions for Power Loss and Weakness complications.

Closing Thoughts

Light Powers profile does cover the bases admirably, and makes a good show of giving some of the breadth of the descriptors their due. Unfortunately very few of the powers and effects show the kind of complexity or originality that we have come to expect from prior profiles. This profile will be most useful for new players and those looking to play light bearing characters.

Rating: 75% - Good for new players, but lacking the innovative and original power builds we've come to expect.

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